Greenhouse Essays (Examples)

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Greenhouse Gases Environmental Health
Pages: 1 Words: 378

According to Knowlton, “we realize now like never before that our human activities affect the biosphere, the environment, and in turn what happens in the environment affects our human health in a very intimately connected way” (Lila Films, 2011). It therefore follows that the continued emission of greenhouse gases does indeed threaten public health both in the short-run and in the long-term. For instance, the emission of greenhouse gases has been linked to the increase in global temperatures – which has in turn been linked to a higher prevalence of infectious diseases. One effort of the federal government in as far as reigning in the emission of greenhouse gases was the passage of the Clean Air Act. This particular Act, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency - EPA (2019), seeks to regulate hazardous air pollutants emissions. As the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (2018) observes, in a 2007…...

Globalization Greenhouse Gas Emissions What
Pages: 2 Words: 700

22), and this may be one reason the United States is not participating in the Kyoto Protocol, the limits and agreements reached with 178 other nations are not effective in this country. With disregard for solutions such as Kyoto, it seems difficult to see how a global principle of fairness can be reached at all.
Clearly, economic fairness must also be discussed in the principle of fairness. Singer notes that economic forecasts vary, but that many experts believe spending the money to implement global warming and greenhouse gas initiatives would be cost effective in the end, and actually add to the global economy (Singer, 2002, pp. 25-26). It seems Kyoto might be a stepping-stone toward solving the problem, and many experts wonder if the cost is worth the effort. However, Kyoto is a step, and right now, that is more than many nations are doing or even contemplating. The latest…...



Singer, Peter. (2002). One world: The ethics of globalization (New Haven and London: Yale University Press), Chapter 2, "One Atmosphere" pp. 14-50.

Environmental Isses Explain the Greenhouse
Pages: 2 Words: 658

its environmentally friendly replacement (Pollan, 2008, p.1). but, Pollan argues: "for us to wait for legislation or technology to solve the problem of how we're living our lives suggests we're not really serious about changing (Pollan, 2008, p.2). Pollan hopes that soon, "Driving an S.U.V. Or eating a 24-ounce steak or illuminating your McMansion like an airport runway at night might come to be regarded as outrages to human conscience. Not having things might become cooler than having them" (Pollan, 2008, p.3). Cooler on a literal as well as a metaphorical level, that is!
hat steps can individuals take to reduce greenhouse gases?

Replacing regular light bulbs with energy-efficient designs. Turning off the lights, or other appliances when not using them. Using more energy-efficient appliances. Driving a hybrid vehicle or at least a smaller, used vehicle. alking or riding a bike more often. Eating less meat and dairy products. Planting a…...


Works Cited

The Greenhouse Effect." The Environmental Protection Agency. 20 Apr 2008.  

Service Improvements at Greenhouse Market
Pages: 1 Words: 466

Our current ratio of 3 counter staff to 1 sandwich prep is the highest among our competitors. In contrast, Kimmie's Kitchen with an order-to-eat time of 2.3 minutes has one counter staff for three sandwich preps. They do not have any bottlenecks in sandwich preparation. Having two counter staff and two sandwich preps will alleviate our current bottleneck.
The third step is to have the customers pick up their own orders when the order is ready. The customer will wait at the sandwich counter for their order to be picked up. This reduces the workload for the counter staff, which will now remain at their workstations for the duration of the lunch rush. The customer will pick up coffee and desert at the same time. Trays should be provided to assist customers in getting their food to the table.

To summarize the specific steps we need to undertake:

Replace the existing cash…...

Clifford and Greenhouse 2012 Outline an Ethical
Pages: 2 Words: 692

Clifford and Greenhouse (2012) outline an ethical situation that occurred with Wal-Mart in Mexico. The company found that its subsidiary, Wal-Mex had commonly used bribery in order to pay off public officials in order to have their stores built. In such situations, Wal-Mex was seeking to expand rapidly in Mexico, but in each location the company had to get permission from the local authorities. Local managers decided to speed the process along by paying the bribes that were requested of them. The bribes in many cases were not illegal in Mexico, but they do contravene the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and they also are against most ethical sensibilities in the United States, where bribery is substantially less common than in Mexico.
Ethical management involves, first and foremost, paying attention to the law and working within its confines. The situation here is a grey area in that Wal-Mex is a subsidiary, so…...



Clifford, S. & Greenhouse, S. (2012). Wal-Mart's U.S. expansion plans complicated by bribery scandal. New York Times. Retrieved May 4, 2014 from 

ECOA. (no date) Ethical culture building: A modern business imperative. Ethics & Compliance Officer Association. Retrieved May 4, 2014 from

Greenhouse Gases and Earth
Pages: 2 Words: 675

Earth's Climate System is a complex system that is influenced by many different factors. The manner in which the climate is maintained, and makes life on Earth possible, is a culmination of the atmospheric conditions and the Earth's energy balance that is determined primarily by energy introduced into the system as well as its ability to trap energy in the greenhouse layer. The Earth resides in the "Goldilocks Zone", or the habitable zone, which is believed to be the region around a star in which the right conditions for life can be sustained; recently scientist have been able to discover other planets that could also reside in such zones. (Zin, 2017).
The Earth's climate system provides an ideal habitat for life based on its relationship to the closest star, the sun, and its orbital patterns. The rotation of the earth, as well as the rotation of the moon, give the planet…...


Works Cited

NASA. (N.d.). Climate Change: How do we know? Retrieved from NASA: 


Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles
Pages: 5 Words: 1386

Comparing Climate Change Mitigation Strategies for Global WarmingEven diehard climate change deniers are forced to concede the reality of global warming today, and many members of the scientific community cautions that the tipping point towards unpreventable climate change has already been reached and crossed. Nevertheless, efforts are underway on numerous fronts to identify effective mitigation strategies to address global warming to prevent a worst-case scenario from developing in the near future by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Some of the most widely advocated climate change mitigation strategies for this purpose include the use of renewable energy resources such as wind and solar as well as replacing greenhouse gas-emitting internal combustion engines with electric vehicles (Climate change mitigation, 2022). The purpose of this paper is to provide an explanation concerning the characteristics of greenhouse gas emissions and how climate change has exacerbated this threat in recent years. In addition, an evaluation of…...


ReferencesAlagu, M., Selladurai, R., & Chelladurai, C. (2022). Simultaneous placement of electric vehicle charging station and DG units in urban area using novel enhanced antlion optimizer. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 43(1), 707–719.Climate change mitigation. (2022). Global Environment Facility. Retrieved from   %20strategies%20include%20retrofitting%20buildings,sustainable%20uses%20of%20land%20and.Ebi, K. L., Capon, A., Berry, P., Broderick, C., de Dear, R., Havenith, G., Honda, Y., Kovats, R. S., Ma, W., Malik, A., Morris, N. B., Nybo, L., Seneviratne, S. I., Vanos, J., & Jay, O. (2021). Hot weather and heat extremes: health risks. Lancet, 398(10301), 698–708.Inaction on climate change. (2022). Deloitte. Retrieved from  pages/about-deloitte/articles/press-releases/deloitte-report-inaction-on-climate-change-could-cost-the-us-economy-trillions-by-2070.html.Kraan, O., Kramer, G. J., Nikolic, I., Chappin, E., & Koning, V. (2019). Why fully liberalised electricity markets will fail to meet deep decarbonization targets even with strong carbon pricing. Energy Policy, 131, 99–110.Liu, X., Li, X., Tian, J., Wang, Y., Xiao, G., & Wang, P. (2022). Day-Ahead Economic Dispatch of Renewable Energy System considering Wind and Photovoltaic Predicted Output. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 1–14.Mitra, C., & Roychowdhury, S. (2022). Consumers’ Awareness and Inclination Towards Eco-Friendly Cars with Reference to Sustainable Development. IUP Journal of Operations Management, 21(2), 43–51.Shaffer, B., Auffhammer, M., & Samaras, C. (2021). Make electric vehicles lighter to maximize climate and safety benefits. Nature, 598(7880), 254–256. 

Behavioral Changes Reducing the Effects
Pages: 4 Words: 1835

hy the huge disparity in viewpoints when the science has been empirically established for twenty years or more? Journalist Bryan alsh references sociologists from Michigan State and Oklahoma State Universities (Riley Dunlap and Aaron McCright, respectively), who say there has been a "well-financed effort on the part of conservative groups and corporations to distort global-warming science" (alsh, 2011). In the book written by Dunlap and McCright (the Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society) they assert that global climate change science has been "assaulted" by fossil-fuel corporations, conservative think tanks" for over twenty years.
Hence, in conclusion, one way to spread the word to consumers and citizens is to battle back against the propaganda that seeks to deny the truth about climate change. In addition, very simple changes in lifestyles (using CFLs, taking the bus, hanging clothes out to dry, keeping the car tuned up, and sealing up leaks and…...


Works Cited

Chevrolet. (2012). Somebody Has to Be First. Chevrolet VOLT. Retrieved March 8, 2012, from .

Environmental Protection Agency. (2011). Frequently Asked Questions About Global Warming

And Climate Change: Back to Basics. Retrieved March 8, 2012, from . (2010). Green Driving Tips. Retrieved March 9, 2012, from .

Social Ecology of Health Promotion
Pages: 9 Words: 2664

Social Ecology of Health Promotion
Module 05 Question 01: explain the rationale behind the federal government's approach to regulatory containments in food.

The federal government's approach in relation to the regulation of the containments in food, aims at protecting the consumers on food insecurity through elimination of food pathogens. It is the role of the government to enhance the health system and conditions of its citizens through adoption and implementation of various rules and regulations in relation to the containments in food. The food supply of the United States integrates multi-faceted production system and delivery components. Some of the critical or essential components of this system include production, processing, preparing, packaging, labelling, distribution, and consumption of the food components (Fortin, 2011).

There is a risk in relation to the concept of each stage of the food supply system in the context of the United States. This makes it ideal for the Federal government…...



Marco-Barba, J., Mesquita-Joanes, F., & Miracle, M. (2013). Ostracod palaeolimnological analysis reveals drastic historical changes in salinity, eutrophication and biodiversity loss in a coastal Mediterranean lake. Holocene, 23(4), 556-567.

Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., Liancourt, P., Gross, N., & Straile, D. (2012). Indirect facilitation promotes macrophyte survival and growth in freshwater ecosystems threatened by eutrophication. Journal Of Ecology, 100(2), 530-538.

Riplett, L., Engstrom, D., & Conley, D. (2012). Changes in amorphous silica sequestration with eutrophication of riverine impoundments. Biogeochemistry, 108(1-3), 413-427.

Gareca, E.E., Vandelook, F., Fernandez, M., Hermy, M., & Honnay, O. (2012). Seed

Inconvenient Truth
Pages: 2 Words: 690

Inconvenient Truth
Greenhouse gases thicken the Earth's atmosphere trapping solar light waves that reach the Earth as a form of radiation. The solar rays are typically good for the planet as it keeps Earth's temperature habitable for life, but the extra levels of heat are warming up the planet. The heighten temperature is causing catastrophes on a global scale. The heat is sucking the moisture out of the land, causing desertification in certain regions, particularly Africa. Other places are experiencing higher levels of moisture and storms; a result of this is Hurricane Katrina.

The Montreal Protocol is treaty that is meant to protect the ozone layer by eliminating chemicals responsible for depleting the ozone layer. It was successful by helping to significantly reduce levels of chlorofluorocarbons and other harmful substances. It is a good example of how the nations of the world can unite for a common goal and institute change…...



Gore, A., Guggenheim, D., David, L., Bender, L., Burns, S.Z., Skoll, J., Chilcott, L., ... Paramount Pictures Corporation. (2006). An inconvenient truth. Hollywood, Calif: Paramount.

Managing Sustainability Bt Group in UK
Pages: 18 Words: 4637

These tiny particles are poison and damage the green effect. For the reason that they reflect solar energy back into space they have a preservation result on the world.
Ocean current is a problem because it has an effect on the greenhouse. Also, ocean currents are something that has been able to move vast amounts of all heat all over the planet. Also, winds are what push horizontally towards the sea surface and then also drive the ocean current patterns. There are as well interactions among the ocean and atmosphere can likewise create phenomena for instance El Nino which happens every 2 to 6 years.

Graph 4 a low greenhouse gas emissions in the UK

Earth orbital changes have an effect on the greenhouse management. The organization has been able to find out that earth makes one full orbit around the sun every year. The earth is tilted at an angle of…...



Baue, B., 2013. Threading the Needle: How BT Integrates Climate Stabilization with Economic Prosperity (Economics). [Online]

Available at:   [Accessed 30 March 2014]. 

BT, 2014. BT Trace. Supply chains that flow. [Online]

Available at:   [Accessed 30 March 2014]. 

Global Warming There Is a
Pages: 2 Words: 738

It was hoped in the past there would be laws and regulations in place that required mandatory reductions in greenhouse gases that were put into the atmosphere. The Kyoto Protocol would have seen to this, but the U.S. rejected it. It still remains to be seen whether Obama's Administration will make renewable energy a real possibility and lower the number of greenhouse gases that are put into the environment.
Regulating greenhouse gases does not guarantee that climate change will stop or be reversed, but these kinds of gases are not good for people anyway, so there is nothing wrong with regulating them. However, the rising sea levels and rising temperatures could be cyclical and not really related to greenhouse gases or anything else that humans are doing. If that is the case, regulating the greenhouse gases and making other environmental changes will not help anything. Getting too worried about this…...



Healy, J. Kevin and Tapick, Jeffrey M. (2004). "Climate change: It's not just a policy issue for corporate counsel -- It's a legal problem," 29 Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 89, 96.

Cap and Trade Policy In the Past
Pages: 4 Words: 1322

Cap and Trade Policy:
In the past few years, there has been solid scientific evidence that global warming or climate change is taking place. This has contributed to the birth of carbon emissions trading within the European region and the enactment of several mitigation initiatives at the state level. These measures have in turn exerted pressure on the federal government to control the emission of carbon dioxide, which has reached fever pitch. Actually, the Bush Administration declared that America will work with other countries to develop a new model for the emissions of greenhouse gases though focusing on adaptation and energy-efficient technologies. In addition, the U.S. Congress is considering adopting the cap and trade policy within the economy because of the success of sulfur-trading initiatives that were enforced on the power sector. This consideration is fueled by the fact that the Congress has received several recommendations to adopt such systems. Notably,…...



"Costs, Benefits, and a Roadmap for Cap and Trade." (2010, January 7). W.P. Carey School of Business. Retrieved from Arizona State University website: 

Krugman, P. (2009, September 27). The Textbook Economics of Cap-and-Trade. The New York

Times. Retrieved May 2, 2013, from

Stavins, R. (2012, October 22). Cap-and-Trade, Carbon Taxes, and My Neighbor's Lovely

International Framework Seeking to Reduce
Pages: 3 Words: 870

However, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions will demand some procedural decisions to be made that will surely entice unpredictable results.
From the viewpoint of an outside management consultant who has been called in to advise top management on what to do, the first task will be the thorough investigation of the international framework seeking to reduce the concentration of greenhouse gasses. Moreover, all steps to be taken in an effort to mitigate the impact of anthropogenic climate change solely on the basis of multilateral arrangements without infringing upon the rights of the self-governed must be itemized and better distinguished. This will lead us to a resolution on ways to diminish, lessen, and ultimately relieve the production of greenhouse gasses emitted by human activity.

I would like to suggest that this is not possible without significant buy-in at the local levels; that citizens of developed countries must recognize the effort as non-zero-sum with…...

Global Warming and Climate Change
Pages: 7 Words: 2402

Thus, since we are a major contributor to the problem, we need to be the first to step up with global solutions.
In addition, the country (and the world) needs to start to encourage the development of alternative energies on a large scale. Homes that utilize solar, geothermal, and/or wind power should receive tax breaks, and there should be significant incentives to build "green" in the future. In addition, we need to stop our dependence on foreign oil NOW, as the recent spike in oil prices clearly indicates. We need to develop alternative fuel sources, alternative power sources, and much more environmentally friendly ways of generating the power we need for our homes, schools, and businesses, and we need to do it as soon as possible.

There is mounting evidence that extreme weather events that have recently occurred are at least partly due to global warming. There have been studies that…...



Author not Available. "About the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change." 2008. 14 March 2008. 

Editors. "Climate Change." 2008. 14 March 2008.  

I need some Research topics related to greenhouse plant materials?
Words: 377

Building a greenhouse is a great way to ensure you have a steady supply of fresh vegetables, fresh flowers, or just beautiful houseplants.  Greenhouses can be built in a variety of different locations from the backyard to space stations.  Determining how to construct your greenhouse depends on what you are growing, wear you are located, and your access to materials.

Here is a list of potential research topics for greenhouse plant materials:

  1. Are metal frames superior to other frames for greenhouse construction, and does the answer to this question depend on the environment outside the greenhouse, the....

I need help with forming a good title for my research paper on greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect?
Words: 257

The greenhouse effect, the impact of greenhouse gases, and climate change are all extremely topical issues.  They are considered political, but the science strongly supports the idea that these gases are increasing the earth’s average temperature, creating global climate change, fostering superstorms, and rapidly making the earth less habitable to humans. 

Here are some titles that would be appropriate for a range of essays about greenhouses gases and the greenhouse effect:

  1. Greenhouses Gases: Great for Plants, Not so Great for Humans
  2. How Manmade Climate Change Differs from Natural Climate Change
  3. Jurassic World: Are Greenhouse Gases Returning....

I need help writing an essay about climate change?
Words: 539

Global climate change is a very interesting topic for an essay.  While the scientific evidence for climate change is extremely strong, there has been a push by many to deny or minimize the science.  This is not a science-driven approach, but an economic one.  There are negative short-term economic consequences that come with attempting to mitigate climate change. However, this position is short-sighted, as the long-term negative economic impact of climate change could be devastating.

In fact, because most climate change essays focus on the science, the economy is a great topic for....

Can you help me write a 3000 word essay on global warming?
Words: 532

Title: The Critical Reality of Global Warming: Challenges and Solutions

Introduction (300 words)

Definition and Overview: Begin by defining global warming and its relevance in the current global scenario.

Thesis Statement: Present a clear thesis that outlines your perspective on global warming, its impacts, and potential solutions.

Scope of Essay: Briefly describe what the essay will cover, including causes, effects, and mitigation strategies.

Section 1: Causes of Global Warming (600 words)

Human Activities: Discuss how industrialization, deforestation, and burning of fossil fuels contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

Agricultural Practices: Explain the role of agriculture, including livestock farming and rice cultivation, in methane emissions.

Energy Consumption: Analyze how our....

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