History In The 19th Century: Essay


It was an important event in the nation's history because it was the first time that America was dominated by internal conflicts that challenged its democracy (Fortuna, n.d.). However, once the fighting came to an end, its significance became clear because of its effects on the American society. Despite of taking more than 60,000 lives, the American Civil War contributed to the establishment of the Democratic South and Republican North. Secondly, the war enabled a reassurance of power in the national government through overturning concepts of secession and nullification. Third, the American Civil War brought the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution through its legislation. It also cemented Abraham Lincoln and other leaders into the historical glossary of the people of the United States. The Civil War is considered as a major factor that led to the increase in America's economic power to an extent that it rivaled and eventually surpassed that of other countries. Through this conflict, Americans gained a new sense of being part of a single country rather than members of a conglomerate of states with individual histories and institutions.

Importance of the Civil War to America's History:

The significance of America's deadliest conflict can be found in many arguments regarding the...


The war remains to be an important component of understanding America's history of the 19th Century because of the way it profoundly altered the attitudes of American citizens regarding how they envision their own nation. The fabric idea that is the United States was profoundly changed by the war since Americans could no longer view the country as a group of independent states but one indivisible country. This is an impact that not only occurred in the 19th Century but is felt today, especially in the manner in which Americans describe the country. Actually, no war in the nation's history had such effects as the Civil War that led to three constitutional amendments, freed millions of people from slavery, affected the election of five presidents, and eliminated the main economic and social institutions of half of America (Smith, n.d.). The significance of this event in America's 19th Century history is because it contributed to other major historical events in the nation.
In conclusion, America's Civil War remains to be one of the deadly but significant events in the nation's 19th Century history. The conflict was mainly caused by slavery and had both immediate and long-lasting effects since it influenced other history events. Therefore, it's impossible to understand the course of America's history without understanding the conflict.


Fortuna, Matthew. "About the Importance of the Civil War." EHow.com, May 3, 2013,


Smith, David. "Consequences of the War." 150 Pennsylvania Civil War, May 3, 2013


Weider History Group. "Causes of the Civil War." Weider History Group, last modified

September 2010, http://www.historynet.com/causes-of-the-civil-war

Sources Used in Documents:


Fortuna, Matthew. "About the Importance of the Civil War." EHow.com, May 3, 2013,


Smith, David. "Consequences of the War." 150 Pennsylvania Civil War, May 3, 2013

September 2010, http://www.historynet.com/causes-of-the-civil-war

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