Honesty Essays (Examples)

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Honesty in the Academic Environment
Pages: 5 Words: 1937

One of the approaches being used by educators to detect instances of plagiarism is to simply type (or copy and paste) suspect phrases into a Web browser such as Google and see what matches result. Some institutions and/or individual teachers are also electing to use premium services such as TurnItIn.com for this purpose, but these services are relatively expensive and require a significant amount of time to complete their processing, particularly for larger projects. Whatever approach is used, if a student is determined to be guilty of plagiarism, the next question concerns how best to resolve the situation. Many institutions simply dismiss the students while others may place them on academic probation and require them to redo the assignment, but these may not be the best approaches to preventing future acts (Willen, 2004). The best approach, Willen suggests, is to ensure that all students are provided with the instruction they…...



Puka, B. (2005). Student cheating: As serious an academic integrity problem as faculty-

administration business as usual? Liberal Education, 91(3), 32-33.

Villano, M. (2006). Taking the work out of homework: With the rise of the Internet, schools are seeing an epidemic of cut-and-paste plagiarism, but the same technology that's making plagiarism easy is being used by teachers to catch copycats in the act THE Journal,

33(15), 24-25.

Honesty in Athletics and the
Pages: 6 Words: 2185

Making use of assignments that 'test' student honesty, like some take-home exams, which specify that students cannot use certain aids (like parents, the web, or older siblings) is also a good way to test honesty.
hat specific activities can you utilize to connect the students with this focus?

Debates and discussion stimulate students to think critically about morality. Critical thinking is essential to help students develop a personal moral code. Introducing an ethical debate or discussion at least once a week about a current event is a good way to encourage the class to think critically about honesty.

Direct quotations about this specific quality that support your conclusions

You really need to consider the message you're sending this boys by ending the lockout. it's the same message that we as a culture send to our professional athletes; and that is that they are above the law. If these boys cannot honor the simple…...


Works Cited

Anderson, Dave. "All Roads Lead to Lombardi." The New York Times. 20 Jan 2008.  http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/20/sports/football/20anderson.html?_r=1&ref=sports&oref=slogin 

Coach Carter." Samuel L. Jackson. 2005. "Honesty." Merriam-Webster. 20 Jan 2008.  http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/honesty 

Mike Krzyzewski." Duke University Men's Basketball. 20 Jan 2008.  http://www.goduke.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=22725&SPID=1845&DB_OEM_ID=4200&ATCLID=152844&Q_SEASON=2007 

Levitt, Stephen. "Honest workers or thieves? Take the bagel test."

Honesty the Concept of Honesty
Pages: 1 Words: 432

While the dilemma in this situation is less obvious, the effects of internal dishonesty are illustrated clearly as being equally destructive as dishonesty to others directly. Thus, while there is no obvious dilemma faced, at some point a decision is made subconsciously by the Willy Loman character to be dishonest with himself, the result of which is depression and discord.
The question of honesty arises again when Biff steals the pen, but then lies to Willy because he feels his father cannot bear the truth. In that sequence, we see a more direct example of the honesty dilemma. The entire situation derives from Willy's inability to accept the truth about the world -- he wants to live a lie and this trait has been passed down to Biff at this point. The example of Willy and the Woman is the situation reversed -- more lies in order to preserve Willy's…...

Honesty Bayard Kip Faces an
Pages: 1 Words: 338

In many cases, people attempt to resolve ethical dilemmas by evaluating expected outcomes. When the outcomes turn out to be unexpected, however, this does not change the value of the original decision. If the original decision was made ethically, and the outcomes are not intended, this does not invalid that original decision. A decision can only be made with the knowledge at the time. While there is a reasonable expectation of foresight, there is no means by which the decision-maker can have perfect foresight. Thus, Bayard's foresight may have been deficient, but the ethics of his decision were not. His decision afterwards to ignore the outcomes of his decision-making is reasonable. However, he appears to view the rebuilding of his family name as an important outcome of his decision-making. This is a faulty assumption on Bayard's part, which detracts from the lesson and illustrates that he still views dilemmas…...

Honesty Zach Is Faced With
Pages: 1 Words: 343

One is that if he hires a stooge, the candidate is more likely to spend a year with the client, ensuring that the full fee is paid; the other is that his superiors have instructed him to do so. Not hiring a stooge would increase the risk that the full fee not be paid.
Zach has been honest with his opinions to this point, and he took those opinions to his superiors. This was the right thing to do in this situation, because Zach's responsibilities with respect to his honesty are to his own company. Now that he has received instruction from his superior, he should follow on that advice. He owes no fiduciary duty to the shareholders of the client company. Moreover, his opinions with respect to their CEO or Board of Directors are just that -- opinions. There is no need for dilemma with respect to airing his…...

Honesty vs Justice and Due
Pages: 3 Words: 883

" (American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 2004)

Ten participants stated agreement with this statement, eight of these ten strongly disagreed and three respondents did not have a strong opinion and one individual is stated to have agreed with this statement. The stated consensus among the participants in this study is stated to include the following statements:

DNA databank collections implicate privacy interests, specifically one's interest in "spatial or positional anonymity" -- the right to be free from government tracking or surveillance;

Research concerning the administrative processes currently in place to collect, analyze and store DNA samples and data is necessary to better understand the risks of misuse of information and to prevent misuse;

Limiting the use of forensic DNA databanks to criminal justice purposes is necessary to preserve public trust. (American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 2004)

This study reports that the majority of…...



DNA Fingerprinting and Civil Liberties (2004) American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Online available at  http://www.aslme.org/dna_04/work1/print/report.pdf

Honesty Accountability Responsibility
Pages: 2 Words: 519

medical field to understand the significance of being honest under all circumstances. Accountability and responsibility are key factors in making a good medical professional. Honesty while it's important needs to be toned down to make it more acceptable to the patient. Brutal honesty is not needed in the nursing profession, it can make the condition worse and hence truth must be delivered in an acceptable manner according to the circumstances. "Brutal honesty may undermine the respect of the dignity of the patient to receive information in a way and at a time that is appropriate for him or her." (Caulfield, p. 41)
Honesty, accountability and responsibility are values we all understand but within the framework of nursing practice, their meaning may go a lot deeper. A nurse is accountable for her actions but her accountability is not limited to professional practice, there are few pillars of accountability that she must…...



Caulfield, Helen. 2011. Vital Notes for Nurses. John Wiley & Sons

Academic Honesty
Pages: 6 Words: 2080

Academic Honesty and its significance in a student's life. The importance of maintaining academic honesty is one of the major highlighting aspects of the paper. The article has also accentuated the means through which academic honesty can be of assistance for the student to become a better human being. Furthermore, it also emphasizes on the fact that academic honesty is not only accomplished by the student but it is also the responsibility of the academic staff to rectify the major constituents that can create academic dishonesty and how it can be prevented.
What is Academic Honesty?

As the human race has penetrated into the world of advancements and electronic age, competition, opportunity and temptation are few of the factors that have escalated to an unprecedented rate in virtually every aspect of life. This severe competition has raised various ethical dilemmas, especially in the academic lives of the students. Cheating, plagiarism, misinterpretation…...



Ercegovac, Z. & Richardson, J. (2004). Academic Dishonesty, Plagiarism Included, in the Digital Age: A literature review. College & Research Libraries, 65(4), 301 -- 318. Retrieved from: crl.acrl.org/content/65/4/301.full.pdf

Hall, T.L. & Kuh, G.D., (1998). Honor among students: academic integrity and honor codes at state-assisted universities. NASPA Journal, Vol 36:1-17. Retrieved from http://publications.naspa.org

Money, B.S. (2008). Academic Dishonesty in Higher Education: The Impact of a Student Development Approach. USA: ProQuest.

Staats, S., Hupp, J., M. & Hagley, A.M. (2008). Honesty and Heroes: A positive psychology view of heroism and academic honesty. Journal of Psychology, 142:357-372. DOI: 10.3200/JRLP.

Academic Honesty One of the First Encounters
Pages: 3 Words: 1294

Academic Honesty
One of the first encounters one will have when researching a paper on academic honesty is a plethora of online sites offering papers for sale regarding same (writing4students blogspot, 2009). It is ironic and highly illustrative of the current state of dishonesty in academia today that one may purchase a paper on this subject from a variety of sources. Obviously, this is a subject of utmost importance. In examining the importance of academic honesty, it is imperative to discuss the characteristics of dishonesty in academia. Plagiarism, collusion, cheating, and duplication of work are all examples of dishonesty in the academic world (Alexander & Kilsby, Date Unknown). Not surprisingly, these examples are also considered dishonest outside of academia and, in some circumstances, may even be illegal. Further, the characteristics encompassed in academic honesty also need to be addressed. These characteristics or components are trust, respect, fairness, responsibility, and integrity…...



Academic Dishonesty in the Digital Age. (Date Unknown). Retrieved February 29, 2012, from  http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~lrm22/technology/academic_dishonesty.htm 

Alexander, H. & Kilsby, E., (Date Unknown). Issues of Academic Integrity. Retrieved February

29, 2012, from  http://www.griffith.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/119466/GPG-IAI.pdf 

Barton, S., Hogan, N., & Lambert, E. (2003). Collegiate Academic Dishonesty Revisited: What

ethical dilemma and parent
Pages: 1 Words: 342

She is still fully warranted in addressing the issue with Sheila by various means, including the available legal remedies. However, using Karen's dolls to settle the debt is transferring the debt from the parent to the child. Such transferal of debt to a third party is dishonest at the best of times.
This type of ethical dilemma is tempting. It allows the person (Wanda) to get out of a situation that exists in part because of a poor decision that she made to allow Karen into the facility in the first place. There appears to be only one way to resolve the issue but that is only because other methods have not yet been considered. It may come to pass that no method is going to work, which is an unfortunate outcome. However, since Wanda chose to bear that risk, she should accept that she has to bear the consequences…...

How Honest Helps Build Character
Pages: 4 Words: 1227

Are You an Honest Person?1. How many lies do you get to tell before you are a liar? ExplainTelling one lie would make one a liar by definition. A person can make a mistake a lie once and regret it. A person can also make lying into a habit. The latter type is one who is going to be labeled a liar more than the former.2. What would you do if you found $10,000 on the shelf beneath an ATM machine and saw you find it?I would call the police immediately and wait there with the money and hand it over to the police.3. People often rationalize their own dishonesty by saying, "That's why the world is, so why should I be different?" What do you think of this reasoning?This sounds like ethical egoismwhatever works for me is okay. It is completely antithetical to virtue ethics or even duty ethics.…...

Misanthrope- Honesty in One of the Best
Pages: 4 Words: 1001

Misanthrope- Honesty
In one of the best plays of Moliere, The Misanthrope, we come across honesty as the main theme, which has been carefully incorporated to show the adverse effects of tactless honesty and the consequences of complete lack of honesty. The play was written in the 17th century and the society it depicts is the one that prefers flattery to honesty and conceit to modesty. Despite the fact that the play was meant for audiences of 17th century, it amazingly retains a universal appeal because of the treatment that Moliere extends to the central theme of honesty in the play.

The play revolves around four important characters, Alceste, Celimene, Philinte and Eliante. It is through the characters of Alceste and Celimene that the author conveys his views on honesty. Philinte serves the important purpose of balancing honesty and deceit by adopting a middle path, which is both sensible and practical.…...



Rousseau, Jean Jacques "Letter to M. D'Alembert on the Theatre" (1758).

Moliere. The Misanthrope and Tartuffe. Trans. Richard Wilbur. New York, 1954.

Marx on Labor Heilbroner's Honesty at the
Pages: 2 Words: 544

Marx on Labor
Heilbroner's honesty at the onset of his writing on Karl Marx reveals the flaws and distortion contained within the often complex, if not mystical tone of Marx's philosophy. The admitted sheer immensity of work produced by Marx and his partner Engels cannot be completely understood. The author confessed " the collected works compromise forty volumes, each 700-1000 pages in length. I have no room for many documents of great historical importance." This dismissal is proof of the limited value of Marx and his theory. Cherry picking this and that from any collection suggests an inconsistency, if not cloaking, of the true essence of Marx's art.

Regardless of the irrationality behind the author's analysis, there are still worthwhile ideas contained within the writing. The alignment of Marx and Adam Smith's appreciation for the value of labor and the corresponding explanations of each demonstrated a quality of humanity in both philosophers'…...

Police Honesty
Pages: 5 Words: 1604

Officer Misconduct
Disclosing Officer Untruthfulness to the Defense: Is a Liar's Squad Coming to Your Town?

Officer misconduct scenario

Police officers must not simply be held to the same standards as members of the public. They must be held to a higher standard. This is illustrated in the following scenario: a police officers is found to have searched for pornographic materials on a work computer and when initially confronted about this violation of department policy he lied, claiming he had no idea how the search history of the pornographic materials made its way onto his computer. He only confessed once the link was made between his log-in information and the search. This combination of dishonesty and poor judgment is a compelling argument for the officer's immediate dismissal, despite the fact that he has an otherwise largely unblemished record.

If an ordinary citizen was found to have been searching pornographic websites on a workplace computer,…...


Works Cited

Brady v. Maryland. (1963). Cornell University Law School. Retrieved from:


Giglio v. United States. (1972). Find Law. Retrieved from:


Psychology Honesty
Pages: 3 Words: 1011

The research by Mazar, Amir & Ariely (2008) shows that ordinary people often find ways they can cheat and still believe themselves to be honest. People do this by rationalizing their actions, and preserving a self-concept of honesty and integrity. Most people are willing to stretch or manipulate their moral codes under certain circumstances, particularly when they can find ways of maintaining a self-concept or project the image of being honest.

A psychopath would be theoretically less concerned with self-concept or reputation than the ordinary person. Like anyone else, psychopaths will be driven to "minimize risk to themselves," and ensure they do not get caught (Grohol, n.d.). The ordinary people in the Mazar, Amir & Ariely (2008) study likewise do not want to get caught. The psychopath might be more inclined to cheat for the sake of cheating, more often than the ordinary person who cheats primarily for things like financial…...



Fetchenhauer, D. & Dunning, D. (2010). Why so cynical? Psychological Science 2010(21).

Glenn, et al. (2010). Moral identity in psychopathy. Judgment and Decision Making 5(7); 497-505.

Grohol, J.M. (n.d.). Differences between a psychopath vs. sociopath. World of Psychology. Retrieved online:  http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2015/02/12/differences-between-a-psychopath-vs.-sociopath/ 

Mazar, N., Amir, O. & Ariely, D. (2008). The dishonesty of honest people. Journal of Marketing Research XLV.

Trying to figure out a title for my essay it’s about why dating apps are not ok I’m doing an argument essay?
Words: 331

Given the popularity of online dating and dating apps, writing an argumentative essay against online dating is a good choice.  It is always more interesting to write a position paper that may be unusual, because it is unlikely to recycle the same arguments that your professor will see in other papers.  There is actually a myriad of reasons that online dating may not be as successful (or as safe) as traditional in-person dating, and any of these reasons could serve as the basis for an argumentative essay.  They include but are not limited to potential....

Can you help me with 10 topics for a literacy narrative that can also be used as a title?
Words: 349

A literacy narrative is a type of autobiographical essay in a modified narrative essay format. It focuses on a person’s own experience with one or more aspects of literacy including speaking, writing, or reading. Your literacy narrative relates a personal experience and should help explain your development as a communicator, even if not as a writer or reader.

Some topic or title suggestions are:

  • Through the Wardrobe: How The Chronicles of Narnia Helped Introduce Me to the World of Fantasy
  • My Worst Book Boyfriends: An Examination of the Toxic Traits in the Male Characters I Love to Hate and....

I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on theft in schools. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 302

1. The prevalence of theft in schools and its impact on students and staff
2. The role of technology in preventing and addressing theft in schools
3. The psychological effects of being a victim of theft in a school environment
4. Strategies for promoting a culture of honesty and accountability in schools to reduce theft
5. The consequences of theft in schools on academic performance and school culture
6. The relationship between socioeconomic factors and theft in schools
7. Investigating the reasons behind why students steal in schools
8. The effectiveness of disciplinary measures in deterring theft in schools
9. The role of parents and the community in....

I\'m interested in debating school theft. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 299

Yes, there are several essay topics that can present opposing viewpoints on the topic of school theft. Some potential essay topics could include:

1. Is school theft a serious problem that needs to be addressed with stricter punishment, or is it a minor issue that students should be allowed to handle independently?
2. Should schools implement more security measures to prevent theft, or should they focus on creating a more trusting environment where students feel less inclined to steal?
3. Is school theft a result of socioeconomic factors and should be approached with a focus on addressing root causes, or is it....

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