Immigration Policy Essays (Examples)

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Much of the difference in assimilation patterns between this group of Latins and previous European and Asian groups surrounds the restructuring of the American economy and the sheer volume of immigrants. Contemporary immigrants face a dichotomous situation: "either they maintain their cultural and communal distinctivness, thus selectively acculturating while keeping some distance from the mainstream, or they will be forced into the position of racial minorities, imposing great disadvantages on themselves and their children" (Alba, 2006, p. x).
America would not be America without immigrants; several innovations, changes in cultural history, even politics would not have occurred. The crux of the matter is that we are indeed a nation of immigrants. We have told the world for over 200 years that they have the potential of life, liberty, and the pursuit of actualization in a country that welcomes everyone to its shoes. We now have many legal immigrants coming to….

Another state in the U.S., Utah, after the law enforcement which was delayed by the Arizona court, this state has adopted another option regarding the immigration policy for the state. The governor of the state said that Utah is not a state where the illegal immigrants can move and have jobs without having the fear for being deported, this is how should be (MSNBC, 2010).The Utah has a different model by which it is able to handle the immigration problem in the state. The government of Utah accepts the reality that there are more than 10 million immigrants in the state which cannot deported, therefore they have provided with the rough draft and plan to enforce the program by which the immigrants will be legal. For the current purpose, the Utah has introduced the guest worker law (Foner, 2005).

As the above discussion emphasizes on the various aspects of the laws….

3, 5). Stromsta additionally offers that, due to their lack of even a high school education, many immigrants will never be able to substantially contribute to the tax pool (sec. 5). Since no immigration policy has yet even slowed the number of illegal immigrants (Beinart par. 1), the only way to resolve these economic issues is to stop illegal border crossings completely with a full-scale wall.
A border wall is also the best option from a human worth perspective. Though critics have labeled a border wall as harsh and compared it to the Berlin all, it is actually the most humane way to deal with the problem since it prevents immigrants from seeking out less-patrolled dangerous areas to cross (Jeffrey pars. 9-13). Beinart's assessment that the partial walls in El Paso and San Diego were unsuccessful is correct; immigrants were soon diverted to rural Arizona and other less-patrolled spots (par.….

Immigration Policy

et Foot Dry Foot Policy
History of Cuban Immigration

Opposition to wet foot dry foot

Fidel Castro

Haitian American Activist

Elian Gonzalez

Recent Haitian Immigrants

Human Right Advocates

immigration policy has long been the center of much debate. In recent months the treatment of Haitian immigrants has come into question. Many in the Haitian American community question why Cuban immigrants are granted asylum while Haitians and other immigrants are deported. The purpose of this discussion is to explore the immigration policy of wet foot dry foot and to determine why this policy is such a controversial topic.

Defining the wet foot dry foot policy

The wet foot dry foot policy was enacted in the late 90's and permitted under the 1966 Cuban adjustment act the policy allows an individual who flees Cuba the right to stay in the United States if there feet touch the shore or the soil. ("et Foot Dry Foot") The Clinton administration feared an influx….

Immigration Policies as a Tool for National Security
Of late, societal apprehension towards immigrants, criminal behavior, and terrorism have intensified, giving rise to concerns regarding the American migrant system’s efficacy in maintaining the safety of the nation’s people. Recent events revolving around crimes, weaponry crossing national boundaries and foreign- born people has triggered a series of reactions with the most intense ones demanding a sealing of borders, barring migration for individuals hailing from high- risk foreign territories, and putting a stop to refugee resettlement.

Theory of Migration

Migration represents mankind’s story from the outset to the current age. It has its roots in mankind’s adventure- seeking spirit and quest to follow one’s dreams. The growth in individuals undertaking perilous, cross- border journeys across the globe dates back to the world’s Stone Age. Statistical figures reveal several millions continually moving from their motherland in search of more superior living conditions and opportunities at performing services. Other reasons….

1) Summarize the entire paper in one paragraphThe article looks to outline a position on immigration and its importance to the United States. The articles indicate why trends in immigration will not abate within the new future and are more akin to a natural migration. As a result, the articles look to weight the benefits of a more accommodative immigration policy with the negative attributes that can occur in American society. These negative attributes are further segments against the backdrop of the moral duty of America. American citizens typically have a morally rigorous feeling about following the rules and the laws. If immigrants are deemed illegal, then they are typically viewed in negative terms. The contentious nature of immigration is very polarizing as there is not correct answer that appeases all parties involved. The overall complexity of the issue makes it very burdensome as it relates to its impact on….

Presentation of Immigration Policy PaperThe relevance of a coherent, fair, and just immigration policy cannot be overstated when it comes to not only the prosperity of a nation, but also its bilateral engagements with other jurisdictions. This is more so the case given that in addition to gaining access to diverse skills and capabilities from a diverse pool of immigrants, a nation also gets to demonstrate to the world its commitment towards the welfare and wellbeing of others. However, an effective immigration policy ought to be formulated and implemented in manner that does not threaten the interests of the host nation, i.e. with regard to its economic wellbeing and security. It is for this reason that various administrations have in the past been keen on the formulation and implementation of policies that advance the agenda of the government of the day. For instance, Donald Trumps administration came to power on….

Bidens Immigration PoliciesPresident Joe Bidens immigration policy is based on reversing the majority of the immigration policies of Trumps administration on the same. Joe Bidens first day in the office involved a reversal of most of the former administrations policies under former president Trump. Together with the Department of Homeland Security under Alejandro Mayorkas leadership, Bidens administration intensely reined immigration and customs enforcement (ICE) deportation practices and prioritized national security. Immigration has been a significant source of cultural change and population growth in the United States. This has made it have a significant immigrant population compared to other countries. The following are the policies under Bidens Immigration Bill (Hiestand, 2021).The Border WallThis involved the proclamation in terminating the emergency regarding the United States Southern Border, and the funds shifted to the borders construction wall redirected. Soon after Joe Bidens inauguration, he halted the construction of the Mexican border wall, stating….

United States immigration policy and how it impacts the domestic workers. The writer explores the policy and the issue of immigration in the United States. There were six sources used to complete this paper.
Does United States immigration policy harm domestic workers?

America has long been know for being the land of opportunity. For many years immigrants have flocked to the U.S. borders to begin new lives and build lives for their children. Millions of immigrants have come to America and started new lives living off of the fruits of their labor from working. In recent decades however, concern has developed about the number of jobs the immigrant workers perform. There have been many debates and discussions about the U.S. immigration policy and how it impacts domestic workers in this country. America is currently facing a dilemma. It has to decide whether its willingness to embrace immigrants is going to have….

U.S. immigration: Foreign policy
A statement of current policy

The United States policy on immigration has become an issue of considerable controversy in recent years. On one hand, due to fears about terrorism, the Department of Homeland Security and other government agencies have become increasingly vigilant in their attitudes towards illegal immigration, given the real and perceived risks to U.S. security. On the other hand, there has been mounting pressure to acknowledge the contribution that immigrants have made to the U.S., both in the form of low-wage, undocumented workers and also the need for liberalized immigration policies to fulfill high-skilled professions.

Reasons for initiation changes

Political pressure is mounting in particular from the Latino community to ensure that individuals who have made a contribution to American society (including paying taxes in many instances) are not deported. Latinos are a growing political force in the U.S. However, the shakiness of the recovery of the U.S.….

unfair" are value judgments -- by definition they cannot be facts. Is it an unfair employment practice for an employer to prefer a U.S. citizen? Any preference not rooted in empirical analysis is unfair -- only hard empirical facts are neutral in that sense.
But it is not actually legal to discriminate on the basis of national origin, as per the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII. So such a policy would, for a company that is affected by the law, be illegal. The company is obligated to hire the best candidate who is legally allowed to work in the United States, regardless of their citizenship status. So it's unfair and illegal.

As to whether this is a wise policy or not, it rather depends on one's perspective. Title VII was written as more of a social policy than an employment policy, but of course it directly affects employment. As….

Anti-Immigration Policies

Sociology: Anti-Immigration Policies
-California Proposition 227 and Proposition 187-

The purpose of this paper is to research Anti-immigration policies in the United States and to further discuss California's Propositions 227 and 187 and in the critique of the literature to compare and contrast these policies while at the same time to interject originally and critical thinking from the perspective of underlying assumptions, potential weaknesses in the argument of methodological approach and further to analyze their potential value in really grasping an understanding in the immigration issue as to "second generation."

Early roots in anti-immigration sentiment were expressed in the two-dollar a head tax of immigrants in 1903 and in 1997 moving upward to four-dollars a head. "Anti-immigrant sentiment is a result of ignorance of the value of immigrants throughout the history of the United States," pointed our Michael Lin, National President of the Organization of Chinese-Americans (OCA)

During the year of 1912 the anti-immigrations….

Immigration Fallacy
The Existential Fallacy Behind Arizona's Immigration Policy

Few issues currently featured in American public debate are clouded by as much emotional bias, invective and distortion as that of immigration reform. Particularly as this concerns America's shared border with Mexico, immigration is a discussion which carries significant political ramification, clear racial overtones and distinctions in ideology where American openness is concerned. As a result, many political figures have been moved to comment or drive policy on the issue-based less on the support of fact than on the employment of inflammatory rhetoric. And quite frequently, this rhetoric is presented with little concern for the logical fallacies which may underlie is basic formative claims. Rarely has this been evidenced with more vitriol or determination than in the state of Arizona over the last several years. In the context of our discussion, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is particularly noted for her steady employment of….

Pastor categorizes the last century (ending in the 1980s) as falling into several categories, with regard to immigration policy, which he also notes is open for debate, as it is usually done in public debates in Congress and between the executive branch and congress.
While policy during this period may be categorized in many ways, a Latin American perspective suggests four useful divisions...: Defining Limits, 1875-1921; the Classical Special elationship, 1921-1964; From Special elationship to Global Policy, 1965-1978; and the Special Case -- Illegal Migration.

1984, p. 37)

The shift associated with immigration from, European sources to Latin America, and namely Mexico is well documented and determinant of many social issues, including those designated with the legal immigration sphere as well as those designated illegal, by virtue of the manner in which immigration is done. This was also a shift, in that there had been significant movements during and following the great….

Immigration in America

Immigration in America: The Benefits and Costs of a Polarizing Problem

As Suarez-Orozco, Rhodes and Milburn (2009) point out, immigrants need “supportive relationships” in order to succeed in the foreign country that they move to (p. 151). However, when that foreign country is determined to address immigration issues—not only illegal immigration but also legal immigration—it can become a difficult problem for both sides of the political aisle. For a nation like the United States, that is especially true. After all, America was founded by immigrants. The early Spanish and French missionaries came in the 16th century seeking converts to Christianity. The Puritans and English followed. The Germans and Italians and Irish and Polish all came to America in the wake of Industrialization. Over time, America was host to so many different populations and groups of people that it was referred to as the melting pot in 1909 (Higgins). However, America’s approach….

While the idea of border security is always innately political, it is even more so right now. Combined with immigration policy, border security helps shape what our country looks like. More importantly, immigration policy helps shape the future electorate, which some people believe will have a dramatic impact on the country’s political future. So, the first thing you should consider is how deeply you want to delve into politics, motivations, and partisan differences. If you do, then you could choose a niche thesis statement focusing on those issues. In addition, you....

Compelling Essay Titles for Immigration

General Titles:

The Immigration Conundrum: Challenges and Opportunities for a Changing World
Migration and the Making of Modern Societies: The Role of Immigration
Immigration: A Human Rights Imperative or a Threat to National Security?
Immigration: Shaping National Identities in the 21st Century
The Paradox of Immigration: Economic Benefits vs. Social Challenges

Historical Perspectives:

Immigration in History: From the Pilgrims to the Present Day
The Waves of Immigration: How Immigration has Shaped the United States
Immigration and American Identity: A Historical Dialogue
The Immigration Melting Pot: Myth or Reality?
The Push and Pull Factors of Immigration: A Historical....

1. The impact of immigration on the economy and job market
2. The challenges faced by immigrants in a new country
3. The role of immigration in shaping cultural diversity and social cohesion
4. The benefits and drawbacks of immigration policies and regulations
5. The contribution of immigrants to innovation and creativity in society
6. The effects of immigration on healthcare and social services
7. The psychological and emotional well-being of immigrants in a new country
8. The history of immigration patterns and their influence on society today
9. The ethical considerations of border control and immigration enforcement
10. The portrayal of immigrants in media and popular culture.
11. The....

1. The Economic Impact of Immigration

How does immigration affect economic growth and productivity?
What are the costs and benefits of immigration for host countries?
How do immigrants contribute to the labor force and innovation?

2. The Social and Cultural Impact of Immigration

How does immigration affect social cohesion and cultural diversity?
What are the experiences of immigrants integrating into new societies?
How do host communities respond to the presence of immigrants?

3. The Political and Legal Implications of Immigration

What are the ethical and legal responsibilities of governments towards immigrants?
How does immigration policy shape national identity and citizenship?
What are....

2 Pages
Discussion Chapter

American History

Immigration Policy Typically American Textbooks

Words: 591
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Much of the difference in assimilation patterns between this group of Latins and previous European and Asian groups surrounds the restructuring of the American economy and the sheer…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Law

Immigration Policy Discussion and Argument

Words: 1143
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Another state in the U.S., Utah, after the law enforcement which was delayed by the Arizona court, this state has adopted another option regarding the immigration policy for the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Immigration Policy the Border Fence

Words: 629
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

3, 5). Stromsta additionally offers that, due to their lack of even a high school education, many immigrants will never be able to substantially contribute to the tax…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Immigration Policy

Words: 2252
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

et Foot Dry Foot Policy History of Cuban Immigration Opposition to wet foot dry foot Fidel Castro Haitian American Activist Elian Gonzalez Recent Haitian Immigrants Human Right Advocates immigration policy has long been the center of…

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8 Pages


National'security Impact of Immigration Policy

Words: 2727
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Immigration Policies as a Tool for National Security Of late, societal apprehension towards immigrants, criminal behavior, and terrorism have intensified, giving rise to concerns regarding the American migrant system’s efficacy in maintaining…

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4 Pages
Literature Review


How immigration policy has changed and its impact on'society

Words: 1310
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Literature Review

1) Summarize the entire paper in one paragraphThe article looks to outline a position on immigration and its importance to the United States. The articles indicate why trends in…

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1 Pages


Abstract Immigration Policy Paper

Words: 331
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Presentation of Immigration Policy PaperThe relevance of a coherent, fair, and just immigration policy cannot be overstated when it comes to not only the prosperity of a nation, but…

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4 Pages
Capstone Project


Biden Administration Immigration Policies

Words: 1282
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Bidens Immigration PoliciesPresident Joe Bidens immigration policy is based on reversing the majority of the immigration policies of Trumps administration on the same. Joe Bidens first day in the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Does United States Immigration Policy Harm Domestic Workers

Words: 1487
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

United States immigration policy and how it impacts the domestic workers. The writer explores the policy and the issue of immigration in the United States. There were six…

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2 Pages

Black Studies

Changes in Immigration Policy

Words: 649
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

U.S. immigration: Foreign policy A statement of current policy The United States policy on immigration has become an issue of considerable controversy in recent years. On one hand, due to fears…

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2 Pages


Globalization and Human Resources and Immigration Policy

Words: 673
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

unfair" are value judgments -- by definition they cannot be facts. Is it an unfair employment practice for an employer to prefer a U.S. citizen? Any preference not…

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11 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Anti-Immigration Policies

Words: 2898
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sociology: Anti-Immigration Policies -California Proposition 227 and Proposition 187- The purpose of this paper is to research Anti-immigration policies in the United States and to further discuss California's Propositions 227 and…

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3 Pages


Immigration Fallacy the Existential Fallacy Behind Arizona's

Words: 866
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Immigration Fallacy The Existential Fallacy Behind Arizona's Immigration Policy Few issues currently featured in American public debate are clouded by as much emotional bias, invective and distortion as that of immigration…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Immigration in the U S There

Words: 1168
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Pastor categorizes the last century (ending in the 1980s) as falling into several categories, with regard to immigration policy, which he also notes is open for debate, as…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Immigration in America

Words: 3216
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Immigration in America: The Benefits and Costs of a Polarizing Problem Introduction As Suarez-Orozco, Rhodes and Milburn (2009) point out, immigrants need “supportive relationships” in order to succeed in the foreign…

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