Informative Essays (Examples)

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Informative Speech About Attention Deficit Disorder
Pages: 3 Words: 1301

ADHD Informative Speech
Informative Speech on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Purpose of the Speech: To inform the audience about what ADHD is (and is not), its symptoms, the different forms of ADHD, how it is diagnosed, and the treatment of ADHD.

ADHD is a serious condition, but it doesn't mean that it has to ruin person's life.

Text Follows:

Bouncing off the walls!

Anyone with a child has said this phrase, as the child runs around, refusing to pay attention or listen. And everyone has had a day or two when they just can't focus. But for someone with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, otherwise known as ADHD, every day is like that. It's like the difference between having the blues and major depression. Everyone feels sad, but not everyone is incapacitated by depression. Everyone has a day or two when they just can't get it together. But that doesn't mean they have ADHD.

So what is…...


Works Cited

ADHD -- Treatment through Behavioral Therapy." American Institute of Pediatrics.

Mederm: Medical Library: ADHD. 2007. [3 Mar 2007] 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder." National Institute of Mental Health. 2006.

Mar 2007]

Informative Speech of Great How to Save Energy Power
Pages: 2 Words: 774

Speech on How to Save Energy
Specific purpose: To inform listeners how energy-saving devices help the planet and consumers' ability to save money.

Central idea: Saving energy can help you -- and the planet

Informative speech: How to save energy

Everyone wants to save money. Yet many of us are wasting money without even realizing it. When you leave the room, do you get any additional pleasure from leaving the light on while you are gone? Do you enjoy having your computer running in your absence? Probably these decisions make little difference to you, and you would prefer to save money rather than needlessly waste power. Bad habits and thoughtlessness are often the source of how and why we waste energy. This speech will provide you with suggestions about how to save energy, demonstrate how it is financially advantageous to 'go green,' and suggest future lifestyle changes to save energy.

Making small changes can…...



20 things you can do to save energy. (n.d.) Eco Mall. Retrieved: 

Orloff, Jeffrey. (2013). Ten tips for saving energy right now. Retrieved:

Death Penalty Informative Speech Outline
Pages: 3 Words: 924

Death Penalty
This informative speech outline topic DOES THE DEATH PENALTY DETE CIME? The outline detailed 4 APA references. It follow format detailed referenced. Please outline tornadoes OUTLINE FO INFOMATIVE SPEECH Tornadoes Purpose: To inform audience tornadoes Thesis: Today I discuss fascinating facts tornadoes.

To inform the audience about the two sides of the debate on the death penalty, regarding its justice and its deterrent effect.

The death penalty is one of the most frequently-debated topics in American criminal justice, and it is important to understand both sides of the death penalty debate.

Organizational Pattern: Topical

Attention getter- America is the only major industrialized democracy that still has the death penalty. "Of the 197 countries in the world, 135 (69%) have abolished the death penalty in law or practice and only 62 (31%) continue to use capital punishment" (Support for the death penalty continues to decline, 2013, Arkansas Abolish).

B. elevance-As American citizens, it is important…...



Death penalty facts. (2013). Death Penalty Focus. Retrieved from: 

Linder, Doug. (2012). Death penalty. Exploring Constitutional Law. Retrieved from:

Films An Informative Speech When
Pages: 2 Words: 614

Today's documentaries have the qualities of feature films -- cinematography, suspense, captivating personalities, funny parts, and in some cases, special effects. If you want to learn about a topic, but don't have time to read a book on the issue, a documentary can be a valuable resource, as within one to two hours you can gain almost as much understanding as you would from reading a book. In addition, documentaries are wonderful ways to understand topics that are more audio-visual in nature, such as how animals move, mate, hunt, and act. While you could read about a lion pouncing on it's pray in a book, even looking at pictures of the lion, a documentary lets you see the anticipation in the lion's eye and the frightening majesty of the lion as it growls and pounces on its prey. If you can't be with a lion as it pounces, a…...

Golf Informative Speech Outline Golf
Pages: 1 Words: 369

A. Although highly competitive, golf does not need to be played competitively and unlike most sports can be played solo.

B. Golf offers a happy medium between working hard at honing one's skills at the sport and being totally relaxed, at ease, and having fun.

C. Golf encourages players to be outside breathing fresh air and walking around rather than sitting cooped up inside supporting a sedentary lifestyle.

D. Golf is a sport anyone can learn and can become a powerful bonding activity for families, friends, and business partners.


Eilersten, Trond. (2006). it's Fun, it's a Challenge, it's elaxing - it's Golf. etrieved April 5, 2008 at

Kelley, Brent. (nd). Golf History FAQ: Beginnings of Golf. etrieved April 5, 2008 at

Menante, Ashley. (nd). Golf tips: elaxing at the first tee. etrieved April 5, 2008 at



Eilersten, Trond. (2006). it's Fun, it's a Challenge, it's Relaxing - it's Golf. Retrieved April 5, 2008 at 

Kelley, Brent. (nd). Golf History FAQ: Beginnings of Golf. Retrieved April 5, 2008 at 

Menante, Ashley. (nd). Golf tips: Relaxing at the first tee. Retrieved April 5, 2008 at

Versus Persuasive Speaking Informative Speaking
Pages: 2 Words: 602

Although a persuasive speech may include emotional words, imagery, and other tools that are not strictly logical, for the speech to be effective (at least, effective in persuading persons other than persons who are already converted to the speaker's point-of-view), the speech must be based on some sound rationale. The Hope uses evidence from the Bible, archeological evidence, and also logical and persuasive reasoning to convince the listener about the Bible's truth.
The Hope also strives to answer many common questions that even uncertain believers articulate regarding their faith, such as why God allows suffering to occur and why terrible things such as cancer are allowed to exist. The film suggests that although the world may fundamentally be fallen, God still offers hope and the possibility of redemption. The end of the Hope stresses the need for the listener to go to church and fully participate in a faith community…...

Gad Info Speech Informative Speech
Pages: 2 Words: 763

Again, the worries may be legitimate, but the level of preoccupation is often obsessive and inhibits the quality of the person's life. Often, difficulty sleeping, a racing pulse, hot flashes, and nausea accompany the sufferer's vague sense of impending doom.
Transition) So that quirky aunt or grandmother who always sees death around every corner isn't just 'eccentric' -- she may have a mental health complaint that is inhibiting the quality of her life even though she doesn't admit it to herself.

Main point III. GAD is common but treatable.

Sub-point A. GAD affects about 6.8 million adult Americans and about twice as many women as men, estimates the National Institute of Mental Health. Often the condition starts slowly, as a personality pattern or quirk, but gradually spirals out of control. Sufferers are usually able to hold down a job and function normally, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't seek help.

Transition) According…...


Works Cited

Generalized Anxiety Disorders." (2006) Anxiety Disorders. National Institute of Mental Health. Retrieved 3 Aug 2006 at 

Generalized Anxiety Disorders: A Real Illness" (2000) National Institute of Mental Health Publication. Retrieved 3 Aug 2006 at

British Empire This Informative Historical
Pages: 13 Words: 5032

In November they started making their upset known to diverse government officials. However for economic and political causes the prime minister along with his supporters could not disregard these commercial distress indications. In addition ockingham and his chief financial minister, Edmund Burke and William Dowdeswell were assured that colonial reactions to the Stamp Act accounted for the recent turn down in British trade to North America and during 1765 British sells to America had descended by 15%. These identical men were also sure they might capitalize on the political prospect the stamp tax crisis obtainable. One vision involved cultivating extra parliamentary hold up in the chaotic biased landscape of the 1760s so Burke as well as other ockingham Whigs were fimilar with the fact that any government or opposition was crippled if it could acquire no kind of sustain out of doors. Somehow, government officials realized that this sustain…...


Resources. Edited by Robin W. Winks. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1966.

William Wood. A Survey of Trade. London, 1718.

Raymond Gillespie, the Transformation of the Irish Economy 1550-1700, Studies in Irish Economic and Social History. Dublin, 1991.

Review of periodical literature, the Economic History Review 58. 2003.

Decison-Making and Informative Politics Technology Related Decision
Pages: 4 Words: 1250

Decison-Making and Informative Politics
Technology elated Decision Making in Organizations:

The University of Cincinnati as an Institutional Example

The implementation of any new technology within an organization forces change on many levels. While technological changes are made within an organization to enhance that organization's core work functions, related policies, administrative functions, and these changes essentially trickle-down in a way that leaves the entire organization affected in the end. For any organization, new technology means new training, as any new technological additions cannot perform to their full advantage without the proficient skill-set of that organization's members. In researching the IT governance structure, it is most beneficial to cite a distinct example of an organization in which this structure is consistently used, evaluated and adjusted. In viewing the IT governance structure present in the University of Cincinnati, and in viewing the accompanying research present on the topic, one can more easily pinpoint the University's strengths,…...



Boyd, G., Brisebois, R., and Shadid, Z. 2012. "What is IT governance and why is it importanct for the IS auditor?" Office of the Canadian Auditor General. Web.

Retrieved from:

[Accessed on 25 May 2012].

Educase. 2004. "Using an IT governance structure to achieve alignment at the University

Othello Aristotle's Poetics Is the Most Informative
Pages: 7 Words: 2410

Aristotle's Poetics is the most informative piece of work on the nature of art. It is in the Poetics that Aristotle defines the fundamental nature of tragedy. For Aristotle, what defines tragedy (and all art, in general) is in the way that it is imitation (Golden 142). Every form of art (qua imitation) can be compared in terms of the artistic means, object, and manner used in their creation. In the tragic form, imitation is made of a very controlled process where the different elements of action and character lead the spectator to have a certain insight into the meaning of what it is to be human (142). In trying to understand Aristotle's view on art, it is important to understand that it is "based on an equation of poetry with the process of representation, and not on any accidental quality such as meter" (142). Poetry comes thus from a…...


Works Cited

Aristotle., & Butcher, S.H. Aristotle's Poetics. Hill & Wang; First Edition. 1961.


Berry, E. "Othello's Alienation." Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, Vol. 30, No.

2, pp. 315-333. Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama. Spring, 1990. Print.

Informative Breakdown of Boeing
Pages: 8 Words: 2121

oeing is considered the leader in commercial aircraft, military aircraft and missiles and space markets. As well as the design, development and manufacture of aircraft and space equipment, oeing also has divisions managing the support of these activities and other activities that extend to real estate services, financial services and travel agency services.
oeing has a well-developed graduate program and the benefits for employees are numerous. While financial information up to 2000 suggests that oeing is growing, it should also be noted that since September 11, a downturn in the commercial airline industry has impacted oeing. As a result of this 30,000 jobs are expected to be lost. To counter this oeing expects growth in the defense area and oeing is also moving to adapt to the changed environment, such as by focusing on the renewed interest in commercial flight safety.

While layoffs are taking place there are still numerous varied work…...



Boeing. Boeing Financial Report 2000. Boeing.

Boeing News Release Page. El Al Study Joint Venture To Promote Aviation Security. Boeing. 31 October, 2001.

CNN. SIA defers delivery of Boeing planes. CNN News/Business. 25 January, 2002.

Diamond, John. "Boeing boss sees boon in defense work." The Chicago Tribune. 20 February 2002.

Informative Podcast for a Website
Pages: 2 Words: 727

Speech Writing
Going green

"I know most of you have heard of the term going green has been the new buzz word in lifestyle, business, politics and literally every aspect in the world today. But have you asked yourself what green actually means?

Green is basically an ideology which aims at creating an ecologically sustainable society; one that has deep roots in environmentalism or has inclination towards environmental conservation and improvement hence as many people as possible should urgently embrace green revolution since it does not necessary mean that one should change their life.

When we talk of going green we should have an idea of how this is achieved. There are various things that people are doing to make the world go green. Some of these things are recycling, reusing and reducing .in a consumerist society it is difficult for a day to go buy without one purchasing a thing. Going green requires…...



Green Technology, (2010). Green Technology: What is it? Retrieved September 9, 2013 from

Worry Bout Audience Analysis Word Count 1000-1250
Pages: 4 Words: 1385

worry bout audience Analysis ord Count: 1000-1250 words (This word count refers ONLY essay . It include audience analysis orks Cited page. If essay falls short minimum word count, I automatically deduct riting Informative Essay (Corresponding chapter The Little Seagull Handbook: -7) General Information An informative essay organized primary functions: report a unfamiliar topic; analyze meaning, pattern connections; explain works; explore questions answers.
Informative essay: The impact of the economic crisis upon young people

Although the consensus amongst economists is that the United States has extricated itself from the worst of the recession of 2008, the impact of the economic crisis is still palpable amongst many demographics within the United States. Recent college graduates are amongst the hardest-hit. Given the sluggish labor market, many new college graduates are struggling for work, while the previous generation was able to find jobs with much greater ease. These workers are burdened by high levels…...


Works Cited

Goudreau, Nicole. "The 10 worst college majors." Forbes. 11 Oct 2012. 25 Jan 2013. 

"Help Wanted: Millions of Cloud-Skilled IT Workers Needed." Microsoft Press Release.

19 Dec 2012. 25 Jan 2013.

Construction Site Safety Meeting
Pages: 4 Words: 1261

Safety Meeting
Conducting an informative safety meeting can seem like a large task. The purpose of a safety meeting is to effectively convey safety information to employees. Effective communication of safety guidelines and rules can help to reduce the chance of injury on the jobsite. Safety meetings are most often conducted by supervisors, the foreman, or even the company owner. Like everything else, if you follow a plan it can be done with minimal stress. Here is a detailed, step-by-step plan for conducting an informative safety meeting, using a construction company as an example.

The first step in the process is choosing a place to hold the safety meeting. You will want to choose a comfortable area, so the employees can focus their full attention on you and the information you are conveying. It can be hard to focus if an area is too hot or cold, or if there is…...

Mastery Over Nature Exotic Animal Trade
Pages: 5 Words: 1388

Mastery Over Nature and the Exotic Animal Trade
Humankind has always had a fascination with nature and specifically animals in nature and even more specifically with conquering the animal or gaining mastery over the animal. The exotic animal has been the focus of great aspiration of humankind to attain mastery over. The reasons for this are varied in nature with some individuals obtaining exotic animals for their own pleasure and as examined in this particular informative study there is desire for obtaining exotic animals so that human beings can experience the animals of nature.

Adelaide Zoo, Adelaide, South Australia

The setting examined in this study is that of the Adelaide Zoo, located Adelaide, South Australia. The work of Kay Anderson entitled "Culture and Nature at the Adelaide Zoo: At the Frontier of Human Geography" reports that in the suburban backyard, people unknowingly "make their more routine interventions in nature by clearing ground and…...



Adams, G., Fisher, L., Le Blond, D., Mazur, N., McMahon, C., Peckover, T., Schmiechen, J. And Sharrad, N. 1991, The role of the Adelaide Zoo in conservation, Report prepared for the Royal Zoological Study of South Australia, Mawson Graduate Centre for Environmental Studies, The University of Adelaide.

Anderson, K (1994) Culture and Nature at the Adelaide Zoo: At the Frontiers of Human Geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. N.S. 20(3) 275-294. Retrieved from: 

Tarpy, C. 1993, 'New zoos -- taking down the bars', National Geographic, July: 2-38.

Thomas, K. 1983, Man and the natural world: changing attitudes in England 1500-1800, Allen Lane, London.

Can you help me with an essay conclusion for an ocean pollution essay?
Words: 334

If we were writing an ocean pollution essay, after presenting facts about ocean pollution we would almost certainly want to discuss solutions. is one of our favorite organizations to look at for solutions about ocean pollution because it provides strong science-based information about ocean pollution, as well as easy action points that people can take to help address the problem.  We love the idea of providing solutions because an essay that just gives facts about ocean pollution is going to be overwhelmingly depressing because ocean pollution and the havoc that it has caused the environment are,....

I am trying to start this ten page informative essay on abuse in the Foster Care system but I\'m having a hard time?
Words: 564

We are not sure if you are having a hard time deciding how to start your essay in terms of figuring out the introductory paragraph or if you are having a hard time deciding where to start your essay on abuse in the foster care system and how to organize the material.  We are going to address both issues in our answer.

If you have gathered all of your information and facts and organized the rest of your essay, but are wondering how to actually begin the essay, what you are looking for is a powerful hook.  A....

Need help coming up with a good thesis statement for an informative essay on army leadership styles?
Words: 343

There are several different types of army leadership styles that can produce the desired results among the armed forces.  Leadership in the army differs a little from leadership in other scenarios because some type of followership is built into the armed forces. The main leadership styles that you are likely to encounter in the army are transactional, transformational, servant, and autocratic. 

Transactional leadership is the type of leadership one most often encounters in the military.  It is based in structure and relies strongly on both rewards and penalties.  Rather than collaborating with subordinates, the transactional leader....

Can you help me with some resources and bibliography for essay on assisted living?
Words: 593

Example Bibliography for an essay on assisted living.

Writing about assisted living facilities can be challenging, because many of the sources that you will find online will be advertising for assisted living, rather than factual and informative pieces.  An assisted living facility is a housing facility for people who cannot or choose not to live independently.  They can range from facilities where there is a minimum amount of help to full-care nursing facilities.  In fact, many facilities offer a range of housing options, which are adaptable as a person’s ability to live independently....

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