Interwar Essays (Examples)

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U.S. In the Interwar Years: A Nation to Blame
The historical issue this paper will address is the role of the United States in the interwar period of the 1920s and 1930s. Some claim that the U.S. attempted to exert a positive influence on global affairs during this period, pointing out that ilson's rhetoric included talk of disarmament and free trade, and that Roosevelt issued similar terms on the world stage.

Others argue that behind the rhetoric was an opposite tendency by the U.S. To increase its arms, destabilize regions that threatened noncompliance with U.S. interests, and to act contrarily to peace proposals.

The claims for the first point may be supported by the fact that ilson and Roosevelt both employed rhetoric designed to give an impression of pacific aims and good will. Even in private, records exist showing that U.S. leaders did favor idealistic goals. However, the same records point to….

illy Mitchell and Airpower
During the interwar period a number people advocated major changes in military doctrine and organizations, particularly in the use of airpower. Three important airpower advocates were Giulio Douhet, Hugh Trenchard, and illy Mitchell, who all insisted that the air arm should be independent of the army and navy. Trenchard in fact was the commander of the first independent air force in the world, the Royal Air Force (RAF), while the United States Air Force (USAF) did not become fully independent of the Army until 1947. oth Douhet and Mitchell were sufficiently outspoken in their support of airpower that they made enemies among traditionalist generals, and both faced court-martials for their views. In the low-budget years of the 1920s and 1930s, Trenchard also had to battle the army and navy for scarce resources and to protect the survival of the independent air arm from the rival services. He….

Supremacist ideals apparently made it possible for people to ignore existential theories in wanting to adopt discriminatory attitudes against those who were considered to be part of a minority. Franco instructed people concerning the damage that the Spanish civilization was undergoing as a consequence of hosting a great deal of individuals who respected and even promoted ideals that challenged the stability of Spanish cultural values. The Franquist regime basically influenced people in thinking that democracy was bad for them because it destroyed everything that they stood for and because it would eventually bring the Spanish society to an end. The writers of this article are inclined to focus more on Franco than on the country's population. The fact that the Spanish were willing to support an unjust regime simply because it assisted their culture played a significant role in destroying Spain's chances of having a democratic future for several….


Mom. Can I interview you for my class?


Sure, but aren't you getting a little desperate if you're stuck with me?


Oh no. It fits the assignment. I have to interview my mother. So, first, where were your parents born?


My mother was born in San Francisco, and my father was born in Kansas City, Missouri


Ok, and where were you born?


San Rafael, California


All right. So what differences did you notice between your mother and yourself, generation wise and personality wise.


ow, differences between us were so numerous that you would think we were not related. I mean you think you and I are different, and we are, but we do like some of the same things, and have some of the same values. The likenesses between me and my parents were only skin deep. My mother was the youngest of 7 children born during the depression, and she was used to getting everything she….

inflation that occurred in Germany in the early 1920s has been well documented and discussed. It has been blamed for the rise of the Nazi Party and the downfall of the Weimar Republic; yet, few understand how inflation in Germany developed so rapidly and how it was ultimately brought under control. he purpose of this paper will be to examine both the cause of this inflation and its eventual resolution.
In the year leading up to the hyperinflation that occurred there were some mild signs that the German economy may be trouble but the signs were mixed. Although food prices were increasing the price of purchasing American dollars was dropping as was the price of purchasing American products. his was seen as a stabilizing situation by most economic experts and there was minimal concern. his situation, however, changed dramatically as prices in Germany began to increase between mid-1921 and mid-1922.….

Impression of the Interwar Years

Although with hindsight, it is possible to see how actions could have been taken to keep World War I from occurring, at that time the situation was like a dry forest that just needed a small flame to start the devastating fire. All the countries who were involved with World War I were completely on edge and only needed a small spark to have them make disastrous decisions. Once things were set in motion, they could not stop. Because of this, millions of people lost their lives and the countries, ironically, lost their Empires.

Why was it called the Age of Anxiety?

The war did not only destroy the Empires. It also destroyed many people's hopes and dreams. No longer could individuals rely on their government as a means of strength and support. In addition, a questioning of life's meaning and a loss of religion and faith took….

Many renowned military analysts argue that concentration or mass is the most important principle of war. This is primarily because the combat tactic involves the concentration of an extremely huge quantity of military manpower and material as well as the development of military power with complete superiority over the enemy in relation to quantity. This principle of war is regarded as superior to other tactical approaches in battle such as combination of inferior mass with tactical opportunities for victory. Generally, the concentration of soldiers entails the decisive, harmonized use of superior fighting power for victory over an enemy. Given the significance of this principle in war, there are arguments that the U.S. committed a strategic mistake through breaching this principle of war through dividing its forces between Southwest Pacific and Central Pacific battles against Japan between 1943 and 1944. An analysis of the approaches employed by the U.S. Army….

Polish History

19th Century
The country of Poland has been one with a history of complex politics and a difficult time retaining independence from foreign invaders. During the 19th century, Poland was controlled by a series of other nations, earning this era of Polish history the moniker of "The Age of Partitions." hile the rest of the continent was expanding economically through the industrial revolution and from literature and scientific exploration during the Scientific Revolution, Poland was a perpetual battleground, constantly in flux between authoritarian governments and an attempt to regain autonomy. In a short 100 years, Poland had been occupied by the Russia, Prussia, and Austrian governments. Despite all this political upheaval and a constant fluctuation of power, the Polish people were able to keep a unified national identity.

Fighting against three very strong nations was an impossible task for the Polish nationals. However, that did not stop the people from trying.….

Their main arguments are based on historical assumptions and on facts which have represented turning points for the evolution of the African-American society throughout the decades, and especially during the evolutionary War and the Civil War. In this regard, the Old Negro, and the one considered to be the traditional presence in the Harlem, is the result of history, and not of recent or contemporary events.
From the point-of-view of historical preconceptions and stereotypes, it would unwise to consider Harlem as being indeed a cancer in the heart of a city, taking into account the fact that there is no objective comparison being made. Locke points out the fact that the Negro of today be seen through other than the dusty spectacles of past controversy. The day of "aunties," "uncles" and "mammies" is equally gone. Uncle Tom and Sambo have passed on, and even the "Colonel" and "George" play barnstorm….

He eventually triumphs in this endeavor, making it possible for Giosue to be extremely happy and taking his thoughts away from the unwelcoming landscape they are presented with during their stay in the labor camps.
Ferruccio's response to Guido's question regarding the reason for which the former is able to go to sleep even with the fact the latter is trying to influence him is essential in understanding Guido's attitude in wanting to entertain Dora and Giosue. "I am what I want to be" stands as motivation for everything Guido covers as a means to get to his wife and son. This statement initially assists him in declaring his love for Dora and in taking her away from what seemed to be her inevitable fate. Later on in the movie, it is partly because of Schopenhauer that Guido has little difficulties in making his son believe that the Holocaust is….

Airmail in the United States

S. Postal Systems 1775-1993). A third segment of this transcontinental route was established in 1920 and ran from Chicago to Omaha by way of Iowa City, with feeder lines to this primary route being provided from St. Louis and Minneapolis to Chicago (U.S. Postal Systems 1775-1993). The final transcontinental segment was established on September 8, 1920 and ran from Omaha to San Francisco by way of North Platte, Cheyenne, awlins, ock Springs, Salt Lake City, Elko, and eno (U.S. Postal Systems 1775-1993).
One of the more interesting aspects of this early transcontinental route was the need to remove all of the mail from airplanes at the end of the day and place it on trains for continuation of the service at night by trains since these early aircraft were unable to fly at night; despite this added contrast, though, the transcontinental route was truly a "Pony Express" of the era and….

(Cha-Jua, 2001, at (
Another aspect of representation, however, concerns collective memory and the representation of a shared past. Through the context for dialogue they create, social movements facilitate the interweaving of individual stories and biographies into a collective, unified frame, a collective narrative. Part and parcel of the process of collective identity or will formation is the linking of diverse experiences into a unity, past as well as present. Social movements are central to this process, not only at the individual level, but also at the organizational or meso level of social interaction. Institutions like the black church and cultural artifacts like blues music may have embodied and passed on collective memories from generation to generation, but it was through social movements that even these diverse collective memories attained a more unified focus, linking individuals and collectives into a unified subject, with a common future as well as a….

The downward spiral of deflation, the collapse of countless banks and other financial institutions, and the unprecedented levels of unemployment all demanded that something be done.
The programs that constituted President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal were not entirely unknown in the pre-Depression world. Various European countries already possessed social welfare schemes to some extent, but in the United States this was largely new thinking. The changes wrought by the New Deal reflected as much the uniqueness of conditions during the Great Depression as they did the undercurrent of new attitudes and ideas that had gradually been taking hold among America's intellectuals.

FDR's planners acted in the context of changing values, an evolving set of institutions, shifting political and economic circumstances, and the ebb and flow of planning opportunities to create a distinctly national, American form of planning.... They were part of a wide-ranging national debate over how to create a….

Joan Saab book: For Millions American Art Culture Between War
Joan Saab's book, For the Millions: American Art and Culture Between the Wars, captures and elucidates a vital component of American history, and that in regards to its visual art in particular. This manuscript chronicles a crucial shifting in the regard, usage, and conception of art in the early part of the 20th century between World Wars I and II. This historical epoch was crucial to the fostering of contemporary America and its art for a number of factors. The country was celebrating its victory in the Great War before it knelt to the pressure of the Great Depression, which was only alleviated by one of the most devastating martial encounters in the history of the man, the Second World War. This tumultuous time played a highly important part in the creation and usage of visual art, which was able….

8% as compared to the dollar in the start of the last year to January this year. The value of Yuan has improved even with the fall of other emerging economies. The loss of competitiveness that resulted can be best demonstrated by a ratio that has been calculated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, which makes a comparison of Yuan with the currency of the other emerging markets that are in competition with China. It is important to note here that the competitors of China are the countries that trade against it, and not necessarily the countries that trade with it. The index calculated by the authority demonstrates that Yuan has been rising over 13% in the year to January. As for January alone, the value of the Chinese currency has risen by 2.6%.
The authorities of China have not said that they had made a move in to weaken the….

Historical and Social Perspectives

Women in the Meiji Restoration (Japan): Examine the changing roles and experiences of women in Japanese society during the Meiji period (1868-1912), focusing on the impact of modernization and industrialization.
Women in the Xinhai Revolution (China): Analyze the role of women in the Xinhai Revolution of 1911-1912, considering their contributions, the challenges they faced, and the impact of the revolution on their status.
Women in the Korean Independence Movement: Explore the experiences and contributions of Korean women during the Japanese colonial period, highlighting their role in the independence movement and their struggle for equality.
Gender and....

Historical Conflicts and Diplomatic Tensions: Russia and Germany

The diplomatic relationship between Russia and Germany has been shaped by centuries of historical conflicts that have left a lasting impact on their interactions. These conflicts have ranged from territorial disputes to ideological clashes, leading to periods of tension and cooperation.

Territorial Disputes and Prussian-Russian Rivalry

Rivalry between Prussia and Russia emerged during the 18th century, primarily over the control of territories in Eastern Europe. Prussia's expansion westward threatened Russian interests in Poland and the Baltic Sea, leading to conflicts such as the Seven Years' War (1756-1763). These conflicts established a pattern of mutual distrust....

Historical Evolution of Russia-Germany Relations

The relationship between Russia and Germany has witnessed significant shifts throughout history, oscillating between periods of cooperation and conflict.

The Early Years:

18th Century: Prussia, the predecessor to Germany, allied with Russia against the Ottoman Empire in the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774.
19th Century: Russia and Germany became rivals in the Crimean War of 1853-1856, with Germany siding with the Ottoman Empire against Russia.

World War I and Interwar Period:

World War I: Germany and Russia fought on opposing sides, with Germany emerging victorious.
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: Germany imposed harsh terms on Russia, seizing vast territories.
1922: The....

8 Pages

Drama - World

U S in the Interwar Years A Nation

Words: 2773
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

U.S. In the Interwar Years: A Nation to Blame The historical issue this paper will address is the role of the United States in the interwar period of the…

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5 Pages


Billy Mitchell and Airpower During the Interwar

Words: 1757
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

illy Mitchell and Airpower During the interwar period a number people advocated major changes in military doctrine and organizations, particularly in the use of airpower. Three important airpower advocates were…

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4 Pages


Democracy in Interwar Europe Giovanni

Words: 1187
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Supremacist ideals apparently made it possible for people to ignore existential theories in wanting to adopt discriminatory attitudes against those who were considered to be part of a…

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20 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

France and Germany Interwar Relationship

Words: 5387
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Larissa Mom. Can I interview you for my class? Mom Sure, but aren't you getting a little desperate if you're stuck with me? Larissa Oh no. It fits the assignment. I have to interview…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Hyperinflation Interwar Germany

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

inflation that occurred in Germany in the early 1920s has been well documented and discussed. It has been blamed for the rise of the Nazi Party and the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Education How Was Imperialism One

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Impression of the Interwar Years Although with hindsight, it is possible to see how actions could have been taken to keep World War I from occurring, at that time the…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

U S Force in the Pacific War

Words: 2619
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

War Many renowned military analysts argue that concentration or mass is the most important principle of war. This is primarily because the combat tactic involves the concentration of an…

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6 Pages

Drama - World

Polish History

Words: 1855
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

19th Century The country of Poland has been one with a history of complex politics and a difficult time retaining independence from foreign invaders. During the 19th century, Poland…

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30 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies

Harlem 1920-1960 Culture of the

Words: 9936
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Their main arguments are based on historical assumptions and on facts which have represented turning points for the evolution of the African-American society throughout the decades, and especially…

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2 Pages


Life Is Beautiful Film Happiness

Words: 609
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

He eventually triumphs in this endeavor, making it possible for Giosue to be extremely happy and taking his thoughts away from the unwelcoming landscape they are presented with…

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18 Pages


Airmail in the United States

Words: 5981
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Thesis

S. Postal Systems 1775-1993). A third segment of this transcontinental route was established in 1920 and ran from Chicago to Omaha by way of Iowa City, with feeder lines…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Cultural Forms of Expression African-American

Words: 2857
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(Cha-Jua, 2001, at ( Another aspect of representation, however, concerns collective memory and the representation of a shared past. Through the context for dialogue they create, social movements facilitate…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Economics the Great Depression Origins

Words: 3519
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The downward spiral of deflation, the collapse of countless banks and other financial institutions, and the unprecedented levels of unemployment all demanded that something be done. The programs that…

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4 Pages

Art  (general)

Joan Saab Book For Millions American Art

Words: 1291
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Joan Saab book: For Millions American Art Culture Between War Joan Saab's book, For the Millions: American Art and Culture Between the Wars, captures and elucidates a vital component…

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12 Pages
Research Paper


Factors That Positively Affect the Yuan

Words: 3619
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

8% as compared to the dollar in the start of the last year to January this year. The value of Yuan has improved even with the fall of other…

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