Intimate Relationships Essays (Examples)

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Intimate Relationships

Harriet Lerner's book, The Dance of Anger: A oman's Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationships provides a helpful and insightful look at anger in women's lives. She teaches women that anger can be a constructive emotion that can help strengthen personal relationships. Her advice can be especially helpful for women, like me, who have sometimes dealt with anger in ineffective and potentially damaging ways. Overall, Lerner's book is full of helpful advice for women seeking to understand and manage their anger.
Lerner's book is was initially attractive because of the title's emphasis on anger. I have known many women in my life who seem to feel that anger is an unattractive and unhealthy emotion that should be suppressed and avoided. As a result, these women seemed to suffer from a great deal of repressed hostility in their personal and work relationships. They would rarely become outwardly angry at people,….

Summary The 2010 summary report titled “National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey” focused o identify various factors promoting intimate partner violence and the effects of such occurrences to the victims. The article breaks down the true burden presented intimate partner violence. Evidently, initial research on the impact of intimate partner violence reported that as the severity and frequency of violence increased, the health and well-being of the victims becomes increases in severity. However, the research considered the fact that intimate partner violence ranges from a single act of violence experienced in an isolated episode to multiple acts of violence stretched over a long period. The variation in length of time and severity presents a unique challenge – difficulty in effectively representing the nature and level of severity presented from one victim to the next in a straightforward fashion. To address this challenge effectively, the methodology in the research was designed….

Intimate Relationships
The human animal is indeed a social animal. Throughout our history, Homo sapiens has demonstrated its need to maintain and make new social bonds, especially in the romantic and sexual arena. This short report examines the factors that modern individuals reports as important in beginning a personal relationship. Both single and committed males and females will be surveyed, and results compared withy regard to gender, age, and divorce and past experience.

This survey consisted of asking eight individuals the following question: "What factors were important in choosing your current (or last) relationship partner?" Four women were interviewed; two were married [one married four months (age 28), and the other married twenty years (age 48)], and two were unmarried [one divorced (age 35), and one never married (age 23)]. Four men were interviewed; two were married [one married four months (age 24), and the other married twenty years (age 52)], and….

The second act of the social worker that has a strong link with the given theme is when the social worker offered job/work to the client at his place for looking after his children. These two exhibited activities of the social worker are being and outside the scope of the social work ethics based on which these activities are defied as giving nonprofessional services to the client. These activities are also a set of favors being done with the client. A solution to the family not paying the client for her work is what should have been done by the social worker. Second main evidence from the case that clearly highlights the fact that altruistic gestures are being shared between the client and the social worker is when as a token of appreciation and thanks, the client gives a cake to the social worker. One of the main facts….

In the Modern Family episode entitled Spanks for the Memories, (Season , Episode 15), Joe and Gloria have a miscommunication that leads to interpersonal conflict. Although it ends humorously and without overt discord on the show, this type of conflict could have resulted in a complete communication breakdown and possibly lead to the demise of the relationship. In this episode, though, Joe and Gloria use relationship maintenance behaviors like being willing to talk directly and openly about their issues and by using involvement behaviors that enhance intimacy and empathy.elationship maintenance means acknowledging the inevitability of change, and addressing any issues that need to be fixed. Both Joe and Gloria have been aware that their sex life needs a spark. Yet neither has yet to vocalize their discontent or address the matter directly. Avoidance, which refers to sidestepping discussions about a specific topic or evading the partner, is a negative relationship….

In this process, the principles of Grounded Theory Analysis were utilized. Primary coding categories were used in the analysis of the interview transcripts, as well as the identification of a range of significant themes. These were then organized into a formal codebook. The coding of the transcripts also led to new themes and modifications were made to the findings on this basis, where it was deemed to be appropriate.
hat kind of statistical analysis was used?

Chi-square analyses were used to examine differences and deviances in the reason why men feel emotionally close to women vs. men.

as the hypotheses supported?

One of the main aims of the study was to determine and evaluate the adequacy of men's relationship in terms of fulfilling emotional needs. There were a number of central concerns that were investigated through the interviews. These were; whether men share emotionally closer relationships with women or men; differences in the….

Alcohol, Drugs, And Domestic Violence
Family violence - or male aggression against women in a relationship setting - also known as domestic violence (DV) is most certainly a devastating social and moral problem in our society; but it is also a serious police problem, and an expensive health problem. In fact, the annual health care cost associated with the manifestations of DV is estimated to run as high as $857 million in the United States (odiguez, et al., 2001). But moreover, DV takes a toll on American families that is much greater than any dollar amount could ever reflect - and, in addition, DV is a social blemish on the face of America that seems to be getting worse, not better. The "causes" of violence in the family - why men act aggressively against their wives and girlfriends and even their children - are varied and complicated; but in too many….

Dear Jamie,

Your feelings are understandable. After all, your brain, mind, and body are the products of millions of years of evolution. Your brain circuitry largely dictates your relationship patterns and your predisposition toward certain body types. However, your girlfriend may be experiencing stress or the symptoms of depression that need to be addressed. There are several issues at stake in your question. The first is your natural tendency toward appreciating certain body and face types in women; the second is your level of emotional commitment to your girlfriend; and the third is your girlfriend's own psychological needs.

First, let's address your biological instincts. The reasons for your being drawn to females with specific body types is not "shallow," as you suggest, but it is animalistic and unconscious. esearch has consistently shown that heterosexual men have certain preferences in female body types. While not all men have the same taste, there are….

Friendship can sometimes be a very strong connection and can last for a lifetime precisely because there are always people with common interests that feel the need to communicate with each other.
Another important type of relationship in my life is that with my teachers and colleagues. Education is also an important environment for developing relationships. For me, teachers and colleagues are significant because they help establish my personality on a professional level. School is the context where the individual develops significantly, while acquiring skills and knowledge. The teachers are therefore very important for the development of an individual. For me, teachers have often served as guidance and even as role-models. A teacher can open new horizons for me, as he or she is able to influence and feed my personality and my view of the world. The colleagues on the other hand are also important as they can sometimes….

Although not all of Davis' relational maintenance strategies are communication based, many of them are primarily work-it-out and have-it-out but also reintegration ceremonies. Davis did not empirically test his observations.

Braiker and Kelley (1979) were interested in understanding the role that conflict plays in relationship development. Employing a social exchange approach to relational maintenance, Braiker and Kelley conceptually defined maintenance as communication behaviors engaged in by members of the couple to reduce costs and maximize rewards in the relationship. Maintenance behavior was operationally defined using items primarily measuring communication with one's partner about the relationship (also included one item measuring self-disclosure and one item measuring willingness to change behavior). Thus, Braiker and Kelley also focus on metacommunication as a relational maintenance strategy.

Braiker and Kelley (1979) concluded that maintenance strategies change meaning over time, with maintenance behavior serving to increase interdependence and love in the earlier stages of development and to resolve….

Wulf, S.J. (2000). "The skeptical life in Hume's political thought. Polity, 33(1), 77.

Wulf uses David Hume's well-known skepticism to advance his concerning the extreme degrees to which philosophy had been taken before returning to less radical modes. He develops material about the antithetical ideas to those investigated here; that is, he puts into a context the ideas of those philosophers who, working at the edge of the intelligible, refused to "accede to the judgment of reason and even their own senses."

ukav, Gary. (1984) the dancing Wu Li masters: An overview of the new physics. New York: Bantam.

One of the first statements ukav makes in this book is that he found, visiting the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in Berkeley, California, that physics "was not the sterile, boring discipline that I had assumed it to be. It was a rich, profound venture, which had become inseparable from philosophy. Incredibly, no one but physicists….

Victims of Intimate Violence: Laci Peterson and Minh Dang
Domestic violence is prevalent in the modern world. In the United States, one out of four women, suffer emotional or physical violence in the arms of a close partner. There are scores of causes of domestic violence among them frustration, poverty, social and environmental aspects. Women and girls are predominate victims of domestic violence which leads to murder, emotional pain, psychological trauma and physical suffering. In this regard, this paper assesses the Laci Peterson's case that involved her, her unborn child and her husband, Scott Peterson. The paper also evaluates the Ming Dang's case that entails her and her family who sexually, emotionally, psychological and physically abused her since when she was three-years old and eventually sold her as a sex slave when she was barely ten-years old. The paper links the two cases, though different, into intimate domestic violence defined as….

So, we see that women are committing to their partners even if they are older than their male companions, even if they rarely get married to them, they enter and stay in a stabile relationship. We have every reason to believe that women are in it mainly for the psychological comfort. But what about the men? Young men can date women of any age, given the fact that youth is one of the most powerful arousal-factors for all species of mammals. it's slightly unlikely for a younger man to stay in a common-law relationship with an older woman, as it usually happens in an average age-discrepant couple (Boyd&Li, 2003), just for one reason: sex, money, influence, etc. But the subject is open to debate.
How does society reacts to age-discrepant unions? Until now, not quite well. The significant difference in age for a couple, whether it's a young woman with….

Civic Relationship

Civic Relationship:
Human relations to each other in the society are usually discussed and examined through examining the simplest kinds of relationships between family and friends. It is customary for people to go back to these simplest forms of relationships because they are considered as intimate relationships. These relationships are used as the foundation for learning and extrapolation to the wider and less intimate form of human friendships. This implies that civic relationships are examined on the basis of personal relationships, which are tied together in a long chain of political philosophy. Civic relationship has traditionally been considered as a form of friendship that involves how people relate to each other in the public domain in a well-ordered society. However, Aristotle presents different ideas on civic relationships with regards to virtues, friendship, justice, happiness, and deliberation.

Aristotle's Ideas on Civic Relationships:

Generally, civic relationship is defined as the way people interact with each….

" It said that an expanding range of adult parenting arrangements and the growing disconnection between marriage and children. The report believed that it would be wise to examine the events, which have been happening. Canada recently stood at the forefront of Western nations in instituting radical changes in family law. The U.S.A. seemed to be taking the same direction (Cere).
The dominant stand among legal elites, including the two groups, which wrote the two reports, was that the family law should not aim at protecting the rights of children to grow up with their own, married parents (Cere 2005). Instead, it should protect and promote a concept called "family diversity." The stand drew from the belief that societies flourished when people of different backgrounds lived and worked together. The authors of the reports argued that society would be better off with all kinds of families co-existing and viewed as equally….

1. The impact of sexual abuse on the victim's mental and emotional well-being
2. How societal attitudes towards sexual abuse influence reporting and support for survivors
3. The role of institutions and systems in preventing and addressing sexual abuse
4. Exploring the intersectionality of sexual abuse with factors such as race, gender, and socioeconomic status
5. The long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse on adult survivors
6. Examining the trauma-informed approach to supporting survivors of sexual abuse
7. Exploring the prevalence of sexual abuse within different cultural and religious communities
8. The portrayal of sexual abuse in media and its....

1. The effects of childhood trauma on adult mental health
2. Trauma and its impact on intimate relationships
3. The role of trauma in the development of addiction
4. Trauma and its implications for physical health
5. Trauma and its connection to PTSD
6. The intersection of trauma and marginalized identities
7. The societal response to trauma and victims/survivors
8. The role of trauma in shaping individual resilience
9. Trauma-informed care and its importance in healthcare settings
10. Trauma and its relationship to memory and cognitive functioning
11. The long-term effects of trauma on brain development and functioning
12. Cultural differences in the perception and treatment of trauma
13. Trauma and its....

2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Intimate Relationships

Words: 871
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Harriet Lerner's book, The Dance of Anger: A oman's Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationships provides a helpful and insightful look at anger in women's lives. She…

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3 Pages


Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence

Words: 986
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Summary The 2010 summary report titled “National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey” focused o identify various factors promoting intimate partner violence and the effects of such occurrences to the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Intimate Relationship on Social Psychology

Words: 822
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Intimate Relationships The human animal is indeed a social animal. Throughout our history, Homo sapiens has demonstrated its need to maintain and make new social bonds, especially in the romantic…

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9 Pages


Relationship and Boundary Issues in

Words: 2702
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

The second act of the social worker that has a strong link with the given theme is when the social worker offered job/work to the client at his…

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2 Pages


intimate relationship conflict resolution communication

Words: 607
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

In the Modern Family episode entitled Spanks for the Memories, (Season , Episode 15), Joe and Gloria have a miscommunication that leads to interpersonal conflict. Although it ends humorously…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Relationship Friendship and Love the

Words: 2405
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In this process, the principles of Grounded Theory Analysis were utilized. Primary coding categories were used in the analysis of the interview transcripts, as well as the identification…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Relationships Between Alcohol Drugs and Domestic Violence

Words: 2539
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Alcohol, Drugs, And Domestic Violence Family violence - or male aggression against women in a relationship setting - also known as domestic violence (DV) is most certainly a devastating social…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Relationships Dear Jamie Your Feelings Are Understandable

Words: 1345
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

elationships Dear Jamie, Your feelings are understandable. After all, your brain, mind, and body are the products of millions of years of evolution. Your brain circuitry largely dictates your relationship patterns…

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2 Pages

Family and Marriage

Relationships the Classification of Relationships

Words: 600
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Friendship can sometimes be a very strong connection and can last for a lifetime precisely because there are always people with common interests that feel the need to…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Relationship Maintenance Theories Have Been

Words: 2123
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

). Although not all of Davis' relational maintenance strategies are communication based, many of them are primarily work-it-out and have-it-out but also reintegration ceremonies. Davis did not empirically test his…

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13 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Relationship Science-philosophy the Relationship Between Science

Words: 4240
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Wulf, S.J. (2000). "The skeptical life in Hume's political thought. Polity, 33(1), 77. Wulf uses David Hume's well-known skepticism to advance his concerning the extreme degrees to which philosophy had…

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10 Pages

Family and Marriage

Victims of Intimate Violence Laci Peterson and

Words: 2835
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Victims of Intimate Violence: Laci Peterson and Minh Dang Domestic violence is prevalent in the modern world. In the United States, one out of four women, suffer emotional or physical…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Older Woman Younger Man Relationships

Words: 2685
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

So, we see that women are committing to their partners even if they are older than their male companions, even if they rarely get married to them, they…

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7 Pages


Civic Relationship

Words: 2328
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Civic Relationship: Human relations to each other in the society are usually discussed and examined through examining the simplest kinds of relationships between family and friends. It is customary for…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Marriage and Long-Standing Relationships Marriage

Words: 2150
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" It said that an expanding range of adult parenting arrangements and the growing disconnection between marriage and children. The report believed that it would be wise to examine…

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