Jesus Christ Essays (Examples)

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Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ Is the Central Figure of Christianity Who Was Born in Bethlehem, Judea
sometime between 8 BC and 29 AD. The name "Jesus" is derived from a Greek rendering of the Hebrew name Joshua, while "Christ" is the Greek translation of the Hebrew mashiakh or Messiah, which was a title that was later made part of Jesus' proper name. Christians traditionally believe that Jesus is the incarnate Son of God, who was divinely conceived by Mary, wife of Joseph, a carpenter of Nazareth. He is also believed to have died on the cross and then resurrected.

Since the primary source about Jesus and his teachings, The New Testament, was written in the latter part of the first century AD when most of the people who knew Jesus first hand had died, there is some debate about the historicity and nature of Jesus. However, most secular as well as religious scholars are….

Jesus Christ The New Moses

Furthermore it is with Isaiah that one first becomes acquainted with the idea that the Messiah would die. "And they made his grave with the wicked and with a rich man in his death, although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth."

The passage clearly predicts a Messianic figure who dies, in order to bring peace to the multitudes. "Out of the anguish of his soul he shall see and be satisfied; by his knowledge shall the righteous one, my servant, make many to be accounted righteous, and he shall bear their iniquities."

It speaks directly to the fact that he will die and that this death is necessary. "ecause he poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors; yet he bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors."

The Old and the New Covenants

The Old Covenant and the New….

Jesus Christ and the Book

v. 9)
I am the good shepherd" (10:11, 14)

I am the resurrection and the life" (11:25)

I am the way, and the truth, and the life" (14:6)

I am the true vine" (15:1; cf. v. 5)

It was John's responsibility to teach Christians that they can have eternal life.

There was an order of the way that John taught:

In Chapter One, Versus 1-4 John saw the proofs that Jesus was the son of God; then there was the teaching of the proof which he saw. Thirdly there was the personal aspect of his teachings, that Jesus is the Christ. The fourth is the promise of eternal life for Christians. After these points were made, John teaches Christians that by following God they can have eternal life. From this Chapter John teaches that having

Christian life is more than a profession; it is adopting a way of life.

Chapter Two Christians learn that all sin can be….

" In this instance, the word revelation means "the communication of the knowledge of God" or "God's disclosure to humanity of Himself" (aixeras, Internet). Therefore, if God had to reveal to Jesus His own knowledge, this indicates that Jesus was not an omniscient being, for as a prophet, his own revelations to common, ordinary men and women were made possible via some form of communication with God the Father.
In conclusion, it is abundantly clear from the evidence presented above that Jesus Christ was not an omniscient entity, due to the fact that even though he was a great teacher and prophet, if not a philosopher, he did not know everything there is to know in the universe or else he would not have had to rely upon God the Father for spiritual answers and for direction in providing words of encouragement for those Jewish men and women lost in body….

Jesus Christ is an inextricable part of my life. I have been a Christian all my life. Being raised in a Christian community has ensured that my faith does not waiver. The support of others in a community of Christians is a core component of the Bible. "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them," (Matthew 18:20)." Because of my community of faith, and because of my inner spiritual compass, I have never once doubted my faith in God. I cannot personally imagine a life without Christ. I do believe that one of my duties, one of God's missions for me on Earth, is to help spread the word of the gospel so that others may also know the joy of Jesus in their own hearts. The world will be a better place as more people come to believe in Christ, which….

Sign Miracles of Jesus Christ
During Jesus' life, he performed many miracles, a large number of which are recorded throughout the bible in various books. Some of these miracles are mentioned by more than one disciple, and some take on more significance than others. Each of the miracles adds to the perceived ability of Jesus and his tie to God himself. Among them were the eight sign miracles that will be discussed here. These miracles not only point to Jesus' abilities, they also indicate his deity. While skeptics remain, there is much evidence that the miracles performed by Jesus actually occurred. Here, it is important to address all eight of the sign miracles and why they point to Jesus' deity.

The Healing of the Lame Man

One of the first miracles performed was the healing of the lame man (Hoffman, 2004). This man had been at the pool at Bethesda for 38….

The miraculous birth of Jesus Christ is the defining event of Christianity. Christmas is celebrated as a means to commemorate this event, and to help all believers focus on the meaning of the nativity. Although Christmas has become commercialized, it is always possible to return to the roots of this special holiday.

The story of Jesus's birth is told throughout the New Testament. One of the most lucid passages describing the birth of Christ is in Matthew 1: 18-25. These passages describe "how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about," and also what it meant for Joseph and Mary (Matthew 1:18). When Mary was found to be pregnant before her wedding to Joseph, Joseph actually "had in mind to divorce her quietly" because he thought she had disgraced herself (Matthew 1:19). However, the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. In the dream, the Lord told Joseph that the child….

Matthew's Passion
Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ

The vast majority of Christian today look forward to the future glorious return of Christ and the realization of the Kingdom of God. This return was promised by Jesus himself, as he told his disciples that he went to prepare a place to which he would take his followers (John 14: 1-4). The surety of Christ's return was so strong that he even promised his disciples that "There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom." (Matthew 16:28) However, as just these two verses suggest, there is a great deal of conflict and confusion as to what the precise meaning of these prophecies of a second coming amount. The first generation of Christians in the early church consistently referred to themselves as living in the last days and in the end times….

Topic: The Deity of Christ You needed to choose two classmates dealing with different topics/views among themselves and also different from your own.
I. Give the name of the view against the full deity of Jesus Christ presented by your classmate (include your classmate’s name for reference).
As Michael points out, Christian Science is the view against the full deity of Jesus Christ. Although Christian scientists do believe in the trinity, and of course in God, and even in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, Christian Scientists do not follow Biblical truths.
II. Provide your own response to these objections. Use your own arguments, they must not be the same as the ones used by your classmates.
Christian Science is an outlier for a reason. Not only does the organization have a warped view of the trinity, it also has a distorted view of Jesus. According to an official Christian Science website, “Christian Science teaches that….

HTH-515 Topic 5Christology and SalvationI. The Humanity and Divinity of Jesus in the BibleIn the table below, identify six key biblical verses that establish Jesus's humanity (three verses) and divinity (three verses) and briefly explain their significance by paraphrasing what the passage says in your own words. [150-200 words]The Humanity and Divinity of Jesus in ScriptureScripture ReferenceBrief Explanation of TextsHebrews 4:15Chris is identified as the great High Priest, who stands between God and man. However, He lay aside His glory and became the Son of Man, identical to the human race in every way, including being tempted like humans are, but He did not sin.John 4: 6Chris is referred to as tired or wearied from his journey and was sitting by the well when the Samaritan woman came to draw water. The nature of tiring and weariness symbolizes Christ as humanMark 6: 3Christ is referred to as the carpenters son,….

Sermon Manuscript: Philippians 2:1-4Text: Phillippians 2:1-4IntroductionAttentionPaul exhorted them to stand in unity and that humility causes us to place others needs above our own. C.S. Lewis states, "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.NeedIn order to be effective in the community Paul reminds the church that humility and unity are critical foundational characteristics belivers must obtain.Bridging SentencesThis letter urges all fellow believers to ardently pursue and embrace the true essence of unity and love amongst each other.[Subject: Modifier:]Humility LoveTextual Idea:Jesus Christ life and actions are the standard for belivers should use to grow in humility and love.Sermon Idea:Have a unified and humbled mind through Christ.Be encouraged and stand strong.Interrogative:Paul emphasizes the importance of demonstrating compassion and love towards others by actively promoting unity with Christ among them.Transition:There are three characteristics that express unity in the church. Unified outlook, humility and love.BodySatisfactionThe humility exhibited by Christ….

Jesus Christ and Gospel

Christian Gospel
In reference to the World View, answer the following questions from the ible and the Gospels:

What are some ways the Christian Gospel is perceived in our culture?

Our culture perceives the gospel just like everything else that it comes into contact with; it is twisted from what is true. The work of Satan has invaded many areas, for instance, education and the media and this has allowed more alteration of the correct gospel. The gospel clearly indicates that some people will not see the gospel properly as stated in Romans 11:8 and 2nd Corinthians 4:4. Due to this elievers are not properly understood and therefore people expect us to be flawless if the ible is really correct about us.[footnoteRef:1] [1: "asic Gospel Questions for Christians." 2016. Accessed September 22, 2016.]

What are some specific moral reasons people may reject the Christian Gospel?

The gospel is rejected by people, because they….

Jesus Christ and Bible

apture and Tribulation
The Church apture is what believers call 'Blessed Hope'. The Bible's New Testament explains a certain 'mystery', where according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:53, we will not all die (or sleep), but rather 'we will be changed' (1 Corinthians 15:53). Paul, in the letter he wrote to Thessalonica, writes,

"For Christ himself will come down from heaven; there will be a shout, with the archangel's voice, and with God's trump: and those who died in the Lord will first resurrect: After that, we who are living and remain will be held up together with the others in the sky, where we will meet Christ in air: and so will we forever be together with Christ. Wherefore give comfort to each other using these words." (1 Thess 4:16-17)

Trials, persecution and tribulation have been part of man from the day he left the Garden of Eden. Each tribulation in….

Jesus Christ and God

suffer is to live. Suffering makes up a large part of a person's life. In Nicholas Wolterstorff's Lament of a Son, a collection of quotes and anecdotes related to the author's experience with the premature loss of Eric, his son, the author provides a way of dealing with loss that is both inspiring and personal. What turned into a tragic mountain climbing accident, a father's journey to accepting a tragic loss turns into a voice for those mourning.
Mourning is a common occurrence for the living. People die every day and Kubler-oss' five stages of grief outlines the process of mourning as well as helps give a better understanding of Wolterstorff's development after he lost his son. The five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, preparatory grieving or depression, and acceptance. The first stage denial, is seen in how people are supposed to act after learning of Eric's passing.….

Jesus Christ and Art

James Hampton contributed immensely to his work over preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ. James Hampton was capable of anything. Even with the little or self-given training, he could do many things that warrant a concern from the audience. Probably, James Hampton case must be considered as an important aspect in the proclamation of the second coming of Jesus Christ. Hampton, not training is not to be taken as his likely inability. It has to be taken as a determination to achieve what is even credible to the course of what is happening. The artwork that he has exemplified is a simple indication that he can achieve anything using any material available. Since the artwork was created from junk, anything can be used to create likely weapons and programs to achieve certain objectives. Hampton is simply indicating that his abilities are not limited by lack of training or….

The Dynamic Intersection between Philosophical Ethics and Christian Theology


The relationship between philosophical ethics and Christian theology is multifaceted and dynamic, characterized by both convergence and divergence. This paper explores this intersection, examining the shared concerns, contrasting perspectives, and reciprocal influences between these two disciplines.

Shared Concerns

One key area of convergence is the common concern with moral values and human conduct. Both philosophical ethics and Christian theology seek to provide a framework for understanding right and wrong, guiding individuals toward virtuous actions. Both disciplines acknowledge the importance of love, justice, and mercy, recognizing the inherent value and dignity of all human beings.


1. The symbolism of twilight in Easter celebrations
2. Exploring the spiritual significance of twilight on Easter Sunday
3. How the transition from light to darkness in twilight reflects the themes of resurrection and renewal in the Easter story
4. The beauty and peace of twilight during the Easter season
5. Twilight as a time of reflection and contemplation during the Easter holiday
6. Twilight traditions and rituals associated with Easter celebrations
7. The metaphorical connection between twilight and the journey from death to new life in the Easter narrative
8. The role of twilight in creating a sense of anticipation and hope during the Easter season

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X had differing approaches to achieving civil rights for African Americans in the United States.

1. Nonviolence vs. Militancy: Martin Luther King Jr. believed in nonviolent civil disobedience and passive resistance to address racial inequality. He advocated for peaceful protests and believed in the power of love and forgiveness to bring about change. In contrast, Malcolm X urged African Americans to defend themselves by any means necessary, including violence. He argued that if violence was perpetrated against African Americans, they had the right to defend themselves.

2. Integration vs. Separation: Martin Luther King Jr. was....

1 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Jesus Christ

Words: 334
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Jesus Christ Is the Central Figure of Christianity Who Was Born in Bethlehem, Judea sometime between 8 BC and 29 AD. The name "Jesus" is derived from a Greek rendering…

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12 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Jesus Christ The New Moses

Words: 4264
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Furthermore it is with Isaiah that one first becomes acquainted with the idea that the Messiah would die. "And they made his grave with the wicked and with a…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Jesus Christ and the Book

Words: 2592
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

v. 9) I am the good shepherd" (10:11, 14) I am the resurrection and the life" (11:25) I am the way, and the truth, and the life" (14:6) I am the true…

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5 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Jesus Christ An Omniscient Being

Words: 1623
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

" In this instance, the word revelation means "the communication of the knowledge of God" or "God's disclosure to humanity of Himself" (aixeras, Internet). Therefore, if God had to…

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6 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Jesus Christ Is an Inextricable Part of

Words: 2050
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Jesus Christ is an inextricable part of my life. I have been a Christian all my life. Being raised in a Christian community has ensured that my faith…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Sign Miracles of Jesus Christ During Jesus'

Words: 1399
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Sign Miracles of Jesus Christ During Jesus' life, he performed many miracles, a large number of which are recorded throughout the bible in various books. Some of these miracles…

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6 Pages

Family and Marriage

Christian the Miraculous Birth of Jesus Christ

Words: 2094
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Christian The miraculous birth of Jesus Christ is the defining event of Christianity. Christmas is celebrated as a means to commemorate this event, and to help all believers focus on…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Matthew's Passion Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ The vast majority of Christian today look forward to the future glorious return of Christ and the realization of the Kingdom of God. This…

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2 Pages

Religion - Bible

What About the Deity of Jesus Christ

Words: 749
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Topic: The Deity of Christ You needed to choose two classmates dealing with different topics/views among themselves and also different from your own. I. Give the name of the view against…

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7 Pages
Book Report


Christian Creeds on Jesus's Humanity and Divinity

Words: 2005
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Book Report

HTH-515 Topic 5Christology and SalvationI. The Humanity and Divinity of Jesus in the BibleIn the table below, identify six key biblical verses that establish Jesus's humanity (three verses) and…

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11 Pages

Religion - Christianity

How Christ Taught Us to be Humble

Words: 3408
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Sermon Manuscript: Philippians 2:1-4Text: Phillippians 2:1-4IntroductionAttentionPaul exhorted them to stand in unity and that humility causes us to place others needs above our own. C.S. Lewis states, "Humility is…

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3 Pages
Other (not listed above)


Jesus Christ and Gospel

Words: 1193
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Other (not listed above)

Christian Gospel In reference to the World View, answer the following questions from the ible and the Gospels: What are some ways the Christian Gospel is perceived in our culture? Our…

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3 Pages
Application Essay


Jesus Christ and Bible

Words: 1305
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Application Essay

apture and Tribulation The Church apture is what believers call 'Blessed Hope'. The Bible's New Testament explains a certain 'mystery', where according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:53, we…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Jesus Christ and God

Words: 989
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

suffer is to live. Suffering makes up a large part of a person's life. In Nicholas Wolterstorff's Lament of a Son, a collection of quotes and anecdotes related…

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2 Pages

Art - Artists

Jesus Christ and Art

Words: 637
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

James Hampton contributed immensely to his work over preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ. James Hampton was capable of anything. Even with the little or self-given training,…

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