Korean War Essays (Examples)

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Korean War Korea Won Independence
Pages: 12 Words: 3191

The Republicans rallied behind MacArthur who did not stifle his view that America should attack enemy bases in China, even at the risk of a wider war. Truman was incensed. The battle in Washington was soon drawing bigger headlines than the battle in Korea. (Ibid)

Many theorists in the 1950's saw the Chinese involvement as being part of an overall communist plot to dominate the world. They saw little distinction between Chinese and Russian involvement in the Korean War but rather saw the war as a combined effort at communist dominance.

In the 1950s, Western scholars, strongly influenced by the intensifying Cold War, generally viewed China's entrance into the Korean War as a reflection of a well-coordinated Communist plot of worldwide expansion, believing that the entire international

Communist movement was under the control of Moscow, and that neither eijing nor Pyongyang had the freedom to make their own foreign policy decisions. The Korean…...



Boose D.W.

The Korean War Revisited. 1998. Accessed November 20, 2004.  http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/korrev.htm 

Dongxiao Yue, Korean War FAQ. 1988. Accessed November 22, 2004.  http://www.centurychina.com/history/faq1.shtml 

Evanhoe E. Re: Korean War Causes & U.S. Involvement. The Korean War. 2001. Retrieved November 20, 2004. http://www.korean-war.com/Archives/2001/04/msg00014.html

Korean War Life as a Soldier in
Pages: 2 Words: 710

Korean ar
Life as a Soldier in the Korean ar

Life here in Korea has been unbearable and exhausting. I enlisted prior to the outbreak of war and had been stationed in Japan on security detail. The work was easy and had not prepared me for my deployment to the front lines. As an 18-year-old private first class, I witnessed heavy fighting and the kind that seemed never to make a dent in the morale of the North Koreans. And especially with the dispatching of their Chinese allies by the thousands in the later part of this year, the task for fighting them off became and endless test of our endurance.

It is also intolerably cold here in the winter. At its worst, the temperature was so cold that our guns jammed and our cannons cracked. The ground was so frozen over that we had to use grenades to make foxholes for warmth.…...


Works Cited:

Baek, S. (2009). The Life During Korean War. Clark Humanities.org.

Colimore, E. (2010). Korean War Veteran From Turnersville Brings History To Life. Philadelphia Inquirer.

Ringma, B. (2011). Korean War Blog. Koreanwarmlbu.wordpress.com.

Korean War Refers to the
Pages: 15 Words: 5284

In order to do so, Kim built up a formidable army which was armed by the Soviets. His army was also bolstered by the arrival of veteran Korean fighters from China after the end of the Chinese civil war between the Communist and the Nationalists in which the Communists under Mao had triumphed. On the other hand, Rhee's government was relatively weak due to the communist insurgency in the south and his army had not been armed to the same level as that of North Korea by the United States.
Nevertheless, Stalin did not approve of such an attack at first because he did not want a direct confrontation with the United States at that stage. After the Soviet testing of the atomic bomb in 1949, and the success of the communist revolution in China in the same year, Stalin gained more confidence. Hence, when Kim Il Sung approached him…...


Works Cited

Bell, P.M.H. "The World since 1945 -- an International History" 2001. Oxford University Press Inc.: New York

Cumings, Bruce. "Korean War." Article in Encarta Encyclopedia. 2008. August 10, 2008. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761559607/korean_war.html

Edwards, Paul M. To Acknowledge a War: The Korean War in American Memory. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000.

Kaufman, Burton I. The Korean Conflict. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999.

Korean War After World War
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

The North, however, was more nationalistic in its ideas, and believed that the entire peninsula should be united based on a common language and culture. At the time, primarily because of the tremendous loss of resources from World War II, the South was unable to fight off the North completely (Stokesbury, 1990, 25-61). Based on the tense atmosphere between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Iron Curtain descending on Eastern Europe, and the Soviet push towards nuclear parity with the U.S., most of the Western governments assumed that all communistic leadership, regardless of location and nationality, were controlled either overtly or covertly by Moscow. So, when the North Korean government began its guerilla attacks against the South, the United States saw this as direct aggression from the Soviets and a desire to export communism even further. Added to this was the looming war in China, and the…...

Korean War
Pages: 5 Words: 1775

Korean War made with specific focus on what the populace went through as primarily a policy of the local alliances or the foreign influences. The paper will focus on the numerous plights of the Korean civilians including the genocides, the economic strains, the social influences and the rehabilitation concerns. The paper will also discuss the extent to which the Korean War was a Cold War or a civil war.
The Korean War, which was essentially one of the many "limited wars" for forces like the United States and United Nations, ended up being a complete and destructive clash for the Koreans. What made this war particularly savage to Korean people, North and South, civilian and solder was the truth that the human and material sources of North and South Korea were utilized and exploited to the maximum. The material devastation and lack of existence in general on either side was…...



Akira, K., 2010, The Unknown Korean War: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Korea and Excavation of the Remains of Mass-murdered Victims, The Asia-Pacific Journal, 18-2-10.

Armstrong, C., 2010, The Destruction and Reconstruction of North Korea, 1950-1960, The Asia-Pacific Journal, Volume 8, Issue 51 No 2.

Kwon, H., 2010, Korean War Traumas, The Asia-Pacific Journal, 38-2-10.

Lee, S., 2010, The United States, the United Nations, and the Second Occupation of Korea, 1950-1951, The Asia-Pacific Journal: Volume 8 Issue 50 No 3.

Korean War Is One of
Pages: 13 Words: 4253

Despite extensive assistance from the United States and the United Nations, the South Korean economy failed to rebound and it took nearly a decade before the South Korean economy began to demonstrate any significant improvement. Oddly the South Korean improvement coincided with the rise to power of Park Chung Hee (Vu). Prior to 1961, South Korea was ruled by a civilian government but a military coup occurred in 1961 which brought to power Major General Park Chung Hee. Under Park, the South Korean economy began to show improvement.
Park was assassinated in 1979 and things were in turmoil in South Korea for a few short years. During such time, South Korea again attempted civilian government but it was unsuccessful. A new militarily controlled government assumed control under the leadership of General Chun Doo Hwan. The economy rebounded during Chun's tenure but he was never able to attain the popularity enjoyed…...


Works Cited

Chang, Yunshik. "Colonization as Planned Changed: The Korean Case." Modern Asian Studies (1971): 161-186.

Cotton, James. "From Authoritarianism to Democracy in South Korea." Political Studies (1989): 244-259.

Kim, Suk Hi. "The Kaesong Inter-Korean Industrial Complex: Perspectives and Prospects." North Korean Review (2009): 81-92.

Lankov, Andrei. From Stalin to Kim II Sung: The Formation of North Korea, 1945-1960. Rutgers, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2002.

What Effects Korean War Discuss Effects
Pages: 2 Words: 657

Korean War
Cause and Effects of the Korean War

In June of 1950 armed forces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, also known as North Korea, crossed the border and invaded the Republic of Korea, known as South Korea. This precipitated three years of war between the United States, which led the United Nation's forces supporting the South Koreans, and the North Koreans with their allies from the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union. In short it was a war between the major Communist powers and the Free World set on the Korean peninsula.

Historians have debated the causes and effects of the war since it happened but almost every one can agree that the division of the Korean Peninsula after the Second World War was the first step toward war. In the wake of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the surrender of Japan left the victorious allies…...

President Truman and the Korean War
Pages: 8 Words: 2711

Korean War is often called the quiet or forgotten war. Sandwiched in between the popular war, World War II, and an unpopular war, The Vietnam War, The Korean conflict was not the measure of hardware and military might which occurred in WWII.
The Korean War was also not the political boondoggle which arose during the Vietnam era. The Korean conflict tested the wills and strategies of the world's global super powers, and how they would respond to include the newly formed United Nations in their actions. As such, the Korean Conflict tested the character of the nations involved, rather than the military might, or will to win. As such, President Truman was at the center of the crucible, and responded to the crisis with political acumen.

Following the use of atomic weapons on Japan to end WWII, ussia had developed atomic weapons also. Thus as the world entered the military playground…...



American Presidents: Life Portraits, CSPAN, 2004  http://www.americanpresidents.org/presidents/president.asp?PresidentNumber=32 

Berger, C. The Korea Knot: A Military-Political History Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1965

Bernstein, Barton J., Matusow, Allen J., eds., The Truman Administration: A Documentary History, Harper and Row, New York, NY, 1968

Donovan, Robert J., Nemesis: Truman and Johnson in the coils of war in Asia, St. Martin's/Marek, New York, 1984.

1950's Korean War North Korea Democratic People's
Pages: 23 Words: 7870

1950's Korean War, North Korea (Democratic People's epublic Korea) and South Korea (epublic Korea) Were Exploited by the Superpowers for Their Own Agendas
The closing decade of the 20th century witnessed the end of the Cold War as the Soviet Union collapsed and its former Warsaw Pact allies flocked to join their former enemies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The end of the Cold War also resulted in the United States emerging as the world's only remaining superpower, but the 21st century promises to truly be the "Century of Asia" with China taking the lead. The ussian bear that played such a crucial role in the Cold War is down, but it is certainly not out and stands to play an important role as an emerging superpower in the future as well. These outcomes were the result, at least in part, of how these three countries prosecuted their respective…...



Brune, Lester H. "The Korean War in World History." Korean Studies 29 (2005): 172-173.

Brune, Lester H. And Robin Higham. The Korean War: Handbook of the Literature and Research. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996.

Casey, Steven. "White House Publicity Operations during the Korean War, June 1950-June

1951." Presidential Studies Quarterly 35(4, 2005): 691-693.

Truman's Dilemma in the Korean War
Pages: 4 Words: 1415

President Harry S. Truman found himself entrenched in a major dilemma as the Korean ar unfolded. The consensus among most political leaders in the United States was that the Soviet Union was intending to export communism to the rest of the world. This consensus formed the basis of the American foreign policy with the goal being to contain communism at home and abroad. In Europe, this policy was characterized by the Marshall Plan but, in Asia, this policy became identified by the United States' participation in the Korean ar.
Korea had been divided at the end of the Second orld ar into two halves. This division had occurred as a result of the Soviet Union having invaded Korea during the ar and the Japanese subsequently surrendering to the Soviets. The United States, fearing that the Soviet Union might try to establish a communist government on the entire peninsula moved troops into…...


Works Cited

Griffith, Robert. "Truman and the Historians: The Reconstruction of Postwar American History." The Wisconsin Magazine of History (1975): 20-47.

Jervis, Robert. "The Impact of the Korean War on the Cold War." The Journal of Conflict Resolution (1980): 563-592.

Leffler, Melvyn P. A Preponderance of Power: National Security the Truman Administration and the Cold War. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2010.

Marra, Robin F. "Foreign Policy and Presidential Popularity: Creating Windows of Opportunity in the Perpetual Election." The Journal of Conflict Resolution (1990): 588-623.

Predictions of a Second Korean War
Pages: 2 Words: 577

According to international relations scholar Kang (2003) one of the greatest puzzles of the postwar world is why the conflict between communist North Korea and South Korea has not re-erupted, despite the prediction that this would occur by most scholars. The purpose of Kang’s essay is to answer how so many respected scholars were so mistaken. In one succinct and concise sentence, Kang states: “The case of North Korea provides a window with which to examine these theories of conflict initiation, and reveals how the assumptions underlying these theories can become mis-specified” (Kang, 2003, p.302). Kang argues that both the theory of how conflicts occur and the actual conditions on the ground in Korea were misunderstood.
Kang also identifies novel facets of the North Korean perspective which he says have gone unnoticed by the West. “The flurry of North Korean diplomatic and economic initiatives in the past few years show that…...



Kang, D.C. (2003). International relations theory and the second Korean War.

International Studies Quarterly, 47, 301–324


The Korean War and MacArthur
Pages: 2 Words: 662

Psychological Traps and Intuitive Decision-Making Psychological traps can be especially dangerous when engaging in decision-making. There are a number of different psychological traps that leaders and decision makers can fall into. This paper will discuss some of these traps, explain how they affect decisions and the intuitive decision-making process, and provide two examples of how this can be seen in the “Korea 1950” case study.
One type of psychological trap is the anchoring trap, which occurs when a decision maker gives disproportionate weight to the first bit of information received, allowing this tidbit of data to inform and shape his entire outlook when subsequent data would better help to explain a situation so that a more informed and rational decision could be made.[footnoteRef:2] The status-quo trap occurs when one has a bias towards maintaining a current situation even though better options exist for organizing or implementing a course of action. This trap…...



Hammond, John; Ralph Keeney and Howard Raiffa, “The Hidden Traps in Decision Making” Harvard Business Review (1999),

Rielly, Bob. “Defeat from Victory: Korea 1950,” Case Study.


Korean Conflict How Did the
Pages: 11 Words: 3654

On page 138 Halberstam explains that the initial American units "…thrown into battle were poorly armed, in terrible shape physically, and, more often than not, poorly led" (Halberstam, 2007, 138). The U.S. was trying to get by "…on the cheap," Halberstam explains, and it Korea "it showed immediately"; Truman wanted to keep taxes low, he wanted to try and pay off the debt from the enormous expenditures in II, and as was referenced earlier, Truman really wanted to keep military expenditures down.
But what that austerity program meant was that the first troops that were being trained at Fort Lewis (prior to their orders to fight in Korea) were asked to "…use only two sheets of toilet paper each time they visited the latrine" (Halberstam, 138). Moreover, the lackluster performance by the initial troops sent into harm's way in Korea was reported back in the states and caused serious concerns.…...


Works Cited

Halberstam, David. 2007. The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War. New York:


Kaufman, Burton I. 1983. The Korean War: Challenges in Crisis, Credibility, and Command.

Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

Korean-American Journal Entry Korean-Americans Have
Pages: 4 Words: 1232

My father's parents first operated a Laundromat, then a small general store. My father is now a civil engineer.
School was always a priority in my household. I did not have to work in a family business like my parents, but it was always expected that I would get high marks and devote my attention to keeping at the top of my class and pursuing extracurricular activities that were valuable and enriching, including soccer and music. However, this did not mean there I had no fun as a child. I have many happy memories of my family watching my sports games and concerts and preparing traditional foods with my grandmothers.

Sometimes the pressure I felt was quite intense. My parents had succeeded against all the odds and were determined that I would succeed as well. However, I felt that I needed to pursue a different path. ather than going to school…...



Korean-American History. (2010). Curriculum guide: Unit 1. Retrieved August 6, 2010 at  http://apa.si.edu/Curriculum%20Guide-Final/unit1.htm 

Rusling, Matt. (2006, April 21). Comics stoke Japanese-Korean tensions. Asian Times Online.

Retrieved August 6, 2010 at http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Japan/HD21Dh01.html

Korean History The Climate and Culture of
Pages: 12 Words: 4763

Korean History: The Climate and Culture of Foreign Business
The challenge of any cultural history undertaken to determine the foreign business fitness of a location is to make sure that there is due respect afforded the society with regard to issues that might not be seen as directly affecting the bottom line. So much of the time in the business world we are collectively focused on the ideas that surround the continued development of the global world economy, without regard for the existence of prior national issues. An easily made mistake for a researcher addressing issues of Korea from the United States would be to distill Korean history into a form that only include the interests of this country after the Korean-American ar.

This account will attempt to address those issues by addressing the culture through its earliest history to its present state through modern demographics, religion, education, housing, leisure activities, climate,…...


Works Cited

North Korean crisis starts to hurt South Korea economically." February 11, 2003. American

City Business Journals Inc. February, 11 2003 ( http://tampabay.bizjournals.com ).

South Korea gross national income soars." February 9, 2003. American City Business Journals

Inc. February 11, 2003. (

Choosing one of these wars (the war against Japan during World War II, the Korean War, or the Vietnam War) can you explain how America’s military involvement produced new migration patterns and flows?
Words: 359

One of the more shameful moments in American history was the establishment of internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II.  Ostensibly started because the United States was at war with Japan, it is interesting to note that there were no similar internment camps for people of Italian or German descent, despite the fact that Italy and Germany were also part of the Axis powers that fought against the Allies in World War II. 

Prior to World War II, Japanese began immigrating to America for work opportunities.  They initially immigrated to Hawaii, which was annexed by the United....

united states navy essay thesis statement: struggling to nail it. Can you offer suggestions?
Words: 484

Thesis Statement:

The United States Navy has played a crucial role in shaping the course of history, safeguarding national interests, and upholding global security. Its contributions encompass a wide spectrum of operations, from defending territorial waters to conducting humanitarian missions, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to protecting the nation and its allies.

Arguments/Points to Discuss:

1. Historical Significance:

- Highlight the Navy's origins during the American Revolutionary War, emphasizing its instrumental role in securing independence.
- Discuss the Navy's involvement in major conflicts, including the War of 1812, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War, showcasing its adaptability....

Can you provide a concise outline of Mao Zedong\'s rise to power and his impact on China?
Words: 399

I. Introduction
A. Background information on Mao Zedong
B. Thesis statement: Mao Zedong was a prominent Chinese political leader who played a significant role in shaping China's history.

II. Early Life and Rise to Power
A. Birth and upbringing in Shaoshan, Hunan province
B. Involvement in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
C. Participation in the Long March and establishment of Red Army

III. Mao's Leadership Style and Ideology
A. Introduction of Maoist ideology and Marxism-Leninism
B. Implementation of land reforms and collectivization
C. The Great Leap Forward and its impact on the Chinese economy

IV. Cultural Revolution
A. Launch of the Cultural Revolution

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