Learning Essays (Examples)

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Learning is one of the vital and fundamental elements in the life of a person that leads to growth and development, as it continues from birth till death. This learning process is noticeably witnessed by the individuals through the behavioral change pattern that occurs with the passage of time. In addition, the process commence from the time a person starts his education, matures and develops with their professional life (Kamble, 2007).
An individual encounters numerous people that belong to diverse backgrounds and experiences all the way though his learning voyage, which may leave an influential impact to great extent on his performances. The impact of others on the individual can be either motivating that would induce the individual to achieve his ambitions with strength or be discouraging which would lead to poor quality in the learning process (Kamble, 2007).

esponse and reactions towards the happenings and activities in the surrounding environment is….

Learning and Assessment Basics
In a regular education classroom, eighth grade learners can be difficult to work with. That is largely because they are starting to develop more than they have in the past - not just physically, but mentally and emotionally, as well. With that in mind, teachers who work with eighth grade learners must be aware of what these students want and need in their learning experience (Pellegrino, Chudowsky, & Glaser, 2001). It is certainly the job of the teacher to keep order and ensure that students stay on the right track, but it is also very important to make sure that the students' voices are heard. Too often, teachers focus so much on the material the students need to learn that they fail to notice how the students need to learn (Pashler, et al., 2009).

Not everyone learns in the same way, of course, but there are basic formulas….

Learning Through Play
How Do Children Learn Through Play? How Does Teacher Intervention Support Or Limit Learning Through Play


Learning Style Inventory

Learning Style Inventory
My results: learning style inventory

When I learned that my predominant learning styles were those of a visual learner and a social learner, I was not surprised. The theory of multiple learning styles of Howard Gardner resonates what I have known intuitively for a long time: different people are innately talented at different things. "Unlike the established understanding of intelligence -- people are born with a uniform cognitive capacity that can be easily measured by short-answer tests," the theory of multiple intelligence suggests that there are different intelligence profiles of which "each person has a unique combination…no two individuals have them in the same exact configuration -- similar to our fingerprints" (Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, 2013, PBS). Of course, it is certainly possible to learn how to do things without an innate talent. For example, even though my strongest talent does not lie in the sphere of….

Learning a Second Language
Psychological Aspects of Learning

Psychological Aspects of Learning a Second Language

A foreign or second language "L2" can be defined as a language that is studied in such environment where it is not the common language for daily interaction. The reasons for learning second language (L2) vary from person to person because different people learn a second language for different purposes. Some learn it for enjoyment and internal satisfaction that they gain from learning a new language while others may learn for getting an extrinsic reward like promotion or increment in salary. Therefore, people have different motives and goals for leaning a second language, which are the central concepts in learning a second language. however, there are several factors like age, aptitude, anxiety, personality traits, learning strategies and learning styles etc. that play a critical role when learning a second language.


Learning a second or foreign language is a difficult….

Learning: Concepts and Theories
What makes us human? Many would say it is our opposing thumb, but others would posit the fact that we are intelligent thinkers. Our ability to learn from the world around us is what separates us from many of the other creatures in the animal kingdom. We can learn from our experiences in order to create a better world for ourselves. Yet, the concept of how we learn is often still mysterious, even despite generations of fundamental research on the topic. There are a number of theories that present the process of learning as being much different; yet, they all still share some common principles that give us a more detailed idea of how we learn.

If learning a one of our most successful attributes, how can we best define it for proper course of study? Essentially, learning is the training process in which we train our brain….

Learning and Development
Evaluation differs from or relates to: validation, assessment and monitoring in the following ways.

Evaluation in the process of learning and development is a process that is used to study the outcome of the learning process with the aim of informing the design of future learning processes. It can be termed as a comparison between the actual and real expectations from a learning process with the predicted outcome from the same process. The emphasis or evaluation is the need to reflect on what was achieved in the process in comparison with what was expected (Mavin, S. Lee, L. & obson, and F. 2004).

Validation is the process that involves a confirmation that an existing program that is used in the process of learning and development is effective and therefore it can be incorporated or continued to be used. It can be used in some contexts instead of accreditation although validation….

Online vs. Traditional Learning

Online learning has become a reality in the past decade and most traditional institutions have come to embrace this method of education. However, arguments remain regarding the effectiveness of online educational opportunities vs. those offered in the more traditional manner. Many possible reasons for this reluctance to fully embrace the technology exist, but the main reason seems to be that people are just not used to this method of education so it is difficult to alter one's perceptions. Those who have been embracing the digital education revolution have suggested that there may be a type of student who will benefit greatly from this type of education due to the way that they learn. This paper looks at learning styles as they correlate to online vs. traditional learning, and also examines the conjecture introduced by some that online learning may foster some traits, such as those required of….

Learning disabilities in children are sometimes difficult to identify. Children can go years without proper diagnosis. If they are never diagnosed, they can go well into adulthood without knowing anything was wrong, impacting their academic performance and career choices. Therefore it is important to understand what some of these learning disabilities are in order to identify it sooner and assist children once identified, by properly instructing the disabled child to achieve positive results in an academic situation. The learning disabilities researched are: developmental dyslexia, impaired reading comprehension; and mathematical learning disability or dyscalculia.
In a study by Baird, Slonis, Simonoff, & Dworzynski (2011), the authors discovered both the relationship of reading impairment and language impairment (former and present) and whether kids with language impairment, who also possess some degree of reading impairment, demonstrate a disparity impairment in NW from other spoken recollection measures associated with youngsters with language impairment who do….

Learning and ognition
Learning is defined as a route or process that is a product of a relative consistent change in behavior or behavior potential. Learning takes place only through experience and making responses that will impact his or her environment. Experience can be defined as taking, evaluating, and transforming information. Learning incorporates a response impacted by memory and learned behavior does not become modified simply based on physical maturation or brain progression. However, some permanent behavioral changes facilitate the need for maturational readiness.

There are two types of learning, which are simple non-associative and associative. Habituation and sensitization belong to the former, while classical conditioning makes up the latter. The first reflects a weakened response when a stimulus is repeated over time. Sensitization is the opposite of the aforementioned type of learning, which means as a stimulus is repeated over and over; the response that follows becomes stronger and more efficient.….

Serial Learning

Serial learning is a process in which the learner is exposed to series of stimuli; later the learner is asked to recall his memory in the same sequence in which stimuli have been exposed to him (Jensen, 1965). Examples of serial learning include baking a cake, visiting friend's home and driving a car.

Primacy and ecency Effect

According to Mcleod (2008) serial position effect means when people are exposed to series of stimuli; either they recall most of the recent ones (recency effect) or first few stimuli (primacy effect) most likely. The items in the middle are mostly hard for people to recall.

Primacy effect

Series of prizes are mentioned for playing a game. We mostly remember the first few prizes giving the most importance to the first few prizes.

ecency effect

Being close to a friend for years and then recently you have a fight with her; will make you change your opinion about….

Learning Objects

LEANING OBJECTIVES Begin learning objectives guide practicum hours, activities undertake achieve objectives.
One of the most essential learning objectives that will guide the completion of my practicum hours is to "Conduct a comprehensive and systematic assessment of health and illness parameters in complex situations, incorporating diverse and culturally sensitive approaches" (American Association, 2006, p. 16). The parameters that I will be assessing will relate specifically to the area of treatment that the patients I service require. For instance, if I work with patients who are sedentary and require turning for their medication and treatment, I will systematically research and then test various theories and factors that are relevant to turning patients (WOCN, 2012). What is of immense importance of this practice of mine is to attempt to vary it as much as possible to account for the individuality of the patient. In the aforementioned example, for instance, this would require researching….

Critical thinking input: Good teachers that truly understand how distracted today's young people are (with technology, etc.) learn how to get the most out of students by combining proven strategies of engagement with scholarship challenges that are both entertaining and compelling to their active minds.

B.F. Skinner

Historical views of transfer. hen something is said to you and it reminds you (without you having to conjure up memories) instantly of something from the past. You transfer, or project your feelings to that moment in the past, or that person in the past. Dr. Michael Conner (psychologist) explains that transference responses are caused "by unmet emotional needs, neglect, seductions and other abuses that transpired when you were a child" (Conner, 2009). Perhaps a loved one was seriously injured or killed and the sound of the first responder's emergency vehicle arriving stays in the back of the mind; years later when that person hears….

Toyota has specifically created the TPS to break down the organizational barriers between suppliers and create a more effective approach at managing knowledge workflows between suppliers and also with Toyota itself. To accomplish this, Toyota actually works with suppliers to re-engineer their internal learning processes, making available a system integration team that is responsible for creating the necessary process integration links within and between suppliers (Dyer, Nobeoka 2000). This integration of processes within suppliers and just Toyota itself can take up to a year or longer, and when overlaid to the broader supplier network, it can take easily up to eighteen months to two years. All of this effort and investment made by Toyota however is focused on transforming knowledge of processes and quality standards into a competitive advantage. Toyota is unique in that it's open nurturing of suppliers and the continual investment in cross-supplier collaboration (Amasaka, Sakai, 2009).….

Chance tries to explain the key differences in Pavlovian procedures by stating that "the most important difference is that Pavlovian conditioning involves pairing stimuli (the CS and U.S.) while operant learning involves pairing responses and stimuli." (pg 111) the average reader is likely not to readily discern the difference that easily.
Turning back to the section on Pavlovian conditioning is imperative at this point in the book and therefore another reading may be in order. The reader who does so reinforces (there is that word again) the learning behavior that Thorndike and Skinner both professed. However, Pavlov may have classified such an action as a conditional reflex as compared to an unconditional reflex. Chance states that Pavlov was instrumental in discovering and naming these two reflexes and the stimulus and responses that are paired with them.

Pavlov discovered that an unconditional reflex was a reflex that every individual was born with….

To write a good discussion post, you should have a purpose. You don\'t want to just ramble about a topic or not have a clear idea of what you want to focus on. Make sure you\'ve read the course material, and that you understand it, too. Then read the directions, because every instructor can have different ideas about what can and should go into a discussion post. If you need to do any research to write your post, you should do that before you start writing. Don\'t be afraid to express something about yourself in the post, but don\'t make....

If you want to find out more information about education management and administration, the best way to do so may be to talk to an educational administrator.  While they are similar to managers and administrators in other fields, there are unique skills needed in an education environment.  Therefore, it should come as no surprise that almost everyone in this field begins as an educator.

Education management and administration deals with handling how the school runs.  Scheduling, determining what classes a school should offer, determining hiring needs, and handling the teachers are all parts of school administration.  One of....

In our opinion, at this time the most pressing challenge faced by school leaders is safely continuing with student education while also managing the risk of disease posed to people by the current COVID-19 pandemic.  Many school districts immediately scrambled to get technology into place to support distance-learning, but quickly found that while the technology is important for delivery of classroom materials, the technology is only a tool in the hands of educators.  Educators need to be able to teach using the technology, and, if they are unable to do so, they put their students at a disadvantage.

Moving forward,....

5 Pages
Term Paper


Learning Is One of the Vital and

Words: 1597
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Learning is one of the vital and fundamental elements in the life of a person that leads to growth and development, as it continues from birth till death. This…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Learning and Assessment Basics

Words: 2226
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Learning and Assessment Basics In a regular education classroom, eighth grade learners can be difficult to work with. That is largely because they are starting to develop more than they…

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8 Pages


Learning Through Play How Do Children Learn

Words: 2816
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Learning Through Play How Do Children Learn Through Play? How Does Teacher Intervention Support Or Limit Learning Through Play

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3 Pages


Learning Style Inventory

Words: 1012
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Learning Style Inventory My results: learning style inventory When I learned that my predominant learning styles were those of a visual learner and a social learner, I was not surprised. The…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Learning a Second Language Psychological Aspects of

Words: 2519
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Learning a Second Language Psychological Aspects of Learning Psychological Aspects of Learning a Second Language A foreign or second language "L2" can be defined as a language that is studied in such…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Learning Concepts and Theories What Makes Us

Words: 982
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Learning: Concepts and Theories What makes us human? Many would say it is our opposing thumb, but others would posit the fact that we are intelligent thinkers. Our ability to…

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4 Pages


Learning and Development Evaluation Differs From or

Words: 1452
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Learning and Development Evaluation differs from or relates to: validation, assessment and monitoring in the following ways. Evaluation in the process of learning and development is a process that is used…

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3 Pages


Learning Online vs Traditional Learning Online Learning

Words: 948
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Learning Online vs. Traditional Learning Online learning has become a reality in the past decade and most traditional institutions have come to embrace this method of education. However, arguments remain regarding…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Learning Disabilities in Children Are Sometimes Difficult

Words: 1087
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Learning disabilities in children are sometimes difficult to identify. Children can go years without proper diagnosis. If they are never diagnosed, they can go well into adulthood without knowing…

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3 Pages


Learning and Cognition Learning Is Defined as

Words: 949
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Learning and ognition Learning is defined as a route or process that is a product of a relative consistent change in behavior or behavior potential. Learning takes place only through…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Learning Serial Learning Serial Learning Is a

Words: 1901
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

LEANING Serial Learning Serial learning is a process in which the learner is exposed to series of stimuli; later the learner is asked to recall his memory in the same sequence…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Learning Objects

Words: 983
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

LEANING OBJECTIVES Begin learning objectives guide practicum hours, activities undertake achieve objectives. One of the most essential learning objectives that will guide the completion of my practicum hours is to…

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20 Pages
Research Proposal


Learning Theories Abstract Learned Phenomena

Words: 6278
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

apa.org). Critical thinking input: Good teachers that truly understand how distracted today's young people are (with technology, etc.) learn how to get the most out of students by combining proven…

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8 Pages
Research Proposal


Learning Literature Review Autonomy Mastery

Words: 2564
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Toyota has specifically created the TPS to break down the organizational barriers between suppliers and create a more effective approach at managing knowledge workflows between suppliers and also…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Learning Behavior Paul Chance's Book Learning

Words: 3105
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Chance tries to explain the key differences in Pavlovian procedures by stating that "the most important difference is that Pavlovian conditioning involves pairing stimuli (the CS and U.S.)…

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