Leisure Time Essays (Examples)

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University Leisure Time and Student Workload
Pages: 16 Words: 4456

Question 10 of the interview was asked to know how the students managed their study time in which the Middle East male asserted that no particular time is fixed for study at all. The Middle East female is more organized and managed than Middle East male. She keeps friends and studies close. She has a proper timetable for herself and gives extra hours in library if necessary. Her timetable is for ten days ahead. The European female is a hardworking girl. Thus she manages her time so smoothly, it's effortless. The African girl has no particular time of study. She studies when she feels like. The African male feels the same way. The Chinese female is a bit complicated. She uses iPad to manage her life. The Chinese male is very flexible and manageable. Once again, the key finding here is that all students have their individual set of…...



Bologna Process., 2006. Available from: http://www.aic.lv/ace/ace_disk/bologna/index.htm

Bowyer, K. (2012). A model of student workload. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 239-258.

Cook, T.D., and Reichardt, Ch.S., 1986. Qualitative and quantitative methods in evaluation research. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc.

ECTS: European Credit Transfer System., 2006. Available from: http://ec.europa.eu./education/programmes/socrates/ects/index_en.html

How the Rich Experience Leisure vs the Poor
Pages: 7 Words: 1989

Is Leisure a Right or a Privilege? How Leisure Time Affects the Rich vs. the Poor Introduction
The concept of leisure is on that has been used to measure the equity within the masses and the degree to which different classes, genders or groups share the same amount of “free” time. One of the problems with examining leisure, however, is that it is a rather subjective experience—and what constitutes leisure for one may be vastly different from how another sees it. This paper examines the issue of leisure from the standpoint of class by looking at how leisure time is experience among the rich and the poor. Ultimately it shows that leisure is not a universal concept that means the same to all people or is even experienced in the same way, so it is superficial to draw comparisons between groups or classes based on how much leisure time they have or…...

How Men and Women Experience Leisure Differently
Pages: 6 Words: 1726

The Gender Leisure Gap Porter (2014) points out that there is a leisure imbalance between men and women that indicates the continued inequality between the sexes. However, as Codina and Pestana (2019) note, there are time differences in the way men and women experience leisure and in the way they think about the past, present and future. As a result, men and women tend to require different amounts of leisure to maintain a healthy frame of mind. Thus, Codina and Pestana (2019) argue that women actually need less leisure time than men because women tend to get more out of a little leisure time than men get out of a lot of leisure time. In other words, women are generally more efficient in the way they use their leisure time than men are, which allows them to be comfortable with less leisure time. Even if they had more time to allocate…...

Time and the Art of Living by Robert Grudin
Pages: 5 Words: 1899

Art of Living" by Robert Grudin. Specifically, it will contain a critical, philosophical essay on a major theme or idea from the book. Robert Grudin's book expands on time as a way for us to make our lives more meaningful. e tend to become "impoverished in time" as we run helter skelter through our lives, and Grudin's book encourages the reader to think more about their goals and aspirations, rather than their day-to-day existence.

The author states his premise early in this book, in the Preface in fact, and he carries it throughout the text. "My premise, which is quite traditional, is that the acceptance and appreciation of nature are the only channels to its elusive bounty, the only valid foundations of boldness and achievement" (Grudin Preface). This is not a book about how to organize your time, or how to make more time in…...


Works Cited

Grudin, Robert. Time and the Art of Living. New York: Harper & Row, 1982.

Philosophy of Leisure Philosophy Can
Pages: 5 Words: 1712

The different tastes in personal pleasure can be seen in the leisure industry as a whole. Some people seek out community service vacations, some seek adventure vacations, and other people simply want a nice, pretty beach and warm sun. All seek, I believe, to become better people, even if only simply through relaxation. My standards for happiness and my virtue ethics are less stringent than Aristotle's standards. So long as pleasure does not impinge upon the lives and productivity of native inhabitants, or the pleasures of others, varied quests in the pursuit of leisure are all honorable, from the vacationing volunteer in Dafur to the Disneyland tourist seeking to give memories to a child, and finding pleasure in the child's reactions to new sights and sounds.

orks Cited

Defense of Rule-Based Ethics." NYU Philosophy Homepage. Retrieved 29 May 2007 at: http://homepages.nyu.edu/~rpm213/philosophy.html

McLean, Donald & Yoder, Daniel. (2005). Issues in Recreation and Leisure-- Ethical



Works Cited

Defense of Rule-Based Ethics." NYU Philosophy Homepage. Retrieved 29 May 2007 at:  http://homepages.nyu.edu/~rpm213/philosophy.html 

McLean, Donald & Yoder, Daniel. (2005). Issues in Recreation and Leisure-- Ethical

Decision Making. New York: Human Kinetics Publishers.

Nussbaum, Martha C. (22 March 2004). "Mill between Aristotle & Bentham."

Fighting Overwork and Time Poverty
Pages: 3 Words: 1051

Surely, many are afraid of their jobs, but others simply endure the process. One hundred years ago, working conditions were appalling and workers formed unions to air their grievances and build new labor laws that treated workers fairly. Today, workers simply accept their fate instead of fighting for reform. It makes the reader wonder what the difference is, and why today's workers are "content" with the system.
All of this work and stress directly relates to American issues in recreation and leisure. Americans are taking fewer vacations. Movie theater attendance is down; more people are watching films in the comfort of their own homes. Fast food is what is on much of the nation's dinner plate, and busy families rush from school to athletic practice to bed just about every day of the week. Where is the fun in recreation and leisure when it becomes a "job" too? Americans are…...



De Graaf, J. (ed.). (2003). Take back your time: Fighting overwork and time poverty in America. San Francisco. Berrett- Koehler Publishers.

Fighting Overwork and Time Poverty
Pages: 3 Words: 1069

Instead, they only see the material things that they feel that they need. They are trained by society to want these materials objects, and they generally do not even understand why they feel this way. They only know that this is the way things are 'supposed to be.' While others who are not as materialistic try to tell them differently, and live with fewer possessions and more time, those who are working to make money to buy things continue in their vicious circle. It perpetuates itself by being passed on to their children, who also see only the material benefits of making a lot of money so that they can have the best homes, the most expensive cars, and all of the latest technological gadgetry that money can buy.
For many of these people, they do not realize until it is too late that there is much more to life…...


Bibliography de Graff, John. (2003). Take Back Your Time: Fighting Overwork and Time Poverty in America. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Time Bind
Pages: 3 Words: 967

Russell Hochschild, Arlie. The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work. New YOrk: Owl Books, 2001.

Explain the title. What is the "Time Bind"?

The author of The Time Bind, Arlie Russell Hochschild, states that for many parents today, particularly women, when the formal, paid part of their work shift ends, another unpaid work shift begins. This second shift comprises the demands of home and family care and is effectively another full-time job. This creates a tension, or time bind between work and home, leaving no time for private leisure, much less devoting time to making a better world and community life for the next generation.

More and more women are working, and these women working full-time rather than part-time, despite the demands of their children. Also, men are working more rather than fewer hours, leaving husbands and fathers even less available to help raise the children or to…...

American Vacation Time Holidays in the United States
Pages: 4 Words: 1349

American Vacation Time/Holidays
In the United States, people live to work while in other areas of the world people work to live. Or at least, this is a common stereotype about Americans and people who live in other parts of the world. The average working American gets two weeks (sometimes three if they're lucky) of vacation time a year while it isn't uncommon for individuals living in Spain, Italy and other parts of Western Europe to have the entire summer off, which is something that shocks Americans when they visit Madrid or ome in the middle of the summer. In the news we've heard about workers in Western Europe facing a cut in their social benefits, however, their vacation time is never touched (Geoghegan 2010). Meanwhile, American workers employed during this desperate financial time are not taking their vacations in fear of losing their jobs if they do or of appearing…...



Geoghegan, T. (2010, August 4). Why don't Americans have longer vacations? The New

York Times. Retrieved from  http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2010/08/04/why-dont-americans-have-longer-vacations 

Parker-Pope, T. (2010, February 18). How vacations affect your happiness. New York

Times. Retrieved from  http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/02/18/how-vacations-affect-your-happiness/

Cultural Perceptions of Time in Africa Time
Pages: 15 Words: 6951

Cultural Perceptions of Time in frica
Time is a foundational factor in every culture. The perception of time is different for most cultures and the determining factor to those differences is often based on the means of production. "Most cultures have some concept of time, although the way they deal with time may differ fundamentally." (Kokole 1994, 35) Tracing the perception of the concept of time in frica can be seen as tracing the European racial prejudices of the intellect of the indigenous populations in the colonized regions of frica. Much of the information regarding the development of time concepts in frican culture is colonial and based on the European interlopers recorded ideas.

Some of those recorded ideas are those of missionaries and others are those of capitalist adventurers, with the intermittent mark of a very few true historians.

In Mali, as in many other parts of frica, there are mixed systems of…...


Akan" is an ethnographic and linguistic term used to refer to a cluster of culturally homogenous groups living in central and southern Ghana and parts of the adjoining eastern Cote d'Ivoire. The Akan constitute two broad subcategories: the inland Asante, Bono, Akyem, Akwapem, and Kwawu, who speak the Twi, and the coastal Fante, who speak a dialect of the same name. The Akan dialects are, for the most part, mutually intelligible. Most of these ethnic groups constituted autonomous political systems in the pre-colonial period. www.questia.com/PageManagerHTMLMediator.qst?action=openPageViewer&docId=55458430" (Adjaye 1994, 57)

Studies of Akan time perceptions and calendrical systems have been limited despite the fact that the existence of institutions and mechanisms for time-reckoning have been noted in the literature on the history and ethnography of the Akan for nearly two centuries. Beyond early sparse references by Rattray (1923) and Danquah (1968), a full-length monograph on the subject did not appear until Deborah Fink "Time and Space Measurements of the Bono of Ghana" (1974); however, the author's primary concern was with the applicability of Bono terminologies for measuring volume, weight, and time to formal education, rather than with time-marking systems P.F. Bartle brief five-page paper, "Forty Days: The Akan Calendar" (1978), was an exploratory essay into a single calendrical framework, the 40-day (adaduanan) cycle. Its treatment is consequently restrictive and limited to the 40-day calendrical structure. Similarly, Tom McCaskie "Time and the Calendar in Nineteenth-Century Asante: An Exploratory Essay" (1980) and Ivor Wilks ' "On Mentally Mapping Greater Asante: A Study of Time and Motion" (1992) are concerned primarily with a specific aspect of time: the scheduling of diplomatic and other governmental business in Asante.

(Adjaye 1994, 57)

Spare Time Equipment
Pages: 4 Words: 1333

Spare Time Equipment




pare Time Equipment' is a newly started business located on the edge of Minneapolis in Minnesota, offers small pleasure boats, snowmobiles, jet-skies, line of trailer and pickup truck campers manufactured by different companies. Mark Zimmerman, the owner of the business has been trying for two years to bring his sales level up in order to make the business profitable. His recent strategy in this regard is to include 'mountain bikes' in the line of products he offers in this area.

In order to reach the right decision regarding the new strategy of increased products line, Mark needs to have a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats, and Opportunities) analysis of the business. SWOT Analysis is an important business planning tool used to determine the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of a business firm (Pahl & Richter, 2009). With the help of SWOT analysis, information regarding company's internal and external environment can…...



Griffin, R.W. (2011). Fundamentals of Management. Mason: Cengage Learning.

Pahl, N., & Richter, A. (2009). SWOT Analysis - Idea, Methodology and a Practical Approach. Nordestedt: GRIN Verlag.

Business Plan for Food & Leisure
Pages: 3 Words: 849

Food & Leisure Business Plan
Plan Description

The objective of this project is to develop a business plan focusing on developing a business website for Food & Leisure Inc. Food & Leisure is a new business dedicating in providing seafood, traveling experience and lodging services for potential customers. The plan will provide a blog providing information about recipes, real-time review, and recommendation. The project will also present the projected revenue that will detail the costs of advertisement and promotions and net revenues with the goals of building a reputation that will lead to a prosperous business and marketing vehicles to other viable businesses.

Steps to Achieve the Goals

The project will design the website and provide marketing techniques to achieve the business goals for Food & Leisure. In the contemporary business environment, increasing number of micro and small businesses are taking the advantages of the internet technology to launch their businesses online. One of…...



Al Jenaibi, B.N.A. (2013). Use of Social Media in the United Arab Emirates: An Initial Study. Global Media Journal Arabian Edition,1,(2): 3-27.

Anderson, A.R. and Jack, S.L. (2002), "The articulation of social capital in entrepreneurial networks: a glue or a lubricant?," Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 14 (3): 193-210.

Sociology Work and Leisure Working
Pages: 5 Words: 1573

The working class standards of morals work as a substitute to how success is defined in terms of economics (Sachin, 2012). These people value morals more than the money and believe that morals outweigh money in having a successful life. They love to maintain dignity in their lives. Despite having their morals above money, they draw the lines between economic classes. Hence they do not separate themselves from the poor but do so while they are comparing themselves with the richer economic class (Arakji, 2012). These workers have rigid boundaries while defining dignity and consider themselves more moral and value oriented and worth-full than their peers of the people better than them in economic position. The book is a great comparison of American working class to the French working class. Both have moral values and like to pursue values rather than money yet keeping their self-dignity and self-respect intact.…...



About the Book, the Dignity of Working Men, (n.d.), Retrieved from:


Albert, K., and Weeden, K., (2013), "Occupations and Professions," Retrieved from:


Racism Time Changes Everything Reading These Two
Pages: 8 Words: 2488

Time changes everything; reading these two pieces of work reminds the author of that fact and so much more. Both The Welcome Table, by Alice Walker, and the poem What it's Like to be a Black Girl, by Smith speak out of the dust of the past to those who now live in the future. It is interesting to note that though the subject matter of racist attitudes pervades each story, both writings provide a viewpoint that is unique; The Table deals with an old negro lady on the verge of death, while a Black Girl deals with the other end of the spectrum; a young black girl addressing puberty and adolescence and the troubles and trials facing a maturing young lady. While presenting two differing points-of-view, each offers a strikingly similar stance; that racism affects those who feel its insidious influence in a myriad of ways.

As one article states…...



Arai, S. & Kivel, B.D.; (2009) Critical race theory and social justice perspectives on whiteness, difference(s) and (anti) racism: A fourth wave of race research in leisure studies, Journal of Leisure Research, Vol. 41, Issue 4, pp. 459 -- 470

Crainshaw, J.; (2007) Living the feast: Liturgical etiquette for Beulah's table, Liturgy, Vol. 22, Issue 1, pp. 19 -- 26

Gordon, I.; (2005) Hallejuah! The Welcome Table: A lifetime of memories with recipes, Library Journal, Vol. 130, Issue 13, p. 133

Hinds, J.P.; (2010) Traces on the blackboard: The vestiges of racism on the African-American psyche, Pastoral Psychology, Vol. 59, Issue 6, pp. 783 -- 798

English by Time
Pages: 10 Words: 3444

The Norman conquest had forever altered the face of history and the face of the English language.

Middle English

The period thought of as the Middle English period roughly from 1150-1500 is a period that is demonstrative of the massive changes associated with the Norman conquest. Though there is some evidence that French did not completely overtake English in common or official use the language had a great influence upon English via the Normans and the elasticity of the language at its source.

The Middle English period (1150-1500) was marked by momentous changes in the English language, changes more extensive and fundamental than those that have taken place at any time before or since. Some of them were the result of the Norman Conquest and the conditions which followed in the wake of that event. Others were a continuation of tendencies that had begun to manifest themselves in Old English. These would…...


Works Cited

Baugh, Albert C. A History of the English Language. 2nd ed. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1959.

Emerson, Oliver Farrar. The History of the English Language. New York: Macmillan, 1894.

McCrum, Robert & MacNeil, Robert. The Story of English: Third Revised Edition. New York: Penguin, 2003.

Spreading the Word; Restore VOA's English-Language Broadcast Funds." The Washington Times 15 Feb. 2006: A19.

Can you help me with topic ideas for an essay on leisure?
Words: 435

Leisure is an interesting topic that spans many different areas.  On its own, leisure is big business.  Recreation and hospitality both represent huge sectors of the economy.  Leisure is also an important psycho-social issue.  It impacts family life, health, lifestyle, work-life balance, human resources, and many other issues.  Therefore, it is important to study leisure on its own and as a component of other factors.

Some titles and topic ideas for an essay on leisure include:

Compulsive Productivity- How an emphasis on work and hustling has degraded the concept of leisure time in the United....

Need help generating essay topics related to Leisure. Can you help?
Words: 186

1. The importance of leisure activities for mental health and well-being
2. The impact of technology on leisure activities
3. The benefits of outdoor leisure activities
4. The correlation between leisure and creativity
5. The significance of leisure time in promoting work-life balance
6. The evolution of leisure activities over time
7. The role of leisure in building social connections and relationships
8. The connection between leisure activities and physical health
9. The cultural differences in leisure activities around the world
10. The economic impact of the leisure industry
11. The role of leisure in stress management and relaxation
12. The influence of social media on leisure activities
13. The psychological benefits....

Why should we embrace the benefits of waking up early in the morning?
Words: 636

The Profound Benefits of Embracing Early Rising: A Comprehensive Guide
In the tapestry of life, the choice of when to awaken carries far-reaching implications. Embracing the benefits of waking up early in the morning unveils a wealth of advantages that can profoundly enhance our well-being, productivity, and overall happiness.
1. Enhanced Cognitive Performance:
Studies have consistently shown that waking up early can boost cognitive function. As the brain gradually awakens during the morning hours, it is at its peak for concentration, memory, and problem-solving. By starting the day with this cognitive edge, individuals can tackle their tasks with greater efficiency and clarity.
- Van....

Why aren\'t Generation Z recruits enlisting in the military?
Words: 628

1. The Changing Values of Generation Z and Their Impact on Military Enrollment

    An exploration of how shifting values among Generation Z may be influencing their decisions to not enlist in the military.

2. The Role of Technology and Virtual Connections in Generation Zs Lack of Interest in Military Service

    Examining how the digital age and virtual connections may be influencing Generation Zs reluctance to join the military.

3. Understanding Generation Zs Desire for Social Change and Its Connection to Military Enrollment

    Analyzing how Generation Zs strong desire for social change may be impacting their decision to not enlist in the military.


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