Life Coach Essays (Examples)

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Life Coaches

Life Coaches
Hi! My name is Jane and I will be your personal life coach. Thank you for choosing me. I know you have a choice in life coaches, with over 12,000 of us worldwide (Pawlowski, 2007, p. 1). Now, I would like to introduce myself further and let you know what I can do for you. I became a life coach five years ago, after experiencing a personal crisis of my own. It was a tough period in my life, and a life coach saw me through it. Not only did my life coach help me cope with stress, she also helped me to renew my life in ways I never dreamed possible. A life coach is not a therapist or a counselor; but we can be helpful adjuncts to your counseling sessions. I will never ask you about your family of origin or try to interpret your dreams. Instead,….

Life Coach

Life Coach
Congratulations for choosing a life coach. You have just taken an important step towards achieving all your goals: in the realm of personal life and relationships as well as in the realm of your career and creative pursuits. As your coach, I will be working with you to provide you with the guidance and support you need. I can point you to resources, and help you remove the obstacles that stand in your way. You can confide in me at any time, although I am not your counselor. I am here in the role of a mentor and guide, a guru if you will. The process of life coaching will empower you to take personal responsibility for all your successes. There are several concrete steps we will take together on this coaching path. The first is to clarify your goals. Goal clarification will ultimately take the form of a….

Life Coach

Life Coach
Loving the plateau begins with learning how to appreciate the journey, notes Leonard (1992). As Leonard (1992) also points out, most of our lives is spent in a plateau period. The reason why many people struggle against the plateau is that we have been taught to only appreciate the prizes or the end result of effort. We have not been taught how to appreciate the path, only the destination. This is flawed thinking, according to Leonard. Leonard's views can be incorporated into life coaching seamlessly, as the message of appreciating the journey can help clients reframe their thoughts and overcome frustration.

With regards to specific teachings to impart to coaching clients, Leonard uses the example of learning martial arts. When Leonard first embraced plateau periods, he realized the inherent glory in the mundane. The concept is Zen-like. Clients can benefit tremendously from the knowledge that just because they are not….

Life Coaching Methods

Life coaching is an innovative field that aims to motivate the individual to find answers to their own questions and solutions to the major obstacles that might hinder their ability to achieve their life goals. Traditional life coaching focuses on this idea that the individual should be guided to their own solutions. Hybrid strategies have been born out of life coaching methods with other professional fields, like business and nutrition. New developments in technology also provide future benefits in combining these two techniques.
Branching out from psychotherapy, life coaching provides a way to motivate people to make better decisions to empower themselves to create their own environment that increases their overall well being. Traditional life coaching focuses on a life coach who prods, questions, and guides the individual to find the motivation to solve their own problems. This essentially empowers the individual to solve their own problems. The recent discourse shows….

Life Coach
e focuses informative style expository writing. To convincing, essays driven critical thinking analysis. Throughout, learned aspects effective writing Final Project. Your Final Project end a hero's journey: sharing wisdom audience

The hero's journey -- into weight loss and into a healthier future

The journey of weight loss is a challenging one, further complicated by the fact that so many people have tried and failed to improve their diet and exercise habits before, it is easy to feel dispirited. As your exercise and nutrition coach, I will be providing practical suggestions for you to lose weight. I will also give you the opportunity to talk about the struggles and challenges you may be dealing with, as you cultivate a new relationship with food. Although I have certain suggestions that I think will be valuable in helping you lose weight, ultimately the decisions you make about your health and body will be your….

Life Coach
As singer and entertainer Bobby Sherman once remarked, "As far as show business, it's the gratification of doing something that pleases the fans ("Brainy Quote")." As I have seen in so many representations of modern culture in my life, long-term effects are eschewed in favor of immediate results and the deciding factors, more often than not, are economic. As I frequently point out, shortsighted economic policies result in unforeseen long-term consequences. In this essay, the author will show that this is a possibly natural response for instant gratification that technology only heightens. As we shall see, we have to be doing something constantly, as long as it comes fast and furious. Haste does make waste and we should rush into anything before knowing the consequences just because of the need for instant gratification.


Much of this has to do with the speed with which we expect things to be delivered.….

Preconceived notions or biases are signs of poor listening. The life coach cannot project personal values onto the client's words and expect to be listening well. A good listener also does not jump to conclusions or finish the client's sentences. Instead, the life coach erases all preconceived notions and listens with a fresh mind. The life coach also does not interject judgment or opinion, especially when none was solicited. Judgment is one of the greatest obstacles to good communication. As Carter-Scott & Stewart (2007) put it, "judgments are the cancer of interpersonal relationships," (p. 61). The life coach seeks to connect with the client while suspending all judgment. A life coach learns about the client in a state of attentiveness and presence of mind. By emptying the mind and releasing the need to be right or superior, the life coach listens with an open heart. Asking open-ended questions to establish….

Life Coaching the Goal for

, 2007, p. 25) encourages the client to contribute to the coaching design, as it simultaneously enhances the coach/client alliance.
Desire for Change

As a client brings his/her desire for change to the coaching relationship, he/she may not yet have a clearly defined goal that he/she wants to accomplish in mind. During the initial process of the life coaching sessions, the life coach helps the client clarify his/her goals.

Along with eliminating life-draining habits, however, a vital component of the coaching process is to help the client replace negative practices with new positive ones.

Springboard for Ideas

In the 8 Proven Secrets to SMAT Success, Peggy McColl (2002) purports that a life coach asks his/her client to think about how he/she is presently living. In developing goals for the client, the coach would next ask his/her client to consider how he/she would like to be living. The client would then write a description of the….

Life Coach Additions

There will be times where the client feels that they have not progressed enough. There will also be times where the client clearly has not put in the time and effort needed to reach the benchmarks we set together. However, I can not let them get discouraged. I have to reframe thoughts of failure in a way that does not discourage them in their progress towards meeting their goals. Part of this is watching my own actions and behavior towards them. I can not fall into a judgmental mode because the client is not progressing at the speed I know is possible for them. I have to remain a strong, positive influence in their progress without condemning them for their mishaps along the way. It is inevitable that there will be issues along the way, but it is my role to serve as strength when my clients need it….

Life Coaching and Ethics

Ethics of a Life Coach The life coach and the coachee have a special relationship that is very similar to the relationship between the counselor and the client. In the client-counselor relationship, the counselor is expected to abide by a code of ethics, and the same expectations should be preserved for the coach-coachee relationship. The life coach is a position of authority to some degree, and to misuse or abuse the trust granted him by the coachee is to violate the ethical principles that support the good work that coaches can do with their coachees. This paper will look at question e) Are there circumstances where it would be OK to have a sexual relationship with a client/coachee? It will show that engaging in a sexual relationship with a client/coachee would be highly unethical.
As Moberg and Valasquez (2004) point out, the ethics of mentoring does not mean that it provides a safe….

Hero's Journey -- Life Coach
Life Coach -- Hero's Journey

As a Tai chi instructor, I meet many people who enroll in my classes hoping to gain better physical and mental health. Some people are just looking for a way to bring more peace into their lives and others are looking for a physical regime that will help them mediate the seemingly uncontrollable aspects of their lives. One of the reasons that I like to have all my students tell a little bit about why they enrolled in my class and what they believe they can achieve through Tai chi is that it affords me opportunities to be of more help than just through my formal Tai chi instruction.

I am always a little hesitant to initiate a conversation about life changes with someone who is older than me, but most of the time, an older person is more aware of the benefits….

ResponseI am pursuing a psychiatric nurse practitioner degree. After I graduate I would like to be a life coach for minorities with mental health issues. As a psychiatric nurse practitioner, I would have the knowledge and skills to provide comprehensive mental health care to individuals from diverse backgrounds. I would be able to assess, diagnose, and treat a wide range of mental health conditions, and provide medication management, psychotherapy, and other forms of treatment. As a life coach, I would be able to use my knowledge and skills to help individuals from minority backgrounds achieve their personal and professional goals. I would work with my clients to help them identify their strengths and challenges, set goals, and develop a plan of action to achieve those goals. Additionally, I would provide support, guidance, and encouragement to my clients as they work towards their goals.There are several degree options, I could pursue….

Digital vs. Film Cameras:

Capturing memories is an important task for many people. Whether it's holidays, special occasions, or just pictures of a random slice of life, recording these precious moments for all time is common in many households. As technology has advanced, new options for taking photos has entered the marketplace, in just the last twenty years -- digital cameras. There are a variety of reasons why digital cameras are far superior to their film predecessors including: convenience, cost, and storage.

Digital cameras are far more convenient and offer more flexibility than film cameras. With digital cameras, the user can immediately see the images they just captured on the screen. This preview image can not only be shown to others, but the photographer can decide if they captured the image they wanted and retake the photo if necessary. In contrast, using a film camera not only means the photographer has to….

Coach Is a Luxury Goods

For example, an employee should be categorized on his or her ability to move up the corporate ladder, and the timing of such a move. If Coach wishes to enter India in 2011, then, the company would know which among the firm's managers is able to move into one of the new roles today, and which might be able to move into such roles in the future.
The second policy implication of the integrated approach to strategic human resources management is the locus of control (Bratton, n.d.). This is the control-based component of the strategy. The locus of workplace control at Coach focuses on outcomes and the primary means of employee acquisition are internal, so the policy prescription is focused on a commitment HR strategy. This strategy emphasizes training as a means to increase employees' competencies and outcome control (Ibid). The high consistency of service standards implies that the paternalistic….

hile this class of Russians was known for its fascination with luxury brands, there is evidence that Russia's newer wealthy class are shifting their tastes to more independent looks (Groskop, 2008).
The target market therefore is going to be part of the older demographic, for whom luxury brands are directly equated with status and style. In Russia, these will tend to be females in millionaire families, aged 35 and up. These buyers will tend to live in either Moscow or St. Petersburg, where almost all of Russia's wealth is held. They are worldly, and are often familiar with luxury brands from their travels. These Russians are well-traveled and consider themselves among Europe's elite. They are usually educated, but most of the women do not work. Shopping is a pastime, and they will invariably have purchased luxury brands before, if not Coach specifically.

Financial Summary

The typical financial picture of a Coach store….

A life coach can help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals in several ways, including:

1. Providing guidance and support: A life coach can offer insights and advice on how to navigate and overcome the obstacles that are holding you back from achieving your goals.

2. Setting realistic and achievable goals: A life coach can help you set goals that are realistic and achievable, and create a plan for reaching those goals.

3. Holding you accountable: A life coach can help you stay on track and hold you accountable for taking the necessary steps to reach your goals.

4. Building confidence and motivation:....

Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Goals with a Life Coach

Life can be filled with challenges and obstacles that can hinder our progress and prevent us from reaching our full potential. In the face of these hurdles, it can be difficult to navigate the path forward on our own. This is where a life coach can be an invaluable ally, providing support, guidance, and tools to help us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.

Identifying and Understanding Obstacles

The first step to overcoming obstacles is to identify and understand what they are. A life coach can facilitate this process by asking probing questions, encouraging....

3 Pages


Life Coaches

Words: 1028
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Life Coaches Hi! My name is Jane and I will be your personal life coach. Thank you for choosing me. I know you have a choice in life coaches, with…

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3 Pages


Life Coach

Words: 1113
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Life Coach Congratulations for choosing a life coach. You have just taken an important step towards achieving all your goals: in the realm of personal life and relationships as well…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Life Coach

Words: 651
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Life Coach Loving the plateau begins with learning how to appreciate the journey, notes Leonard (1992). As Leonard (1992) also points out, most of our lives is spent in a…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Life Coaching Methods

Words: 981
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Life coaching is an innovative field that aims to motivate the individual to find answers to their own questions and solutions to the major obstacles that might hinder their…

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3 Pages


Life Coach E Focuses Informative Style Expository

Words: 1150
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Life Coach e focuses informative style expository writing. To convincing, essays driven critical thinking analysis. Throughout, learned aspects effective writing Final Project. Your Final Project end a hero's journey: sharing…

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3 Pages


Life Coach as Singer and Entertainer Bobby

Words: 1128
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Life Coach As singer and entertainer Bobby Sherman once remarked, "As far as show business, it's the gratification of doing something that pleases the fans ("Brainy Quote")." As I have…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Life Coaching Listening Is an

Words: 2176
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Preconceived notions or biases are signs of poor listening. The life coach cannot project personal values onto the client's words and expect to be listening well. A good listener…

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8 Pages


Life Coaching the Goal for

Words: 2454
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

, 2007, p. 25) encourages the client to contribute to the coaching design, as it simultaneously enhances the coach/client alliance. Desire for Change As a client brings his/her desire for change…

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2 Pages


Life Coach Additions

Words: 637
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

There will be times where the client feels that they have not progressed enough. There will also be times where the client clearly has not put in the…

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2 Pages


Life Coaching and Ethics

Words: 660
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethics of a Life Coach The life coach and the coachee have a special relationship that is very similar to the relationship between the counselor and the client. In the client-counselor…

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3 Pages


Hero's Journey -- Life Coach Life Coach

Words: 998
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Hero's Journey -- Life Coach Life Coach -- Hero's Journey As a Tai chi instructor, I meet many people who enroll in my classes hoping to gain better physical and mental…

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1 Pages


Life Coaching and Mental Health

Words: 333
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

ResponseI am pursuing a psychiatric nurse practitioner degree. After I graduate I would like to be a life coach for minorities with mental health issues. As a psychiatric nurse…

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4 Pages


Coaches Referees & Sports Commentator

Words: 1155
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Digital vs. Film Cameras: Capturing memories is an important task for many people. Whether it's holidays, special occasions, or just pictures of a random slice of life, recording these precious…

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12 Pages
Case Study


Coach Is a Luxury Goods

Words: 3408
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Case Study

For example, an employee should be categorized on his or her ability to move up the corporate ladder, and the timing of such a move. If Coach wishes…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Coach in Russia the Russian

Words: 1217
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

hile this class of Russians was known for its fascination with luxury brands, there is evidence that Russia's newer wealthy class are shifting their tastes to more independent…

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