Like before, we did everything together. We were inseparable.
One of the inevitable events in any young man's life is the development of an interest in young girls. For my best friend and me it happened at nearly the same time and, unfortunately, it manifested itself with the same girl. At the time we were both working for the same employer and the owner of the business had a daughter who was our age and was quite attractive. At first neither of us commented on our individual interest but, in time, it became obvious that we both were and, like we did everything, we began discussing the issue. We spent hours discussing our interests. It may seem odd to others but our friendship was intense and secure and I can honestly state that either of us would have been happy for the other if the young lady involved should choose…...
All of this is done with a specific purpose in mind: "The landlord told all the people who were in the inn about the craze of his guest, the watching of the armor, and the dubbing ceremony he contemplated" (Cervantes, chapter III). To the innkeeper and his guests, Don Quixote's imagination is a spectacle and a way for them to entertain themselves at someone else's expense. They do not see what he sees, and so they mock him. Their world becomes colder and crueler because of this; they will not permit their imaginations to see a greater beauty in the world, and so for them this beauty not only doesn't exits, but is worthy of derision. This makes Cervantes point about fashioning the world in the way we want it to be even stronger than Don Quixote's fancifulness on its own.
Another incident that illustrates the same basic points comes…...
Drinking and Driving: Learning What it Means to Look Out for Others and to Let Others Look Out for Us
On a arm spring night in April, 2014, I as pulled over and arrested for drunk driving. I had been drinking ith friends earlier that night at a bar, though none of us ere of legal age to purchase alcohol. While I had not had many beers, I as terrified of hat ould happen if I failed the breathalyzer that the officer anted me to take -- so I refused. My refusal led to my arrest and my arrest led to my record being marked by a DUI -- driving under the influence. In a day and age here driving is so necessary to everything e do, this left me devastated. I blamed myself for everything: ho could I have been so stupid? Could I have killed someone on the road?…...
mlaworks cited in this paper, I can say that teens make bad choices all the times -- it's just the way their brains are: growing, developing and working things out. At the same time, teens need room to learn to be responsible -- and that includes drinking, driving, looking out for one another and allowing others to look out for us.
Aitken, P., Eadie, D., Leathar, D., McNeill, R., Scott, A. (1988). Television
advertisements for alcoholic drinks do reinforce under-age drinking. British Journal of Addiction, 83(12): 1399-1419.
Arocha, Z. (1986). Youth's Suicide Raises Anew the Aching Question: 'Why?' The Washington Post. Retrieved from
He notes that at the time of the novel's publication, there was growing concern and distrust for unregulated scientific experimentation. He claims that these beliefs "so successfully dominated the cultural sphere that the word "Frankenstein" was soon used to refer to the creature created by the scientist rather than the scientist himself. Frankenstein, therefore, became the monstrous and supernatural offspring of the practices of science" (illis 236). Mellor suggests that Frankenstein was the first creature that was created by a single man and Shelley created her myth "single-handedly" (Mellor 38). Victor teaches us some valuable lessons and the most important might be to never forget the law of unintended consequences. Victor never considered that his creation would be hideous and that oversight ruined everything for him and the creature. Victor's desire to know more lead to more destruction than he could have ever imagined.
ork Cited
Berry Laura. The Child, the…...
mlaWork Cited
Berry Laura. The Child, the State, and the Victorian Novel. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press. 1999.
Brackett, Virginia. "Frankenstein." Companion to the British Novel: Beginnings through the
19th Century. 2006. Bloom's Literary Reference Online. Information Retrieved April 29,
Coaching kids in sports has always been personally rewarding to me, and it has been helpful to be able to connect those experiences to more global issues and theories. The theoretical concepts related to the fields of sports management and coaching that I have learned in college include leadership and communication. Specifically, I have learned about different types of leadership and am especially interested in transformational leadership. I expected to learn about the different leadership styles, but not be able to transform my vision of how to apply these concepts to coaching. Now that I understand why transformational leaders can be successful, I feel more capable of helping others. Transformational leaders rely on intrinsic motivation, meaning they are able to communicate a vision. Their leadership is about more than just winning games or making money. Transformational leadership is about the big picture goals, including making the world a better place…...
Do you disagree with any of Pope's opinions or pronouncements in the Heroic Couplets or "An Essay on Man"?
Pope is critical of individuals who "cry, if man's unhappy, God's unjust," suggesting that the unhappiest people are people who blame God, rather than themselves for all of their troubles, or who curse God because their lives are imperfect. The need to accept life's imperfections while still working to enact positive changes within the limitations of humanity is a positive message still relevant for people today.
Based on what you have read of "The Rape of the Lock," what do you think the poem's theme or central message is? What or who are the objects of his satire? Does the epic, "The Rape of the Lock" apply in any way to society today? Identify two passages that could serve as satiric commentaries on people's behavior today. Your answer should discuss both the passage…...
Lessons Learned - Plagiarism, Proper Citations, Paraphrasing
A Masters Degree in Information Systems builds on the student's former education, gives the student new, specific tools for using, understanding and building hardware and software, and prepares the student for valuable work in perhaps the most important global system developed to date. In obtaining a Masters Degree in Information Systems, the student must learn state-of-the-art knowledge, with one phase building on the one before it, and enabling the student to keep learning throughout his/her life and keep developing new systems to keep up with demand. In obtaining this Degree, the student must learn to recognize and avoid plagiarism, use proper citations and properly paraphrase.
Plagiarism is using the thoughts and words of another as your own, without giving credit to the original author (Bouville, 2008). Plagiarism is currently a major problem in education and in business. In fact, though plagiarism is officially considered a…...
mlaWorks Cited
Aziz, J., Hashim, F., & Razak, N.A. (2012, August). Anecdotes of plagiarism: Some pedagogical issues and considerations. Retrieved on January 7, 2013 from Web site:
Barry, E.S. (2006, June). Can paraphrasing practice help students define plagiarism? Retrieved on January 7, 2013 from Web site:
Bouville, M. (2008, March 27). Plagiarism: Words and ideas. Retrieved on January 7, 2013 from Web site:
Fisk, C., & Hurst, B. (2003, October). Paraphrasing for comprehension. Retrieved on January 7, 2013 from Web site:
Lesson Learned in International Business
Ask yourself, what value added am I adding, producing above and beyond what was discussed in class?
The way that I am adding value above what is covered in class is through taking the ideas that were presented and using them in the real world on a practical basis. Too often, many business executives will become involved in transactions that will lead to conflicts of interest. In some cases, this is from the desire to lower costs (which will have an impact on a firm's labor practices). While at other times, these issues will take place because of changes in the company's business model. In every case, executives used these actions to engage in activities that will support their own self-interests. Moreover, they are ignoring the long-term impact of their actions on different stakeholders. (Abedelal, 2003) (Fung, 2006) (Kennedy, 2003) (Spar, 2002)
This is problematic, because these kinds…...
Abedelal, R. (2003). Bombardier. Harvard Business Review.
Fung, K. (2006). China's Renmninbi. Asia Case Research Center.
Kennedy, R. (2003). RR Donnelly. Harvard Business Review.
Spar, D. (2002). Hitting the Wall. Harvard Business Review.
lessons module/Week explained important reasons Christians study secular literature. Choose lessons ag
I believe that there are a number of critical points of veracity elucidated within lesson three regarding the value of literature to Christians and to those who embrace Christianity. Actually, I have a number of strong convictions regarding literature in general; one of my mantras is that anything of true value in this world -- that which extends beyond the temporal -- is written down. One of the most eminent points of agreement that I found with this particular lesson revolves around the merit of the Bible. The Bible is certainly a work of literature and, when considered in its earliest form as part of the Dead Sea Scrolls, is one of the most enduring works of literature to be found.
There are a number of different arguments regarding the utilitarian aspect of this particular piece of literature. Some believe…...
Lesson One Training Counts
Lesson One -- Training Counts
California is one of the largest and wealthiest states in the nation, and so one might assume that it would provide the best possible education to its children. However, this is not the case -- nearly 15% of California teachers lack even the basic qualifications needed to educate their students. These teachers have not met the state's standards for content knowledge or teaching skills, and many of them have not even passed the state's basic skills test.
Studies show that underqualified and unprepared teachers leave their jobs at much higher rates than those who are fully qualified, many of them leaving within the first year. Also, when standing in front of a classroom, unprepared teachers are often surprised at the many things they still don't know, and even feel inadequate when it comes to meeting their students' needs. Naturally this can lead to greater…...
In the late winter as our root cellars begin to empty and the food begins to spoil our daily meals became quite meager but we live with the knowledge that matters will soon improve as the weather becomes warmer.
Our lives here are quite difficult. We are often cold and there is little to eat. We work extremely hard and what free time we do have we spend in pray being thankful for what we do have. We do, however, have our family and fellow congregation members and together we are free to honor our God in our own way. This has not always been the case and we are grateful for this opportunity. Our first days here were particularly difficult but things have improved as we have learned to adjust to the harsh weather conditions, improved our hunting skills, and gradually cleared the forests to build our farmlands. In…...
(Belkin, 2004) Students can still be kinesthetically involved, however -- for instance, asking a blind student how something feels or smells, senses that might be more developed in this child, can give him or her a sense of empowerment. Reading levels may be wide in a mixed classroom of special education and 'regular' students, and students with dyslexia can benefit from the use of talking books with animated voices. Even students with reading difficulties that are not formally diagnosable can grow more enthusiastic about reading by being encouraged to, for instance, cook a recipe that the pilgrims did in a history text, or to cut out pictures from the newspaper about a topic discussed in social studies class. Ultimately, curriculum objectives like students being able to read certain vocabulary cannot be forgotten, but if challenging vocabulary is reinforced throughout the day, and verbally, aurally, and spatially, as well as…...
mlaWorks Cited
Belkin, Lisa. (September 12, 2004) "The Lessons of Classroom 506." Magazine. New York Times.
Piaget, Jean. (1970) "Piaget's theory." In P. Mussen (ed) Handbook of child psychology, Vol.1. New York: Wiley, 1983.
Lesson Plan Using Understanding by Design Framework
A creative approach is critical in embedding innovative problem solving, embedding opportunity for inquiry as well as enhancing critical thinking for deep discipline knowledge. When curriculum is to be coherent, and cohesive across multiple grades, the assessment protocols should establish the degree of success and integrate the curricular unit to enhance the desired learning outcomes. The UbD provides an effective framework that assists in addressing the aforementioned key issues. In the U.S. educational system, successful learning outcome requires an integration of meaningful assessment, and contents coupled with effective pedagogy. However, the ability to develop cohesive and coherent curriculum has become overwhelming to experienced school teachers, obviously, the issue creates a barrier to student's efficient learning. Thus, UbD (Understanding by Design) has been identified as the effective tool that overcomes these barriers by providing practical and concise guidance for both inexperienced and experienced teachers. Typically,…...
Roth, D. (2007). Understanding by Design: A Framework for Effecting Curricular Development and Assessment. Cell Biology Education, 6(2), 95-97. doi:10.1187/cbe.07-03-0012.
Lesson Plan
MATH Lesson Plan
Grade Level:
Activity Name: Space and Math
Learning Domain
Classroom, Internet, Field trips
Children should know history of the space program and its impact on science, math, history, politics and technology.
Education Standards Addressed
Combination of history, civics and math
(Specify skills/information that will be learned.)
Teach about math in terms of things like speed, rotation speed, circumference, and so forth.
Materials Needed:
(Specific skill / concept being taught in lesson)
Applying math to space-related concepts
Units of measurement, dimensions and speeds. Examples would include diameter, perimeter, speed, velocity and so forth. Nothing too complicated…just the basics.
Other esources:
(e.g. Web, books, etc.)
Procedure/s: (List of steps in lesson delivery) Include as applicable and in order of delivery:
Examine and Talk, Demonstrate, Model, Plan, Guide, ecord, Describe, Explore, Acquire, Practice, etc.
Explains terms and concepts in terms of numbers and measurement and how they apply to real life. For example, compare speed of car or runner to speed of Shuttle. How long the Shuttle…...
Denler, H. (2014, January 28). Social Cognitive Theory. Retrieved February 24, 2015, from
Mitton, T., & Parker, A. (1997). Roaring rockets. New York: Kingfisher.
Rabe, T. (1999). There's a no place like space!: All about our solar system. New York: Random House.
Wilson, L., & Frye, P. (1993). What's out there?: A book about space. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.
Lessons Learned
Benjamin Franklin once said that, "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." Nowhere is this statement truer than in the field of nursing where I feel that the lessons learned from this course will help sustain and enrich me in whatever field I am employed going forward. From learning about health promotion to trans-cultural nursing to nursing-focused medical ethics, these issues will influence how I practice clinically whatever type of nurse I become from a Certified Nurse Anesthetist to a Home Health Nurse to everything in-between.
As a nurse, family and friends as well as patients will inevitably look to me with their questions about health promotion. This concept focuses on maximizing wellness for one's entire life through specific strategies to promote health through nutrition, physical fitness, weight control and avoiding substance abuse. Furthermore, health promotion must also take into account cultural and environmental factors related to health, such…...
Benjamin M. And Curtis J. (1992). Ethics in Nursing. Oxford University Press, USA (3rd edition): New York, NY.
Taylor C., Lillis C., LeMone P. & Lynn P. (2010). Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (7th edition): New York, NY.
Heartbreak is a painful yet valuable experience that can teach us important life lessons and help us grow as individuals. One valuable lesson that heartbreak can teach us in academics is the importance of resilience. Going through heartbreak can be emotionally draining and make it difficult to focus on school and other responsibilities. However, overcoming heartbreak can show us that we are capable of bouncing back from difficult situations and adapting to new challenges. This resilience can translate into our academic life, helping us to persevere through tough courses, exams, and projects. Additionally, heartbreak can also teach us the importance of....
Can Experiencing Heartbreak Lead to Valuable Life Lessons in Academics?
Heartbreak, an intense emotional pain caused by the loss of a romantic relationship, can have profound effects on an individual's life. While often viewed as a hindrance, heartbreak can paradoxically provide valuable lessons that can contribute to academic success.
Enhanced Emotional Intelligence:
Experiencing heartbreak necessitates the development of emotional intelligence, which is crucial for academic success. Students who have endured heartbreak become more adept at identifying and managing their emotions. They learn to recognize the triggers that provoke emotional responses and develop coping mechanisms to mitigate their intensity. This newfound emotional awareness translates....
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