Literature Review Essays (Examples)

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Literature Review (Nursing)

McCArthy, A., Shaban, R., oys, J., & Winch, S. (2010). Compliance, normality, and the patient on peritoneal dialysis. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 37(3), 243-251.

Key Words, data bases, limitations: compliance, gerontology, medication compliance

Alexandra McCarthy, Ramon Shaban, Jennifer oys & Sarah Winch

"Compliance, normality, and the patient on peritoneal dialysis."

Journal: Nephrology Nursing Journal

Volume: Issues: Pages: 2010: 37: 3: 243-251.


Location/Setting: Case study completed within the ambulatory dialysis of a large metropolitan hospital in Australia.

Independent Variable: PD compliance

Dependent variables: influence on compliance (professional advice regarding PD)

Controlled Variable: none noted

Framework Theory:

The case study utilizes empirical inquiry to investigate contemporary phenomenon within real life context. Phenomenology can be a component of case study theoretical analysis.

Study Design:

Case Study


Sample Size: 5 patients identified by renal nursing staff within the clinic were asked to identify patients they considered to be compliant with their PD regimen based on knowledge of health related behaviors. Participants were required to understand English and….

Studies also suggest that Saudi women employed fail to make real contributions when they are at work, and that "real jobs" are often filled by more qualified foreigners capable of providing real economic function to the economy and the employer (Pharaon, 2004). There is also too little emphasis by government agents to address these problems and work at training or tailoring education to meet the needs of society at large and women in the education system within Saudi Arabia (Pharaon, 2004; Kassman, 2004).
Many predict greater access to quality education for women will have an "immediate, tremendous impact on women's perceptions of themselves" which will help translate their post academic social mobility efforts and result in greater contribution to the society and economy in which they live (Pharaon, 2004: 349). It is important then that the government touch not only on education management, but also perhaps the self-perception of women….

What is the issue or problem that your research will investigate?

The issue that our research will investigate is how the thoughts and ideas of an individual will have an impact on their levels of achievement. This will allow us to determine the impact that formal education will have on success. At the same time, we can see how: common sense, ability to work well with people and other attributes will decide the kind of future for these individuals. The reason why we are examining this problem, is because there have been many instances where formal education was not a factor in determining how successful someone will be over the long-term.

Why is the study you are proposing important or worthy of research and what contributions will it make to what's already know, if anything, about the subject matter?

This study is important, because it will help us to see the impact that….

Congestion in Seaports, Literature eview
Overview- Globalization and modern technology over the past 20-30 years has increasingly caused complexity and overcrowding with the world's seaports. In fact, in 2008, the IAPH World Port Conference was so alarmed by trends in the industry that it outlined what it say to be three critical issues and challenges facing global seaports:

In the increasingly complicated global environment, it is vital for port executives and experts across the globe to share information and ideas.

The world port community is vital for the global economic health, and must effectively address global issues like maritime security, environmental protection of the oceans, and communication with host countries.

It is naive to think that port management issues are solvable by one port, one country, or even one region. It is also inefficient to do so. Instead, with modern technology, IT applications, technical data, and the exchange of human capital and resources, teams….

Leadership Models

Situational leadership is a leadership paradigm proposed by Hersey and Blanchard as an alternative to the simplistic trait theories of leadership in vogue at the time. The main feature of the situational leadership theory of Hersey and Blanchard is that leaders are able to adapt their leadership styles to the level of readiness of the followers (Bovee et al. 1993). Employee readiness is a function of the ability and willingness of employees to engage in certain behaviours while leadership styles range from telling and selling styles to participating and delegating styles. These styles reflect varying emphasis on task and relationship behaviour by the leader. The telling style involves explicit instructions to the followers when they experience low levels of ability and willingness either due to a lack of information or confidence. The selling style is used when employees are unable to do the task but….

Individual Programmatic Assessment based on Literature eview of Mediation and Advocacy within a human service agency. The human service agency that the paper will be based on is the "HOMELESS VETEANS." This paper explores the existing integration of mediation and advocacy that each of the three organizations - Department of Veteran Affairs, National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, and the Volunteers of America - provide for homeless veterans. The paper concludes by discussing whether advocacy or mediation may be more appropriate for this (homeless veterans) specific population.
The three organizations featured in this essay are the Department of Veteran Affairs, National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, and the Volunteers of America. Each features its own blend of advocacy and mediation.

Department of Veteran Affairs

This DVA provide information on housing assistance, job training, and education to help homeless veteran's secure safe, stable housing, and achieve self-sufficiency. Additionally, this organization has taken decisive action to….

Video Game Violence Literature eview
In January of 2012, psychologist Christian Montag and a team of German researchers sought to explore the link between habitual video game play and reduced emotional or cognitive capability, and the findings of their study were published in an article entitled Does Excessive Play of Violent First-Person-Shooter-Video-Games Dampen Brain Activity in esponse to Emotional Stimuli? Montag and his colleagues expanded on the preponderance of empirical evidence observed by similar research, which has consistently produced data indicating direct and indirect links between video games and behavioral issues, ultimately postulating that "functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMI) are able to draw a more fine-tuned picture with respect to potential influences of violent video games by providing a link between altered brain activity and violent video gaming" (2012). The authors sought to test their hypothesis that "if long-term excessive gaming is really associated with altered emotional processing, [it] should lead….

PPD Literature eview
This work in writing seeks to answer the question of what the relationship is between domestic violence, sexual abuse, and women with depression during the postpartum period. Toward this end, this work will involve the conduction of an extensive review of literature in this area of study. The literature reviewed will be that located in scholarly publications and journals and other publications of a professional or academic and peer-reviewed nature.

Problem Formulation

The work of Jana L. Jasinski (2004) entitled "Pregnancy and Domestic Violence" states that estimates of violence against women indicate that approximately two million women are "physically assaulted annually and more than 50 million are assaulted in their lifetime. (p.48) Jasinski notes that estimations of the prevalence of violence during pregnancy experiences variations "due to differences in research designs, measures used, and populations sampled." (2004, p.49) In addition, a discrepancy exists as hospital and clinic-based studies report that….

Literature Review on Resiliency

This paper will discus a literature review on resiliency. In order for us to better understand the contents of this research, let us first define and understand what the term resiliency means. Resiliency in this paper will be associated on matters regarding the psychological and behavioral capacity or condition of children and adolescents. Rak and Patterson (1996) in their study Promoting Resilience in At-Risk Children, indicates Hauser and his colleagues' definition of resiliency as the capacity of those who are exposed to identifiable risk factors to overcome those risks and avoid negative outcomes such as delinquency and behavioral problems, psychological maladjustment, academic difficulties, and physical complications.

The stage of adolescence is considered as the phase where the psychological and behavioral foundation of an adolescent is formed causing a large effect on his individuality in the span of his life's maturity. These foundations can be affected by the environmental….

" This study found that a simple, external cooling protocol could be implemented easily "overnight in any system already treating post-resuscitation patients" and had an 89% success rate in reaching optimal temperature -- however, only 27 patients made up the study (Busch 2006: 1277).
A more recent, 2009 study by Castren (2009) "Scandinavian clinical practice guidelines for therapeutic hypothermia and post-resuscitation care after cardiac arrest" found the TH technique ineffective because even experienced physicians were unaware of "optimal target temperature, duration of cooling and rewarming time" and were only able "to predict the clinical outcome correctly in only 52% of the patients" (Castren 2009: 280). Supporters of the therapy admit that a lack of knowledge and training has made widespread implementation of TH problematic. In one Canadian study by Kenneday, J. et al. (2010),"The use of induced hypothermia after cardiac arrest: a survey of Canadian emergency physicians," only one half of….

LOW STUDENT GADUATION AT GLENDALE Scholarly Works Synthesis TemplateInstructions:Type your central research question below. Then, you will choose two different scholarly peer reviewed journal articles that were published within the last five years that pertain to your research topic. Complete the table below for each article. Then, you will use the comparative template that follows to make a comparison of the two articles. Your voice should be evident in the comparative template. Assignment instructions and the rubric are applicable to this assignment.Central esearch QuestionWhat factors drive the low graduation rates among black non-Hispanic students at Glendale Community College?Article OneIndividual Scholarly Works TemplateInsert correctly formatted reference and link to the scholarly peer-reviewed work belowAlmenaie, O. (2018). Factors affecting the rate of completion of undergraduate students. Journal of Education and Practice, 9(36), 37-46. is the theoretical or conceptual framework, if presentedThe study does not present a conceptual or theoretical frameworkWhat are….

Literature eview: Community PolicingCordner\\\'s (2014) work in \\\"The Oxford Handbook of Police and Policing\\\" provides a foundational understanding of community policing. He defines community policing as a philosophy and practice that encourages proactive community engagement to address the causes of crime and societal issues. Cordner emphasizes the importance of resources in implementing community policing strategies effectively. He argues that adequate funding, personnel, and training are crucial for the success of community policing initiatives. This aligns with the thesis by showing how resource constraints can hinder the ability of law enforcement agencies to engage effectively in community policing practices. Cordner\\\'s analysis is particularly relevant to the research question as it supports the relationship between resource availability and the efficacy of community policing.Dubal\\\'s (2012) article provides a critical perspective on the challenges faced by community policing in the post-9/11 era, particularly focusing on the impact of federal surveillance programs. This source is….

esearch Article ChartCriteria and Defining CharacteristicsArticle 1:Islam, N. S., Kwon, S. C., Wyatt, L. C., uddock, C., Horowitz, C. ., Devia, C., & Trinh-Shevrin, C. (2015). Disparities in Diabetes Management in Asian Americans in New York City Compared with Other acial/Ethnic Minority Groups.American Journal of Public Health,105S443-S446.doi:10.2105/AJPH.2014.302523Article 2:Islam, N., Zanowiak, J., Wyatt, L., Chun, K., Lee, L., Kwon, S., & Trinh-Shevrin, C. (2013). A andomized-Controlled, Pilot Intervention on Diabetes Prevention and Healthy Lifestyles in the New York City Korean Community.Journal of Community Health,38(6), 1030-1041. doi:10.1007/s10900-013-9711-zArticle 3:Stewart, S. S., Dang, J., & Chen, M. (2016). Diabetes Prevalence and isk Factors in Four Asian American Communities.Journal of Community Health,41(6), 1264-1273.AbstractAfter reading the abstract what do you expect to learn from the article?The differences in how adults of Asian descent manage their diabetes in comparison with other ethnic groups and what this means for clinicians.What are the best ways for diabetes to be….

¶ … parent goes to war: Effects of parental deployment on very young children and implications for intervention" by Paris, R., Devoe, E. R., Ross, A. M., & Acker, M. L. (2010). American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80(4), 610-618. doi:10.1111/j.1939-0025.2010.01066.x
Ruth Paris, Ellen R. Devoe, Abigail M. Ross, and Michelle L. Acker in When a parent goes to war: Effects of parental deployment on very young children and implications for intervention reviewed the effects military deployment cycles have on young children. The effects span intense emotions, attachment patterns as well as behavioral changes. They suggested that military families with toddlers, infants and preschoolers ought to be supported by taking an ecological approach. To explore ways to provide adequate support, Paris et al. reviewed existing literature on the effects parental combat stress had on parenting as well as parent-child relationships. Evidence-informed programs for families and infants were also examined with the goal of….

If you\'re exploring a professional journal article, you can break the article down into different sections to write about. Much like a dissertation is often broken down into the Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Discussion, and Conclusion chapters, your article can be divided so you can work on addressing one segment of it at a time. Walk your readers through the article and explain each area or section, so anyone who reads your paper will have a good understanding of everything the article was trying to say. Depending on your instructor\'s requirements, you may also want to include a section about....

Cults are certainly in the cultural zeitgeist these days, making them a perfect topic for a literature review.  In fact, while many people think of cults as a relic from the experimentation that was popular in the 1960s and 1970s, cults actually play a surprisingly large role in modern religion throughout the world.  What this means is that whether you are focusing on a specific cult, common traits of cult leaders, or what makes an individual susceptible to a cult’s influences, you are sure to find plenty of information out there. 

What differentiates....

A literature review is a particular type of academic assignment. You need to find relevant literature for your topic, summarize it, and analyze it. Since your topic is deforestation, you want to search for literature on that topic for your literature review. However, you want to make sure you choose suitable types of literature. For an academic paper, that means focusing on peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and other scholarly works.

First, think about your central question. The query appears to concern the tipping point, where deforestation will have irreversible environmental consequences. In fact, deforestation....

4 Pages


Nursing Literature Review Nursing Mccarthy A Shaban

Words: 1507
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Literature Review (Nursing) McCArthy, A., Shaban, R., oys, J., & Winch, S. (2010). Compliance, normality, and the patient on peritoneal dialysis. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 37(3), 243-251. Key Words, data bases, limitations:…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Education Management A Literature Review

Words: 1022
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Studies also suggest that Saudi women employed fail to make real contributions when they are at work, and that "real jobs" are often filled by more qualified foreigners…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Business Creativity and Literature Review

Words: 2072
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

What is the issue or problem that your research will investigate? The issue that our research will investigate is how the thoughts and ideas of an individual will have an…

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6 Pages

Business - Management

Congestion in Seaports Literature Review Overview- Globalization

Words: 2487
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Congestion in Seaports, Literature eview Overview- Globalization and modern technology over the past 20-30 years has increasingly caused complexity and overcrowding with the world's seaports. In fact, in 2008, the…

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4 Pages


Leadership Models Literature Review of Situational Leadership

Words: 1331
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership Models LITEATUE EVIEW OF SITUATIONAL LEADESHIP Situational leadership is a leadership paradigm proposed by Hersey and Blanchard as an alternative to the simplistic trait theories of leadership in vogue at…

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3 Pages


Individual Programmatic Assessment Based on Literature Review

Words: 902
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Individual Programmatic Assessment based on Literature eview of Mediation and Advocacy within a human service agency. The human service agency that the paper will be based on is…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Video Game Violence Literature Review in January

Words: 485
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Video Game Violence Literature eview In January of 2012, psychologist Christian Montag and a team of German researchers sought to explore the link between habitual video game play and reduced…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


PPD Literature Review This Work in Writing

Words: 2280
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

PPD Literature eview This work in writing seeks to answer the question of what the relationship is between domestic violence, sexual abuse, and women with depression during the postpartum period.…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Resiliency Literature Review on Resiliency This Paper

Words: 3787
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Resiliency Literature Review on Resiliency This paper will discus a literature review on resiliency. In order for us to better understand the contents of this research, let us first define and…

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4 Pages


Therapeutic Hypothermia Th Literature Review

Words: 1253
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

" This study found that a simple, external cooling protocol could be implemented easily "overnight in any system already treating post-resuscitation patients" and had an 89% success rate in…

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12 Pages
Literature Review

Education - Theory

Literature Review Synthesis Low Graduation at Glendale Community College

Words: 3661
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Literature Review

LOW STUDENT GADUATION AT GLENDALE Scholarly Works Synthesis TemplateInstructions:Type your central research question below. Then, you will choose two different scholarly peer reviewed journal articles that were published within…

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4 Pages
Literature Review

Criminal Justice - Police

Literature Review That Supports and Refutes the Idea of Community Policing

Words: 1194
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Literature eview: Community PolicingCordner\\\'s (2014) work in \\\"The Oxford Handbook of Police and Policing\\\" provides a foundational understanding of community policing. He defines community policing as a philosophy and…

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11 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Literature Review Table and Analysis

Words: 1751
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

esearch Article ChartCriteria and Defining CharacteristicsArticle 1:Islam, N. S., Kwon, S. C., Wyatt, L. C., uddock, C., Horowitz, C. ., Devia, C., & Trinh-Shevrin, C. (2015). Disparities in Diabetes…

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4 Pages
Article Critique


Literature Review and Children

Words: 1322
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Critique

¶ … parent goes to war: Effects of parental deployment on very young children and implications for intervention" by Paris, R., Devoe, E. R., Ross, A. M., & Acker,…

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