Love Story Essays (Examples)

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Dramatic Love Story



In a house in a Chicago suburb

During the night

A Dramatic love story

(The door opens as Davy enters. Anne comes out of the bathroom half dressed).


(Anne does not answer, and Davy proceeds to the fridge to get a bottle of juice. He gets back and sits at the couch while Anne dresses in the next room)

ANNE: Are you still in love with her?


ANNE: Your ex-Tracy.

DAVY: That is why you did not answer me when I entered?

ANNE: Answer me

DAVY: I told you it was over between her and me. How many times do you want to hear?

ANNE: I saw you car parked at her place so you will not lie.

DAVY: (laughing) can't a friend visit a friend sometimes.

ANNE: (now dressed comes from the bedroom) this in not just a friend it is Tracy for God's sake.

(Anne sits on the couch opposite Davy while avoiding eye contact)

DAVY: So do….

Fish: A Love Story?
I would like to begin this story as all truly great love stories begin, but unfortunately this is not a truly great love story.

So, I will just begin with the tried and true old standby, "Once upon a time."

But before we begin I want you to know that this is a true love story, or so legend has it, made-up from a fabrication of a fable of suspicious origin.

Did everything you're about to read really happen? I would like to believe so.

Once upon a time, in the sea, there lived a trout named Olivia. She was a beautiful rainbow trout much admired by all. And she knew it too.

Though Olivia was courted by many suitors her heart yearned for just one. He was a young handsome carp named Oscar who had stolen her heart one summer while she had vacationed with her father in a small stream….

Divine Wind: A Love Story by Garry Disher. Specifically it will discuss how the family suffers as a result of World War II. This is a story of mixed races in Broome, Australia during World War II. The main character is Hartley Penrose, a teenager who falls in love with a Japanese girl, Mitsy Sennosukes, who he had been friends with for years. Eventually, their differences pull them apart, and Hart finds that he is not as open and willing to accept others as he thinks he is.
Hartley looks back on this time in his life during the story, and it shows how much the family suffered during the war. He narrates the story, looking back on his experiences. The author writes, "You could say that this is a story about friendship, and the betrayal of friendship, and friendships lost and regained" (Disher 1998). It is also a story….

Aidoo Changes a Love Story

After all, as Esi realizes in Chapter, and articulates to herself clearly, within this chapter, for the first time, Ali's presents are no substitute for Ali's presence, of which there no has come to be entirely too little in Esi's life.
Esi also comes to understand, within Chapter 20, that she has essentially traded her first, claustrophobic marriage to Oko for an altogether opposite marriage, one in which she never even sees her second husband. Fusena, and his children with her remain Ali's priority, as Esi slowly and painfully comes to understand. After Ali presents Esi with her new maroon sports car, announcing to her proudly, "This is your car, and here are the keys" (p. 147), as if all should be fine now, both soon realize, shortly thereafter when they go inside to eat breakfast together, that when they have finished discussing the car itself, they have nothing more….

Love Stories Ever Why Do

Journal Part 2

Odysseus is obviously the protagonist of the story -- seeing as how it's got his name on it -- but is he a hero? Would he be considered a hero today, based on contemporary standards? What evidence can you find to support both sides (heroic and not heroic)?

Odysseus takes revenge upon the suitors occupying his house, both the good and the bad, and he is not condemned for this by the author. Homeric Greece was a pre-Christian 'dog eat dog' society very different from our own. Odysseus is avenging the will of the gods as well as his own honor and his wife and house's honor, given that it was considered a sin to act in an inhospitable manner to a host. A hero today would likely show more mercy -- and also be physically faithful to Penelope. But Odysseus has an almost 'action hero' like quality when….

Love Story and Films

Hollywood and Beyond Poster
Indian cinema is very diverse in the genres that it produces. Bollywood has given the world everything from comedies to romances to thrillers to action films and essentially everything in between. Indeed, Bollywood is only one aspect of Indian cinema: South India has its own cinema as do other regions in the country -- and each is unmistakable in terms of production values, actors, styles, and visuals (Bowes, 2013). Bollywood by far represents the most up-to-date and top-of-the-line cinema in India and over the years it has produced a number of hits that have attracted fame throughout the world, such as ace, Jism, Blue and Murder. Even Hollywood has begun to take note: one star of Bollywood cinema is now working in Hollywood -- Priyanka Chopra -- who stars in her own television show in the U.S., Quantico. And famed director Danny Boyle's Slumdog Millionaire was a….

Love in Antiquity

Interpretations of Ovid's Love Stories

The first story from Ovid's Metamorphoses to be interpreted is "Echo and Narcissus." There are some traditional elements to the story as a love story paradigm. There are stories of "boy meets girl" and often part of that story is that one or both of the romantic leads like each other, but have difficulty synching together to have a romantic interlude. Narcissus calls out to Echo in the woods for them to meet together. She is excited but she can only repeat the last phrase or so of what Narcissus says, keeping them from meeting together. In another way, the story is a traditional love story, in that the girl loses the boy. What is non-traditional is that the girl loses the boy to himself. Narcissus sees his reflection in water while roaming the forest and falls in love with himself. Thus, this is a love….

Love Triangle Story Lines of Lancelot, Arthur and Guenivere to Tristram, King Mark and Isolde from Malory's Morte Darthur
hen Melanie McGarrahan Gibson says of the "Tale of Sir Gareth" in Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur that "in the happiest ending of all of Morlay's tales, love and marriage triumph" (Gibson 220), she is touching on more than just the wholesome and happy nature of the tale. Though unique in its existence as the "happiest of all of Malory's tales," it is reprehensive of a larger problem within Malory's narrative scheme. The tale itself is one of the steady progresses. After overcoming all obstacles, love and marriage win in the end. This is a romantic sentiment and perhaps it is true to some extent.

The purpose of current research paper is to analysis the two dominant love triangle storylines in Morte Darthur i.e. between Lancelot-Queen Guinevere- Arthur and love triangle tale….

Love Poem" John Frederick Nims info authors life included literary criticism poem. essay a strong consistent thesis statement, written 3rd person
John Frederick Nims' poem "Love Poem" makes it possible for readers to understand that a love poem does not necessarily need to incorporate traditional concepts in order for it to be successful in sending the right messages. Nims' understanding of love appears to be much more complex in comparison to typical love-related feelings present in most poems. The poet wishes to surprise by putting across his strongest feelings and it is very likely that he wants readers to understand that loving words are not always enough to put across one's love. The lover that this poem is dedicated to is human and in spite of the fact that some might consider this to be a flaw, the poet intends to raise people's awareness regarding the perfection related to being….

Emotions of Love and Lust in the orks of Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo is easily one of the major figures of world literature. Hugo has been responsible for painting some of the most compelling portraits of the struggle of the human condition and how certain emotional conditions continue to subsist among untold levels of depravity and suffering. One can examine The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables as portraits of not only human suffering but as literary demonstrations of how even lust can continue to subsist throughout the human condition even when under intense strain. This paper will examine how Hugo is able to showcase the carnal longings of humanity throughout those works.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame demonstrates two different types of lust, emotional lust and sensual lust (Chris, 2010). Emotional lust in this case is first represented by the words and actions by the gypsy Esmeralda and the most….

Love may make the world go round but this is not the most important element to establish a relationship in some cultures of the world. While many would feel that if you love someone, nothing else should stop you from being together, this is not how Ammu and Velutha were treated in Arundhati oy's "The God of Small things." When they fell in love, there was a big obstacle in their path to being one and that obstacle was caste difference. They knew so well that it would be impossible to be together legally that they hid their love from the world and would meet in the dark to express their love for each other. Their story shows that caste is greater than love in some parts of the world.

Their emotionally charged love story takes place in the backdrop of caste problems that plagued Kerala, an….

Shades of Grey: Love and Contradiction in "The Lady with the Dog"
Anton Chekhov's story "The Lady with the Dog" is a portrait of a love affair that is intended to be brief, but its reverberations change both its participants' lives. In Gurov, the male protagonist, Chekhov has created a character that is at once pitiable, despicable, and relatable. He is relatable mainly because one often feels both pitiable and despicable when it comes to love; it just depends on whether you are the one who is lovesick or the one in control/doing the hurting. The central purpose of the story is to ask more questions than it answers. It leaves the reader wondering where the story will go after its end: ill the main characters continue their affair or is it doomed to fail? Chekhov plays with his audience by challenging them to make moral judgments about the characters….

Not only was Annabel Lee's love strong, but she was beautiful as well. This notion of beauty and love are linked in a continuous dream-like state for the speaker. This speaker's first wife was able to make him experience a type of love that he had never known before her or since knowing her. Even though Annabel Lee is gone, the speaker tells us that she is still a powerful force in his life and:
Neither the angels in heaven above,

Nor the demons down under the sea,

Can ever dissever my soul

Of the beautiful Annabel Lee. (30-3)

In "Ligeia," we see the ephemeral attached love.

hile human hearts may not stand the test of time, we know that love will surely prevail as one of the constants of the universe. In fact, the pleasure and pain of love are two things that Medieval audiences share with audiences from any era. Heroic love is….

History of Love Canal the

Furthermore, both statutory and tort law at the time were ill-equipped with regard to provision of environmental safeguards and taking care of the fall-out of an environmental crisis . In fact, at the time that Hoover Chemical Corporation was dumping toxins into the canal, there was no law with regard to the disposal or dumping of chemicals; thus, Hoover was acting within its purview since at all times it either had the owner's permission to dump or it was the owner of the property itself. Consequently, in order to avoid this problem in the future, legislation was passed regulating the dumping of hazardous waste. Furthermore, environmental laws were passed such as CECLA (Comprehensive Environmental esponse, Compensation, and Liablity Act, aka Superfund) that held polluters accountable or the damages they caused. Additionally, in the realm of civil tort law, in 1994, a Federal District court ruled that Hooker had been negligent….

This film depicts the life of a woman who has not lived up to her cultural expectations and by the time she is thirty, she realizes that she is getting too old to find love. She then meets a man whom she falls in love with, but the problem lies in his not being from her same ethnic and cultural background. This creates turmoil among her extremely traditional family. Her father refuses to accept her new fiance, but insisting that she is in love, she gets her family to accept a non-Greek individual into their family. Unlike It Happened One Night (1934), My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) shows how culture influences love in our civilization.
The relationship between these two individuals, demonstrates how much love means in our society. The underlying concern in this case is how two different cultures could unite to form a mutual one where everyone….

I. Introduction

A. Opening hook: "In the vibrant tapestry of cinematic art, 'La La Land' stands as a radiant gem, captivating audiences with its enchanting portrayal of love, ambition, and the pursuit of??."
B. Thesis statement: "'La La Land' is a cinematic masterpiece that weaves a profound and universal narrative around the complexities of love, the allure of ambition, and the enduring power of following your heart."

II. Body Paragraph 1: The Intricate Tapestry of Love

A. Discuss the unconventional love story between Mia and Sebastian, highlighting their shared passion for music and their unwavering belief in each other.
B. Analyze the realistic portrayal of....

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Literary Analysis

Compare and contrast the themes and motifs in two works of literature.
Analyze the use of symbolism and imagery in two different poems.
Explore the development of a character in two different novels.
Examine the differences in narrative structure between two short stories.
Compare the perspectives of two narrators in a novel.

Historical Events

Compare and contrast the causes and consequences of two major historical events.
Analyze the similarities and differences in the strategies used by two different leaders during wartime.
Explore the impact of two different technological advancements on society.
Examine the ways in....

Here are a few brainstorming ideas for a unique Romeo and Juliet thesis statement:

1. The tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet serves as a cautionary tale about the destructive power of feuding families and the consequences of uncompromising pride.

2. Through the characters of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare explores the complexities of youthful love, highlighting the impulsive and reckless nature of passion.

3. The juxtaposition of light and dark imagery in Romeo and Juliet symbolizes the contrasting forces of love and hate, showing how love can ultimately triumph over hate.

4. Shakespeare uses the theme of fate in Romeo and Juliet to....

1. "Exploring the Depths of a Mother's Love"

2. "The Undying Bond: A Mother's Unconditional Love"

3. "A Mother's Love: Nurturing, Protective, and Everlasting"

4. "Maternal Love: The Foundations of Life"

5. "Embracing the Power of a Mother's Love"

6. "The Strength and Sacrifice of a Mother's Love"

7. "Motherly Love: A Guiding Light in the Darkness"

8. "A Mother's Love: A Source of Inspiration and Motivation"

9. "The Essence of Maternal Love: A Burst of Joy and Serenity"

10. "The Unbreakable Love of a Mother: An Endless Source of Comfort"
11. "The Heartbeat of Motherhood: Love Beyond Measure"

12. "From Womb to World: A Mother's Love Story"

13. "Whispers of Love:....

7 Pages


Dramatic Love Story Cast Anne Davy in

Words: 1959
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Dramatic Love Story Cast Anne Davy In a house in a Chicago suburb During the night A Dramatic love story (The door opens as Davy enters. Anne comes out of the bathroom half dressed). DAVY: Hi (Anne does…

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4 Pages
Creative Writing

Business - Miscellaneous

Fish A Love Story I Would Like

Words: 1535
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

Fish: A Love Story? I would like to begin this story as all truly great love stories begin, but unfortunately this is not a truly great love story. So, I will…

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2 Pages

Family and Marriage

Divine Wind A Love Story by Garry

Words: 743
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Divine Wind: A Love Story by Garry Disher. Specifically it will discuss how the family suffers as a result of World War II. This is a story of…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Aidoo Changes a Love Story

Words: 1815
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

After all, as Esi realizes in Chapter, and articulates to herself clearly, within this chapter, for the first time, Ali's presents are no substitute for Ali's presence, of…

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1 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Love Stories Ever Why Do

Words: 390
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

Journal Part 2 Odysseus is obviously the protagonist of the story -- seeing as how it's got his name on it -- but is he a hero? Would he be…

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2 Pages


Love Story and Films

Words: 671
Length: 2 Pages

Hollywood and Beyond Poster Indian cinema is very diverse in the genres that it produces. Bollywood has given the world everything from comedies to romances to thrillers to action films…

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2 Pages

Sports - Women

Love in Antiquity

Words: 706
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ancient Interpretations of Ovid's Love Stories The first story from Ovid's Metamorphoses to be interpreted is "Echo and Narcissus." There are some traditional elements to the story as a love story…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Love Triangle Story Lines of Lancelot Arthur

Words: 2110
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Love Triangle Story Lines of Lancelot, Arthur and Guenivere to Tristram, King Mark and Isolde from Malory's Morte Darthur hen Melanie McGarrahan Gibson says of the "Tale of Sir…

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2 Pages


Love Poem John Frederick Nims Info Authors

Words: 596
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Love Poem" John Frederick Nims info authors life included literary criticism poem. essay a strong consistent thesis statement, written 3rd person John Frederick Nims' poem "Love Poem" makes it…

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5 Pages


Love and Pain in the Work of Hugo

Words: 1584
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Emotions of Love and Lust in the orks of Victor Hugo Victor Hugo is easily one of the major figures of world literature. Hugo has been responsible for painting some…

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4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Symbolism of Love in the God of All Small Things

Words: 1479
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

LOVE GEATE THAN CASTE? Love may make the world go round but this is not the most important element to establish a relationship in some cultures of the world.…

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8 Pages


Shades of Grey Love and Contradiction in

Words: 2486
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Shades of Grey: Love and Contradiction in "The Lady with the Dog" Anton Chekhov's story "The Lady with the Dog" is a portrait of a love affair that is…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Heroic Love Throughout the Ages

Words: 1618
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Not only was Annabel Lee's love strong, but she was beautiful as well. This notion of beauty and love are linked in a continuous dream-like state for the…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

History of Love Canal the

Words: 2327
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Furthermore, both statutory and tort law at the time were ill-equipped with regard to provision of environmental safeguards and taking care of the fall-out of an environmental crisis .…

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3 Pages


Romantic Comedies Love Has Been

Words: 1026
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This film depicts the life of a woman who has not lived up to her cultural expectations and by the time she is thirty, she realizes that she…

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