Magazines Essays (Examples)

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worlds they create for us: The similar yet different worlds of female and male fitness of "Shape" for women and "Men's Health"
In answering the question, what worlds do magazines create for their readership, one must first ask, whom is the readership? In an increasingly niche-specific and targeted market base, through the use of direct mail, the Internet, and a better ability to target specific and desirable segments of the population, it may seem anachronistic to speak of what is simply a women's magazine or a men's magazine. The most fair way thus to compare male and female magazines thus may not be to speciously complain that a magazine such as "Good Housekeeping," targeted at stay-at-home women with children, does not present as many helpful suggested bits of career and 'going out on the town' advice such as "Esquire." Rather, it is to take two parallel magazines, such as "Shape"….

Women vs. Men Magazines
Comparing Four Magazines:

What Society can Learn About Itself from Magazine Covers and Advertisements

Individuals today are constantly bombarded with information. his information comes from many sources, most common of which are television and the internet. Media, thus, controls many lives, in a sense, through its sharing of information and of course, various publications. Magazines and newspapers cemented their existence long ago, yet it is today that varieties have multiplied and information has become trivialized. One must recognize this when seeing the kinds of "news" that the media shares, and especially when analyzing the angle of such important information. Yet many newspapers and especially magazines have, in a way, become almost fragmented by their own biases, controlled by a need to specialize in order to sell copies. his is true of many men and women's magazines, where it is evident that certain photos and articles cater to a certain….

Lessons Magazines of the Late 1940s and 1950s Taught Women About Dating and Marriage?
The objective of this study is to examine magazine articles from popular women's magazines in the 1940s and 1950s and answer the question of what these magazines taught women about marriage and dating.

The 1940s and 1950s were decades that were characterized by change and expansion in the roles of women in society. Popular magazines of these two decades helped to form the conceptions of women concerning dating and marriage. This is clearly evidenced in articles in these magazines.

Magazines in the 1940s

World War II began in the early 1940s and men were drafted to fight leaving gaps in the manufacturing and production lines in U.S. companies. The United States needed workers to produce supplies and during this time, women were looked toward by employers to fill these gaps. Just as had been the case during World War I,….

women's magazines has income increasingly significant on the media market largely because they tend to appeal to an increasing public. In this context, the share of the advertisement is also on the rise. However, such developments have determined an impact on the public that is often considered to be a negative one in terms of women's self-esteem.
There are different aspects to consider when arguing that women are negatively impacted by glossy magazines. The aspects most affected by women's magazines include the body image, the behavior of women vs. The partner, the work place, and the society at large, and the image women project in the society at large (Kramer, 2011).

Glossy magazines, as a result of the advertisement conducted and the ad space sold on the pages of magazines such as "Vogue," "Harper's Bazaar," "Cosmopolitan," "Elle," have the tendency to promote the perfect-body model in women. They are the symbols….

Advertising Themes in Turkish Magazines
Boxer Magazine is a Turkish language magazine published in Turkey. As the name implies, it is intended to appeal to a predominantly male audience. Naturally, its advertisements present products and services intended to appeal to and be purchased and consumed by Turkish male customers. The following is an analysis of the specific advertisements in the June 2011 issue of Boxer.

By contrast, Elele Magazine is a Turkish language magazine published in Turkey. Unlike Boxer, it is intended to appeal to a predominantly female audience. Naturally, its advertisements present products and services intended to appeal to and be purchased and consumed by Turkish female customers or on behalf of females by males. The following is an analysis of the specific advertisements in the June 2011 issue of Elele. There is a very obvious difference in the themes of the advertisements that only becomes more apparent by virtue of….

One full-page photo, black and white (head shot of Watts, serious)

Small headline and 6" drop cap with copy, large amount of white space on second page

Article 2: (Regular Column) "Height of Fashion" pages full photos with fashion models, white, 30-35, smiling, trendy fashions pages copy with a large amount of white space

4" headlines on each page

Article 3: (Feature) "The Paradise of Portugal" photo montage, color, different locations in Portugal copy mixed with photos

3" headline on first page

Article 4: (Feature) "The Versatile Tie" photo montage of men's ties, color copy mixed with photos

4" headline on first page

Overview: Both of these magazines are for the latest fashion. Both are global magazines, although Harper's Bizarre is read more in the U.S. And Homme is more common in France because of the language.

The Harper's Bizarre has a better mix of informative articles in addition to straight fashion news and is for middle-class and up.….

Allen also notes that interviews are often heavily edited, very likely to be true in the case of Artforum, where each interview hews to a standard of grammar and diction that may not be found in the speech of the interviewees.

Six people -- artists, writers -- who had known Coplans were invited to contribute to his obituary. Irving Blum's reminiscence aptly explains the editorial direction of the magazine during Coplans' tenure, and, by observation of the February 2005 issue, today as well. Blum notes that Coplans had a "bulletproof bull***** detector. He was astonishingly direct about every issue" (Banks, 2004). Blum notes that Coplans could both voice his feelings and explain why he did or did not like something, a feature of the writing in the magazine today. In addition, when the art public was giving some new ideas a lukewarm reception, and Coplans disagreed, he was not shy about….

About a Magazine

ports Illustrated
tudying a Magazine

ports Illustrated is an American run magazine, run by Time Warner, that has been in circulation for 55 years and that focuses on description of various events, which include, in the magazine's own words, sports news, scores, photos, columns and expert analysis from the world of sports including NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, NACAR, college basketball, and many others. ports Illustrated, or I, offers the readers, who are primarily male (though the magazine and the website has also been able to appeal to female viewers as well more recently), everything from photos, in-depth sports reporting, cards, football awards, swimsuit issues, segments on sports related things, and awards for sportsmen and women's accomplishments.

ports Illustrated runs a variety of articles that are mostly connected to-you guessed it-sports. For example, by going to the website, one can see at least 13 "top headlines" in the right hand side of the screen,….

SPIN Magazine [1: The one source you requested I use was taken from Spin Magazine, and I modeled everything after this article: (citation below) Weingarten, C. "The Big Four Play Their First U.S. Show." Spin Magazine. 2011. ]
Here Are the News: Analysis of What We Listen To

Violent and Misogynistic Lyrics in Gangsta Rap

By ____ April 30, 2011

The saying goes, "you are what you eat." Though this may seem like a cliche at first glance, just think about this small quote that you have probably heard before. When thinking logically, this statement is really true: you are what you eat and you really do look a certain way because of nutrition.

Similarly to looking like what you are eating, you are shaped by the music to which you listen. Those who listen to rock are different people from those who listen to predominantly punk or rap music. These individuals may….

Canadian Current Events Magazine
Prduced by NAME

Career Prspects

This article describes the grwing trend in the crprate wrld f eliminating perfrmance reviews, which many find t be ineffective and even cunterprductive. The article ntes that wrkers and managers alike ften feel that perfrmance reviews d nt measure what they are meant t measure, and that they fail t prvide

Cntinued n New Mining Activity in Alberta

Career Prspects

Letters t the Editr

Interview with Financial Expert

Sprts Sectin

Career Sectin

Ecnmic Screcard

Prjected Grwth in 2012

Labr Market

Signs f imprvement in the labr market in the United States cntinue as the rate f peple applying fr unemplyment benefits hit its lwest number since May f 2008, accrding t recent numbers released by the U.S.

Cntinued n

Canada is a cuntry whse main exprts are hckey players and cld frnts. Our main imprts are baseball players and acid rain.

Frmer PM Pierre Trudeau

Ecnmic Indicatrs

The 13.2% jblessness rate in Newfundland is just ne f many indicatrs….

CIO Magazine Analysis
Critical Evaluation of the CIO Magazine Article

The Whole . . . is More than its Parts

The article The Whole . . . is More than its Parts illustrates the complexities, challenges and decisions that must be made in order for an enterprise to unify its many applications, databases, systems and platforms to serve a common strategic purpose. The article was published May 31, 2000 when integration options within enterprises were comprised of creating hand-coded adapters and connectors which were often written within the companies who needed them, reliance on Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) or the use of XML as an integration standard. In 2000 when the article was written and published, Web Services were nascent and only in prototype form. Web Services began proliferating subsequent to the time when this article was written, given the rapid increases in programming languages and tools specifically designed for ensuring higher levels….

TV or Magazine

TV and Magazine Ads. There are five references used for this paper.
Americans see numerous advertisements on TV and in magazines, all aim at getting them to spend their money. It is interesting to look at five such ads and who their target audience is.

Household Items

The Libmen Company offers a wide array of products for cleaning the home. Their newest product is the Nitty Gritty Roller Mop which is targeted for the middle-class, homemaker.

The ad promises the product will "get to the nitty, gritty of cleaning a floor (Libmen)."

The company demonstrates this benefit by showing the consumer bristles on the mop, as well as the roller portion.

The consumer is shown the mop being used, further successfully illustrating the virtues of the product.

Health Aids

Odor Eaters has a product called Odor Eaters Plus. The product is aimed mainly at middle-class athletes or workers who may be on their feet more than ordinary….

Forbes Magazine entitled, "In the Pill Box" discusses Walgreen's Drugstore and the challenge that it faces from Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBM). The article begins by informing the reader of the astronomical growth of the Walgreen's company. The author explains that the company's stock has risen by 3,000% in the past 20 years and that the store plans to have over 7,000 stores by 2010. (Lambert) The article also asserts that the same-store sales increased by 9% in fiscal 2003. (Lambert)
The author contends that although the company is extremely success, there is a threat on the horizon. This threat comes in the form of Pharmacy Benefit Managers who show health organizations and employers how to make prescriptions drugs more cost effective. The article explains that PBM's often encourage these organizations to persuade patients to get long-term prescriptions through the mail instead of going to a pharmacy. Mail order pharmaceuticals are….

The very fact that the magazine openly admires men like Ray Liotta, who show depth beyond the typical alpha male and women like Christina Aguilera, who has chosen to use her sexuality rather than being used by her sexuality, demonstrates that the magazine does not even seriously believe that anyone should become the ideal male. On the contrary, the magazines use of stereotype-heavy advertising and writing suggests that the editors believe that men and women should try to incorporate some of the elements of these traditional stereotypes, while retaining their own individualized personalities. Such a position only becomes problematic when a consumer is not sophisticated enough to recognize that there is a distinction between writing about a stereotype and supporting all aspects of that stereotype. For example, violence against women has long been considered acceptable in sexual stereotyping. Maxim does not have articles, advertisements, or photos that glorify violence….

Paltrow and US Magazine

Paltrow and the Public Eye: As Portrayed by Us Magazine
One public figure who has prominently been focused on with more fervor of recent times has been Gwyneth Paltrow. This is in part because she is a beautiful celebrity and famous actress, and also in part because of a rumor that recently went around that Vanity Fair was planning a "take down" article on her. One online magazine which appears to feature her very heavily and on a regular basis is U.S. Magazine. This magazine will publish something about Ms. Paltrow every few days and appears to play both sides of the coin when it comes to how they portray her. When the magazine wants to portray her favorably, they do so. When they want to portray her unfavorably, they do so as well. They're extremely mercurial when it comes to how she is presented to the rest of the world.….

You can find information to create this thesis statement by using several different types of sources. In addition to the standard Google search for websites about the topic, there are online and offline books and magazines that deal with religious subjects. Ministry Magazine is a good source to consider, along with Enrichment Journal and Christian Standard. Liberty University's Digital Commons also provides a lot of good insight into growing small churches. Any church can be successful in a small city, as long as it provides the community with what the people need in order to feel their lives are being....

Title: The Complex Issue of School Shootings: Examining Opposing Viewpoints


School shootings have become a prevalent and disturbing issue in our society, sparking intense debates and discussions among individuals, communities, and policymakers. This essay aims to present opposing viewpoints on this complex matter, exploring the arguments for and against various approaches to preventing and addressing school shootings.

Viewpoint 1: Stricter Gun Control and Mental Health Interventions

Advocates of stricter gun control measures argue that these policies can effectively reduce the number of school shootings by limiting access to firearms and ammunition. They emphasize the need for comprehensive background checks, waiting periods, and restrictions....

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Have you ever wondered about the mysterious allure of gothic fashion?
B. Background information: Explain what gothic fashion is and its origins.
C. Thesis statement: This essay will explore the elements of a gothic wardrobe and the reasons why it has captivated individuals throughout history.

II. Elements of a Gothic Wardrobe
A. Dark colors: Discuss the significance of black as the predominant color in gothic fashion.
B. Layering: Examine how layering allows gothic fashion enthusiasts to create a dramatic and mysterious look.
C. Fabrics: Analyze the importance of materials such as velvet, lace, and leather....

1. The sinking of the Titanic: what were the factors that led to the disaster, and how did the world respond to the tragedy?

2. The legacy of the Titanic: how has the sinking of the Titanic influenced maritime safety regulations and practices?

3. The construction of the Titanic: what technological advancements were incorporated into the ship, and how did they contribute to its reputation as a marvel of engineering?

4. Women on board the Titanic: how did gender roles and expectations play out during the disaster, and what stories of heroism or tragedy emerged from the female passengers and crew members?

5. The....

3 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Magazines the World They Create for Us

Words: 1105
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

worlds they create for us: The similar yet different worlds of female and male fitness of "Shape" for women and "Men's Health" In answering the question, what worlds do…

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6 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Women vs Men Magazines Comparing Four Magazines

Words: 1719
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Women vs. Men Magazines Comparing Four Magazines: What Society can Learn About Itself from Magazine Covers and Advertisements Individuals today are constantly bombarded with information. his information comes from many sources, most…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Women

What Did Magazines of the Late 40s and 1950s Teach Women About Dating and Marriage

Words: 2103
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Lessons Magazines of the Late 1940s and 1950s Taught Women About Dating and Marriage? The objective of this study is to examine magazine articles from popular women's magazines in the…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


That Women's Magazines Are Harmful to Women

Words: 850
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

women's magazines has income increasingly significant on the media market largely because they tend to appeal to an increasing public. In this context, the share of the advertisement…

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4 Pages

Business - Advertising

Advertising Themes in Turkish Magazines Boxer Magazine

Words: 1126
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Advertising Themes in Turkish Magazines Boxer Magazine is a Turkish language magazine published in Turkey. As the name implies, it is intended to appeal to a predominantly male audience. Naturally,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Homme Men's Monthly Magazine September

Words: 640
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" One full-page photo, black and white (head shot of Watts, serious) Small headline and 6" drop cap with copy, large amount of white space on second page Article 2: (Regular Column)…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Artforum Magazine Five-Year-Old Book About

Words: 1312
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Allen also notes that interviews are often heavily edited, very likely to be true in the case of Artforum, where each interview hews to a standard of grammar and…

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2 Pages


About a Magazine

Words: 529
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

ports Illustrated tudying a Magazine ports Illustrated is an American run magazine, run by Time Warner, that has been in circulation for 55 years and that focuses on description of various…

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4 Pages


Spin Magazine 1 The One Source You

Words: 1318
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

SPIN Magazine [1: The one source you requested I use was taken from Spin Magazine, and I modeled everything after this article: (citation below) Weingarten, C. "The…

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7 Pages


Canadian Current Events Magazine Produced by Name

Words: 2428
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Canadian Current Events Magazine Prduced by NAME Career Prspects This article describes the grwing trend in the crprate wrld f eliminating perfrmance reviews, which many find t be ineffective and even cunterprductive.…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

CIO Magazine Analysis Critical Evaluation of the

Words: 903
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

CIO Magazine Analysis Critical Evaluation of the CIO Magazine Article The Whole . . . is More than its Parts The article The Whole . . . is More than its Parts…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

TV or Magazine

Words: 490
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

TV and Magazine Ads. There are five references used for this paper. Americans see numerous advertisements on TV and in magazines, all aim at getting them to spend their…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Forbes Magazine Entitled In the Pill Box

Words: 801
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Forbes Magazine entitled, "In the Pill Box" discusses Walgreen's Drugstore and the challenge that it faces from Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBM). The article begins by informing the reader…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

American Pop Culture Maxim Magazine

Words: 1759
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The very fact that the magazine openly admires men like Ray Liotta, who show depth beyond the typical alpha male and women like Christina Aguilera, who has chosen…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Paltrow and US Magazine

Words: 1212
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Paltrow and the Public Eye: As Portrayed by Us Magazine One public figure who has prominently been focused on with more fervor of recent times has been Gwyneth Paltrow. This…

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