Manhattan Project Essays (Examples)

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Manhattan Project
Pages: 10 Words: 3708

Manhattan Project was one of the most documented events in American and World History. The discussion will provide an explanation of the Manhattan Project and how the project changed society forever. The purpose of this essay is to provide a historiographic discussion on the topic of the Manhattan project.
The Manhattan Project Summary

According to a book entitled The Manhattan Project and published by the Department of Energy, Albert Einstein was actually quite instrumental in the development of the Manhattan Project. According to the book Einstein wrote a now famous letter explaining to President Roosevelt advances in science related to chain reactions through the use of Uranium. Einstein asserted that this new scientific discovery could lead to the development of bombs that would be extremely powerful and destructive.

In the letter, Einstein also revealed to the president that Germany was already attempting to build bombs involving this new scientific discovery. Roosevelt was concerned…...


Vincent C. Jones Manhattan: The Army and the Atomic Bomb. Reviews in American History, Vol. 15, No. 4 (Dec., 1987), pp. 680-685

Robert Serber, Richard Rhodes. The Los Alamos Primer: The First Lectures on how to Build an Atomic Bomb Contributor Richard Rhodes Edition: illustrated, annotated Published by University of California Press, 1992

Bernstein, Barton J. Reconsidering the Atomic General: Leslie Groves. The Journal of Military History, Vol.67, No. 3 (Jul.,2003), pp. 883-920

Manhattan Project the Development of
Pages: 5 Words: 1588

Nevertheless, the launching of the first atomic bomb on the part of the U.S. was highly criticized, especially because they had found a way to end the war which entailed sacrificing the lives of tens of thousands of innocent civilians. Their initiative to build the first atomic bomb was considered by many as the supreme proof of vanity, American exceptionalism at its best in the sense that it embodied the country's belief that it had the responsibility to end international conflict according to its own plans, disregarding international law. In order to understand how the Manhattan Project embodied American Exceptionalism, a short overview of this idea is in order. Exceptionalism represents the notion that America has a special destiny different from that of other nations, an idea that permeates every period of American history. Although it was coined as an attempt to explain the special circumstances behind the birth…...


Hewlett, Richard G; Anderson, Oscar E. The New World, 1939/1946. Volume 1: A History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. Pennsylvania State University Press: 1962

Wikipedia. American Exceptionalism. 

Wikipedia. The Manhattan Project.

Manhattan Project Whether Due to
Pages: 5 Words: 1583

A uranium-fueled nuclear weapon nicknamed Little Boy exploded over Hiroshima only three weeks after the Trinity test. A uranium-fueled nuclear weapon had not even been tested on the Trinity site. It was the Plutonium-fueled imploding bomb that most concerned and excited Manhattan Project scientists. The potential for destruction and sheer military might became starkly visible on July 16, 1945. Fat Man, a bomb modeled after the one imploded at Trinity, imploded at Nagasaki on August 9 of that year, forcing the Japanese surrender. The Second World War came to an end, but the Cold War would usher in a new era of intense fear.
The White Sands Missile ange remains "one of the most sophisticated test facilities in the world," ("Trinity Site Pamphlet"). Anti-proliferation treaties reflect the understanding that nuclear weapons remain a major threat to world peace. With hardly any evidence and only one plutonium test at Trinity, the…...



Chapter 3: "Radiation Protection at Project Trinity." Retireved April 23, 2007 at 

The Manhattan Project." Retrieved April 23, 2007 at

Trinity Site Pamphlet." White Sands Missile Range. Retrieved April 23, 2007 at 

United States Department of Energy. "The Manhattan Project." Retrived April 23, 2007 at

Manhattan Project a Bomb Heard Around the World
Pages: 5 Words: 1587

Manhattan Project, and examines whether or not we should have dropped the bomb associated with the project.
The Manhattan Project: An Examination

In 1939, the United States got word through various channels of intelligence that the Nazis in Germany were planning to develop an atomic bomb. This was startling and upsetting news for the United States, as the prospect of the Nazis with the most powerful weapon in the world was not a comforting one. As a result, the United States began its own project to develop and build an atomic bomb before the Nazis or the Japanese did. The United States began this project in 1942 under the Army Corps of Engineers. It was the atomic bomb that was developed during this effort, an effort known as the Manhattan Project, that was eventually dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This paper examines the history behind the Manhattan Project and analyzes whether…...



Bracchini, Miguel A. The History and Ethics Behind the Manhattan Project.

University of Texas Press: Austin, Texas. 1997.

Hewlett, Richard G. And Anderson, Oscar E. The New World: A History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, Volume 1, 1939/1946. U.S. AEC

Technical Information Center: Oak Ridge, Tennessee. 1972.

Project Management Considerations in the
Pages: 5 Words: 1571

If so, the project manager has the necessary tools to assess the project's progress and communicate its status and needs to others.

Useful tools are defined for project management. Prior to initiation, there are tools for ensuring that all parties agree on the goal, the approach, the costs, the personnel, the timetable, and the "deliverables." Yet, only when these are defined and agreed upon can the project planning begin. Furthermore, only when the plans are defined and agreed upon can the project actually commence! It quickly becomes apparent why we speak in terms of project phases. The project management profession has developed tools, techniques, education, certification, publications, and organizations to enhance the collective skill set of its practitioners. The reason is quite clear - there is a tremendous amount of money at risk and too few projects are complete successes. However, the profession continues to self-improve. Gifted individuals bring their…...



Knack, R.E. (2004, October). Getting your act together: How project management can help you bring in every project on time and under budget. Planning, 70, 1.

Massue, M. (2004, February). A project planning tool. T&D, 58, 1.

Mission and vision. (2007). Project Management Institute. Retrieved February 14, 2008 at

Stuckenbruck, L.C. (1981). The implementation of project management: The professional's

Project Management the Project Selected for This
Pages: 15 Words: 4805

Project Management
The project selected for this study is the opening of a new restaurant in New York City. This restaurant will be named: "Home Grown." It will be fashioned after the restaurant-creation in the television program "Fifteen" in the U.K. Food Network, a cable television channel has decided to open the restaurant by hiring fifteen trainees. The trainees will be taught all the requisite skills to chefs. Along with that they will also be able to assess the related needs of the restaurant industry. Jamie Oliver, the mastermind behind "Fifteen" in the U.K. has been selected to head this project along with his sous-chef who would be monitor the daily operations in NY City. The restaurant is to open on Christmas Eve, 2004 and it is hoped that it will be a success. Food Network has a budget of ten million dollars earmarked for this project. Any profits from this…...



Ayers, James B. (2001). Handbook of supply chain management. Boca Raton, Fla.

Alexandria, Va.: St. Lucie Press;


Baar, James E, & Jacobson, Stephen M. (2004). Forecasting-What a Responsibility. Cost Engineering., 46, 1, 19

Science and Morality After the
Pages: 4 Words: 1361

That is not to say that theory and application cannot be separated into ethical categories. They can be, but those categorizations are always going to be somewhat skewed by the researcher, because no human being is capable of perfect neutrality. To assume that one can research for the sake of purse science really does involve imaging that scientists are not human beings with their own personal motivations. Moreover, this is not an issue that developed in the post-atomic world. Even before the use of the atomic bomb, scientists were motivated by personal motivations that kept them from being completely neutral. Therefore, it might be better to consider the ethics of scientific discovery from a viewpoint that includes the inherent morality of a discovery. For example, chemotherapy could be used as a weapon with very disastrous results, because its side-effects are devastating and can even be fatal. However, chemotherapies are developed…...

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1
Pages: 2 Words: 612

musical style epitomized the 1920s? Jazz
What did John Steinbeck describe in he Grapes of Wrath? he dust bowl and its impact on agricultural families during the great depression.

National Industrial Recovery Act? An act created by President Roosevelt to stimulate the economy by allowing the government to regulate particular industries.

What did the Civilian Conservation Corps do? Created jobs on state and national lands to stimulate the economy.

What did Eleanor Roosevelt see as her primary role as First Lady? o be an advocate for civil rights

Which of the following was not true concerning the election of 1936? Incomplete Question

Which of the following pieces of legislation was an attempt at campaign reform in the late 1930s? Incomplete Question

he National Resources Planning Board facilitated? he National Resources Planning Board facilitated creating and implementing employment for young men during the great depression.

What feature of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 established the basic framework…...


The Manhattan Project was? The secret project for inventing the atom bomb

Who were the Scottsboro boys? Nine black teenagers accused of rape in a 1931 Alabama case. It revealed the deeply seated racism in Alabama due to its denial of a fair trail.

A. Philip Randolph's call for a massive march on Washington led to? Desegregation of the armed forces.

History World War II
Pages: 4 Words: 1685

World War II, which took place from 1939-1945, was waged by the Allied Nations as a struggle for freedom against the evil and totalitarian regimes that existed in Germany, Italy and Japan.
Leaders of the War

There were several leaders that made decisions that contributed to the start and end of WWII. Adolf Hitler, who became the leader of Germany during the Great Depression, is blamed for WWII. He raised German spirits by telling them of a better future and a better Germany. ut in reality, he gave them a war. Hitler planned to expand Germany by taking Austria, Poland, and many other countries. He believed that German people were superior to the rest of the world and wanted everyone to prove this. (Keegan)

efore Hitler, the spirit and nationalism of the German people was very low, but he was able to get the German people to take pride in their country, and…...



Keegan, John. The Second World War. Penguin Books, 1989.

Allen, Thomas. World War II: The Encyclopedia of the War Years, 1941-1945. Random House, Inc., 1996.

A.J.P. Taylor, The Origins of the Second World War. Atheneum, 1983.

John Keegan. The Face of Battle. Penguin Books, 1987.

Food Safety and Food
Pages: 54 Words: 10186

Validation of Commercial Baking as an Effective Step to Control/Inactivate Salmonella in Baked Products
Major findings, analysis and conclusions

Description of the baking industry and baking emphasis in the United States.

Purpose and structure of importance

Description of the problem being addressed and its importance to the practice of applied food safety

Process of Consultation

Outline how the client (ABA) will be engaged and carefully define the problem

Identification of key stakeholders

Overview and feedback of findings and results

ecommended actions and dissemination of these recommendations

Plans for implementation and measurement

Major findings. The U.S. had approximately 167,600 baker positions available in 2012 and around 6% of these were self-employed (Bakery business, 2016). Although industry analysts project sustained growth in the U.S. baking industry, this growth will not be on par with other industries (Bakery business, 2016). Currently, the U.S. baking industry is a nearly $310 billion industry that has enjoyed a remarkably safe record for the production of shelf stable…...



About us. (2016). American Bakers Association. Retrieved from

Albion, R. G. & Williamson, H. F. (1944). The growth of the American economy: An introduction to the economic history of the United States. New York: Prentice-Hall.

Bakery business. (2016). SBDC Net. Retrieved from .

Baking industry economic impact study, 2016). American Bakers Association. Retrieved from

Truman Japan Potsdam and the Bomb
Pages: 2 Words: 2238

Marilyn Alsaadi
Dr. Megan Sethi

Mokusatsu: Translation lunders and the Atomic omb

The motive behind President Harry Truman's decision to drop two atomic bombs on Japan is one of those most debated topics of 20th century history. Much attention is often focused on two widely held perspectives: first, that the American government was reluctant to invade the Japanese mainland and, second, that the United States wished to preempt the nuclear arms race by establishing itself as the global leader of "atomic diplomacy." However, popular debates almost always fail to acknowledge that a relatively minor linguistic mishap was the real catalyst behind the series of events leading up to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.. Despite the larger ideological motivations most often cited by historians, the "mokusatsu" translation blunder is in fact the actual historical event that directly triggered the dropping of two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

y the summer of 1945 the Allied forces had…...



Primary Sources

Stimson, Henry. "The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb." Harper's Magazine: 97-107.

Shigenori, Togo. The Cause of Japan. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956.

"Japan Officially Turns Down Allied Surrender Ultimatum." The New York Times 28 July 1945.

Apollo Program
Pages: 5 Words: 1749

Apollo Program on Technology
Some people do not understand the space program. They consider it an indulgence with little to add to the practical world. What they fail to consider is that the space program has facilitated much of the science that is responsible for today's technological advances. In fact, putting aside anything that the space program has contributed to the knowledge of the universe as a greater system, it is still clear that the space program has made significant contributions to modern technology. In order to explore the relationship between the space program and technological innovation, this paper will examine the impact of the Apollo Program on modern technology. Discoveries made as part of the Apollo Program have led to advances and changes across a wide swath of modern technology; literally changing the face of modern America. Furthermore, these changes would not have been likely with the information garnered…...



Bravo Technical Resources, Inc. (2010). Tales from IT history: The Apollo missions and tech innovation. Retrieved December 2, 2012 from Bravo Tech website:

Gaudin, S. (2009, July 20). NASA's Apollo technology has changed history. Retrieved December 2, 2012 from Computerworld website: 

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (2007). Benefits from Apollo: Giant leaps in technology. Retrieved December 2, 2012 from NASA website: .

Sadeh, E. (Unk.). Societal impacts of the Apollo program. Retrieved December 2, 2012 from website:

Privatizing China's Transportation Infrastructure the
Pages: 15 Words: 4154

Despite these constraints, China does in fact have an impressive transportation infrastructure already, and China's rankings relative to the rest of the world in various transportation infrastructure categories is provided in Table 1 below.
Table 1

Current Status of China's Transportation Infrastructure

Infrastructure Category

Statistics/Current Status

World Rank




77,834 km



3,583,715 km (includes 53,913 km of expressways)



110,000 km navigable


Merchant marine



Ports and terminals

Dalian, Guangzhou, Ningbo, Qingdao, Qinhuangdao, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjin (see map at Appendix a)

Source: China, 2010

The network of paved highways and roads that extends throughout China, though, is not the same type of national and unified transportation system that exists in the U.S., Japan and Europe that are characterized by uniform standards and regulatory guidelines and many of the roadways are in bad condition [10]. Notwithstanding the current state of the roadways throughout China, Tian and Wang (2010) indicate that the network is most likely adequate to satisfy China's current transportation requirements in the near-term but…...


Bibliography." The American Journal of Economics and Sociology 65(3):



Tian, R.G. & Wang, C.H. (2010). Encyclopedia of the Nations. Retrieved from


Budget Cycle of the U S
Pages: 4 Words: 1322

S. Government to make future or immediate monetary outlays. In the second subcomponent, the reporting and outlay phase lasts for the duration until the funds are canceled or until the funds are totally disbursed. One should note that these cancellations are in no way connected with cancellations that are connected with budget reductions. These are a separate congressional activity (ibid).
Sometimes spending adjustments are needed during the fiscal year. They may require special reporting and approval procedures by both Congress and OMB. In some instances, an agency can request supplemental funding by submitting a request to the Congress. Mostly, the departments and agencies are required to manage their funds according to their available resources and have only a limited monitoring by the OMB and the Congress during this particular phase of the budget process (Government Printing Office, 29-30).

hat is the effect of this system in theory as well as in practice?…...


Works Cited

Government Printing Office, the budget cycle. Washington, DC: GPO. Retrieved


Keith, Robert. U.S. Congress, Congressional Research Service. (2008). Introduction to the federal budget process (CRS Publication No. 98-721 ). Washington DC: Congressional Research Service. Retrieved from .

Keith, Robert. U.S. Congress, Congressional Research Service. (2008). Suspension of budget enforcement procedures (CRS Publication No. RL31068). Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service. Retrieved from .

Organization Management for Any Business
Pages: 3 Words: 1048

It might be acknowledged that politics are good at times, but for the company, it is more important to create a sound system of management that would be more in touch with the needs and requirements of employees. The short-term goal would therefore be to determine these needs and goals by means of a number of interviews. Employees will be encouraged to voice their concerns and needs, as well as to provide input for the improvement of the company as a whole. In both the short- and long-term, the most important factor to install would be a sound basis of communication among employers, employees, and everybody in the company. Only by communicating effectively within its internal environment can the company begin to prioritize and reach its goals effectively.
Shuceta's motivation for taking the job might be explained by the incentive theory of motivation (Cherry, 2012), which holds that a person…...



Schermerhorn, J.R. (2011). Management and organization behavior. (1 ed.). Danvers, MA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

McNabb, D.E. (2007). Knowledge management in the public sector. Armonk, New York: M.E.Sharpe.

Miner, J.B. (2005). Organizational behavior one, essential theories of motivation and leadership. New York: ME Sharpe Inc.

(January 9, 2012 Monday ). MARCHING WITH MOTIVATION. Heal India, Retrieved from

I\'m not very familiar with title for writing about albert Einstein. Could you suggest some essay topics to help me learn more?
Words: 233

1. "The Life and Achievements of Albert Einstein"
2. "Einstein's Theory of Relativity: A Revolution in Physics"
3. "The Mind of Einstein: Exploring the Genius of a Scientific Icon"
4. "Einstein and the Atomic Bomb: His Role in the Manhattan Project"
5. "Einstein's Legacy: How his Ideas continue to Shape Modern Science"
6. "Einstein's Philosophical Views: A Look at his Thoughts on God and Society"
7. "Einstein's Global Impact: How his Work Transformed the World"
8. "Einstein and Quantum Mechanics: Understanding his Contribution to the Field"
9. "Einstein and the Universe: Exploring his Theories on Space and Time"
10. "Einstein and the Nazis: Examining his Political Activism and Refugee....

I\'m not very familiar with title for writing about albert Einstein. Could you suggest some essay topics to help me learn more?
Words: 554

1. Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Its Impact on Modern Physics

Examine the groundbreaking implications of Einstein's theory of special and general relativity.
Discuss its revolutionary insights on time, space, and gravity.
Analyze the experimental and observational evidence that supports the theory and its significance in shaping our understanding of the universe.

2. The Life and Legacy of Albert Einstein

Provide a comprehensive overview of Einstein's life, from his early years to his scientific breakthroughs.
Explore his struggles, triumphs, and personal life.
Discuss the enduring impact of his contributions to science, society, and global affairs.

3. Einstein and the Atom Bomb: A....

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