Market Entry Strategy Essays (Examples)

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Indirect Investment Options

The indirect investment option avails itself of two avenues: licensing agreements or branch or representative offices. "Foreign companies with patents, trademarks, or other intellectual property are free to enter into licensing agreements with local companies. Licensing has the advantage of limiting a foreign company's exposure, since the company need not set up an office or a joint venture" (Price Waterhouse Coopers. N.D.P.18). The branch or representative office "remains part of the parent company and is therefore not entitled to the rights and protections accorded to Chinese legal entities; however, it also must appoint a Chinese legal representative" (Price Waterhouse Coopers. N.D.P.18).

Pros and Cons of Direct v. Indirect

Of the direct and indirect investment options there are positives and negatives. The direct investment option allows the foreign entity to immerse themselves into the political, regulatory, and business framework of China's economic powerhouse. One of the most important distinguishing factors….

maket enty stategy of cosmetics poduce SkinCeuticals on the Chinese maket. SkinCeuticals is pesented in the Company Pesentation section. The SWOT Analysis section analyzes numeous stengths, weaknesses, theats, and oppotunities associated with the company's situation. The China Analysis section pesents some of the most impotant factos that influence the business envionment in this county. Thee is also a section on Costs, Benefits, and Risks. The stategy of SkinCeuticals is pesented in the Maket Enty Stategy. The Recommendations section eveals the advantages of SkinCeuticals on the Chinese maket.
Company Pesentation

SkinCeuticals is a cosmetics company established in 1997. The company focuses on poducing cosmetics combined with phamaceutical effects. These poducts ae based on using the oiginal topical vitamin C fomula in ode to addess the diffeent poblems of the skin. The company's poduct stategy eflects its pinciples. These pinciples ae epesented by developing poducts intended to pevent damage to the skin detemined….

Analysis of Reparation Reform in Education Anti-Racism and Anti-OppressionTable of Contents1 Introduction 22 Historical Perspectives of Reparations in the United States 33 The Case for Reparations 44 Reparation Policies in Education Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression 54.1 Tax Rebates handed out to Black Homeowners 74.2 Eliminating Racial Gaps Within School District Revenues 84.3 Eradicating Racism in School Funding Formulas 84.4 Transforming Factoring in of Race in School Aid Formulations 95 Conclusion 106 References 111 IntroductionThe dehumanization and marginalization of the Black people continue within institutions in the United States. Owing to racially driven policies together with the stratification of social circumstances, the Black community is precluded from attaining institutional backing necessitated for collective achievement (Wali-Ali, 2019). For many, it is deemed that the educational achievement gap is a fundamental social justice problem.Madyun (2011) indicates that the education attained by the average Black student during graduation day is akin to what an average….

GM's Chevy Volt and its all-electric design, as well as diesel-electric and conventional gas-electric hybrids could and must replace the image of the 'old' GM in the public's imagination. The company has shed the Hummer stigma, now it must create a new image for itself in the future, not just domestically, but internationally.
orks Cited

Gas-free cars future priority. (2009, April 20). China Daily. Retrieved August 6, 2009

General Motors. (2009). Company history. Updated August 4, 2009. The New York Times.

Retrieved August 6, 2009.

Hu, Lei. (2008). GM's joint venture is China's top-selling brand in 2007. Edmunds.

Retrieved August 6, 2009.

Jason. (2004). The global hybrid race: Is Europe catching the fever. GreenHybrid. Retrieved August 6, 2009 at

ald, Matthew. (200, August 5) $2 million in grants to speed up electric car manufacturing.

The New York Times. Retrieved August 6, 2009.

Ying, Tina & Erik Holm. (2009). Buffer posts $1 billion profit on China hybrid carmaker BYD.


Stategic Planning fo Maket Enty
Baies to Enty

Maket Challenges

Tade Baies


EU Regulations

Confomity Assessment

Poduct Cetification


Maket Enty Stategy Selection


Joint Ventues/Licensing


Agents, Distibutos and Tading Houses Agents

Distibution and Sales Channels



EU Regulations

Stategic Alliances, Licensing and Fanchising

Joint Ventues

Foeign Diect Investment

Finding the Right Patne

Negotiating a Patneship Ageement

The Ageement Checklist

Have the salient points of the ageement been ageed upon in pinciple?

Paticipants and thei Roles

Negotiation Baselines

Section 10: Managing Intenational Business Opeations

Exit Stategies



In this wok, the case study of Tesla Motos has been taken as an example to undestand the stategies of intenational businesses with paticula attention to Gemany. The wok begins with exploation of stategies pevasive in intenational makets with close attention to enty issues. The vaious foms of foeign investments and business like Geenfield, acquisitions, meges, and Joint Ventues ae exploed (Lymbesky 2008, p.7) in the said context of the taget of Tesla motos in the automobile secto in Gemany.

Section 1: Stategic Planning fo Maket Enty

The main stategy adopted by….

Target UK Market Entry

Growth Strategy
Market Entry Strategy

There are a number of different options for the market entry strategy. These include licensing, joint venture and direct investment. For Target there are a number of considerations to make. First, the company just utilized the direct investment strategy in Canada, buying the real estate assets of a large chain of discount stores that went under. This move gave Target a large real estate footprint with which to work. Theoretically, that should have helped the company with things like economies of scale, but instead it was too big for Target to manage and the company suffered massive stockouts that may have set it back in that country years (Shaw, 2014). Target can view this one of two ways -- either it learned something from the experience and can enter the UK market most effectively via direct investment, or it should avoid direct investment and find a….

Optimal Foreign Entry Strategy for Jaypee Brothers
Established in 1969, Jaypee Brothers is the largest health sciences publisher in India with offices in the United Kingdom, the United States and Panama. Jaypee Brothers currently publishes more than 350 health science books and journals each year (About Us 2015). The company is currently seeking to develop its presence in other markets including the Middle East and Africa. This paper reviews the relevant literature to provide a brief overview of Jaypee Brothers and to identify a professional entry strategy for the company to enter these new markets. Finally, a summary of the research and important findings concerning an optimal professional entry strategy for Jaypee Brothers are provided in the conclusion.

eview and Discussion

Company Overview

With its headquarters in New Delhi, India, Jaypee Brothers (hereinafter alternatively "Jaypee" or "the company") is a global publishing company with collection centers in the United Kingdom, the United States….

Strategy Development
A directional strategy is a strategy to take the organization in a specific direction. For example Pepsi bought a ussian diary as part of its strategy to create a $20 billion nutrition business. This is not related to market conditions as such, just a focus on growing an area of business. In contrast, an adaptive strategy is one where the company needs a strategy to adjust to some sort of change in the marketplace. An example of this would be an old-school grocery store adding more organic foods to its shelves in response to that market trend.

A market entry strategy is a strategy used to enter a market. There are several of these: exporting, licensing, joint venture, and direct investment (QuickMBA, 2010). These work for entering new domestic markets as well. New products or changes to existing products would also qualify, perhaps, as entering a new market. All strategy….

Company International Expansion
Potential Countries for Expansion


United Kingdom


Country for Expansion

Expansion Advice

Potential Countries for Expansion

In this case, we will discuss the potential for the expansion of XYZ company, based in the U.S., to another country for business. At the beginning, we choose three possible countries where the business can set up expansion projects and then compare the various business, economic, political and legal aspects to choose the best destination for expansion. In the second part, we would also weight the possible modes of market entry and subsequent expansion. For the first part, we choose three potential countries for expansion -- Canada, the United Kingdom, and China.


There has been a modest growth in the overall apparel market since the dollar value was unfavorable and the market was affected by retail competition. Expanding online options also gave rise to price wars. There has been downward pressure on the price and value of growth due….

However, that the company is using estern management techniques bodes well for its ability to behave ethically, specifically with respect to its desire to avoid bribery and corruption. It would have bribed its way to that deal, but instead chose not to, even though ultimately the deal was blocked.
Leadership is in short supply in Chinese business, so Coca-Cola has relied on foreign managers, even those from Taiwan or Hong Kong, to bring expertise. This has proven to be a challenge anyway, as the chlorine issue highlights, as there is a lack of experience at the plant level and problems like that occur. Thankfully, the company has enough foreign talent in place to ensure that issues like that are dealt with quickly and effectively. It is necessary to ensure that the company has some of its top people in the country, given that it expects China to be its largest….

Amazon's Strategy In India
Amazon has one of the most successful strategies that has developed in the last couple generations of contemporary business models. Their use of a "customer-centric" perspective, new distribution channels, and technology as core competencies have fueled an impressive growth rate in many new niches. Yet, despite many successful strategies initiatives that Amazon has developed thus far, the international sphere as a channel of expansion has produced mixed results. The case presents an overview of Amazon's efforts to enter the Indian market and the factors that are within the country and the culture that the company will have to navigate in order to overcome many challenges related to these circumstances.

For example, organized retail only represents a small portion of India's total retail market and therefore, for Amazon's strategy to work, the company will have to develop this market segment while simultaneously positioning itself at the center of this….

For this type of customers, Diesel should create a special line of clothing items, different from the one for the primary target customers. For the primary target customers the central piece is the jeans. For the secondary target customers Diesel designers should combine jeans with other clothing items that are best suitable for 25-35 aged customers, that have good jobs and that are present in high social circles. For the secondary target customers the price should be significantly higher than the price for the primary target customers. The secondary target customers are trying to buy a certain status together with the clothing items they buy, so the higher the price of the clothes, the higher the status they are achieving. Other than this, the price should reflect the work invested in creating these clothing items, which require extra care for the secondary target customers.
As mentioned above, the communication strategy….

These new customers of the optimal industry are looking for their own long-term competitive advantage through better alignment and direction of their own resources.
Differences between competitors are significant and aligned more on quality and customization of products than on price or aggressive discounting and the use of promotions. As a result, price elasticity is a permanent factor of the market and also signals the use of more effective means of differentiation, including the delivery of exceptional levels of service and greater levels of product customization expertise.

Supplier Power

In the optimal industry there are also an abundance of suppliers, each with highly differentiated and highly efficient supply chains of their own, all ensuring perfectly filled orders. The supply chain then is the greatest competitive differentiator of the industry from the manufacturing and fulfillment perspective.

The highly unique approach to service that is provided by suppliers also focuses on the use of advanced….

Nepal AIDS Strategy

Strategic Management Health Care
I will use AIDSCAP Nepal as my organization. AIDSCAP has a mission to reduce the incidence of AIDS/HIV among Nepalese sex workers. The organization is not competitive in nature -- it is not a corporate but a not-for-profit entity. It is funded by USAID, so there might be some element of competition for funding that demand it show results for its efforts, but ultimately there is not much competitive posture for AIDSCAP at all.

Strategic thinking is essential to successful performance of any organization (Goldman, 2007), so the leaders of the organization must set a strategy that takes into account the external and internal environments. This is the case even when the organization is not engaged in active competitive, something that AIDSCAP as a not-for-profit entity does not engage in.

An adaptive strategy is defined as one that deals with the environment and its challenges by expanding the scope….

From the place or distribution standpoint, Cincom relies on a direct sales force for the majority of its sales. This translates into the sales force for Cincom visiting the companies who are interested in purchasing their solutions and providing conference room pilots or demos of their software. Cincom also concentrates on creating demos that match to the needs of their customers exactly, by first evaluating the process workflows and procedures that are most in need of improvement within a customers' business. Cincom will model a customers' entire business to provide insights into how their software can streamline the overall production process.

Finally on the promotional aspect of their marketing mix for CONTOL, Cincom relies primarily on customer references and a series of videos of customers sharing how the EP system has helped to streamline their overall operations. There is also a series of brochures and data sheets, and self-running demos so….

5 Pages


Market Entry Strategy 2010 Saw

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

N.D.P.16). Indirect Investment Options The indirect investment option avails itself of two avenues: licensing agreements or branch or representative offices. "Foreign companies with patents, trademarks, or other intellectual property are…

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5 Pages


Market Entry Strategy of Cosmetics Producer Skinceuticals

Words: 1513
Length: 5 Pages
Type: SWOT

maket enty stategy of cosmetics poduce SkinCeuticals on the Chinese maket. SkinCeuticals is pesented in the Company Pesentation section. The SWOT Analysis section analyzes numeous stengths, weaknesses, theats,…

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13 Pages
Term Paper


Market Entry'strategy International Business Management Advisor

Words: 3805
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Analysis of Reparation Reform in Education Anti-Racism and Anti-OppressionTable of Contents1 Introduction 22 Historical Perspectives of Reparations in the United States 33 The Case for Reparations 44 Reparation Policies…

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5 Pages


Foreign Market Entry Strategies GM

Words: 1706
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

GM's Chevy Volt and its all-electric design, as well as diesel-electric and conventional gas-electric hybrids could and must replace the image of the 'old' GM in the public's…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Entry Strategy Into the German Market

Words: 7600
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Stategic Planning fo Maket Enty Baies to Enty Maket Challenges Tade Baies Standads EU Regulations Confomity Assessment Poduct Cetification Acceditation Maket Enty Stategy Selection Fanchising Joint Ventues/Licensing Licensing Agents, Distibutos and Tading Houses Agents Distibution and Sales Channels E-Commece Gemany EU Regulations Stategic Alliances, Licensing and Fanchising Joint…

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2 Pages


Target UK Market Entry

Words: 739
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Growth Strategy Market Entry Strategy There are a number of different options for the market entry strategy. These include licensing, joint venture and direct investment. For Target there are a…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Optimal Foreign Entry Strategy for Jaypee Brothers

Words: 3013
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Optimal Foreign Entry Strategy for Jaypee Brothers Established in 1969, Jaypee Brothers is the largest health sciences publisher in India with offices in the United Kingdom, the United States…

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2 Pages


Strategy Development a Directional Strategy Is a

Words: 684
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Strategy Development A directional strategy is a strategy to take the organization in a specific direction. For example Pepsi bought a ussian diary as part of its strategy to create…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Strategies for Market Entry

Words: 1533
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Company International Expansion Potential Countries for Expansion Canada United Kingdom China Country for Expansion Expansion Advice Potential Countries for Expansion In this case, we will discuss the potential for the expansion of XYZ company, based in the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


KO Ethics Market Entry Into

Words: 523
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, that the company is using estern management techniques bodes well for its ability to behave ethically, specifically with respect to its desire to avoid bribery and corruption.…

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2 Pages


Different Modes of Market Entry

Words: 623
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Amazon's Strategy In India Amazon has one of the most successful strategies that has developed in the last couple generations of contemporary business models. Their use of a "customer-centric" perspective,…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Market Analysis and Marketing for

Words: 1837
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For this type of customers, Diesel should create a special line of clothing items, different from the one for the primary target customers. For the primary target customers…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Strategy Analysis of the Ideal

Words: 1130
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

These new customers of the optimal industry are looking for their own long-term competitive advantage through better alignment and direction of their own resources. Differences between competitors are significant…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

Nepal AIDS Strategy

Words: 1282
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Other

Strategic Management Health Care I will use AIDSCAP Nepal as my organization. AIDSCAP has a mission to reduce the incidence of AIDS/HIV among Nepalese sex workers. The organization is not…

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3 Pages


Marketing Strategy and Practice Marketing

Words: 1151
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

From the place or distribution standpoint, Cincom relies on a direct sales force for the majority of its sales. This translates into the sales force for Cincom visiting the…

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