Massage Therapy Essays (Examples)

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Massage Therapy Local Miami State florida Institution Miami
Pages: 3 Words: 1118

MASSAGE THEAPY Local: Miami State:Florida Institution: Miami Dade College Health Care Career eport Instructions 1 Miami Dade College Medical Center Campus Health Sciences elated Studies HSC 0003, Introduction Health Care Health
Job description

A massage therapist is an individual who has been trained to provide massage therapy to patients or clients mostly for medical benefits. There are many kinds of massage therapies, but the most common are aromatherapy massage, Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, hot stone massage, Thai massage, and reflexology. A massage therapist should specialize in different techniques to ensure they can cater for different client needs. Massage therapists are required to provide the following in their job description. Apply hand and finger pressure to specific places of the body, they should assess a client's joint quality, joint function, soft tissue condition, motion range, and muscle strength Crosby, 2000.

They should also interview clients in order to establish the required and best…...



COMMISSION ON MASSAGE THERAPY EDUCATION RECOGNIZED BY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. (2002). [Article]. Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine, 8(6), 28.

Crosby, O. (2000). Massage therapist. [Article]. Occupational Outlook Quarterly, 44(2), 38.

Finch, P. (2004). The motivation of massage therapy students to enter professional education. [Article]. Medical Teacher, 26(8), 729-731. doi: 10.1080/01421590400013545

Shroff, F.M., & Sahota, I.S. (2012). How Can Massage Therapy Move Forward? Registered Massage Therapists Touch on Key Points Shaping Their Profession in British Columbia, Canada. [Article]. Home Health Care Management & Practice, 24(4), 182-192. doi: 10.1177/1084822311429563

Massage Therapy for Athletic Performance
Pages: 8 Words: 2367

This stage also facilitates the athlete's recovery time and sort of eases up pulls, strains and soreness. The third form, maintenance sport massage, is performed at least once a week. It increases the flow of blood and nutrients to the muscles. It keeps the tissues loose to enable the different layers of muscles to slide easily over each other. It also helps restricts the development of scar tissue as it increases flexibility and the range of motion. The overall goal of sports massage is to maximize athletic performance (Davidson).
Applications good sports massage therapist combines the best or most suitable techniques to achieve desired results (Davidson 2001). Each session lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. Pre-event massage is used or given before a competition or performance. It consists mainly of brisk effleurage and petrissage strokes. Effleurage strokes stimulate and warm the muscles up. Petrissage strokes help muscles to move smoothly…...



American Fitness. Body Therapeutics. Aerobics and Fitness Association of America: Gale Group, July 2001

Calechman, Steve. The Right Massage for You. Natural Health: Weider Publications, Inc., October-November 2001

Cates, Nancy Dodd. In Touch with the Healing Powers of Massage. Better Nutrition: PRIMEDIA Intertec, 1998

Crabtree, Margot. Massage: an Old Tradition in a New Millenium. Better Nutrition: PRIMEDIA Intertec, 1997

Massage Therapy This Report Aims
Pages: 2 Words: 706

Muscle spindle cells are located in the bodies of muscles and are usually wrapped around sensory nerve fiber endings in muscle fibers. The muscle spindle cells' main purpose is to monitor when a muscle is either at rest or being stretched. Muscle spindle cells may even measure the length and speed of the change in a muscle. "esponding to small displacements & after-effects spindle output to a given amount of stretch is not always constant series of rapid stretches, the response to a slow test stretch depends on the length at which muscle was held after stretches ex. If muscle is elongated for several seconds then returned to initial length, the response is smaller with longer latency when given test stretch compared to when the muscle is returned to its initial length after series of stretches - more slack in sensory region." (HHP, 2004) The human body uses these…...



HHP. (n.d.). Proprioceptors In Muscles, Joints And Skin. Retrieved October 24, 2004, at 


Massage Therapy and Massage
Pages: 5 Words: 1445

nursing, and then provide some analysis to those different articles.
The first article is " The Effects of Massage Therapy on Pain Management in the Acute Care Setting" by Adams, White and Beckett (2010). The intention of the this article was to study the effects of massage therapy on inpatient pain levels in the acute care setting. The study was conducted at a single facility -- the Flagstaff Medical Center in northern Arizona.

The study authors used a convenience sample, and they recorded pain levels according to some sort of visual code. As such, there is a high degree of subjectivity in this study, and it relies strictly on qualitative inputs, which are then converted to quantitative for the purpose of statistical analysis.

The sample size was n=53, each one receiving massage therapy as part of their treatment. There was variability in how much therapy each patient received, which mirrors real life,…...



Adams, R., White, B. & Beckett, C. (2010). The effects of massage therapy on pain management in the acute care setting. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. Vol. 3 (1) 4-11.

Fletcher, C, Mitchinson, A., Trumble, E., Hinshaw, D, Dusek, J. (2016) Perceptions of other integrative health therapies by veterans with pain who are receiving massage. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. Vol. 53 (1) 117-126

Majchrzyck, M., Kocur, P. & Kolwicki, T. (2014). Deep tissue massage and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for low back pain: A prospective randomized trial. Scientific World Journal. Vol. 2014.

Massage Therapy Business Plan
Pages: 5 Words: 1479

Business Plan
Description of the Business

The business that I am creating is a massage therapy business. This is a one-person business-based having a portable massage table, and making client visits. As a trained massage professional, I will be able to provide massage therapy to a wide range of clients within a broad geographic area. There are only a handful of tools that will be needed -- the table, supplies like oil, a laptop, a phone and a car to use as transport to the client sites. The business will need a website and social media as well, for promotional purposes. This business plan will provide the information needed to obtain the necessary financing to start the business (ichason, 2016).

Business Form

The massage therapy business, Magic Hands LLC, will be registered as a limited liability corporation. The reason for this is to obtain the advantages of flow through income as a sole proprietor…...


References (2016) Massage therapists. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved May 19, 2016 from 

Ingram, D. (2016). Accounting control procedures. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved May 19, 2016 from 

Meier, D. (2016). The many benefits of forming an LLC. Retrieved May 19, 2016 from 

Richason, O. (2016). How to start your own massage therapy business. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved May 19, 2016 from

History of Massage Therapy Is Literally the
Pages: 2 Words: 794

history of massage therapy is literally the history of human touch. If one looks at other primates one can see that, like human beings, they use touch as a means of comfort and healing to one another. Of course, in human beings, this practice has been elevated far beyond mere touch, with different types of massage capable of producing different effects in clients. Massage therapy has been used as a therapeutic art in India since at least 3,000 B.C. (History of Massage 2012). Massage can be used for relaxation and rehabilitation, so that massage therapists make positive contributions to quality-of-life in a wide variety of individuals.
I wish to study massage therapy for a wide variety of reasons. First, I want to help people. To me, massage therapy is a helping profession; whether the reason a person seeks out a massage is to help deal with daily stressors or to…...



History of massage therapy, 2012. Available from: . [18 February 2012].

Nargundkar, V 2012. Bliss at your fingertips: The daily oil massage. Available from:

. [18 February

Crystal Therapy Crystal Healing and
Pages: 11 Words: 3700

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet thus correspond to the seven chakras located along the spinal column." (Fuller 242) Crystal therapy is therefore based on the control and manipulation of these energies so that there is the "correct" or appropriate and balanced amount of this energy in each of the chakras.
The most touted of New Age healing techniques has been the use of crystals. Enthusiasts claim that because rock crystal is almost entirely devoid of color, it is an almost perfect capacitor of divine white light. Explanations of exactly how crystals wield their healing powers vary from practitioner to practitioner. Some maintain that the unique properties of crystals make them excellent receptors of metaphysical energies.

Fuller 242/3)

rief history of crystal therapy

As has already been mentioned, the history of this form of therapy is to be found in many historical documents and in myths, stories and records from the…...



Albanese, Catherine L. "Chapter 6 the Magical Staff: Quantum Healing in the New Age." Perspectives on the New Age / . Ed. James R. Lewis and J. Gordon Melton. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1992. 68-84. Questia. 11 Mar. 2007 .

Bachelor B. Alternative therapies. 11 Mar. 2007.

Blanchard a. Alternative medicine and herbal use among university students. Journal of American College Health. 2006. 11 Mar. 2007. 

Bix, Amy Sue. "Engendering Alternatives." The Politics of Healing: Histories of Alternative Medicine in Twentieth-Century North America. Ed. Robert D. Johnston. New York: Routledge, 2004. 153-180. Questia. 11 Mar. 2007 .

Use of Naturopathic Practice Interventions and Therapy
Pages: 8 Words: 2761

Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM) Systems
Complementary and alternative medicine systems are health care approaches that are characterized by a history of use or origins that are external to mainstream medicine or health care practices. These health care systems or approaches have lasted for centuries since different kinds of complementary and alternative medicines have been reported. According to the World Health Organization, different types of complementary and alternative medicines have acted as the basic health practice in developing countries and are increasingly used in countries with predominant conventional medicine (Kramlich, 2014, p.50). CAM therapies have become common in the recent past and are used for treating various conditions including chronic pain conditions. Actually, several CAM therapies and practice interventions such as acupuncture and massage therapy are increasingly used in chronic pain management.

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine, which is also known as naturopathy or alternative medicine, is a term that is used to refer…...



"History of Naturopathic Medicine." (n.d.). North Carolina Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Retrieved August 17, 2015, from 

Kramlich, D. (2014, December). Introduction to Complementary, Alternative, and Traditional Therapies. Critical Care Nurse, 34(6), 50-56.

Pongparadee et. al. (2012, August). Current Considerations for the Management of Musculoskeletal Pain in Asian Countries: A Special Focus on Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors and Non-steroid Anti-inflammatory Drugs. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases,15(4), 341-347.

Schulenburg, J. (2015). Considerations for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Interventions for Pain. AORN Journal, 101(3), 319-326.

Manual Therapy Is Regarded as
Pages: 5 Words: 1862

It is evidenced that soon after lapse of two months of treatment about 67% of the patients administered with manual therapy and 27% of the patients administered with exercise therapy could return to work revealing substantial difference through the follow up period. The study concluded that improvements are noticed in both the groups. However, the improvements in respect the patients administered with manual therapy are more prominent than that with exercise therapy. (Aure; Hoel Nilsen; Vasseljen, 2003)
Thus even though manual therapies are beneficial, it has been debated upon. However irrespective of the fact that delaying methods taking into consideration the reality that it compels the athlete to a therapeutic machine, still then it is acknowledged to have the significant techniques in alleviating pain, rehabilitating the common range of motion, and treating specialized conditions like myofascial pain syndrome. (Holt, 2004) However, such advantages are to be exploited from the physical…...



Aure, Olav Frode; Hoel Nilsen, Jens; Vasseljen, Ottar. (15 March, 2003) "Manual Therapy and Exercise Therapy in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized, Controlled Trial with 1-Year Follow-up" Spine. Vol: 28; No: 6; pp: 525-531.

Beeton, Karen. (2003) "Manual Therapy Masterclasses"

Elsevier Health Sciences.

BMJ: Manual therapy beats out traditional treatment." (August, 2003) Journal of the American

Thermo Therapy
Pages: 9 Words: 3365

Thermo Therapy
Application of healing thermal agents to certain body areas that feel wounded or dysfunction is heat treatment. The main use of a heat treatment is to help alleviate pain, support muscle repose, increase function of the tissue cells, improve blood flow, and remove poison from cells and to increase the extensibility of soft tissues. Superficial and deep are the two types of heat treatment. Superficial heat treatments apply heat to the exterior part of the body. Heat aimed at certain inner tissues through ultrasound or by electric current is deep heat treatment. Heat treatments are favorable before exercise, giving a limbering up result to the soft tissues involved. Heat treatment using conduction as a form of heat transfer in hot pacts is very common. Damp heat packs are easily available in most hospitals, physical treatment centers and sports teaching rooms.

For tissue heating many thermal agents are on hand. Superficial…...



Bigos S, Bowyer O, Braen G. et al. Acute lower back problems in adults. Clinical Practice Guideline, Quick Reference Guide Number 14. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, AHCPR Pub. No. 95-0643. December 1994.p.3-6

Biundo JJ Jr., Torres-Ramos FM: Rehabilitation and biomechanics. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1991 April; 3(2): 291-99

Fedorczyk J: The role of physical agents in modulating pain. Journal of Hand Therapy 1997 Apr-June; 10(2): 110-21

Grana WA: Physical agents in musculoskeletal problems: heat and cold therapy modalities. Instructional Course Lecture 1993; 42: 439-42.

Authors Communicate There Are a Number of
Pages: 3 Words: 950

Authors Communicate
There are a number of points of interest regarding "Massage therapy in post-operative rehabilitation of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy - a pilot study." On the whole this is an extremely well-organized article, which is one of its primary strengths. The different sections and phases of the research are well documented. There are a variety of tables that elucidate several components related to the literature review, the results, and the particulars of the subjects considered in the research. However, there is more than one area of the study in which the researchers could have benefited from the use of more substantial effort and a more thorough methodology, which is certainly reflected in the results and the conclusion.

The central weakness of this study is the fact that all of the results were based on research performed on just six subjects. To the credit of the researchers they initially…...



O'Conner, P. (2003). Woe is I: The grammarphobe's guide to better English in plain English. New York: Riverhead Books

Feeding intolerance Integrative Review Paper
Pages: 7 Words: 2577

Despite major medical advancements over several decades, nearly 10 percent of births in the US continue to occur prematurely each year (Martin, Hamilton, Osterman, Driscoll, & Matthews, 2017). Creating a significant socioeconomic burden, preterm birth is one of the leading causes of infant morbidity and mortality in the United States resulting in approximately $16.9 billion in medical care costs annually (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2007). After days, weeks, or even months of intensive care, weight gain becomes a major criterion for hospital discharge. Feeding intolerance (FI) is a common complication among these preterm infants, which disrupts enteral feeding, resulting in feeding advancement delays, prolonging adequate weight gain and growth, and increasing hospital stays (Carter, 2012). Additionally, FI is associated with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a gastrointestinal emergency and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in this group of patients (Moore & Wilson, 2011). The underlying cause for these problems is…...

Therapeutic Touch Healing Comforting Hands
Pages: 9 Words: 2455

Physically, massage or TT eases muscle tension and improves circulation. In turn, it improves digestion and breathing, enhances mental clarity, and encourages better sleep. TT is particularly useful to terminally ill patients in reducing or mitigating pain to the extent of making prescription painkillers unnecessary. Emotionally, TT or massage is a gentle and compassionate experience for the dying. It reduces the sense of isolation by providing him or her with physical connectedness. It can also re-establish dwindling or lost self-esteem and self-acceptance on account of disease. As a result, it contributes to increased quality of life and a much-needed release of emotions. Medicare as yet does not cover massage therapy for hospice settings but an increasing number of group have been lobbying for its inclusion.
Useful Alternatives to Pain and Discomfort Management

These alternatives have shown to be effective in easing spiritual, emotional and psychological pain that contribute to the physical…...



Aghabati, N et al. (2010). The effect of therapeutic touch on pain and fatigue of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Evidence-based Complementary Alternative

Medicine: PubMed. Retrieved on June 16, 2011 from 

Catlin, A. (2009). Hospice massage: easing the pain of a life-limiting illness (Part 1).

vol 9 # 3, Massage Today: MPA Media Publications. Retrieved on June 19, 2011

Aromatherapy in Addiction Treatment for
Pages: 20 Words: 5849

S ome aromas even affect us physiologically" (p. 38). esearchers exploring human olfaction have determined that:
faint trace of lemon significantly increases people's perception of their own health.

Lavender incense contributes to a pleasant mood -- but it lowers volunteers' mathematical abilities.

A whiff of lavender and eucalyptus increases people's respiratory rate and alertness.

The scent of phenethyl alcohol (a constituent of rose oil) reduces blood pressure.

These findings have contributed to the explosive growth in the aromatherapy industry; according to Furlow (1996), "Aromatherapists point to scientific findings that smell can dramatically affect our moods as evidence that therapy with aromatic oils can help buyers manage their emotional lives" (p. 38). According to Ornstein and Sobel, one recent experiment to determine the effect, if any, of fragrances on mind/body involved subjects being wired to physiological monitoring equipment, and then being interrogated with stress-provoking questions, such as "What kind of person makes you angry?" The…...



Anderson, B.J., Manheimer, E. & Stein, M.D. (2003). Use and Assessment of Complementary and Alternative Therapies by Intravenous Drug Users. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 29(2), 401.

Aromatherapy Therapy Chart of Essential Oils by Therapeutic Effect. (2004). MoonDragon's Aromatherapy Chart. Available: .

Ba, T.R.D.N. (Ed). (2003). An Introduction to Complementary Medicine. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin.

Battista, J.R., Chinen, A.B. & Scotton, B.W. (1996). Textbook of transpersonal psychiatry and psychology.

Aromatherapy Ecdriesbaugh Aromatherapy Is Considered
Pages: 3 Words: 980

The amygdale manages our emotional response to an aroma. The memory and recognition of smell takes place in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is also where chemicals in an aroma trigger our unique repository of learned memories..." (Buckle, 2001).
Though there hasn't been much research, and most studies that have been done were small sample sizes, the healing qualities of aromatherapy look very promising. In 2005, Japanese researchers found that aromatherapy massage using lavender-based products reduced anxiety and stress and was helpful to the immune system. It was also noted that patients showed a considerable increase in lymphocytes (protective blood cells), while showing a decrease in depression.

Another study discovered that the use of aromatherapy after an operation lessoned the patient's feeling of nausea and vomiting. Antiemetics (drugs used to prevent nausea and vomiting) were reduced by almost 50% (Milivojevic, 2006). In small studies conducted in nursing homes, aromatherapy has indicated better…...



Archer, Shirley (2003). Aromatherapy Fights Dementia. The Futurist, 2. This article gives a brief overview of the effects of aromatherapy on patients with dementia.

Buckle, Jane (2001). Aromatherapy and Diabetes. Diabetes Spectrum, 124. This article summarizes the process of how aromatherapy works, and provides a brief overview of the effects of aromatherapy on diabetic patients.

Fowler, Newton (2006). Complementary and alternative therapies: the nurse's role. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 261. This article analyzes the nurse's role in integrating CAM for the purpose of increasing the quality and quantity of life among patients. It also supplies a brief overview of the concepts of CAM as well as case studies and statistical analysis.

Milivojevic, J., (2006). Just the essentials: you know they smell good, but are there any benefits to incorporating essential oils into your practice? Massage Therapy Journal, 64. This article explores the benefits of incorporating essential oil aromatherapy massage into traditional medical practice. It reviews several case studies and defines aromatherapy.

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on integrative massage therapy?
Words: 177

1. "The Healing Power of Integrative Massage Therapy"
2. "A Holistic Approach to Wellness: Exploring Integrative Massage Therapy"
3. "Integrative Massage Therapy: Bridging the Gap Between Mind and Body"
4. "The Importance of Integration in Massage Therapy"
5. "Exploring the Benefits of Integrative Massage Therapy"
6. "Enhancing Wellbeing Through Integrative Massage Therapy"
7. "The Role of Integrative Massage Therapy in Health and Healing"
8. "Integrative Massage Therapy: A Comprehensive Approach to Wellness"
9. "Integrative Massage Therapy: Balancing the Mind, Body, and Spirit"
10. "Empowering Healing Through Integrative Massage Therapy"
11. "Harmonizing Health: The Impact of Integrative Massage Therapy"
12. "Integrative Massage Therapy: Nurturing the Whole Self"
13. "The Art of Healing: Exploring....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on integrative massage therapy?
Words: 280

1. The Art of Integrative Massage Therapy: Unlocking the Synergistic Power of Healing

2. From Fragmented to Whole: Exploring the Holistic Approach of Integrative Massage Therapy

3. Beyond the Physical: Delving into the Emotional and Spiritual Dimensions of Integrative Massage Therapy

4. A Symphony of Touch: Unveiling the Therapeutic Potential of Integrative Massage Techniques

5. Bridging East and West: An Exploration of Integrative Massage Therapy's Global Influences

6. From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Science: Tracing the Evolution of Integrative Massage Therapy

7. The Healing Power of Integrative Massage Therapy: A Comprehensive Overview of Benefits

8. Massage Therapy in the 21st Century: Embracing Integrative Approaches for Optimal Well-being


I need some suggestions for end of life essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 490

1. The role of hospice care in providing comfort and support at the end of life
2. The importance of advance care planning and discussing end of life wishes with loved ones
3. Ethical considerations surrounding end of life decision-making and assisted dying
4. The impact of grief and loss on family members when facing the end of a loved one’s life
5. Cultural differences in beliefs and practices surrounding death and dying
6. The stigma and fear surrounding death and how to approach the topic openly and honestly
7. The role of palliative care in managing symptoms and improving quality of life at the end....

why i want to become a massage therapist?
Words: 325

I want to become a massage therapist because I have always had a passion for helping others and making people feel more relaxed and at ease.

I believe that massage therapy is a powerful tool for improving physical and mental well-being, and I want to be able to use my skills to make a positive impact on the lives of my clients.

I am also interested in the holistic approach to health and wellness that massage therapy promotes.

By becoming a massage therapist, I will have the opportunity to create a peaceful and healing environment for my clients, and help....

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