Media Effects Essays (Examples)

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Slumdog Millionaire contains numerous violent scenes that adults are the most likely audience for this theatrical film. The scenes showing the police brutality in India depicted violence. They showed Jamal being interrogated rudely and tortured. The tortures included Jamal's head being forcefully submerged, Jamal being brutally beaten and later on electrocuted until he was unconscious. Other scenes that showed violence included killings showing Jamal's brother shooting people. A disturbing scene is when Jamal's brother shot a gangster when he was still in his teens. There were also scenes which showed anti-Muslims hitting, killing, and burning every person in Jamal's village. There were also scenes that showed women and children physically abused. The bombardment of violent scenes would most likely make the audience feel desensitized and less sensitive to the succeeding violent scenes in the movie. This is the possible effect of the violent content of Slumdog Millionaire as proposed by….

This is really an unfair assumption that only physically attractive (i.e. sexually attractive) people have real value, but it is an assumption that has been around for a very long time. Likely, it will not change any time soon, and there is a chance that it will never change. There will always be at least a segment of society that values appearance over everything else, just as there are people to whom appearance means nothing at all. Right now, these two areas do not appear to be very evenly divided. There are still many more people who value appearance than those that do not and they teach their children those same values, with the help of the media. Those who try to teach their children otherwise have trouble doing so because the media's messages are so very strong that they often take precedence over what parents have to say.

A in millions)

Current in millions)

Provided by Federal ureau of Investigation as of September 18, 2006."

CHART: National Correctional Populations

National Correctional Populations

The number of adults in correctional population has been increasing.

A in millions)

Current million in millions)

Provided by ureau of Justice Statistics as of November 30, 2006. (Social Statistics riefing Room, 2006)

More Statistics

Violence in the Media

Huston and colleagues have estimated that the average 18-year-old will have viewed 200,000 acts of violence on television (Huston, a.C., Donnerstein, E., Fairchild, H. et al. ig World, Small Screen: The Role of Television in American Society. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1992.)

41% percent of American households have three or more televisions (Nielsen Media Research, 2000).

56% of children ages 8-16 have a television in their rooms (Annenberg Public Policy Center, 2000. Media in the Home 2000)

Percentage of television-time children ages 2-7 spend watching alone and unsupervised: 81 (Kaiser Family Foundation, 1999. "Kids and Media @ the….

28, No. 4, 603-625 (2006) Sage Publications.
Aeron avis states that the work in writing "Media Effects and the Question of the Rational Audience: "... offers evidence for an alternative perspective on the media effects debate. Early work on media influence, be it conservative or critical, assumed a causal link between mass media and mass behavior. In contrast, decades of effects and audience research has established the inadequacy of this 'strong effects' paradigm. The main thrust of this counter-research is the realization that audiences actively consume and use the media for self-serving purposes. The alternative perspective offered here comes from a study of elite fund managers, their communications and decision-making in the London Stock Exchange. The research findings suggest that such individuals do respond actively to media, but, collectively, the results can be both self-defeating and on a mass scale. That is, individuals do not have to be ignorant nor….

Media and Society

Media & Society
Media can have a strong influence on society. Media has the ability to shape how people view the world, how they perceive different issues and media can also have a direct influence on behavior in society as well. With political ads, the objective is direct behavioral influence, the behavior being voting, so the media role with these ads is a content-dependent relationship. The ads are intended to bring about a specific behavior, but the ads are also intended to change perspectives and dialogue, both about candidates and about the issues for which those candidates stand. This paper will examine two advertisements from the 2012 Presidential election campaign, one from each side, in order to illustrate this concept.


The Romney ad "Stand up to China" works primarily on the affective level. The copy of the ad is hilariously childish to anybody who understands anything about foreign policy or economics, so….

Media Consumption

media consumption and subsequent behaviour?
Profiling the criminal behavior of rampage perpetrators is one of the main areas of focus in the social science research community. Gender, mental health issues, social exclusion, genetic susceptibility or predisposition, and ultimately, violent media, are most of the factors that guide researchers in the field, seeking to develop broader frameworks of understanding rampage violence. Over the past three decades, 78 cases of public mass shootings have been registered by the Congressional Research Service (2013). An FI report indicated a rise in typical mass shootings, from 6.4 incidents occurring between 2000 and 2007 to an average of 16.4 incidents between 2007 and 2013 (2013). Most of these public mass shootings have been found to occur either at workplaces or at schools across the United States.

The proliferation of mass shootings over these past few decades has further brought into the public and academic's attention the issue….

The argument being advanced is that since, the Muslim extremists were responsible for the 9/11 disaster, the construction of the Muslim religious center would inculcate the jihad teachings and dishonor to the memory of the 9/11 victims. The question one would ask is this, what about the strip clubs, bars and other activities that are zero blocks away from the hallowed ground, do they honor the victims of the attacks. Consequently, it can be argued that Politicians and anti-Muslim groups found an easier way to agitate the crowds by exploitation of their Islamophobic instincts with the aid of the media framing of the issue. In same the interview, what comes out clearly is that Pamela fights against what she perceives as Islamization of America as opposed to Americanization of Islam. he later describes the center, which she refers to as ground zero mosque as a war memorial against the….

Also stated in their findings was that exposure in the laboratory of video games that were 'graphically violent...increased aggressive thoughts and behavior (2000:1) Also stated in this report is that other studies conducted by Anderson and Gentile give indication that videogames "have a strong effect on aggression..." particularly in children.
3. Coleman, Loren (2004) The Copycat Effect Paraview Publishing. Online available at

According to Coleman, the copycat effect has been a result of media coverage of events such as school shootings. Coleman brings to light how media affects culture within a society.

4. The Culture of Commercialism (2006) Media Awareness Network Online available at

This work states that "advertising projects false images commercialism distorts our culture by turning every event into a reason to consume.... [and that]...advertising perpetuates stereotypes..."

5. Digital Beginnings: Young Children's Use of Popular Culture, Media and New Technologies Popular Culture and Media Literacy: Research Reports, Reviews Etc. National….

Grocery Store by Entrance of Hypermarkets in Bangkok Thailand
Small grocery store owners in Thailand are faced with the ever growing threat of foreign -- owned hypermarkets. Hypermarkets are part of a global trend that threatens to destroy the small grocery store. If this trend continues the traditional market structure of Thailand might become obsolete in the future. This research explores strategies that small grocery store owners can employ to remain profitable and to survive into the future.

The Tesco Effect

Are There Any Advantages to Being a Small etailer?

Benefits and Pitfalls of Tesco to the Economy

Thai Government and Economic Theory

ecommendations for Survival





Commodities are one of the most stable opportunities for retailers. They are considered to be a profitable opportunity and can be started with a relatively low investment. In areas where people have high purchasing power, the local grocery or convenient store is a lucrative business venture. High traffic areas increase….

New media can seem threatening at first, as it signals deep and meaningful changes in the ways information is created and shared in the society. In "Mind Over Mass Media," Steven Pinker (2010) argues that new technologies are typically perceived as threatening until they become commonplace. Early hysteria and fear about new media soon subsides, as the actual effects of the new media are not as adverse as was initially believed. Even the printing press was considered evil in its day, according to Pinker (2010). New media has improved scientific research and has made vast amounts of quality information available more quickly to more people. One of the reasons why new media is not threatening is that the brain tends to keep information fragmented. Learning how to condense one's thoughts into a PowerPoint presentation does not imply that the same person will consistently condense his or her thoughts in other,….

Media eview Project
The 1993 film "What's Love Got To Do With It" presents many of the classic symptoms and effects of domestic violence. As such, it provides a great deal of insight into this phenomenon, both on the part of the abuser and on the one who is receiving the abuse. The film is a musical biography of Tina Turner, who was one of the late 20th century's most popular singers. The movie opens up with Tin Turner as a young girl singing in a church choir. Even at this early age her prowess as a singer, the power of her voice and the zeal she expresses through her musical performance, become readily apparent. It is crucial to note that despite such an enthusiastic performance, Tina Turner (who is going by her true name at this point, Anna Mae Bullock), is enduring a tumultuous home life. Her mother eventually abandons….

Media Presentation Analyzation: Design & Ethical Relationships
The war in the Middle East is an example of an on-going media presentation that is covered in the radio, television and on the Internet. More recently covered are the accounts of the beheadings of those kidnapped and in yesterday's news, of numerous people killed or wounded in the Iraqi car blasts in Najaf, Iraq. This paper will examine the design and ethical relationships of the media's presentation of the war in Iraq using the attached article downloaded off the Internet for the analysis. It will examine television and the new media environment of the Web, for both have become central in determining both the design and ethical dimensions of the media's coverage of the war in the Middle East.

Turning on the television means establishing a connection with the place of broadcasting and being literally and continually present at the birth of the picture.….

A college student talking to an old high school friend through Instant Messaging may send that friend a copy of an interesting article that flashed across the screen. News may not be prime reason for using the Internet but still the Internet is vital for transmitting news and opinion, even of dispatches from war torn areas, or disaster afflicted zones where the conventional media cannot penetrate. In ages past, sitting around the television watching the news may have had other purposes than information -- family togetherness, relaxation, as well, but that did not discount the information received.
Furthermore, the Internet provides a plurality of viewpoints that the three networks and the major city newspapers did not and often still do not provide. One could even make a parallel to the plethora of newspapers of the turn of the century, all biased and slanted and somewhat dubious in fact-checking perhaps (but….

Media in the Courtroom
High profile court cases, especially murder trials and celebrity cases are more likely to attract the national media than ordinary cases that usually of no interest beyond the local level. These are also the kinds of cases when the issue of TV cameras in the courtroom is most significant, and when judges have to give serious thought to handing down gag orders that block all public discussion of the case for the duration of the trial. In this era of Internet, Facebook, 24-hour cable news and YouTube, any events or statements in the court can easily become 'viral' and be seen instantly by millions of people around the world. For most of the 20th Century, recording devices and movie and TV cameras were not allowed in the courts, but only reports from the print media and drawings by sketch artists. This technology existed for many decades before….

MEDIA LA: Argue Against: Discuss 1st amendment implications Family Prevention Tobacco Act 2009. Are tobacco
The Family Prevention Tobacco Act of 2009 was one of the more controversial pieces of legislature passed in recent times, for the simple fact that it gave a great deal of authority to the Food and Drug Administration to limit the effectiveness of the tobacco industry and its various companies to sell its products. There are multiple components of this legislation, which encompass various aspects of sales, advertising, inspections and registration of new products on the part of manufacturers. Among the many points of dissension that individual and collective entities within this industry claim regarding this legislation is that it limits their First Amendment right of freedom of speech. A thorough examination of the spirit and the lettering of this act, however, reveals that of its many different components, only one (that pertaining to advertising) relates….

Impact of Telecommunication Advancements on Society: A Comprehensive Analysis
The pervasive advancements in telecommunication services have profoundly transformed the fabric of society, ushering in unprecedented opportunities and reshaping our interactions with the world around us. These technological advancements have revolutionized communication, expanded access to information, fostered economic growth, and facilitated social and cultural exchange.
Economic Implications
Telecommunication advancements have played a pivotal role in driving economic productivity and growth. Fast and reliable internet connectivity has enabled businesses to operate globally, access new markets, and automate processes. The rise of e-commerce has created new avenues for entrepreneurship and expanded consumer choice. Moreover, telecommunication technologies....

5 Pages
Research Proposal


Media Effects Slumdog Millionaire the

Words: 1377
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Slumdog Millionaire contains numerous violent scenes that adults are the most likely audience for this theatrical film. The scenes showing the police brutality in India depicted violence. They showed…

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5 Pages


Media Effects on Pre-Adolescent Girls

Words: 1907
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

This is really an unfair assumption that only physically attractive (i.e. sexually attractive) people have real value, but it is an assumption that has been around for a…

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16 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Media and Violence Contradicting Causes

Words: 4155
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A in millions) Current in millions) Provided by Federal ureau of Investigation as of September 18, 2006." CHART: National Correctional Populations National Correctional Populations The number of adults in correctional population has been…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Media's Effect on Culture Annotated

Words: 335
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

28, No. 4, 603-625 (2006) Sage Publications. Aeron avis states that the work in writing "Media Effects and the Question of the Rational Audience: "... offers evidence for an…

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2 Pages


Media and Society

Words: 857
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Media & Society Media can have a strong influence on society. Media has the ability to shape how people view the world, how they perceive different issues and media can…

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12 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Media Consumption

Words: 4745
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

media consumption and subsequent behaviour? Profiling the criminal behavior of rampage perpetrators is one of the main areas of focus in the social science research community. Gender, mental health…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Communication - Journalism

Media Framing in Relation to

Words: 3388
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The argument being advanced is that since, the Muslim extremists were responsible for the 9/11 disaster, the construction of the Muslim religious center would inculcate the jihad teachings…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Media on Culture the Objective

Words: 1068
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Also stated in their findings was that exposure in the laboratory of video games that were 'graphically violent...increased aggressive thoughts and behavior (2000:1) Also stated in this report…

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30 Pages


Effect of Grocery Store by Entrance of Hypermarket in Bangkok Thailand

Words: 10094
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Grocery Store by Entrance of Hypermarkets in Bangkok Thailand Small grocery store owners in Thailand are faced with the ever growing threat of foreign -- owned hypermarkets. Hypermarkets are…

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4 Pages


digital and'social media effects on'society

Words: 1257
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

New media can seem threatening at first, as it signals deep and meaningful changes in the ways information is created and shared in the society. In "Mind Over Mass…

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5 Pages
Movie Review


Media Review Project the 1993 Film What's

Words: 1660
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Movie Review

Media eview Project The 1993 film "What's Love Got To Do With It" presents many of the classic symptoms and effects of domestic violence. As such, it provides a great…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Media Presentation Analyzation Design & Ethical Relationships

Words: 2028
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Media Presentation Analyzation: Design & Ethical Relationships The war in the Middle East is an example of an on-going media presentation that is covered in the radio, television and on…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Media Book Critique Tuned Out

Words: 1401
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A college student talking to an old high school friend through Instant Messaging may send that friend a copy of an interesting article that flashed across the screen.…

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3 Pages

Business - Law

Media in the Courtroom High Profile Court

Words: 1050
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Media in the Courtroom High profile court cases, especially murder trials and celebrity cases are more likely to attract the national media than ordinary cases that usually of no interest…

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7 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Media Law Argue Against Discuss 1st Amendment

Words: 2137
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

MEDIA LA: Argue Against: Discuss 1st amendment implications Family Prevention Tobacco Act 2009. Are tobacco The Family Prevention Tobacco Act of 2009 was one of the more controversial pieces of…

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