Memoir Essays (Examples)

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W. Hollywood. CA 90069 Saturday March 10, 2012 5:00pm
The event details are mentioned below.

Leon Logothetis will tell of how he was tired of his life and unrewarding job and left all of his material possessions and then hits the road with nothing but the clothes he is wearing and five dollars in his pocket. On the way, he relies on the kindness of strangers and the good luck to tide him along the way. Throughout the book and during the lecture, Leon will offer up entertaining offers up tales from his nation-crossing journey in all kinds of conveyances including cars, trains, buses and with truckers. His daily adventures will entertain and captivate the bookstore audience who have all fantasized about what it would be like to just leave it all behind.



Koenig, David. "How to Write a Memoir Proposal." Ehow, 2012. Web. 13 Mar 2012. .

Li, Anita. "Big Bang….

Memoir I Never Want to

Usually she'd let me sit between the two of them when they cuddled up together on the sofa.
The next morning, mom was at the table crying. "Where's Ross?" I asked.


"Gone to work?"

"No, just gone."

I was angry. I know I hurt her, but I was hurt. "What did you do wrong this time, mom?"

She flinched. "Nothing. He decided to go back to his wife. She went to see him yesterday. Said she wanted to give it one more try. Said their kids missed him a lot. She missed him a lot. I tried to get him to stay. He had told me so many bad stories about her. He said he never would go back with her. but, sometimes you just have to do what you don't want to do. He loves his kids."

"But, he said he loved you and me, too."

"I know. but, it's different. They're married. They're their….

They had a little more to worry about their health condition, and nothing more to be frightened about, that is all. One day, my boyfriend had to leave for another country where he had to stay three months. I was alone, at home, and his grandfather moved in with me because he had a heart condition. He was very sick and could not even climb the stairs by himself anymore. In a very short time, he and the other grandfather of them left us. The only grandparent left was his grandmother who moved in with me. After her husband's death she changed completely. She was totally depending on people around her. She couldn't dare to do anything by herself anymore, even if physically she was still all right. Now I was beginning to see the big picture. I hated everything. I hated old age. I hated the situation, I….

She says to her renowned teacher she cannot attend class for the day -- but olf usually accepts no excuses. Then, when he hears why, he tells her to remember everything, so she can put it down later. "Dishonest writing is very often mediocre writing," says Barrington and Sebold is honest on the stand as a prosecution witness and later as a narrator of her own imperfect grappling with her experiences.
Sebold's memory yielded, what she was later told, one of the most credible testimonies the prosecutor had ever seen from a violated woman on the stand. But she did not emerge unscathed from the rape. Physically, she was no longer a virgin. Emotionally, she was traumatized. In the last chapter of the book, she chronicles how difficult it was for her to trust men after she graduated, despite the support she received from many sympathetic male students at her….

The cigar workers sought to make themselves heard first through their newspaper and tehn by striking to make people listn to them:
That strike had a special meaning for Puerto Rican workers. An indirect result of that struggle was that many other unions came to recognize the important role that Puerto Ricans can play as workers. It was then that they began to organize Puerto Rican confectioners, bakers, hotel and restaurant employees, and workers in the needle trades. e finally began to enjoy wages and hours equal to those of workers of other nationalities. (Vega 114)

Vega was one of the leaders of the strike and explains the different factions involved and how class politics played a role in the way the different factions divided. Underlying the strike was the desire on the part of this community to be accepted by the larger society and not to be seen as outsiders,….

memoirs, The Woman Warrior and Angela's Ashes, Maxine Hong Kingston and Frank McCourt, respectively, present unique and complete views of worlds that widely diverge from the sort of lifestyles and experiences that are enjoyed by the average citizens of the United States of America. Part of the most simple reason for this is their "outsider" statues. As an immigrant, in Frank McCourt's case, and as the child of immigrant parents, in Maxine Hong Kingston's case, both memoirs are narratives of lives marked by travel, travail, and cultural differences that haven an enormous and massive impact upon their authors' lives. In the case of Maxine Hong Kingston, she experiences a home life and a cultural heritage that wildly conflicts with the extremely divergent notions afforded to her by the imprinting and socialization process of American society, whereby the social morays of Chinese culture were questioned by western logic and capitalism.….

Memoir of a Missing Woman

He was from a relatively poor family. "There were times," he told me, "when my mom would say, okay, it's your turn to sleep on the couch, you sleep in the chair, and you three get the bed." His poverty embarrassed him, and probably had a lot to do with his dropping out of school. He said that when he dropped out, he worked two jobs. This was not a man who would stay poor, and even though he didn't go on to college or start his own business, he worked in the steel mills, which were booming back then. By the time I met him, he had been there more than ten years and was financially secure. But something else came across in that first conversation too. I realized that he coveted his money. It represented a level of security to him that he could not be without,….

memoirs and writings of early Israel are confined in the Pentateuch, meaning Genesis through Deuteronomy. Within these pages lies the lineage of the children of Israel or the nation of Israel as it discloses in the patriarchal accounts, the story of Abraham and his sons, Isaac, and Jacob. Chronicled there, the histrionic deliverance of the progenies of Israel from Egypt as well as the founding of the nation's commandments and spiritual traditions throughout their desert voyages. That portion of the accounts concludes with Israel camped on the brink of the land of Canaan, prepared to go into the land taking her position as a nation. From that point, the books of Joshua, uth, and the others take up the narrative and deliver a vibrant picture of the primary centuries of this land's reality.
The Pentateuch partly comes from Deuteronomic work. "The Pentateuch's contents are partly taken from the Deuteronomic work….

Charles Hotel whom had run away from an abusive husband and had nothing left as she lay there alone in fever and despair (295). She describes letters from her father-in-law that describe how they are in the midst of starvation (296). Through Mrs. Chestnut's eyes, we also see the pain of the soldiers who had been returned from the North: "I was deeply moved. These men were so forlorn, so dried up, and shrunken, with such a strange look in some of their eyes; others so restless and wild-looking; others again placidly vacant, as if they had been dead to the world for years" (301).
In Mary Chestnut's own words, she was a "tolerably close observer" of "men and manners." Indeed, society was, as she eloquently surmised, "only an enlarged field for character study" (338). Through her words as recorded through first hand experience, we see that the battle of….

Personal Memoir
"the Move"

Anyone who has ever travelled outside the country they were born in can understand exactly what I felt when I moved from Vietnam to the U.S.A. anyone who has lived in their country of origin since they were born and not travelled anywhere cannot be in a position of understanding me. A friend of mine had travelled to the U.S. For a year and we kept constant communication. She spoke highly of the country and really encouraged me to apply for a visa to travel to the U.S.A. At first I was a bit reluctant but when she continually talked of the opportunities that exist for me there I was more than sure that I wanted to take a shot.

At the back of my mind I still had reservations. I asked myself several questions how will my life be there? Will I be able to adapt to the….

Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah. Specifically it will discuss what, if anything should be done to prevent the participation of youth in international wars? The author was a boy soldier from the age of 12 in Sierra Leone. He talks about his experiences, and makes an excellent case for preventing youth's participation in such violence.
Beah's experiences are horrific, especially for such a young child. He writes, "The bullets could be seen sticking out just a little bit in the baby's body, and she was swelling" (Beah 26). No one should have to experience things like that, especially a 12-year-old. What is driving the fighting in Sierra Leone is the diamond mining, which the rebels want to control. This is at least partly the problem of the government of Sierra Leone, who allowed rival rebel gangs to take over the country and terrorize it for years. The….

Holy Land: A Suburban Memoir
aldie's 1995 manuscript "Holy Land: A Suburban Memoir" provides readers with a biographical account of the writer spending his childhood and adolescence in Lakewood. Lakewood was one of the largest suburban communities in California during the 1950s, when most of the actions in the book take place. The way that the writer manages to bring forward the idea of life as constructed from both the benefits and detriments coming along with living in Lakewood is certainly impressive, as most readers are likely to feel transported into the world that aldie creates for them.

It would be wrong for someone to relate to the book as simply being what its title tries to make it seem. The text is much more than a suburban memoir, taking into account that it provides a detailed story of life in a particularly compelling place and the relationship between the writer….

Dominant baboons, the most 'confident' members of the tribe, are the least stress-prone. In short, the alphas of the group are cool, confident leaders who are able to relax about the place in the hierarchy. Low-stress, low-testosterone males were also more likely to show affection through social grooming while high-stress, high-testosterone males, just like their human counterparts, were more apt to suffer from stress-related diseases and exhibit aggressive and anxious behaviors (Sapolsky 167).
Sapolsky came to the Kenyan baboon tribe assuming to find some commonalities between the animal kingdom and primates. However, establishing intimacy with the baboons was more difficult than he anticipated, and at first he found himself in the uncomfortable position of shooting darts with anesthetizing blow guns. To compare the stress hormones between the different baboons required Sapolsky to behave almost like the type of big game hunter he despised. First, he had to watch his subjects….

Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia'
Marya Hornbacher's book "Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia" is a painful discussion of the life of someone who struggles with this affliction. When Hornbacher was only nine years old, she became bulimic. She was anorexic by the time she was 15, and she battled with the disease all through college. Just 23 years old when she wrote the book, Hornbacher still admitted to battling every day with the disease. She now manages to keep down enough food to maintain a relatively normal weight and begin to repair all of the damage that was done to her organs throughout the years of her starvation.

Hornbacher is still not convinced that she will survive, but she has the desire to live, which is something she didn't possess for quite a while. The book is very moving, but is told in such a way that….

Comment on Memoir

The introduction offers the outstanding metaphors of the hummingbird and the trees, as symbols of a more natural, pure world. Details including the cookies, Baldy, and other people at the coffee shop help to ground the reader. However, the narrative quickly becomes narcissistic. Too much self-reflection isolates the reader rather than drawing the reader into the story. The anecdote drags, and the reader wonders where the story is going and what, if anything, the point is. Nice turns of phrase like "anorexic trees" do not rescue a boring narrative. The dream sequence that comes next, replete with the imagery of falling, could be poignant if explored more in depth. Instead the sequence comes across as a lazy means of rescuing a failing narrative. Like the rest of the memoir it has no purpose, either. The dream sequence is interjected in the middle of two disparate segments of text. Nothing….

This is a difficult question to answer.  In the era of COVID-19, when personal interactions with people are limited, especially with people outside of your immediate social group, being an agent of social change is more difficult than it is in other times.  That is because social change agents have to be able to influence people.  While some of that can be accomplished in a virtual environment, hence the popularity of internet “influencers,” that type of influence is simply not going to be enough to reach some people.  People tend to go to places on the internet....

1. The Invisible Scars: Exploring the Psychological Impact of Trauma on Firefighters

2. Fighting Fires, Healing Wounds: Examining the Mental Health Challenges Faced by Firefighters

3. Trauma's Toll: The Unseen Battle Firefighters Wage Against Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

4. Beyond the Flames: The Emotional Aftershocks Firefighters Experience

5. Resilience Under Fire: The Strategies Firefighters Employ to Cope with Trauma

6. The Silenced Scream: Understanding the Stigma Associated with Mental Health Struggles in the Fire Service

7. Healing the Healers: Deconstructing the Barriers to Mental Healthcare for Firefighters

8. The Fires Within: A Journey into the Emotional Lives of Firefighters

9. Embers of Hope: Fostering Post-Traumatic Growth Among Firefighters

10. The....

Concise and Descriptive Titles:

Feminism: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective
The Evolution of Feminism: From Suffrage toIntersectionality
Feminism in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities
The Impact of Feminism on Society: Empowerment and Equality

Titles Emphasizing Specific Aspects of Feminism:

The Intersectional Nature of Feminism: Beyond Gender to Inclusivity
Feminism and Social Justice: Intersectionality in Practice
Feminist Theory: Key Concepts and Controversies
The Role of Feminism in Resisting Oppression: A Call for Action

Titles with a Personal Touch:

My Feminist Journey: Navigating the Challenges and Embracing the Power
The Feminism I Believe In: A Personal Reflection on Values and Goals
Feminism and....

Here are some options for essay musicals based on your description:

1. "Hamilton: An American Musical" - This musical is a historical essay that tells the story of Alexander Hamilton's life and his contributions to shaping the United States as a founding father.

2. "Dear Evan Hansen: A Contemporary Musical" - This musical explores themes of mental health and social media in a modern setting, making it a persuasive and thought-provoking essay musical.

3. "Les Misérables: A Literary Musical" - Based on the classic novel by Victor Hugo, "Les Misérables" is a research-based musical that delves into themes of justice, redemption, and revolution.


1 Pages
Term Paper


Memoir Mayim Bialik Will Presents

Words: 388
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

W. Hollywood. CA 90069 Saturday March 10, 2012 5:00pm The event details are mentioned below. Leon Logothetis will tell of how he was tired of his life and unrewarding job…

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4 Pages


Memoir I Never Want to

Words: 1420
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Usually she'd let me sit between the two of them when they cuddled up together on the sofa. The next morning, mom was at the table crying. "Where's Ross?"…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Memoir Will Always Remember the

Words: 717
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

They had a little more to worry about their health condition, and nothing more to be frightened about, that is all. One day, my boyfriend had to leave…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Memoir Book Review Lucky She

Words: 745
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

She says to her renowned teacher she cannot attend class for the day -- but olf usually accepts no excuses. Then, when he hears why, he tells her…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Memoirs of Bernardo Vega the

Words: 990
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The cigar workers sought to make themselves heard first through their newspaper and tehn by striking to make people listn to them: That strike had a special meaning for…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Memoirs the Woman Warrior and Angela's Ashes

Words: 1961
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

memoirs, The Woman Warrior and Angela's Ashes, Maxine Hong Kingston and Frank McCourt, respectively, present unique and complete views of worlds that widely diverge from the sort of…

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13 Pages
Term Paper


Memoir of a Missing Woman

Words: 4257
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

He was from a relatively poor family. "There were times," he told me, "when my mom would say, okay, it's your turn to sleep on the couch, you…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Memoirs and Writings of Early Israel Are

Words: 1275
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

memoirs and writings of early Israel are confined in the Pentateuch, meaning Genesis through Deuteronomy. Within these pages lies the lineage of the children of Israel or the…

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5 Pages

Drama - World

Memoir in Humanity the Study

Words: 1544
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Charles Hotel whom had run away from an abusive husband and had nothing left as she lay there alone in fever and despair (295). She describes letters from…

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3 Pages

Family and Marriage

Personal Memoir The Move Anyone Who Has

Words: 1125
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Memoir "the Move" Anyone who has ever travelled outside the country they were born in can understand exactly what I felt when I moved from Vietnam to the U.S.A. anyone…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Long Way Gone Memoirs of a Boy Soldier

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah. Specifically it will discuss what, if anything should be done to prevent the participation of youth in international wars? The…

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2 Pages


Holy Land a Suburban Memoir

Words: 826
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Holy Land: A Suburban Memoir aldie's 1995 manuscript "Holy Land: A Suburban Memoir" provides readers with a biographical account of the writer spending his childhood and adolescence in Lakewood.…

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3 Pages
Book Report


Sapolsky Robert A Primate's Memoir

Words: 965
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Book Report

Dominant baboons, the most 'confident' members of the tribe, are the least stress-prone. In short, the alphas of the group are cool, confident leaders who are able to…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Wasted a Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

Words: 692
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia' Marya Hornbacher's book "Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia" is a painful discussion of the life of someone who struggles with…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Comment on Memoir

Words: 1300
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Hummingbird The introduction offers the outstanding metaphors of the hummingbird and the trees, as symbols of a more natural, pure world. Details including the cookies, Baldy, and other people…

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