Mood Essays (Examples)

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Mood or Feeling of the
Pages: 3 Words: 1034

Irony is often defined as saying one thing, yet doing or meaning something else. The use of irony can be seen in Sonnet 57 when the poet says: "Nor dare I question with my jealous thought / Where you may be, or your affairs suppose." Clearly, although the poet says he is not jealous or thinking about where his beloved may be -- he is obviously obsessing about why and how his beloved is absent. This conveys the sense that the poet does not want to mull over where his beloved is philandering. The poet feels that to do so is debasing and enslaving -- yet the poet, despite his better intentions cannot stop himself. And the greatest irony, writes that poet, is that although the beloved is unfaithful, the loving poet, mad with longing, cannot help but be true: "So true a fool is love that in your will,…...

Mood for Love Is a Production of
Pages: 2 Words: 678

Mood for Love is a production of Hong Kong cinema, released in the year 2000. The title is not necessarily faithful to the original Chinese, but the gist is the same. The protagonists are at a time in their lives when they need intimacy, emotional bonding, respect, and love from their partners. Unfortunately, their respective marriages are not providing this type of emotional connection and they are left feeling empty and lonely. Their paths cross, as Mr. Chow moves into an apartment next door to Su Li-Zhen. The two quickly develop an intense emotional affair. It is this affair that is the current driving In the Mood for Love. The acting is impeccable in the film. I am emotionally attached to the characters almost as soon as it begins, and I want them to fall in love, run away with one another, and for everything to be ok. The…...

Analyzing Mood Disorder Phenomenon
Pages: 5 Words: 1640

Mood Disorder
Mood/bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive illness, is a disease of the brain, which leads to unusual changes in mood, levels of activity, energy, as well as the ability to conduct day-to-day activities. Symptoms of mood disorder could be quite serious. They vary from the usual ups and downs that everyone experiences. Bipolar disorder symptoms could lead to broken relationships, poor school or job performance, or even suicide. Bipolar disorder is, however, treatable and individuals suffering from this disease can lead full and fruitful lives. Bipolar frequently surfaces in the early adult or late teen years. More than half all cases begin at the age of 25 (Bergink, Bouvy, Vervoort, Koorengevel, Steegers & Kushner, 2012). Some individuals experience their first symptoms during childhood, whereas others might develop symptoms later during adulthood. This disorder is not easily detectable when it begins. There are individuals that suffer for years prior to proper…...



Bergink, V., Bouvy, P.F., Vervoort, J.S.P., Koorengevel, K.M., Steegers, E.A.P. & Kushner, S.A. (2012). Prevention of postpartum psychosis and mania in women at high risk, American Journal of Psychiatry, 169, pp. 609-615

Di Florio, A., Forty, L., Gordon-Smith, K., Heron, J., Jones, L., Craddock, N. & Jones I. (2013). Perinatal episodes across the mood disorder spectrum, JAMA Psychiatry, 70, pp. 168-175

Jaya, Y., Kumar, S.S., Lalit, S. & Tanuja, S. (2013). BIPOLAR DISORDER IN ADULTS, Int. Res. J. Pharm., 4 (6)

Lu, R. (2015). Mood Disorders: From Psychopathogenesis to Treatment, The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2015, Article ID 289508, 2 pages. doi:10.1155/2015/289508

Food Helps Boost Mood in Our Extremely
Pages: 4 Words: 1363

Food Helps Boost Mood
In our extremely fast paced and on the run lives, many of us tend to neglect our diet and our food intake. It is usually the last of our worries to think about what kind of food to eat and how our diet affects our heath overall as well as our mood. It is rarely ever realized that the food an individual intakes can have a heavy impact on their moods and behavior. It is scientifically proven that every human body requires a balance of food and minerals in order to lead a perfectly balanced, healthy and fit life.

People nowadays are always on the run where they rarely ever have time to sit down and have proper food which is why the fast food business is so successful because people prefer to have something to grab on the go and have it on their way to…...


Works Cited

Berg, Rebecca. "The Biology of Trytophan and Mood Disorders." Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences (2010).

McNamara, Sarah. Stress Management Program for Secondary School Students. Routledge Falmer, 2001.

Raine, Kim D. "Determinents of Healthy Eating." Canadian Journal of Public Health (2005).

Sobel, David. Healthy Pleasures. Perseus Books, 1989.

Yogurt Positively Effecting Mood Actually
Pages: 4 Words: 1366

Their body composition, cardiorespiratory endurance, and mood were measured (and the latter observed) at the end. It was found that not only was there a significant difference in all these variables, but also that the stamina and energy of the students in the experimental study were significantly higher than those in the control group. Although other conditions may have impacted mood, a significant mass of research leads to conclusive evidence of the effects of exercise on mood. Rope jumping raises heartbeat that has a consequent positive effect on emotions. As reduction of stress levels, therefore, a curriculum or rope jumping is heartily recommended.
Mountain / Outdoors and Mood

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy." (John Muir, 1901, p. 56)

Poets and literary figures have extolled…...



Blanchette, I. & Richards, A (2010) The influence of affect on higher level cognition: A review of research on interpretation, judgement, decision making and reasoning, Cognition & Emotion, 24, 561-595

Bravo JA, Forsythe P, Chew MV et al. (2011) Ingestion of Lactobacillus strain regulates emotional behavior and central GABA receptor expression in a mouse via the vagus nerve. PNAS, 24, 55-63

Feldman, V. & Kokinov, B. (2009) Anxiety restricts the analogical search in an analogy generation task, Central and East European Center for Cognitive Science,

Lee, F. (2010) The effects of 4 weeks jumping rope exercise intervention on physical fitness of elementary school students.

Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

he journal article, "Adjustment Disorders," by Dr. ami D. Benton, Director of Clinical Services, Department of Psychiatry, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Dr. Judith a Ifeagwu (2009), Research Assistant and Coordinator, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, explains that due to insufficient behavioral criteria for individuals with AD, validating this disorder proves problematic. AD, a subthreshold disorder, shares characteristics a number of other diagnostic groups as it falls "between defined disorders and problem level (V Code) diagnoses" (Benton & Ifeagwu, ¶ 4). In a number of studies, adjustment disorder with depressed mood depicts the most prevalent subtype of AD assigned. In adult medical settings, general hospitals report 70% of patients with AD experience comorbidity with other psychiatric diagnoses like affective disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorder, and psychoactive substance abuse disorder.

Differential Diagnosis III

Patricia Casey (2009), University Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland, explains in the journal…...


The individual's personal circumstances as well as the ways individuals within a particular culture express symptoms also prove to be significant considerations when diagnosing AD. "With regard to symptoms and functioning, it is recommended that these should only be regarded as excessive if they are 'clinically significant'" (Casey, 2009, Differential Diagnosis Section, ¶ 3). The meaning of "clinically significant," however, reportedly remains inadequate and tautological as it has not been officially, universally defined.

Pharmacological Treatment

Casey (2009) asserts that for the pharmacological management of adjustment disorder, some professionals advocate antidepressants, particularly when the individual does not appear to benefit from psychotherapy. Little solid evidence, albeit, supports the premise that antidepressants produce an effect on depressive symptoms in those experiencing AD. Nevertheless, treatment of symptoms of adjustment disorders includes treating "insomnia, anxiety and panic attacks and the use of

Emotions and Moods in Organizational
Pages: 2 Words: 612

They also form the fabric of how employees view themselves, their value, and their role in a company of any size.
Leaders owe it to their subordinates to be transformational, not transactional. Excellent leaders have the ability to define a compelling vision and then provide individualized guidance and support including coaching and mentoring to each employee so they not only see their value to the vision, they see how their progress makes it easier to achieve. This is what energizes employees. it's not money, it's the ability to be part of making a compelling, fascinating vision a reality. As Daniel Pink has often wrote in his books on motivation, autonomy, mastery and purpose matter more that cash incentives.


Changing the behavior and morale of a business starts with a focus on transformational leadership and proceeds through the creation and continual strengthening of trust. The best-run organizations today have been able to…...

Life Soundtrack Changing Moods The
Pages: 3 Words: 936

This cannot really be heard in the lyrics, but the minor key of the near-tango that comprises the song is reminiscent of the feelings of intense passions unfulfilled, in many different areas of life. From the age of about eleven to fourteen or fifteen, I felt as though I had do much to bring to the world, but I couldn't really figure out how to do it. The incessant percussion, dark harmonies, and smooth melody of "Sway" are somewhat like the bittersweet notion of feeling as though one could possibly touch greatness, yet being frustrated time and time again in the attempt to actually reach out and touch it. I have come to enjoy this frustration more now, but at the time it was maddening.
I thought I had found my way of achieving greatness during my rebellious phase, which began when I was sometime in my fifteenth year. "We're…...

Managing Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Pages: 6 Words: 1953

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder abbreviated as DMDD is a condition featuring chronic and severe irritability. This has been added to the fifth edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders catering to adolescent and childhood disorders. DMDD is explained through severe temper tantrums that are disproportionate to existing situations with inconsistencies with developmental level. This occurs severally each week. The mood between various outbursts becomes persistently irritable or angry while symptoms should be presented for between 12 and 17 months in the various contexts. DMDD is not diagnosed in children less than six years of age. However, it is observed from 10 years and above. The inclusion also allows DSM-5 to develop controversial convert to the existing disorder. Indeed, the DMDD support is based on research that focuses on extreme mood dysregulation (SMD). This condition is characterized by severe and chronic irritability together with hyperarousal symptoms. They share symptoms…...



Johnson, K., & McGuinness, T. M. (2014). Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder: A new diagnosis in the DSM-5. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, 52(2), 17-20.

Manis, A., Norris, R., Paylo, M. J., & Kress, V. E. 2015. Depressive, Bipolar, and related disorders. In V. E. Kress & M. J. Paylo (Eds.), Treating Those With Mental Disorders (pp. 84-119). Columbus, Ohio: Pearson.

Meany-Walen, K. K., Bratton, S. C., & Kottman, T. (2014). Effects of Adlerian Play Therapy on reducing students' disruptive behaviors. Journal of Counseling and Development, 92, 47-56.

Shirazi, E., Shabani, A., & Shahrivar, Z. (2014). Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder and bipolar disorder: Convergence or divergence? Iranian Journal of Psychiatry & Clinical Psychology, 20(2), 95-110.

The Connection Between Food and Mood
Pages: 2 Words: 727

Food is a way for people to connect to each other and themselves. Food is an integral part of living. People need food to survive. However, food can also become a huge problem for some as it turns from something that nourishes the body, to something that destroys the soul.
Binge eating is a problem afflicting more and more people across the world. A reported 2-5% of the general population suffers from binge eating disorder (Safer, Telch & Chen, 2009, p. 6). BED involves eating large amounts of food within a short period of time consistently for a period of 6 months or more. Those that suffer from BED have an unhealthy and often hard to let go of connection to food. They use food as a coping mechanism instead of dealing with any anxiety or negative emotions they feel. While BED is manageable, the eating disorder has to be understood…...



Dovey, T. (2010). Eating behaviour. Maidenhead, Berkshire, England: McGraw Hill/Open University Press.

Koster, E., & Mojet, J. (2015). From mood to food and from food to mood: A psychological perspective on the measurement of food-related emotions in consumer research. Food Research International, 76, 180-191. 

Safer, D., Telch, C., & Chen, E. (2009). Dialectical behavior therapy for binge eating and bulimia. New York: Guilford Press.

Singh, M. (2014). Mood, food, and obesity. Frontiers In Psychology, 5.

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Pages: 4 Words: 1286

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) is a childhood disorder characterized by chronic irritability that interferes with academic and social functioning. Frequent outbursts and temper tantrums, at a frequency of about three times per week, are the most obvious behavior externalizations of DMDD, but to be diagnosed with the disorder, the child must also exhibit poor mood or irritability in between outbursts, too (National Institute of Mental Health, 2018). To differentiate DMDD from pediatric bipolar disorder, it is also essential that the child does not exhibit sustained mood elevation or nonepisodic mania (Beweka, Mayes, Hameed, et al, 2016). Moreover, the symptoms of DMDD persist in spite of changes to the child’s environment, evident at home and also in school. Symptoms must also not be temporary, but in place for a year or more. While on the surface DMDD appears no different from any other psychiatric illness, it is in fact a nebulous…...

Pathlight Mood and Anxiety Center Clinical Site
Pages: 1 Words: 423

INTODUCE CLINICAL SITEIntroduce Clinical SiteClinical SitePathlight Mood and Anxiety Center is the dominant provider of multidisciplinary care in 13 states in the United States. Pathlight Mood and anxiety Center is a healthcare center that was designed by various players in child, adolescent, adult medicine, psychiatry and psychology (Pathlight Mood and Anxiety Center, n. d). The said center was designed to offer high levels of care for children, adolescents and adults whose life is significantly impacted by diverse adverse symptoms. Pathlight Mood and Anxiety Center provides services that are associated with trauma-related disorders, anxiety disorders, and mood disorders.PreceptorAt Pathlight Mood and Anxiety Center, my preceptor will be a PSYCH DNP. The preceptor will mentor me to ensure that I demonstrate exemplary performance in my diverse engagements at the clinical site. This will be instrumental in my efforts to achieve the objectives of my practicum. My preceptor will also monitor and guide…...


ReferencesPathlight Mood and Anxiety Center (n. d). Pathlight: Life Changing Mental Wellness That\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Right for You.   Stirman, S., Toder, K., & Crits-Cristoph, P. (2010). New psychotherapies for mood and anxiety disorders. Canadian journal of psychiatry, 55(4), 193–201. State College of Nursing (2018). Clinical Handbook: Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP). Wiltsey

Color and Mood it Is
Pages: 5 Words: 2090

The school incorporates a lot of natural light and has all updated materials in excellent condition. The Lea school is about 30 years old and, like many Philadelphia public schools, lacks adequate facility funding. Many of the materials and building are outdated and deteriorating.
Students at Penn Alex were significantly more positive than students at Lea regarding their school and rated wall color, variety of wall color, amount of lighting, amount of art work on display, personally having art work on display, overall appearance of the school, peers opinion of overall appearance, and elements that should be changed all higher. In addition, Penn Alex students had more positive attitudes including proud to show visitors, school makes them feel good, school appearance is not distracting, adults care about how the school looks, appearance is fine the way it is, and feelings of responsibility for taking care of the school. Students at…...



Ballast, D.K. (2002). Interior design reference manual. Professional Pub. Inc.: Belmont, CA.

Boyatzis CJ and Varghese, R. (1994) Journal of Genetic Psychology; 155(1) 77-85

Hupka, R.B, Zbigniew, Z, Jurgen O., Reidl, L. And Tarabrina, L. The colors of anger, envy, fear, and jealousy: a cross-cultural study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 28.(2)156-162

Kuller, R. (1976). The Use of Space -- Some Physiological and Philosophical Aspects. Paper presented at the Third International Architectural Psychology Conference, University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France.

Seratonin and Mood Understanding Seratonin
Pages: 6 Words: 1816

In conclusion, much academic attention has been spent on the role of serotonin deficiency and its role in depression and other mood disorders. There has been increasing attention on developing SSRIs that are target-specific in an attempt to reduce unwanted side effects. However, as we have seen too much serotonin many have lasting effects on the brain and contribute to elderly dementia, or permanent damage to the hippocampus.

It appears that maintaining the proper balance of serotonin in the system is the best method for the prevention of the immediate effects of depression and the long-term effects of dementia. Diet plays an important role in the ability of the body to maintain proper serotonin levels. However, there may be times when the body simply cannot maintain the balance on its own. That is when drug therapy such as MAOIs and SSRIs come into play. These drugs are good are relieving short-term…...


Works Cited

Biver F, Wikler D, Lotstra F, Damhaut P, Goldman S, Mendlewicz J. 1997. Serotonin 5-HT2 receptor imaging in major depression: focal changes in orbito-insular cortex. Br J. Psychiatry 1997 Nov; 171:444-8.

Dunkley, E.J.C., et al., Hunter Serotonin Toxicity Criteria: a simple and accurate diagnostic decision rule for serotonin toxicity. Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 2003. 96: p. 635-642.

Green, R. (2006). Neuropharmacology of 5-hydroxytryptamine. Br J. Pharmacol. 2006 Jan;147 Suppl 1:S145-52.

McEwen BS; Conrad CD; Kuroda Y; Frankfurt M; Magarinos AM; McKittrick C (1997). Prevention of stress-induced morphological and cognitive consequences

Combined Treatment With the Mood Stabilizers
Pages: 6 Words: 2322

JC5 Research Articl2: Draft
Marzia amiani

Career Choice


Group Theme

Huntington's Disease

Combined treatment with the mood stabilizers lithium and valproate produces multiple beneficial effects in transgenic mouse models of Huntington's disease.

rief Summary In Your Own Words: Goal, Experimental Design, Results, Conclusion

This research analyzes impacts of mixed-drug therapy on DNF (rain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) protein levels among transgenic and wild mice indicated under Huntington's Disease (HD's) N171-82Q mouse mutation. The mice's diet was chow, lithium and chow, valproate and chow, or a valproate-lithium mixture and chow. These test mice were surrendered following 14, 28, and 56 days of treatment in order to match DNF protein levels in the cortex between different treatment time intervals. rain cortex samples were acquired for assessment through the Western lotting method of analysis. Investigation-specified mutual treatment using valproate and lithium proved most effective in cumulative DNF protein stages during every treatment period. (1)


What Is eing Studied? Topic, Problem,…...


BIBLIOGRAPHY: At Least 7 Sources, Numbered. Articles in Harvard Format. Others in APA Format.

1. Chiu, C, Liu, G, Leeds, P, & Chuang, D 2011, 'Combined treatment with the mood stabilizers lithium and valproate produces multiple beneficial effects in transgenic mouse models of Huntington's disease', Neuropsychopharmacology: Official Publication Of The American College Of Neuropsychopharmacology, 36, 12, pp. 2406-2421, MEDLINE with Full Text, EBSCOhost, viewed 10 October 2015.

1. Huntington's disease. (2015). Retrieved 2015, from 

1. Cloe, A., (2015). How a Western Blot Test Works. Retrieved 2015, from 

1. Kramer, D., (2013, December 6). Western blotting (immunoblot): Gel electrophoresis for proteins. Retrieved October 28, 2015, from Kramer, D. (2013, December 6). Western blotting (immunoblot): Gel electrophoresis for proteins. Retrieved October 28, 2015, from   blotting immunoblot Gel electrophoresis for proteins/ 

What are the Stages in Mental Disorder?
Words: 123

The stages of mental disorder can vary, depending on the actual disorder itself. Many studies have suggested that problems in this area begin before birth. Problems during pregnancy and problems in fetal development can set up the first stages of a mental disorder. Early signs of mental disorders may include the person withdrawing from family and friends, showing less motivation and concentration, and becoming very moody. From that point, it can progress to changes in sleeping and eating patterns, along with odd behaviors that had not taken place before. Rambling and talking about nonsensical things, or talking about \"scary\" things....

Need some help writing my essay on the subject of psychotherapy or a certain counseling method?
Words: 355

Psychotherapy, sometimes referred to as talk therapy, describes a wide variety of counseling methods that center on a person seeking resolution by discussing their problems with some type of mental health professional.  It is an interesting type of mental health intervention because it is helpful to a wide range of people and is used by people with and without mental disorders.  This differentiates it from some types of mental health interventions, which are specifically targeted to those experiencing a mental illness.

One of the main benefits of psychotherapy is that it helps people....

I am having to write a research paper on traumatic brain injuries, and I have no idea what direction I want to go with it?
Words: 406

Traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs as they often called, are injuries to the brain that are caused by outside sources, such as a fall or a blow to the head.  This differentiates them from brain injuries that are caused by internal situations, such as a stroke.  TBIs include a broad group of different types of injuries, from seemingly minor concussions to injuries that clearly and significantly impact the ability to function.  Because they are so varied, there are many different directions you could take in a research paper about TBIs.  To help you decide what direction....

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