Moral Education Essays (Examples)

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Moral Education and Its Impact
Pages: 15 Words: 4187

In this regard, Koehler and Seger (2005) emphasize that because resources are by definition scarce, peer bullying represents a threat to the entire learning process across the board because teachers and administrators must spend inordinate amounts of time in an attempt to control problematic behavior rather than invest it in delivering high quality educational services. In fact, some of the most common responses to peer bullying in recent years have been to punish the offenders or to treat them with powerful psychotropic medications in an effort to mediate their behaviors (Koehler & Seger, 2005). When these approaches do not achieve their desire results, though (which is frequently the case), an escalation in negativity occurs in which schools use even ore punitive disciplinary and medication interventions in an effort to address the problem. This escalation also has a concomitant effect of creating a "we-them" mentality between the students and faculty…...



Adelabu, DH (2007). Time perspective and school membership as correlates to academic achievement among African-American adolescents. Adolescence, 42(167), 525-526.

Bradshaw, C.P., Sawyer, a.L. & O'Brennan, L.M. (2007). Bullying and peer victimization at school: Perceptual differences between students and school staff. School Psychology

Review, 36(3), 361-362.

Brendtro, L.K., Mitchell, M.L. & Mccall, H. (2007). Positive peer culture: Antidote to 'peer deviance training.' Reclaiming Children and Youth, 15(4), 200-201.

Moral Education
Pages: 1 Words: 453

The paper will present an essay in which the comparison of Plato and Aristotle's ideas about moral education will be taken into consideration. Plato's ideas are found chiefly from the last half of Book II through Book VII of the Republic and in the digression of the Theaetetus; Aristotle's ideas are in Book II of Nicomachean Ethics; and I "It is important to understand the full implications (and ambiguity) of Theaetetus' response that "knowledge is simply perception." (151e)"

The readings and understanding of the Plato's And Aristotle writings proves that both these philosophers have defined various concepts which is related to moral education and the characteristics which can be adopted by the human beings in order to develop strong character and effective personalities. Plato has defined that higher self-man is concerned with causes rather than effects and therefore, moral education should be provided to…...


Works Cited

As retrieved from Nicomachean Ethics 

On May 10,2004

As retrieved from Knowledge and Virtue in Plato's Theaetetus: Part Two by Gordon L. Ziniewicz   On May 10,2004 .

Global Societal Problem Argument and Solution Argumentative
Pages: 8 Words: 2293

The Need for a Return to Character Education as a Universal Standard When the topic of lack of education is brought up it is generally assumed that access to education is the problem. However, lack of education can also refer to the problem of lack of effective education or lack of consistency in education. In many places around the world, education is promoted by the state—for example, Qatar has developed Education City—but a deeply-ingrained culture still exists that resists overtures to education (Bahry & Marr, 2005). The problem that exists in terms of education on a global scale is that education means different things to different people in different cultures and there is no universal standard or sameness in terms of goals that educators around the world pursue at the one and the same time. This creates an overall effect of lack of education around the world, with education gaps between…...



Bahry, L., & Marr, P. (2005). Qatari women: a new generation of leaders?. Middle East Policy, 12(2), 104.

Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. NY: Continuum.

Gong, Q. (2010). Virtue ethics and modern society—A response to the thesis of the modern predicament of virtue ethics. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 5(2), 255-265.

Hill, L. (2015). Classical stoicism and the birth of a global ethics: Cosmopolitan duties in a world of local loyalties. Social Alternatives, 34(1), 14.

Hunt Institute. (2011). The English Language Arts Standards: Key Changes and their Evidence. Retrieved from  

Kristjánsson, K. (2014). There is Something About Aristotle: The Pros and Cons of A ristotelianism in Contemporary Moral Education. Journal of philosophy of education, 48(1), 48-68.

Lickona, T. (1993). The return of character education. Educational leadership, 51(3), 6-11.

Papastephanou, M. (2005). Globalisation, globalism and cosmopolitanism as an educational ideal. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 37(4), 533-551. 

Moral Message in Children's Literature
Pages: 7 Words: 2030

Moral Messages in Children's Literature
I chose four children's classics: Charlotte's web (1952) by E.B. White, and other three children's fairy tales, two by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm (Cinderella and Snow white and the seven dwarfs) and one by Charles Perrault (Sleeping Beauty). These were among my personal childhood favorites. Looking back on all four as an adult, I see many similarities, but also many differences, in these books' inherent moral messages. All have been positively reviewed (e.g., have received awards or good critical reviews, and/or have stood the test of time). Each contains many distinct moral messages, some plain, others less so. Each also deals with situations that require moral decisions.

Charlotte's web

Charlotte's web is a story about eight-year-old Fern, who, while growing up on a farm, loves and nurtures a pet pig, Wilbur. Wilbur grows up (with help from Fern and various animal friends, including a wise and virtuous spider…...

Education Youth as Predictor of Adulthood
Pages: 3 Words: 960

Emile Durkheim is regarded as one of the proverbial founding fathers of sociological research and theory. The two main works of his that can easily be considered his most brilliant and affecting works are The ules of Sociological Method and The Division of Labor in Society. This particular report focuses on a particular article that was written for and appeared in a scholarly journal article in 2011. The article spoke of Durkheim's theories and how the theory and practice of society very much confirm and verify the assertions that Durkheim made. Specifically, the article focuses on the Moral Education treatise offered by Durkheim. While sociological theory and insight is not an exact science is far from definitive even in the modern day, it is clear to anyone who would pay attention why Durkheim is held in the same fairly high to very high regard as other sociological theories such as…...



Prus, R. (2011). Examining Community Life 'in the Making': Emile Durkheim's Moral

Education. American Sociologist, 42(1), 56-111. doi:10.1007/s12108-010-9119-5

Moral Dilemma Jane Thinks of
Pages: 1 Words: 464

She paid good money for tuition and didn't take advantage of her opportunities to learn. She also lost out on increasing her self-esteem in a natural way by rising to meet challenges and doing her best. Instead of feeling proud, she felt guilty. If she confesses to her school, she will probably be kicked out and it will be on her record forever. She is not likely to do that. However, because she is going to be a teacher, herself, she can talk to her students about her experience honestly and have meaningful discussions in her classrooms. She can tell her students that if they get sick, they can call her, and she will make arrangements to postpone the deadline. Jane wishes now that she had got caught the first time she did it -- then, she never would have done it again. So, she can purchase TurnItIn, software…...

Education in China History of
Pages: 5 Words: 1683

The State has also established a string of both general and specific policies for improving and developing special education and set aside special funds for this purpose. Consequently, just like regular education, special education has also developed rapidly. Although local governments are encouraged to provide compulsory education to children with and without disabilities, the enacted policies do not necessitate that education be provided to all students.
Despite the fact that students with disabilities were earlier educated in special schools, China has adopted new channels of special education including the integration of disabled children into general education classes. Currently, the number of disabled children enrolled in schools has continued to experience a big increase since 1987. Although many articles in the laws formulated by the Chinese government call for the overall education of handicapped children, special education for children with autism or severe disabilities is not directly mentioned in these policies…...



Baker, M. (2007, November 17). China's Bid for World Domination. Retrieved April 11, 2010,


Mu K, Yang H & Armfield A (n.d.). China's Special Education: A Comparative Analysis.

Retrieved April 11, 2010, from

Education of Abbasid
Pages: 15 Words: 4250

Education of Abbasid
Today, the majority of high school students hope to finish college one day. This is a realistic dream for many, as there is an established education system that gives students a choice of career paths and training. The modern world if full of universities and training centers. However, the world was not always like this. Many centuries ago, education was limited to the privileged and even the privileged did not have many opportunities in learning. Today's existing modern educational system has been influenced by traditions of the past, particularly by the great advances that occurred during the Abbasid Dynasty in the Muslim world.

One of the achievements of Muslim culture during the Abbasid Dynasty was the widespread spread of literacy. Elementary education was almost universal, especially in the cities. Emphasis on the value of reading and writing stems from the very first revelations of the Qur'an, which mention how…...

Education Reflections on the Future
Pages: 4 Words: 1021

Finding out about other peoples and cultures, through technology, will be an essential part of education in the years to come.
Numerous aspects of the current educational system will need to be improved in future years. The focus must be on children's individual needs and abilities. Today, standardized tests and general requirements frequently restrict students' opportunities to learn. Many youngsters do not get the attention they need, or the enrichment they deserve. Teachers often lack the necessary resources to prepare children for the real world, or to deal with children's real world problems. "Teaching to the test" creates its own difficulties for the educator, leaving many unprepared for atypical classroom situations. Young people have difficulties at home, or in their personal lives, and educators do not have the training to deal with these potentially serious problems. Disruptive and violent behavior can lead to tragedy. Children do not receive sufficient ethical…...

Education Is Important Aspect and
Pages: 4 Words: 1235

This task can be performed with the support of animated movies. The teacher can introduce a certain character within the documentary, and seek the participation of the students for understanding of the traits and behavior of the particular character, and at the end of the day; the teacher can relate those traits with the essence of moral and ethical values. (Aristotle: (
It is also important that the rights of the teachers are protected, and this can be achieved only if the teachers under their limited capacity are able to make and understand the students their importance and significance, not only within the premises of the school, but also in the society. This is an important aspect that has to be handled and treated with due diligence, because unless the teacher is successful in making their students respect them, it will be difficult to communicate and teach the students, otherwise.…...



Margot Kaplan-Sanoff, Renee Yablans. Exploring Early Childhood: readings in theory and practice. 1963. Collier Macmillan. pp.63

Robert James Havighurst, Hilda Taba, University of Chicago Committee on Human Development. Adolescent Character and Personality. 1986. University Publications. pp.54

California Committee for the Study of Education Subcommittee on the Development of Moral and Spiritual Values in the Schools. Developing Moral-spiritual Values in the Schools. 1957. University Publications. pp.254

John R. Meyer, Brian Burnham, John Cholvat. Values education: theory, practice, problems, prospects. 1979. Longman. pp.54

Education Multiculturalism in Education Creating
Pages: 10 Words: 3181

A group that is, by its very nature, mentally defective, will also easily be viewed as incapable of supporting itself without help - a strain on the larger society. In terms of modern day American society, this could be seen as declaring that African-Americans, and other similarly impoverished and marginalized groups, are likely to remain forever within the care of the social welfare system. Believers in such ideas might easily raise the question - why bother with caring for these people at all? More to the point; however, is the question of whether there is really anything wrong with most of these individuals at all? Clearly, a large part of their "mental disabilities" derive from internal and external assumptions about what it means to be African-American, or a member of some similarly tagged minority group. A multicultural approach to the educational process helps to guarantee that all individuals are…...



Allen, J., & Hermann-Wilmarth, J. (2004). Cultural Construction Zones. Journal of Teacher Education, 55(3), 214+.


Block, P., Balcazar, F., & Keys, C. (2001). From Pathology to Power: Rethinking Race, Poverty and Disability. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 12(1), 18.


Education Philosophical Influences on American
Pages: 5 Words: 1782

There are others though that believes that learners are born with certain innate capabilities that are then shaped and formed from the outside (Montessori theory, 2011)
No matter which theory one looks at though the bottom line is that each philosophy is based on the idea that everything possible should be done to encourage as much learning as possible. All philosophies are based on the fact that education should be about learning and that no matter how the learning takes place, what environment is takes place in or under what circumstances the edn result should be something was learned. Educational philosophy in general believes that in order for people to be successful and productive they must learn as much as possible and that this should be done by way of formal education.


Chinn, C. (2012). Epistemological Beliefs. etrieved from

Evers, W.M. (2012). How Progressive Education Gets it Wrong. etrieved from




Chinn, C. (2012). Epistemological Beliefs. Retrieved from 

Evers, W.M. (2012). How Progressive Education Gets it Wrong. Retrieved from 

Gray, P. (2009). Rousseau's Errors: They Persist Today in Educational Theory. Retrieved from 

Jean-Jacques Rousseau on nature, wholeness and education. (2012). Retrieved from

Moral Criticisms of the Market Moral Criticisms
Pages: 2 Words: 891

Moral Criticisms of the Market
Moral Criticisms Market This assignment requires read article Ken S. Ewert (found eading & Study folder). Note article, Ewert defending free market "Christian Socialists." He states position a rebuttal

Moral criticisms of the market: A critique of Ewert's analysis

It is interesting to read Ken S. Ewert's 1989 criticisms of 'Christian socialists' in light of current debates on other types of economic policies today. Ewert portrays Christian, leftist defenders of socialism as impervious to logic, in contrast to other former critics of capitalism, who grew more acclimated to capitalist principles in light of the failure of the Soviet Union Similar criticisms are made of 21st century religious fundamentalists, who stress the need for private enterprise to address societal problems 'on principle,' even when public regulation might be helpful and who try to define science, including science education, in religious terms rather than in terms of logic. Ewert's essay…...



Ewert, Kenneth. (1989). Moral criticisms of the market. FEE. Retrieved:

Education Mirrors Life And Life Follows From
Pages: 5 Words: 1695

Education mirrors life. And, life follows from education. Both entities are inextricably linked. This is a salient point that most teachers and students must recognize. And by teachers, one also means students of a particular domain -- even if that domain is global and extensible to every aspect of life -- since the process of learning never stops. In developing a philosophy of education, one must also be able to dissociate education from literacy -- the latter being far more important. The crux of this essay will be to show that since each individual -- and this is common knowledge -- is different, then the process of education should not devolve into a one- size-fits-all groupthink straitjacket. How should education then be defined? As a mode of instruction that leaves avenues open, into which, aspects of a student's (or teacher's) life experiences and richness of talents and culture might be…...

Education Ethics Higher Education Discover Within
Pages: 1 Words: 385

2. Institutional retrenchment can be both painful and contentious. Can administrators ascribe to "ethical retrenchment"? What might the ethics of retrenchment consist of?

Ethical retrenchment is the idea of downsizing and cutting expenses in an ethical way. This consists of remembering that the staff that are being let go is in fact people and not just a number. Administrators can ascribe to ethical retrenchment by being as open and honest with their employees as they can be and by giving them as much notice that downsizing is going to occur. Another thing that can be done is a job counselor can be provided in order to help employees to deal with the uncertainty that they are experiencing. If retrenchment is not handled in a positive way it will lead to depression and low morale, neither which is good for an organization as a whole (Ethics, 2008).


Fischer, Karin. (2005). College in Colorado…...



Fischer, Karin. (2005). College in Colorado Fires President. The Chronicle of Higher Education,

52(9), p. 37.

Ethics. (2008). Retrieved May 19, 2009, from AllExperts Web site:

Could you help me draft an essay outline about people?
Words: 445

Outline: The Complexity of Human Nature

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a thought-provoking question or anecdote that highlights the enigma of human nature.
B. Thesis statement: State the central argument that humans are multifaceted beings with both noble and darker impulses.

II. The Social Facet
A. Prosociality: Discuss humans' capacity for empathy, altruism, and cooperation.
- Cite evolutionary theories on the benefits of social behavior.
- Provide examples of individuals who display extraordinary acts of kindness.
B. Conformity: Analyze the tendency to follow group norms, even when they conflict with personal beliefs.
- Explain the psychological mechanisms behind conformity.
- Discuss....

How do titles shape an individual\'s moral development?
Words: 580

1. The Role of Moral Development in Personal Growth

2. Exploring the Stages of Moral Development: Piaget and Kohlberg Perspectives

3. The Influence of Family and Culture on Moral Development

4. Moral Education in Schools: Nurturing Ethical Values in Students

5. The Connection between Moral Development and Social Responsibility

6. Moral Dilemmas and Ethical Decision-Making: Challenges of the Modern World

7. Gender Differences in Moral Development: Nature vs. Nurture Debate

8. The Role of Empathy and Perspective-Taking in Moral Development

9. Moral Development and the Impact of Technology: Navigating Ethical Challenges

10. The Importance of Self-Reflection in Moral Development: Cultivating a Strong Moral Compass
11. The Impact of Titles on....

Could you guide me in selecting essay topics that cover values attitudes and belief philosophy of education?
Words: 302

Certainly! Here are some essay topics that cover values, attitudes, and beliefs in the philosophy of education:

1. The role of values in shaping educational practices and policies
2. Exploring the impact of teachers' attitudes and beliefs on student learning outcomes
3. Examining the importance of fostering a growth mindset in education
4. The ethical considerations of teaching controversial topics in the classroom
5. Integrating social justice and inclusivity in the curriculum: challenges and opportunities
6. The role of multicultural education in promoting understanding and empathy among students
7. Examining the impact of technology on values and attitudes in education
8. The importance of critical thinking and independent....

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