Moral Reasoning Essays (Examples)

835+ documents containing “moral reasoning”.

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Moral Reasoning
Taps is a movie about a private military high school, where the school is facing closure. To prevent this the adolescents attending the campus take over the school; in terms of adolescent moral reasoning, the boys involved impulsively react instead of thinking things through. They arm themselves, feeling like they are taking initiative and working together as a team to accomplish a common goal. They react just as they are taught, to be a team and to foster group dependence and unity.

The conflict involves actor Timothy Hutton, a sort of commandant of the cadets, who wanted to barricade the school long enough to talk to their leader to stop them from closing to school. He wanted to wait until his leader could tell them or order them to stand down. Tom Cruises character was an aggressor, and opened fire on the national guard and ended up being shot. The….

Moral Reasoning

Cultural Differences
Moral easoning

Moral reasoning: An intercultural comparison

Until recently, many Western developmental theorists tended to see morality as a transcultural phenomenon, reflecting their belief that all cultures shared certain common moral assumptions. Both Piaget and Kohlberg stressed that moral development passes through a series of stages, just like the child's ability to understand other complex subjects like mass and volume (Jensen 2008; Sunac n.d). However, this tends to assume that the individual is the primary moral decision-making unit and reflects an individualistic bias. American culture is defined by certain assumptions, such as the importance of individualism and material advancement, which are not necessarily shared by all cultures (or indeed all subcultures within America) (Humphries & Jagers 2009: 206). In America, an individual who 'stands up' to a crowd, or who goes against established ideas and makes a profit in the case of an entrepreneur like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates is….

Moral Reasoning

reasoning that moral reasoning is determining what is right or wrong in a situation is acceptable but confusion arise from understanding what is wrong and what is right. Though universal with intercultural variations, it cannot be argued that it is only based on the perception of right or wrong. As a support to this, it is correct that cultures have varying beliefs and opinions and view moral reasoning differently. In China for example, bowing down to elders is a moral act but in America nobody bows to the elders. Besides, Chinese focus on group welfare which is the opposite for American culture which favors individualism.
Second Response

It is generally acceptable that moral reasoning varies based on people's reasoning and beliefs; this response upholds that morality depends on whether a person's act will harm the other or not which is a rational ideology. This belief is awkward since it is not….

Brannigan's Moral Reasoning Applied to a Specific Case Study
Using Brannigan's six steps to moral reasoning, the situation involving the business man, his wife, and her lover can be broken down and analyzed from a moral perspective in order to arrive at an agreed upon moral option. The first step in using Brannigan's Moral Reasoning logic is to identify the fact. Since the case went to court, the article used to relate the case to the public is adequate for identifying these facts. Here are the facts as stated by the article:

The wife was a teacher at the secondary school where the 16-year-old student attended when the affair began, the husband filed for divorce 20 years after the affair began, the divorce was filed in August, 2009, the couple had not had sex for over 10 years due to the husbands impotence and related health problems, the wife was hit and….

Charlotte's eb: Field Research, Psycho-Social Research, and a Textual Summary and Analysis
Introduction and Field Research Background

My niece Ariel, age 11, agreed to read Charlotte's eb by E.B. hite with me, and to be my informant on this project (Shapiro, "Personal Interview"). Ariel is extremely bright (IQ over 140), and has already finished the 7th grade, having skipped second grade in elementary school (I bring this up not so much to brag about her, but because she may in fact be more advanced in her thinking and vocabulary skills than some of the other 9-11-year-old informants: arguably somewhere between Piaget's third (ages 7-11) and fourth (ages 11-15) concrete operational and formal operational stages of development). Ariel told me this was actually her second exposure to Charlotte's eb, though her first time reading the book on her own. Her third grade teacher had read it to her class, but Ariel said she….

Moral and Emotional Responses to the Challenge of Thrasymachus
Might makes right. So suggests the character of Thrasymachus in Plato's "Republic." In other words, justice and morality is merely defined by who is stronger. The proper role of morality in both reason and the emotions is dependant simply upon what one wants to do, at that point in time, and how one can best achieve one's objective. In politics, the strongest person defines what is just and moral, because the strongest person will always rule according to the real world laws of the political jungle. Socrates, of course, offers the opposing view, that only the wisest should rule, the philosopher kings of the ideal state, who put subjective emotion aside and rule purely by objective reason. While Thrasymachus suggests that 'the world,' that is the material existence around us (including our emotions) should be the ultimate proving-ground of any moral system,….

Moral Development and Gender Care Theories

Moral Development

Moral development in humans occurs naturally together with physical, social and mental development. Individually as well as in social settings, mankind evolves a developed moral character and conscience in spite of numerous social and psychological barriers, which temporarily retard or disturb the process. In axiology, concepts of moral development give rise to feelings of being an active and developing entity. Through potential self-realization or perfection, a grand innate legacy is inherited, to be fulfilled in one's individual character and via the community, revealing one's unseen but tremendous intrinsic value (Fieser & Dowden, 2016).

Kohlberg's Six Stages of Moral Development

Crain (2015) holds that the child development scholar and moral philosopher, Lawrence Kohlberg, noted that kids progress across distinct moral development stages similar to the way they progress across cognitive development stages (defined by Piaget). Kohlberg observed and tested both adults and….

By Goodman's analysis, the systematic murder of one million people motivated by the specific intention of genocide is morally worse than the systematic murder of one million and one people selected arbitrarily. The author does not explain why the motivation for unjustified murder is such an important distinction; it would seem that unjustified murder is always wrong and that the scale of victims is always a more accurate measure of that moral offense than the reason or intent behind unjustified murder of innocent people.
Polygamy, Rape, Incest, and Genital Mutilation

Professor Goodman's reasoning about polygamy, rape, incest, and genital mutilation represent his weakest line of reasoning. Specifically, his view of polygamy completely ignores the issue of gender inequality and suggests that polygamy is necessarily harmful to women. The obvious counterargument is that this is only true because of the extent to which women are already objectified and comparatively powerless in patriarchal….

Moral Theory and Virtue Ethics
How is virtue ethics different from the other theories of ethics that you have studied so far?

The other theories of ethics argue that morality results from an act, thus they tend to focus on the impact. This implies that a moral act will bring the highest level of happiness for the highest number of people. In contrast, virtue ethics considers morality as the result of character or identity of a person and not a reflection of the act. It means that some characteristics are virtues. Individuals with these virtues are moral and their actions only reflect their inner morality (MacKinnon, 2012).

According to Aristotle, what is the difference between intellectual and moral virtues?

Intellectual is the first principle governing human acts. Other laws only exist to obey intellectual in various ways. Those who obey intellectual without any contradiction are body limbs because they are in a healthy status.….

Moral Messages in Children's Literature
I chose four children's classics: Charlotte's web (1952) by E.B. White, and other three children's fairy tales, two by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm (Cinderella and Snow white and the seven dwarfs) and one by Charles Perrault (Sleeping Beauty). These were among my personal childhood favorites. Looking back on all four as an adult, I see many similarities, but also many differences, in these books' inherent moral messages. All have been positively reviewed (e.g., have received awards or good critical reviews, and/or have stood the test of time). Each contains many distinct moral messages, some plain, others less so. Each also deals with situations that require moral decisions.

Charlotte's web

Charlotte's web is a story about eight-year-old Fern, who, while growing up on a farm, loves and nurtures a pet pig, Wilbur. Wilbur grows up (with help from Fern and various animal friends, including a wise and virtuous spider….

The line of legitimacy, separating socially approvable use of force from violence, cannot be effectively drawn without an agreement on what constitutes the optimum amount of force necessary to maintain social order and to protect human rights against encroachment. A society subscribing to infinite morality which condemns all use of force as immoral is doomed no less than a society accepting the absolute pragmatism of tyrants. "
As Oleg Zinam proposes, these two extreme social attitudes to morality are equally unprofitable to the societies that adopt them. The attitude of absolute pragmatism can easily lead to the acceptance of political assassinations, as long as such acts may help the final political purpose. An example of absolute pragmatism can be the regime initiated by Hitler, who ordered the extermination of all Jews in an attempt to "purify" the human race by excluding anyone who did not fill in the Arian ideal.….

Capital punishment, however, does reflect the retributive perspective and is the most obvious modern manifestation of Hammurabi's code. Even so, the moral righteousness of capital punishment is questionable for several reasons. First, capital punishment is illogical and hypocritical. If killing another human being is wrong, and if the state kills human beings, then the state is committing a wrongful act. Second, capital punishment can be considered cruel and unusual. Third, capital punishment precludes the state from promoting positive moral values in favor of a perceived increase in public safety. Whether public safety is increased by the use of capital punishment is also questionable. For the most part, capital punishment is used "solely for symbolic purposes," (Turow, cited by Stern, 2003). Capital punishment is the epitome of revenge-based, retributive justice. It would seem that even if revenge were morally just, that the state would have no justifiable role in exacting revenge.


Moral Leadership
CEO's values influence on mission, vision, and members of an organization

Effective leadership relies on the ethics and morals of the leader. The values expressed by the leader are transposed by his or her actions and are reflected in the organization's results. The mission of the organization is constructed by the leader based on his or her values. Leaders can only run organizations whose mission is to satisfy the leader's values. In other words, the organization's values must be aligned with leaders' values. Otherwise, leaders will not have a sense of fulfillment, and they are likely to consider that the organization does not serve its best and most ethical purposes.

The vision of the organization is also strongly influenced by the leader's values. This is because the vision reflects how the organization's mission will be fulfilled. It is important that the leader constructs an organizational vision that relies on his or….

She paid good money for tuition and didn't take advantage of her opportunities to learn. She also lost out on increasing her self-esteem in a natural way by rising to meet challenges and doing her best. Instead of feeling proud, she felt guilty. If she confesses to her school, she will probably be kicked out and it will be on her record forever. She is not likely to do that. However, because she is going to be a teacher, herself, she can talk to her students about her experience honestly and have meaningful discussions in her classrooms. She can tell her students that if they get sick, they can call her, and she will make arrangements to postpone the deadline. Jane wishes now that she had got caught the first time she did it -- then, she never would have done it again. So, she can purchase TurnItIn, software….

Reasoning Behind the Title: To Kill a Mockingbird
To Kill a Mockingbird took the form of a novel before its adaptation into a film. This is a work that has a strong literal and metaphorical link to the title. To Kill a Mockingbird is an infinitive phrase that describes an action. The title is a phrase that communicates part of the main theme of the novel. By the time the reader has completed the novel, the reader should understand quite clearly what the consequences of killing a mockingbird in real life as well as within the context of the narrative. Mockingbirds, as the novel expounds upon, represent innocence and joy. Through various actions in the novel and as demonstrated through nearly all of the character arcs in the story, to kill a mockingbird is a solemn tragedy.

Characters such as Jem, Dill, Tom Robinson, Mr. Raymond, and Boo Radley are the people….

1. The role of attachment theory in child development
2. The impact of parenting styles on children's behavior and mental health
3. The effects of early childhood experiences on later development
4. The influence of genetics and environment on human development
5. The importance of socialization in shaping personality development
6. The role of play in cognitive and social development
7. The effects of trauma and adversity on developmental outcomes
8. The significance of identity formation during adolescence
9. The impact of technology and screen time on child development
10. The relationship between emotional intelligence and success in adulthood.
11. How culture and society influence child development and behavior.
12. The....

Crafting an Impactful Thesis Statement on Divine Command Theory

Divine command theory, a prominent ethical theory, posits that the sole basis for morality lies in the commands of a divine being. This theory holds that actions are inherently right or wrong solely because God wills them to be so. Crafting a thesis statement on divine command theory requires a clear and concise articulation of its central tenets and the main argument or perspective you intend to present.

Steps to Craft an Impactful Thesis Statement

1. State the Central Idea: Begin with a concise statement summarizing the key concept of divine command theory, namely,....

3 Pages


Moral Reasoning Taps Is a Movie About

Words: 867
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Moral Reasoning Taps is a movie about a private military high school, where the school is facing closure. To prevent this the adolescents attending the campus take over the school;…

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2 Pages


Moral Reasoning

Words: 719
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Cultural Differences Moral easoning Moral reasoning: An intercultural comparison Until recently, many Western developmental theorists tended to see morality as a transcultural phenomenon, reflecting their belief that all cultures shared certain common…

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2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Moral Reasoning

Words: 701
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

reasoning that moral reasoning is determining what is right or wrong in a situation is acceptable but confusion arise from understanding what is wrong and what is right.…

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3 Pages

Family and Marriage

Brannigan's Moral Reasoning Applied to a Specific

Words: 932
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Brannigan's Moral Reasoning Applied to a Specific Case Study Using Brannigan's six steps to moral reasoning, the situation involving the business man, his wife, and her lover can be broken…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Moral Reasoning Is it Taught Through Children Literature

Words: 3473
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Charlotte's eb: Field Research, Psycho-Social Research, and a Textual Summary and Analysis Introduction and Field Research Background My niece Ariel, age 11, agreed to read Charlotte's eb by E.B. hite with…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Moral and Emotional Responses to the Challenge

Words: 1030
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Moral and Emotional Responses to the Challenge of Thrasymachus Might makes right. So suggests the character of Thrasymachus in Plato's "Republic." In other words, justice and morality is merely defined…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Gender and Sexuality

Moral Development and Children

Words: 1596
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

MOAL DEVELOPMENT & GENDE CAE | Moral Development and Gender Care Theories Moral Development Moral development in humans occurs naturally together with physical, social and mental development. Individually as well as in…

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3 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Moral Minima the Good Society

Words: 982
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

By Goodman's analysis, the systematic murder of one million people motivated by the specific intention of genocide is morally worse than the systematic murder of one million and…

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2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Moral Arguments and Ethical Issues in Relationships

Words: 648
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Moral Theory and Virtue Ethics How is virtue ethics different from the other theories of ethics that you have studied so far? The other theories of ethics argue that morality results…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Moral Message in Children's Literature

Words: 2030
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Moral Messages in Children's Literature I chose four children's classics: Charlotte's web (1952) by E.B. White, and other three children's fairy tales, two by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm (Cinderella and…

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22 Pages
Term Paper


Moral Legal Political and Practical

Words: 9721
Length: 22 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The line of legitimacy, separating socially approvable use of force from violence, cannot be effectively drawn without an agreement on what constitutes the optimum amount of force necessary…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Moral Dimensions of Punishment Is

Words: 956
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Capital punishment, however, does reflect the retributive perspective and is the most obvious modern manifestation of Hammurabi's code. Even so, the moral righteousness of capital punishment is questionable for…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Moral Leadership CEO's Values Influence on Mission

Words: 769
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Moral Leadership CEO's values influence on mission, vision, and members of an organization Effective leadership relies on the ethics and morals of the leader. The values expressed by the leader are…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Moral Dilemma Jane Thinks of

Words: 464
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

She paid good money for tuition and didn't take advantage of her opportunities to learn. She also lost out on increasing her self-esteem in a natural way by…

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4 Pages


Reasoning Behind the Title To Kill a

Words: 1174
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Reasoning Behind the Title: To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird took the form of a novel before its adaptation into a film. This is a work that has…

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