Mother Essays (Examples)

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Think about Mother's Day and the "Hallmark" image of Mom. Look at cards, ads, etc. And be specific - how does the idealized mother appear? What are the stereotypes? Expectations?

Mother's Day and the "Hallmark" image of Mom

Mother's Day and the "Hallmark" image of Mom

This is a day celebrated worldwide to recognize maternal bands, motherhood and the contributions made by mothers in the society. This day is been widely celebrated to make mothers feel appreciated for the role they play in molding and caring for the family. Celebrations for the contributions made by mothers are accentuated by the increasing volumes of cards and advertisement messages. These messages go to the extent of depicting the mother as a hero to the society undertaking duties to an extreme otherwise inconceivable (Arendell & Terry, 2000).

With the change in times, celebrations for mother's day have grown to accommodate….

Mother Tongue and Newman
Those who immigrate into the United States from other countries are encouraged to adapt to the culture of the majority population, namely white males of European descent. Language is the component of culture which is first targeted by those who try to force assimilation. hen a person comes to the United States, they will feel compelled to learn English and be able to read and write in that language regardless of what language is their first. Those that do not assimilate to the American cultural perspective are made to feel like outsiders, as if they do not belong. In three articles, "Mother Tongue, "One Nation, Indivisible: Is it History?," and "Newman Student's Speech in Spanish Sparks Criticism" each deals with the issue of language as a means of cultural assimilation.

Amy Tan's essay "Mother Tongue" describes the two different types of English that she uses in her daily….

Mother Tongue
Rhetorical Techniques in Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue"

As anyone who has ever been in an argument can tell you, what you say is often far less important than how you say it. Even in other less-aggressive circumstances, perception is generally far more important than substance -- this is certainly the case when it comes to politics, and often the case in more personal situations and relationships. When it comes to more serious and supposedly more rigorous fields such as literary analysis, philosophy, and social commentary, the playing with subjectivities of individual perception is called rhetoric, and it can occur in addition to or in spite of the factual substance of what is being said. Rhetoric is not necessarily a bad thing, though it can certainly be used to twist the truth and create negative consequences -- it is simply a tool that can be applied to language to make an….

To show the childlike nature of the boy's mind, all of the characters become animals and the already simple line drawings become even simpler.
Using the colors and the drawing style of the graphic novel enable the author better able to realize his ultimate purpose in creating the text, to show the mental state of family members left behind after someone dies. The fact that one of the characters is a child and the other is mentally unstable makes the fluid use of visually fantastic metaphors particularly effective. Images like when the father floats in the air at night in his dreams to look for the mother or when Thomas becomes a lion are both artistically striking and emotionally evocative. Some of the confusion the reader might feel regarding the narrative shifts from imaginative to concrete reality is alleviated with the subtle differences and shadings of color between the frames….

Mother Daughter

Eva sacrifices herself because it is her choice to do so, but mostly because she genuinely loves her daughter Sula.
The ambivalence in the relationship between Annette and Antoinette is painful at times, and leads to the mental illnesses that consume both mother and daughter. It is uncertain whether mental illness impeded the mother-daughter relationship from developing in ide Sargasso Sea, or whether the thwarted relationship caused mental illness. In any case, Antoinette is shown to be a person who needs the role of mother in her life. This is why she develops a strong bond with Christophene. This "cross-racial mothering relationship" allows Antoinette to "transfer" her love, which Annette could not accept, to a surrogate (Adalgisa 62). The role of Christophene as surrogate mother is not unusual, according to Adalgisa. In traditional cultures, and especially those of est Africa, the "othermother" was a woman who would help a birthmother….

The pictorial values, and the acting of both "Erin Brockovich" and "Good Night and Good Luck" are profoundly different than "Mother," although both show political awakenings. The more recent American films focus on extraordinary individuals, persons of physical beauty and glamour, or persons of great fame and influence, and the acting is differential, unique, and what the characters say is equally as important as what they do, unlike "Mother." It is true that Erin Brockovich is an every woman type of character to some extent because of her lower class, her status as a single mother, and her lack of education and political voice. Even Murrow is an everyman to some degree because of his status as every American in the eyes of the nation during his London broadcasts, his reputation, and his willingness to voice what many Americans thought during the McCarthy hearings but feared to say aloud.

Both film's….

The Women's Media Center has a contest going to give women a chance to tell their stories of why they have chosen their own unique goals and paths in life. This is comparable to many of the contests that consumer packaged goods manufacturers have used very successfully in the past to get user-generated content to promote their brands. This promotion centers on pro-choice messaging for women. This is also highly unusual as a Mother's Day promotion because it seeks political commentary and promises the potential to have it published and potentially seen by women who are members of the Women's Media Center. As a result this concentrates on the aspects of moms being free to speak their minds and say it on video, sharing it with many others throughout the women's community. Here is the UL for the contest:

The time crunch moms feel has never been more severe….

When she began writing, she chose to envision her mother as the reader because that was how she could capture the real beauty of language in its various forms: "I wanted to capture what language ability tests can never reveal: her intent, her passion, her imagery, the rhythms of her speech and the nature of her thoughts."
Amy Tan's essay is definitely an effective and powerful statement not only on variations of English and her exposure to the same but also on class and cultural discrimination that people encounter because of their inability to use proper standardized English. While the author has refused to focus on discrimination aspect in detail, she has effectively drawn our attention to this side of the issue. There is some underlying tension that one feels when reading the essay that directs our attention to the discriminatory attitude of people towards immigrants on account of their….

Children born in Alto lack the traditional protection of breastfeeding, subsistence gardens, stable marriages, and multiple adult caregivers. In these shantytowns that spring up around urban centers marriages are "brittle" and single parenting the norm. Woman are forced to seek employment, working as domestics or in the fields of the sugar plantation for as little as a dollar a day, and cannot bring their babies with them, consequently older children who are not in school will sometimes serve as babysitters, however children who are not in school are also expected to find work, thus babies are simply "left at home alone, the door securely fastened." Many babies die alone and unattended.
Another factor that exacerbates the situation is religious doctrine. The Catholic Church's official position against birth control, abortion, and sterilization only adds to the number of children born into this untenable situation. Scheper-Hughes notes that the seeming indifference of….

Even the most rebellious daughter carries some of her mother in her, whether she likes it or not.
Mothers influence values in many other ways, too. If a mother is obsessed with fashion or with her figure and beauty, she may pass this on to her daughter, who will become quite involved in the "right" clothes and hair and staying thin. Some of these values may not be the best for the mother or the daughter, but the mother still has an influence over the child. Mother's are usually the very first person a baby bonds with, and they are usually there with the baby at the very early stages of life. Thus, the mother and child have a lifelong bond that cannot be broken, and can be quite influential when it matters most. This bond grows through time, and it is quite difficult to break. It adds credence to….

Poverty, the first factor, makes nursing for newborn infants impossible for mothers who have to work during the day in order to survive everyday and provide food to eat for her children. In effect, because of parental neglect, infants die from hunger and/or neglect from his/her mother's care and attention. Moreover, apart from poverty, what further alleviates the situation and leads to the prevalence of passive infanticide is the mothers' fatalistic belief that some children who are "wanting to die," while there are also survivors, those who managed to live after five years. This reality among Bam Jesus mothers serves as evidence of the pervasiveness of poverty and religion in decreasing a mother's propensity to love and care for her child, especially if this child is expected or 'looked' as if s/he will not survive long enough, thus refuting that mothers inherently possess the instinct to love and care….

Mother Likes to Quote a

With my mother working, I had no transportation to get to activities. I could not do any kind of volunteer work. However, there were things I could do right at school. I had had to work very hard to learn English, so I knew what it meant to struggle. I tutored friends in subjects I did very well in, math and science. In return, these friends were able to give me a ride home.
I would be the first to admit that helping friends study is not as impressive a contribution to society as working for the Red Cross, or at an animal shelter, or some other things my classmates were able to do. However, as my mother said, I played the hand I was dealt, and I believe I contributed to the small community that was my high school in this way. In addition, helping others with these studies….

Even more striking is the speaker's statement that she loves all of the children she aborted. The language of the poem certainly seems structured to convey the image of motherly love. She speaks with longing and regret about the things her children will never do, such as the baby games and giggles, growing, marriage, and love. However, the speaker begins by making it clear that she is not romanticizing motherhood. She speaks of children she will never beat or neglect, as well as missing the rewards of motherhood. These statements seem aimed to convey the speaker's understanding of what she may have done to her children if she had chosen to carry them.

In fact, it is those statements that resolve the ambiguity in the poem. The speaker is filled with a tremendous self-loathing. The speaker says that she has sinned, that she has poisoned her children's breaths, and seized their….

Mother, by Gwendolyn Brooks. Specifically, it will look critically at the poem, and what other critics have to say about it.

Set in Chicago in the 1930s and 1940s, Gwendolyn Brooks fashioned one of the earliest portraits of urban, working-class Black womanhood published in the United States" (Aptheker 61). Brook's poem "The Mother," written in 1945, is a lament to a woman's unborn babies who never lived because of abortion.

It is a touching and disturbing poem, clearly written by a despairing and contrite woman who is questioning her choices, and mourning the children she might have known, but never got the chance to live. "Though why should I whine, / Whine that the crime was other than mine?-- / Since anyhow you are dead. / Or rather, or instead, / You were never made (Brooks).

Critic Harold Bloom called the poem one of her "most notable achievements" (Bloom and Loos….

Mother Nature
Product: " SUN-CEAM " Each student working established Health wellness company sells products Australia the product a consumer product (B2C) existing health wellness market Australia ( confirm proper research, health area fact a viable Australian market).

Sun Cream Analysis

Segmentation variables

The segmentation step in the marketing strategy refers to determining which variables must be used in addressing the market of the product in case. The most important variables addressed in the case of the sun cream produced by Mother Nature are represented by demographics, like age groups, gender, educational level, income, and social class (NetMBA, 2010). Other variables used in this case are represented by geographics, like location and climate.

Profile market segments

The most important customer segment addressed by the sun cream is represented by women aged 18-25. These customers have medium incomes, medium to high education, and like to spend much time at the beach where they need sun protection.….

You might want to start out with information on postnatal (postpartum) depression in general, talk about some of the symptoms, and mention that it\'s not only for women. Men often struggle with that kind of depression, but it\'s not something that\'s talked about very much - the focus is almost always on the mother. You could talk not only about the symptoms, but what fathers should do if they find themselves in that situation and how (and where) they can get help. More research is needed on the subject, along with more awareness that it even exists at all.....

One of the reasons that Frederick Douglass was an effective anti-slavery advocate was because he was a powerful speaker and writer who mastered rhetorical tools and was able to use them to convey the realities of slavery to people who had either never experienced or had experienced slavery from the perspective of the slaveholder, rather than the perspective of the slave. 

Douglass uses simile, comparing most slaves’ knowledge of their birthdays to what a horse would know of its birthday.  Given that slaves were often compared to beasts of burden; this may not seem like a rhetorical device....

In Zambia, there a number of different ways to access healthcare.  However, we are struggling to answer what the five health care providers are in the country.  There are more than five main hospitals or clinics in Zambia that provide healthcare, only two healthcare ministries, and various types of health workers including doctors, nurses, midwives, clinical officers, technicians, medical teaching staff, medical consulates, and medical licentiates.  If we had to choose the five types of healthcare providers in Zambia, we would probably break them down into those five broad categories: health technicians, nurses, midwives, doctors, and clinical....

2 Pages


Mother's Day and the Hallmark Image of

Words: 664
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

MOTHE'S DAY AND THE "HALLMAK" IMAGE OF MOM Think about Mother's Day and the "Hallmark" image of Mom. Look at cards, ads, etc. And be specific - how does the…

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3 Pages

Communication - Language

Mother Tongue and Newman Those Who Immigrate

Words: 989
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Mother Tongue and Newman Those who immigrate into the United States from other countries are encouraged to adapt to the culture of the majority population, namely white males of European…

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3 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Mother Tongue Rhetorical Techniques in Amy Tan's

Words: 916
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Mother Tongue Rhetorical Techniques in Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue" As anyone who has ever been in an argument can tell you, what you say is often far less important than how…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Mother Come Home Analysis and

Words: 384
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

To show the childlike nature of the boy's mind, all of the characters become animals and the already simple line drawings become even simpler. Using the colors and the…

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7 Pages


Mother Daughter

Words: 2179
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Eva sacrifices herself because it is her choice to do so, but mostly because she genuinely loves her daughter Sula. The ambivalence in the relationship between Annette and Antoinette…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Mother Pudovkin's Mother 1926 Versus

Words: 2183
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The pictorial values, and the acting of both "Erin Brockovich" and "Good Night and Good Luck" are profoundly different than "Mother," although both show political awakenings. The more recent…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Mother's Day Ideas Mother's Day

Words: 526
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The Women's Media Center has a contest going to give women a chance to tell their stories of why they have chosen their own unique goals and paths…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Language

Mother Tongue Amy Tan Mother

Words: 1188
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

When she began writing, she chose to envision her mother as the reader because that was how she could capture the real beauty of language in its various…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Mother's Love Death Without Weeping

Words: 579
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Children born in Alto lack the traditional protection of breastfeeding, subsistence gardens, stable marriages, and multiple adult caregivers. In these shantytowns that spring up around urban centers marriages…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Mother Shapes a Daughter's Life

Words: 1111
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Even the most rebellious daughter carries some of her mother in her, whether she likes it or not. Mothers influence values in many other ways, too. If a mother…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Mother's Love by Nancy Scheper-Hughes

Words: 313
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Poverty, the first factor, makes nursing for newborn infants impossible for mothers who have to work during the day in order to survive everyday and provide food to…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Mother Likes to Quote a

Words: 607
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

With my mother working, I had no transportation to get to activities. I could not do any kind of volunteer work. However, there were things I could do…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Abortion

Mother by Gwendolyn Brooks One

Words: 703
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Even more striking is the speaker's statement that she loves all of the children she aborted. The language of the poem certainly seems structured to convey the image of…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Mother by Gwendolyn Brooks Specifically it Will

Words: 370
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Mother, by Gwendolyn Brooks. Specifically, it will look critically at the poem, and what other critics have to say about it. THE MOTHE Set in Chicago in the 1930s and…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Mother Nature Product Sun-Cream Each

Words: 630
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Mother Nature Product: " SUN-CEAM " Each student working established Health wellness company sells products Australia the product a consumer product (B2C) existing health wellness market Australia ( confirm…

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