Myspace Essays (Examples)

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Myspace Over the Last Decade

They cannot escape their bully because he can now follow them home. This is the new reality (Keith & Martin, pg 224).
In the years since the advent of MySpace there have been several cases of cyber bullying. In one case of the cyber bullying Megan Meier committed suicide as a result of a negative MySpace page, she was only 13 years old. In this particular case Megan was engaging in an online relationship with who she thought was a 16-year-old boy through MySpace. Megan and "Josh" communicated through the internet for several weeks. Initially there communications were good but then these conversations turned nasty and "Josh" finally told Megan that the world would be better off without her (Maag). She hung herself after reading this comment while communicating through MySpace.

About six weeks following Megan's death, it was discovered that Josh did not exists and in fact the persona had….

Studies are also looking at online behavior and the possibility of cyber-crime threats such as fraud, identity theft, computer spyware and viruses tied.
Gretchen Losi (Daily Press website) adds: MySpace allows anyone who claims to be 14 years of age or older to make a profile where they can post pictures with their last name, address, phone number and even a description of body type. Profiles anyone over 16 are available for viewing, making it easy for a stranger to locate a child. Profiles can be restricted to friends-only viewing, but most are open to the public. (website) warns that many young people enjoy MySpace since it lets them network with friends and other people online. However, they should take safety precautions. There are a number of common sense things to protect oneself when using the MySpace website or seeing someone in person. "Many young people make the mistake of….

In many respects, every element of his page is designed to glorify his accomplishments and his fearsome persona. Anne-Maree's Fewtrell's MySpace page is devoid of visual imagery with the exception of a single low-key, natural-setting photograph of her. The remainder of her page expresses her interests and her values in text with minimal references to her personal accomplishments or attributes. Whereas the form of Ben Daley's page is primarily designed to feature him prominently, Anne-Maree's page focuses more on the abstract ideas and values with which she identifies.

The respective websites use language very differently. Ben uses profanity extensively and gratuitously where it is conspicuous and unnecessary. His choice of language and expression are consistent with his aggressiveness and his apparent anger and his explicit apparent capacity for violence and extreme aggression. Meanwhile, Anne-Maree's website text is well written and articulate and its tone and choice of language are both….

Now you can simply look up their profile with the internal search engine, and you have instant access to them. Many celebrities even keep a blog just like the rest of us, so you can know what they are up to from day-to-day. You can send them messages and leave comments just like with everyone else, and let's face it, any celebrity who is cool enough to make themselves a Myspace page is really likely to start up a chat with you if you send them a message.
So, with all the possibilities open to you on Myspace there's really no reason why everyone shouldn't have a profile on Myspace. Considering the size and popularity of the site, if you don't have a profile, then you're probably the only one. Where else do you have the ability to keep up with all your friends, find and explore new music, display….

popularity social networking sites Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Flickr, Skype grown phenomenally years. Social networking a feature life 21st century phenomenally reshaping people connect interact .
Only a few decades ago, the basic means for communication were mobile phones, letters, e-mails and direct interaction. Presently, the general scope of human communication has evolved to text messages, voice messages, online video phones, and, most importantly, a plethora of social media installments. With the ongoing development of the Information Age, characterized by the ability to easily access and exchange information through technology, people's options of interaction with one another have continued to advance. This work's purpose is to outline how social networks have completely changed and enhanced the way people communicate, with a special focus on relational, educational and health-care benefits.

Friendship bonds could be considerably strengthened by an online social platform. Due to the fact that Internet sites, such as America Online….


Facebook is operating on the communication and social segment of the it industry. In this sense, it is offering a multitude of services to its clients, which include, besides the actual chat or forum-like services, photo and video sharing and, increasingly, the capacity to generate an entirely customized and personalized page for the user. From this point-of-view, we can identify primary competitors, competing in the social segment of the industry, but also secondary competitors, who focus on partial components, such as photo or video sharing.

In terms of the primary segment, the most important competitor that Facebook has is Myspace. Myspace has successfully benefited from being launched earlier so as to attract an additional 30 million users, ranking at 100 million users before Facebook's 70 million. Bebo and Blackplanet also provide important competition on the primary market, however, the ain competition is between Facebook and Myspace. Both sites try to diversify….

Twelve ESL learners who participated subsequently found that participating in text-based online chat rooms promoted a noticeable difference in their face-to-face conversations, particularly in noticing their own linguistic mistakes.
Psychologists stress little if any learning occurs without attention. "Text-based online chat, a particular form of synchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC) involving written oral-like conversation, has the great potential of increasing noticing for two reasons:

1. Compared to face-to-face conversations, CMC allows conversations to flow at slower speeds than face-to-face; consequently permitting "speakers" to have longer times to process receiving and producing the target language.

2. CMC can save texts (previous messages) in format that users may later access. (Lai and Zhao)

The following copy of "ESL Online Talk Community" illustrates concept Lai and Zhao present.

Practice makes perfect, but many ESL students do not have opportunities to practice speaking English. This Website is trying to establish an online community to enable learners to practice their….

Most well-known was obert Scoble of Microsoft.
With the 2004 U.S. Presidential elections, blogs' growth accelerated dramatically as nearly every news network, candidate in both U.S. Senate and House of epresentative races, and political pundit has their own blog competing for the publics' attention. The era of 2004 to today in fact has created a blogging industry that is pervasive in its availability of publishing platforms (USC Annenberg School of Journalism) and also in its readers for organizing and aggregating content of interest (Boeri, 2007).

Since 2004, technologies have emerged for completing text mining of blogs to find linguistic patterns in the mass of posts and also build linguistic models that represent public opinion. The use of latent semantic indexing as a technology has become prevalent as a result.

Wikis are also a form of consumer-generated media and were initially developed in 1994 with the first Wiki being introduced in 1995.

The term….

Social Media on Music Marketing
The objective of this research is to examine and analyze how music artists have social media for marketing purposes. Examples will be used to illustrate the major points made in this report.

The music world has entered into a new era in marketing. Social media such as Facebook, MySpace, and others bring together individuals who are like-minded. Dave Allen reports in the work entitled: "Social Media, logs and Music: Some Philosophical Thoughts" the marketing world of music is electrified with "phrases such as "Social Media, Social Advertising, Facebook Ads, Mass Media Networking Advertising." (Allen, 2008, p.1) Allen, a panelist attending the LISA Service Seminar in Portland and the Hawaii MusicTech Conference in Honolulu. Reported is: "L.I.S.A., which is an acronym for Lessons In Social Advertising, was aimed at marketers and advertisers who [for some reason] don't understand social networks or haven't yet worked out how to….

The most successful of these hybrid strategies is David Beckham and his approach to making sure his personality pervades the messages over and above the positioning points in any IMC campaign. The undercurrents of social networking require a very high level of interactivity, transparency that leads to trust. In the case of athletes and celebrities who battle gossip media, the best defense is a good offense. Taking the initiates as Derek Jeter has done to stop rumors of conflict with Alex odriguez, Carmelo Anthony discussing his DUI in blogs, and the hybrid strategy of Beckham all show how critical it is for celebrities to keep these broader Web 2.0 dynamics in mind when communicating with their fans. Table 1 in the Appendix provides an overview of Web 2.0 applications.

Josh Bernoff, Charlene Li. 2008. Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management eview 49, no. 3 (April 1):….

Social capital increases in the presence of the church hence numerous connections and relationships come into existence in the church. In the modern setting of the church, there is extensive application of contemporary technology. Contemporary technology in the church helps bring religious members together as they communicate on the common religion. Church has a significant impact on the political behavior of the nation. Politicians associate with churches in order to solicit votes from the religious members. eligious groups vote in relation to their interest in the political arena thus have a greater say during elections. Churches also have the capacity to produce potential and actual leaders to serve the nation (Putnam, 2000).
Workplace enables the development of bridging social capital. This is to serve the interest of diversity within the workplace. Workers come from different background, thus experience unique cultures. This makes it necessary for companies to initiate social capital….

Web 2 0 Tools the Term

0. Alexander (2006), poses that "users can set up accounts, then write and revise their collaborative work."
Online social networking used as part of instruction in various institutions of higher learning, students have been able to exchange e-mail or text messages for educational purposes in institutions. Facebook-style online utilities for educational purposes, and opportunities to communicate online with students from other geographic areas with the aim of sharing information. For instance political science students can use the Web 2.0 tools to get to know what new political unfolding there are in other parts across U.S. Or the world.

There are also provision of online learning games and simulations. Fans of software games can get online drilling and practice games, multiplayer simulations, and virtual world and Second Life-type environments. These can be made possible through Virtual Worlds such as Second Life which utilize Web 2.0 technology.

Web 2.0 has also enabled students to use….

Conversely the pressure for a uniform standard of integration across social networks is also coming from users of these social networking sites, who want to be able to create a highly integrated, consistent and timely update of themselves and their interests. These two market forces are in turn driving the commercialization of social networking and will eventually lead to the development of sustainable business models (Madsen, 2009). To the extent that API can be used to integrate th4ese diverse social networks is to the extent they can lead to the development of increasingly valuable mash-ups as well. As with any use of personal data the APIs must also have a high level of security associated with them as well (Mansfield-Devine, 2008). The bottom line is that APIs provide a very useful framework that leads to the integration and real-time connectivity between social networking applications, opening up opportunity for greater….

Even sex, she said, because everybody has a sexual nature. In other words, she accepted living her life as "an open book."
She saw the trend on Internet web sites such as Myspace as an extension of life in a small town. The difference today, however, is that a record is being kept for all time. The Einsteins and Ghandi's of tomorrow will be there, sharing their thoughts, feelings, revelations, and what it is like to them. it'll be great for scholars and people doing history. Of course, older people who were raised to keep certain things to themselves -- like how much money they earn, the details of their love lives, and their drug and alcohol habits -- will feel that sharing such information so openly is inappropriate. Privacy is a value, and it's hard to change values learned early in life. Plus, as Shirkey argued in the article,….

Given the fact that recruitment online has only been in existence for under three decades, this fact shows how pervasive and effective the nternet is as a recruiting platform. The most critical point however is that the most valuable and most likely successful candidates for new positions are continually striving to learn more about their industries, and how to excel in their careers. As a result, the more professional affiliations a firm has and the reputation of the hiring firm all play a vital part in attracting high quality candidates for hire. How the nternet assists with this process is that it provides firms with the opportunity to vary their approaches of communicating positions, how the positions are conveyed, in what context, while also underscoring the value of the firm's brand and its reputation in the market. Many of these factors are intangible and defy quantification in Web analytics,….

20 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Myspace Over the Last Decade

Words: 5921
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

They cannot escape their bully because he can now follow them home. This is the new reality (Keith & Martin, pg 224). In the years since the advent of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Myspace it Is Not Surprising

Words: 1394
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Studies are also looking at online behavior and the possibility of cyber-crime threats such as fraud, identity theft, computer spyware and viruses tied. Gretchen Losi (Daily Press website) adds:…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

Myspace Site Comparison From a

Words: 689
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

In many respects, every element of his page is designed to glorify his accomplishments and his fearsome persona. Anne-Maree's Fewtrell's MySpace page is devoid of visual imagery with…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Myspace A Global Community Myspace com

Words: 1550
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Now you can simply look up their profile with the internal search engine, and you have instant access to them. Many celebrities even keep a blog just like…

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5 Pages

Education - Computers

Popularity Social Networking Sites Facebook Myspace Twitter

Words: 1617
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

popularity social networking sites Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Flickr, Skype grown phenomenally years. Social networking a feature life 21st century phenomenally reshaping people connect interact . Only a few…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Public Relations One of the

Words: 558
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Competition Facebook is operating on the communication and social segment of the it industry. In this sense, it is offering a multitude of services to its clients, which include, besides…

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18 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

E-Communities' Impact the Impact of

Words: 4918
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Twelve ESL learners who participated subsequently found that participating in text-based online chat rooms promoted a noticeable difference in their face-to-face conversations, particularly in noticing their own linguistic…

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24 Pages

Education - Computers

Web 2 0 Technologies & Applications

Words: 6227
Length: 24 Pages
Type: Thesis

Most well-known was obert Scoble of Microsoft. With the 2004 U.S. Presidential elections, blogs' growth accelerated dramatically as nearly every news network, candidate in both U.S. Senate and House…

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5 Pages

Education - Computers

What Impact Social Media Has Had on Music Marketing

Words: 1271
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Social Media on Music Marketing The objective of this research is to examine and analyze how music artists have social media for marketing purposes. Examples will be used to…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Internet and Social Networks Affect

Words: 2137
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The most successful of these hybrid strategies is David Beckham and his approach to making sure his personality pervades the messages over and above the positioning points in…

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4 Pages
Discussion Chapter


American Politcal Behavior American Political

Words: 1372
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Social capital increases in the presence of the church hence numerous connections and relationships come into existence in the church. In the modern setting of the church, there…

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2 Pages


Web 2 0 Tools the Term

Words: 558
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

0. Alexander (2006), poses that "users can set up accounts, then write and revise their collaborative work." Online social networking used as part of instruction in various institutions of higher…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Apis for Social Networks Application

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Conversely the pressure for a uniform standard of integration across social networks is also coming from users of these social networking sites, who want to be able to…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Internet Privacy When Life Is

Words: 380
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Even sex, she said, because everybody has a sexual nature. In other words, she accepted living her life as "an open book." She saw the trend on Internet web…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

Internet for Recruitment Evaluating the

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Given the fact that recruitment online has only been in existence for under three decades, this fact shows how pervasive and effective the nternet is as a recruiting…

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