Nepotism Essays (Examples)

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Nepotism the Case of Mary Smith Records
Pages: 4 Words: 1299


Records say that Mary Smith, in her first three weeks of employment as administrative assistant, failed to show fitness for the job. Instead of accurately and effectively performing all the transactional duties of her position, she misfiled documents and was late in completing her first tasks. And instead of exhibiting interpersonal skills with all the employees, she preferred to frequently associate only with certain employees. She is supposed to provide support assistance to her boss so that the office will run smoothly. Those seeking to transact business with him must first pass through her, the administrative assistant. Other employees were not pleased to learn that Mary Smith would be working with them. Unfortunately, her case will not be too easy to handle because she is the daughter of one of the firm's founders.

Job Description

An administrative assistant performs all the transactional duties for her supervisor and the…...



Brookins, M. (2012). Consequences of nepotism. eHow: Demand Media, Inc. Retrieved

on July 20, 2012 from

HRH (2012). Nepotism and its dangers in the workplace. HR Hero Line: Business and Legal Resources. Retrieved on July 20, 2012 from 

Henderson, K.J. (2012). Administrative Assistant job description. eHow: Demand Media,

Nepotism in Business Nepotism Is Referred to
Pages: 2 Words: 603

Nepotism in Business
Nepotism is referred to the favors and benefits provided to the relatives. These favors are provided on the basis of their relationship with the person having powers to provide them benefits. The notable concern in nepotism is that the favors are not provided on the basis of merit rather the person is obliged to extend undue favors due to their family or friendship relations. The study conductd by Arasli, Bavik, and Ekiz (2006) investigates the relationship of nepotism in promoting dissatisfaction among employees of an organization. It further investigates various job satisfaction and job retention aspects related to the human resources management in business. The judgmental sampling approach is adopted to conclude the study. The employee's hotels in northern Cyprus are selected as sample and questioner results are analyzed to understand the relevance of the hypothesis. The issues related to nepotism in business are also investigated in multiple…...



Arasli, H., Bavik, A., & Ekiz, E.H. (2006). The effects of nepotism on human resource management: The case of three, four and five star hotels in Northern Cyprus. International journal of sociology and social policy, 26(7/8), 295-308.

HRM the Problems and a Potential Resolution
Pages: 3 Words: 1241

The Problems and a Potential esolution in a Case of Nepotism

Problems Caused by Mary

Mary Smith, the daughter of a founder of the firm has been hired despite a lack of skills needed to perform the basic duties for her position. This is a case of nepotism and has lead to some problems in the company. The problem may be seen as both practical and in terms of the psychological impact on employee relations.

At the practical level Mary has not been performing tasks which are likely to increase work loads for others, create delays and general increase levels of inefficiency. The delays in delivering initial assignments may delay other tasks and misfiled documents may be lost, so the problem requires the firm to invest more resources in rectifying the mistakes. These types of issue can be associated not only with inefficiency, but increasing costs that will negatively impact on the firms'…...



Aguinis, Herman; Pierce, Charles A, (2008), Enhancing the relevance of organizational behavior by embracing performance management research, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29, 139 -- 145

Arasli, Huseyin; Tumer, Mustafa, (2008), Nepotism, favoritism and cronyism: A study of their effects on job stress and job satisfaction in the banking industry of North Cyprus. Social Behavior and Personality, 16(9), 1237-1250.

Kele?, Hatice Necla; Ozkan, Tu-ba K-ral; Bezirci, Muhammet, (2011, Sept), A Study On The Effects Of Nepotism, Favoritism And Cronyism On Organizational Trust In The Auditing Process In Family Businesses In Turkey, International Business & Economics Research Journal 10(9), 9-15

Laker, D.; Williams, M, (2003, November), Nepotism's effect on employee satisfaction and organizational commitment: An empirical analysis, International Journal of Human Resources, 3(3), 191-202.

Political Scandals in Canada a Political Scandal
Pages: 6 Words: 1937

Political Scandals in Canada
A Political Scandal Involving Fraud

During the federal election in Canada in 2011 there was an electoral fraud issue that became known as the "Robocalls Scandal." This fraudulent activity took place in Ontario, in a town called Guelph.

Robocalls are previously recorded and automated phone calls to people from a computer that is programmed to call all phone numbers in a given area; usually robocalls carry a political message asking voters to behave a certain way.

In this case in Canada, the fraud took place because the robocalls were not from the organization they claimed to be from. People receiving the phone calls believed the calls were from the official group, "Elections Canada" but they were not from Elections Canada. The robocalls told voters their polling location had changed, and urged them to go to another place to vote that turned out to be a fraud.

Liberals are accusing conservatives for…...


Works Cited

Daly, Brian. (2012). Bribery scandal rocks Canada Revenue. News Canada. Retrieve August

12, 2012, from .

MPR News. (2009). Why should the public care about a politician's private life? Retrieved

August 12, 2012, from .

Relationships in the Workplace Are Often Positive
Pages: 3 Words: 1072

Relationships in the workplace are often positive in nature and allow for employees to enjoy their work experience. It is not uncommon for life-long friendships, romances, or even marriages to be born out of the relationships of coworkers. However, these same relationships can also create a very uncomfortable work environment.
Perhaps the most controversial workplace relationship is the office romance. Detrimental effects of these types of relationships range from sexual harassment suits to retaliatory actions after the breakup to jealousy from coworkers who believe that a person has climbed the corporate ladder by "sleeping his or her way to the top." (Nations usiness, Pg 1)

The Society of Human Resource Management surveyed six hundred human resource professionals in 1998. This poll concluded that thirteen percent of employers had a written policy on workplace romance. Fourteen percent claimed that they had a "clear understanding" of expected behaviors even though there was no formal…...



Nation's Business. (1998). Retrieved February 26, 2003, from Website: 

Olian, Judy. (2001). On the Job: Workplace Romances are Managements Business. Retrieved February 26, 2003, from Post-Gazette. Website: 

Mann, Lisa. (1994). Resolving Gender Conflict in the Workplace, Consensual and Nonconsensual Conduct. Retrieved February 26, 2003, from Modrall Sperling. Website: 

McIntyre, Kelly S. (1998). The Office -- the Place to Look for Love. Retrieved February 26, 2003 from Vantage 2000. Website:

Activity I Completed Was an Internship at
Pages: 4 Words: 1516

activity I completed was an internship at Public School 180. During the course of this internship I was able to engage in several prolonged activities with my mentor, Mr. Gary Williams, who was the principal of the school. The form of interaction I had with Mr. Williams involved a formal interview session with him, as well as a meeting near the end of the internship in which he helped to clarify a number of ideas for me related to one of the focuses of my activity, the exploration of the value of personal/professional relationships as related to promotions. Mr. Williams was instrumental in enabling me to revise my viewpoint on this issue, as were a pair of articles I read related to this subject including oof and Presswood's (2004) valuation of charisma as a key characteristic of leadership (p.3). Additionally, from Adamek's article (2007) I learned the importance of…...



Adamek, M.S. (2007, July 1). Elements of leadership development: What contributes to effective leadership? Music Therapy Perspectives, 25(2), 121-125.

Roof, J. & Presswood, K. (2004, Spring). Is it leadership or management? College and University, 79(4), 3-9.

State-Led Economic Policies in South
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Oicials in the newly ormed Ministry o Finance drew rom a talented pool o
economists rom the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Privileged positions
were illed rom within the bureaucracy and were obtained through
exceptional perormance instead o cronyism or nepotism. O great
importance to their autonomy, oicials were able to disconnect themselves
rom total reliance on local unding thanks to inancial assistance rom
the international community and reparations rom Germany. Two igureheads
within the government guaranteed a decisive and coherent economic policy:
Levi Eshkol o the Ministry o Finance, and Pinhas Sapir o the Ministry o
Commerce and Industry. They worked hand-in-hand to ormulate a uniying
agenda that bureaucrats rom both departments could pursue towards a single
common goal.
The end-product o this labor in both nations was a inancial
structure in which banks, and by extension the government at large,
controlled the low o capital. On one hand, banks in Israel were
autonomous only to the extent that the central bank's severe regulations
and restrictions…...


formulated and guided a successful investment endeavor was in the case of

textiles. Israeli officials, in particular MOCI chief Pinhas Sapir,

envisioned in the Textile Industry Development Plan that by 1966, twelve

major textile manufacturing plants would be operational and ultimately

produce 26% of Israel's

Metal Workers Employment Law Case Review One
Pages: 3 Words: 1010

Metal Workers Employment Law Case eview
One of the primary functions of the judiciary is to clearly define the parameters of legislative intent, as the passage of any law necessarily creates parties with a vested interest in bypassing or overturning the statute, and in the case of Local 28, Sheet Metal Workers v. EEOC 478 U.S. 421 (1986) the Supreme Court was again tasked with assessing the validity of a law via its method of application. This case of Sheet Metal Workers v. EEOC presented the high court with an opportunity to decisively delineate the remedies afforded to correct violations of Title VII of the Civil ights Act of 1964, which prohibited employers from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. When the New York State Commission for Human ights identified New York City's Local 28 Joint Apprenticeship Committee (JAC) as a gross violator of…...



142 U.S.C. § 2000e-2000e-17 (1982)

Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424, 429 (1971).

Moreno, P.D. (1999). From direct action to affirmative action: Fair employment law and policy in america 1933-1972. (3rd ed.). Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press.

Napolitano, S. (1987). Interpreting the legislative history of section 706(g) of title vii. Boston College Third World Law Journal, 7(2), 263-276. Retrieved from

Ethically Right to Promote an
Pages: 8 Words: 2578

External to the small family business, all of the above practices are not appropriate, not ethical and sometimes grounds for workplace discrimination. Hence it is considered unethical using one's position of power to benefit friends and family at the cost of the customer and is considered corrupt practice and contemptible behavior. ("Nepotism: Adverse Effects on Employee Morale- Favoritism of Close Friends and elatives in Workplace," 2007)
Employment Equity:

There is a myth that equity in employment has to do everything about quotas. But on the other hand, equality with regard to employment is not always related to 'quotas' while it is regarding objectives which are flexible, targets which are rational which the employers are able to use, similar to every business goals as planning and evaluation tools. On the other hand quotas as rigid and random thresholds that must be reached on case one is desirous of avoiding 'penalty'. Based on…...



Iowa Civil Rights Commission. (n. d) "Iowa Civil Rights Commission Disclaimer"

Retrieved 25 April, 2009 from 

N.A. (2004) "Employment Equity- Myths and Realities" Retrieved 25 April, 2009 from 

N.A. (2007) "Nepotism: Adverse Effects on Employee Morale- Favoritism of Close Friends

Investment Management Analysis Both the
Pages: 9 Words: 3178

This would play a role in helping to bring the Czech Republic into the EU in 2004. The effect that this would have on the Prague Stock Exchange is that it would cause it to rise to 1,940. At which point, it would have a severe down trend economy during 2008 and into 2009. The only difference is: that the various reforms and economic policies that the government was using at the time, helped to contribute to mitigating the effects of the slowdown (as the economy would experience a less severe economic contraction of 3.4%). ("Czech Republic")
The price movements of the Slovak equity market in the last 10-15 years

The ratislava Stock Exchange was founded in 1991 and has been in operation since 1993. ("asic Information") Like what occurred in the Czech Republic the Slovak stock market went through two bear markets that would last until 1998 -- 1999. Where,…...



"Basic Information." Bratislava Stock Exchange. 2010. Web. 24 Apr. 2010

"Czech Republic." State Department. 2009. Web. 24 Apr. 2010

"History of the Exchange." Prague Stock Exchange. 2009. Web. 24 Apr. 2010

Analyzing Pitfalls of Leadership
Pages: 3 Words: 1512

leadership pitfalls observed in the Value of Valuing Employees.
Comaford described common means by which organizational managers end up communicating the exact opposite of the message to its workforce that it genuinely and consistently showing that it matters to the organization. Pursuing the matter further, she presented ways by which they can avoid these pitfalls, which give the wrong impression to employees, to the effect that their management has absolutely no regard for them. Comaford's six pitfalls include: not responding to workers' emails, not providing either negative or positive feedback, not celebrating victories, burning out workers, acknowledging employees only when they commit a mistake, and showing favoritism (The Value of Valuing Employees).

Considerable focus on employees' feelings is, for a large number of leaders, a foreign concept. However, when Comaford's strategy is adopted and significant positive results ensue, managers are highly willing to transform their leadership approach.


1. Not esponding to Worker…...



Homework Market -- Your Homework Helper. (n.d.). The Value of Valuing Employees. Retrieved February 2, 2016, from 

Lutz, A. (2012). Business Insider. Marissa Mayer Tip On Preventing Employee Burn Out - Business Insider. Retrieved February 2, 2016, from 

Tugend, A. (2013). The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. How to Give Effective Feedback, Both Positive and Negative - The New York Times. Retrieved February 2, 2016, from 

Vaynerchuk, G. (n.d.). When You Don't Celebrate Your Wins, You Hold Your Company Back. Retrieved February 2, 2016, from

Opportunity Exists for the Company
Pages: 34 Words: 12420

The business cultue of the United Kingdom is chaacteized by the value of fee economy and pivate popety (Rendtoff, 2009). At anothe level, it is maked by a desie to manage wok and life issues. The employees in Bitish oganizations have long been maked out fo thei elatively leisuely pace of wok and thei pioity fo elationship issues ove wok elated issues. Compaed with thei Ameican countepats, employees in UK companies demonstate a less aggessive wok ethic and seek to maintain a low pofile. Display of wealth and pesonality taits is geneally discouaged in Bitish society because a highe emphasis is placed on undestatement and social modesty. Business manages typically demonstate a patenalistic elationship which is also appeciated by thei subodinates. Bypassing one's supeio is disappoved in Bitish oganizational cultue (Giffin & Moohead, 2011). At the same time, employees in UK companies enjoy geate autonomy than employees in India o…...


references with Regard to Compensation Criteria in the State-Owned Sector in China. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22 (9), p.1986-2010.

Yu, T. (2011) Bureaucratic Hierarchy vs. Feudal hierarchy: A Study on the Organizational Culture of China's SOEs. International Journal of Business and Management, 6 (2), p.139-146.

Zhang, H. (2003) Advances of Psychological Science in China. International Journal of Psychology, 38 (5), p.328.

Zhang, Z. & Jia, M. (2010). Using Social Exchange Theory to Predict the Effects of High-Performance Human Resource Practices on Corporate Entrepreneurship: Evidence from China. Human Resource Management, 49 (4), p.743-765.

International Business Tecnologia Empresa Te
Pages: 12 Words: 3308

In fact many identify as European as opposed to Latin American. In addition, although Spanish is spoken in Argentina and it is the official language of the country, it is also a quite different type of Spanish than the Spanish spoken in other Latin American countries ("Argentina cultural guide").
In addition to the aforementioned differences, there are also differences associated with Business Etiquette. In Argentina the culture is driven by relationships and as such when people are conducting businesses they tend to be more comfortable conducting business with people that they know and they are already familiar with. However, in London it will often be the case that the person that business is conducted with is not someone that is familiar to the individual. Because this is the case it will be important to prepare the Argentineans who will work in London by educating them concerning the norms of business…...


Reference List

Argentina cultural guide. Retrieved April 7, 2009 from; 

Business Etiquette. Retrieved April 7, 2009 from;

Public Policy Themes Public Policy
Pages: 10 Words: 2791

An examination of the four basic steps of policymaking reveals this quite clearly.
The first step in the policymaking process is the agenda setting that must come before policies are even considered. Bringing problems to the attention of policy makers and thus setting the policy agenda is accomplished by many different players with different aims, from citizen groups to businesses to media organizations and many others. All of these groups r individual representatives (and sometimes simple individuals) can use a variety of methods for setting the agenda, form private meetings with policy makers to speaking at town hall meetings or city councils to engaging in media or public awareness campaigns. In larger governments, lobbying is a major source of agenda-setting activity, as the interests of groups that engage lobbying services are brought to the direct and immediate attention of government representatives in what amounts to a pay-for-play system. The political…...



Gerston, L. (2010). Public Policymaking: Process and Principles. Armonk, NY: M.E.


Texas Constitution and Statutes. (2011). Government Code Chapter 573. Accessed 14

October 2011.

Ngo Dinh Diem
Pages: 25 Words: 9229

Ngo Dinh Diem
orn in the year 1901 to an aristocratic family, Ngo Dinh Diem rose to become the Prime Minister of South Vietnam in the year 1954. This paper looks in detail at the events during the life of Ngo Dinh Diem, his era of governance and the events that took place in the aftermath of his assassination. Catholic missionaries converted his predecessors into Christianity several years back in the 17th century. Much like his pervious family generations, he too was educated in French Catholic schools. Following his successful graduation he was trained as an administrator who worked in conjunction with the French authorities based in Vietnam. At a very young age of twenty-five, he became a provincial governor. This was his foray into a long political career, which marked dramatic incidents both in his personal life and the history of Vietnam.

At a time when communism was rising and regarded…...



Diem, Ngo Diem' Retrieved at Accessed on April 5, 2004

Ngo Dinh Diem - Encarta: An Encyclopedia Article' Retrieved at Accessed on April 5, 2004

Colby's Vietnam: History Misrepresented' Retrieved at   Accessed on April 5, 2004 

Letter to John F. Kennedy' Retrieved at Accessed on April 5, 2004

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on fraud in local government. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 455

1. The rise of cryptocurrency fraud in local government: exploring how officials are using digital currencies to commit fraud and evade detection.

2. The impact of social media on government fraud: examining how social media platforms are being used to perpetrate fraud schemes within local governments.

3. Corruption in Tendering Processes: an analysis of how fraud is being committed in the awarding of government contracts and tenders at the local level.

4. The role of whistleblowers in exposing fraud in local government: investigating the importance of individuals coming forward to report fraudulent activities and the challenges they face in doing so.

5. The use....

how workplace can manifest the abuse of power?
Words: 585

Manifestations of Abuse of Power in the Workplace

Workplace abuse of power refers to the misuse of authority or influence by individuals in positions of power to gain undue advantage or control over others. While the specific manifestations can vary depending on the workplace environment and the individuals involved, there are several common patterns that often emerge.

1. Coercion and Intimidation:

Abusers may use threats, fear, or retaliation to force employees to comply with their demands. This can include:

Making threats of termination, demotion, or other negative consequences
Using aggressive or intimidating language or body language
Creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty


example of corruption?
Words: 257

Corruption is rampant in many countries around the world, and it can take many forms.

One common example of corruption is bribery, where individuals in positions of power accept money or gifts in exchange for giving preferential treatment to certain individuals or companies.

Another example is embezzlement, where officials siphon off public funds for personal gain.

Nepotism is also a form of corruption, where individuals in power give jobs or opportunities to family members or friends, rather than based on merit.

These forms of corruption undermine democracy, the rule of law, and economic development, creating a vicious cycle that is....

What title does the Mangudadatu family hold in the political landscape of the Philippines?
Words: 264

1. The Rise of the Mangudadatu Clan: A Political Powerhouse in the Philippines

2. Exploring the Influence of the Mangudadatu Family in Provincial Politics

3. The Mangudadatu Dynasty: Examining the Family's Politically Dominant Role in the Provinces

4. Unraveling the Political Dynasty: The Case of the Mangudadatu Family in the Philippines

5. The Impact of the Mangudadatu Clan on the Socio-Political Landscape of the Philippines

6. From Local Politics to National Influence: The Journey of the Mangudadatu Family

7. Assessing the Legacy of the Mangudadatu Political Clan across Provinces in the Philippines

8. The Mangudadatu Family: A Case Study of Nepotism and Power Consolidation in the Philippines


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