Neptune Essays (Examples)

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At the same time, Urbain Leverrier (a French mathematician) would independently calculate the location of the plant and send his findings to the Urania Observatory in erlin. Where, they had a theory that some kind of planet was in the location of the mathematical calculation. Once they received the findings from Leverrier, they were able to discover Neptune. As a result, both Adams and Leverrier would be recognized for discovering the planet. (Smith)
Discuss the moons of Neptune

Neptune has a total a thirteen discovered moons. However, in the last ten years a total five moons were discovered. The largest is Triton. This runs in a counter clockwise orbit of the planet and is full of geological activities (including: volcanoes as well as geysers). A few of the other moons that orbit Neptune include: Nereid, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Naiad, Proteus and Thalassa. (Russell)

Describe and discuss the rings of Neptune

Neptune has three….

Neptune One of the Best

From their union was born Areion, a divine horse (Hansen 267). Neptune was also somewhat known for his generosity and justness however, as is evidenced by his contribution to create Urion for the farmer, in one story, and in his judgment of King Laomedon for his refusal to pay his workers, in another legend (Hansen 268).
For sure, Neptune was a very interesting character in Roman (and Greek) mythology, and indeed, if he were to live in today's culture, he would not be able to fit into any one stereotype. As a god, he would of course live in some form of mansion or castle, located somewhere very much associated with the sea and perhaps a little associated with horses, for example, Chincoteague Island, or likely somewhere even more exotic. However, it seems also as though he may need to locate himself in a more metropolitan area, surrounded by the….

An Overview of Neptune

Discovery of Neptune

First Discovery



Additional Sightings

Second and Official Discovery


Adams, Le Verrier, & Galle

The Planet

Atmospheric Conditions


Neptune's Orbit

Comparison to Earth

Neptune is the eighth, and furthest, planet from the sun. This blue gas giant has been named in the tradition of other planets, with a name taken from mythology; Neptune is the oman god of the sea. The planet has an interesting history, and characteristics which clearly differentiate it from other planetary bodies. The aim of this paper is to examine the planet, looking at its discovery as well as its' characteristics and the way it compares to earth.


Discovery of Neptune

The official discovery of Neptune occurred in 1846, but the history of discovery can be traced back much further, with the apparent identification of the planet more than two centuries before it official recognition. Hindsight indicates that the planet had been recorded by a number of observers beginning more than two….

Strategic Plan for Stryker

Stryker Organizational Strategic Plan
Stryker is a world leader in medical technology and works to make healthcare much better. Stryker offers innovative medical devices and technologies reported to include "reconstructive, medical and surgical, and neurotechnology and spine products to help people lead more active and more satisfying lives. Stryker products and services are available in over 100 countries." (, 2014, p. 1) Stryker reports having spent $471 million on research and development during 2012 and 5 to 6.3% of its sales invested each year since 2000 are in research and development having assisted 4,768 patients on a global basis in 2012. Stryker has been recognized by Fortune 500 and is a Gallup Great Workplace Award Winner as well as being recognized by Fortune Magazine as one of the top 100 that are best to work for. While Stryker is a successful company it has recently reported a problem with an urgent….

"The monkey's larynx, while quite distinct from that of the human being, is not as much so as that of parrots, which clearly can speak. As to their brains, the comparison with that of the latter banishes all doubts." As the narrator tries to teach the title ape to speak, he swears that Yzur takes on a more contemplative expression. The narrator compares the ape to "ancient men of the forest, who were forced into silence and submission" as well as the mentally deficient. But because the monkey is not fully human and does not speak like him, the man sees him as inferior and ultimately drives the monkey man.
The tendency to see 'the other' as inferior is manifest in prejudice against native people as well as animals. esnick's allegorical story shows how human violence and prejudice is an endless cycle. The relationship between humans and animals is more….

"Once every 248 Earth years, Pluto swings inside the orbit of Neptune. It stays there for twenty years. During those twenty years, Pluto is closer to the Sun than Neptune. During this period of time, like the other eight planets, Pluto's atmosphere undergoes a fundamental change in character, briefly developing an atmosphere. As methane and nitrogen frozen at the poles thaw. As it moves toward its farthest point from the Sun, Pluto's atmosphere freezes and falls back to the ground" (Dejoie & Truelove 2008).
These eccentricities further suggested that Pluto was really much more "like a new group of objects found in the outer solar system," called dwarf planets and not worthy of the status of the other eight (Inman, 2008, p.2). Still, many astronomers argued in favor of a more inclusive definition that would still retain Pluto's status as a planet. In fact, one radical proposal: "would have made….

He also feels that in his work, he is reminded of his own mortality, and fleeting time here on Earth. He strives to accomplish much with the talent he possesses. Milton's use of the line, "They also serve who only stand and wait." (Milton, 14) shows that standing idle and waiting for death and the inevitable extinguishing of one's talents and senses is something that must be avoided. This line also shows Milton's concern for impending events and the unrelenting nature of death and mortality themselves.
Milton's Sonnet XXIII, entitled, "On His Deceased Wife" also deals with death quite directly. The poet works to paint an image of a loving, sweet wife who returned from the grave to greet him in his dreams. But, just as he goes to embrace her, she disappears. Milton writes,

"Full sight of her in Heaven without restraint,

Came vested all in white, pure as her mind:


Thematic Comparison

Thematic Comparison: Divine Intervention in Homer & Virgil
Both works decently portray the horrors of warfare, and (albeit it in a reverent fashion) place the blame for this horror soundly at the feet of the gods. However while in Homer this intervention is largely capricious and relatively unmotivated, in Virgil's work it takes on a more motivated and historical turn in which the gods may actually be seen as working to some form of higher end.

Part of the difference between these two takes on divine interference relates to the purpose of the two works. Homer's epic, so far as can be told, was designed to educate and amuse and perhaps to make a statement about the meaning of warfare and deity. However, it was not designed so much to create a national myth of identity. The Greeks and the Trojans they faced were more or less of the same culture and….

discovery of planet pluto

Pluto nicknamed as “puzzling planet” or “runaway planet” was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh, a young US astronomer at the Arizona Lowell Observatory in 1930[footnoteRef:1]. Pluto is the largest known “dwarf planet” and the ninth largest object direct orbiting the sun. It’s the coldest, smallest and most distant planet from the sun. Similar to other Kuiper belt objects, the landscape of Pluto is mainly rock and ice. Astronomers have remained puzzled with the origin of Pluto for centuries with earlier work suggesting that Pluto is a residual planetesimal. [1: Tombaugh, Clyde, and Patrick Moore. 1980. Out of the Darkness; The Planer Pluto. Harrisburg: Stackpole Book] There are varied hypothesis on Pluto’s origin such as the possible knocking out of Pluto by Neptune’s largest moon Triton implying that Pluto didn’t possess a fully planetary status. The concept was later rejected as subsequent research established that there is no interaction of Neptune’s and Pluto’s orbits[footnoteRef:2].….

g. volcanoes, etc.), but not on schedule; 3) Just because something is plausible does not make it true. The events on popular television series like Star Trek or Star Wars are not only plausible, but have scientific merit. That does not make them true, only possible (Kraus, 2007; Cavelos, 2000); 4) Conspiracy theories abound in numerous genres and surrounding numerous events. Examination of Marshalls' prose and "science," while seemingly credible does try to sell a product and only hints and speculates at facts without peer-reviewed data sources (Yowcrooks, 2009). While positive in tone, it also appears that if one believes conspiracy theories, most of us have only 133 weeks to live; or simply turn the calendar to a new page?

Cavelos, J. (2000). The Science of Star Wars. New York: St. Martins.

"Exposing the Crooks Behind the Myth" (2009). Cited in:

Gore, Al. (2009). "An Inconvenient Truth." Cited in:

Heiser, M. (2004).….

Pluto Why Is Pluto No

That question doesn't affect the classification of planets in our Solar System, but will be relevant to some others" ("Pluto no longer a Planet," orld Science Homepage, 2006).
Even some scientists who disliked the definition, however, felt that it was fair to demote Pluto. "According to the new definition, a full-fledged planet is an object that orbits the sun and is large enough to have become round due to the force of its own gravity. In addition, a planet has to dominate the neighborhood around its orbit," and Pluto is not simply small, and Pluto also does not dominate its neighborhood but its moon Charon, is very large in proportion to the former planet, as is about half the size of Pluto, "while all the true planets are far larger than their moons" (Inman, 2006) "In addition, bodies that dominate their neighborhoods, sweep up asteroids, comets, and other debris, clearing….

Ancient Greece and Aeneid

Gods in the Aeneid?
Viewed from Virgil's Aeneid perspective, gods are central to human existence and fate. They determine the fate of all mortals; Aeneid is included in the category of mortals; and is particularly interesting because his mother is a goddess. Jupiter is the supreme god and controls all other gods. Jupiter controls destiny. Thus, other gods are at his mercy. The other gods have their altercations among themselves and often drag humans into these discordances. They may, therefore either help or harm (Christos, 2012).

The fate of Aeneid is beyond the control of the gods. They make attempts to create short-lived diversions or even alter the manner that the fate comes to pass. Venus, Aeneid's mother, and the senior-most cheerleader is Aeneid's mother. She helps Aeneid to navigate the difficulties of life. She has practically protected him against Juno. She gives him sound advice on the direction he should….

The inner core, meanwhile, has greater density, at 13, and temperature, at 6,650°C (or 12,000°F).
Compared against other planets in the solar system, the Earth contains just the appropriate amounts of gases, elements, and other properties that make human and other organism life possible.

Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun, has lesser mass and volume than the Earth, at a fraction of only 1/18. However, it is as dense as the Earth, although Mercury's surface is made up of more solid mass, specifically rough, porous, dark-colored rocks. Its atmosphere is made up of sodium and potassium, which accounts for the planet's density and very thin atmosphere. It was hypothesized that the core of Mercury is made up of liquid iron compound, as a result of the presence of magnetic field.

Venus, meanwhile, exhibits a unique characteristic for being the brightest and hottest planet in the sky, with the presence of sulfur….

Military -- Naval Support at

[footnoteRef:32] This lack of forces for other Pacific struggles generally weakened the Japanese war effort, as the Japanese were forced to fight those battles with insufficient men, weapons, ammunition and other related materiel. [27: Eric Hammel. Guadalcanal: Decision at Sea: The Naval attle of Guadalcanal, November 13-15, 1942. Pacifica, CA: Pacifica Military History, 1999, p. 346.] [28: Colin G. Jameson. "attle of Guadalcanal: 11-15 November, 1942." Web site. 1944. (accessed March 18, 2013), p. 78.] [29: Robert Leckie. Challenge for the Pacific: Guadalcanal: The Turning Point of the War (Paperback). New York, NY: antam ooks, 2010, pp. 127-128.] [30: Mark Stille. USN Cruiser vs. IJN Cruiser: Guadalcanal 1942. New York, NY: Osprey Publishing, 2009, pp. 19-20.] [31: Leckie, p. 306.] [32: Ibid.]
The Allied victory at the Naval attle of Guadalcanal through the leadership of Vice Admiral William F. Halsey, the Southwest Pacific Theater commander, was also a turning….

Little Mckinley

Symbolism of Blood, Water and Weather
Virtually all of Shakespeare's most prolific works are accompanied by symbolism. In this respect, his vaunted Macbeth is no different. This tale of betrayal, murder and revenge is so timeless in large part due to the author's copious deployment of symbolism which helps to shape the plot and provide more than a little foreshadowing. The prudent reader can easily discern the fact that there is a repetition of three of the most widely used symbols in this play: weather, water, and blood. These symbols are more prevalent than any others through this dramatic work largely due to what they symbolize: bad omens, purity, and murderous guilt. Furthermore, at least one of these symbols is present in virtually all of the major developments in this play. A careful analysis of symbolism in Macbeth reveals that all of these symbols are potent reminders of the evil tidings….

3 Pages
Research Paper


Neptune When Most People Talk

Words: 1013
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

At the same time, Urbain Leverrier (a French mathematician) would independently calculate the location of the plant and send his findings to the Urania Observatory in erlin. Where,…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Neptune One of the Best

Words: 1467
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

From their union was born Areion, a divine horse (Hansen 267). Neptune was also somewhat known for his generosity and justness however, as is evidenced by his contribution…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Discovery Characteristics and Orbit of Neptune

Words: 1762
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Science An Overview of Neptune Discovery of Neptune First Discovery Telescope Galileo Additional Sightings Second and Official Discovery Mathematics Adams, Le Verrier, & Galle The Planet Atmospheric Conditions Characteristics Neptune's Orbit Comparison to Earth Neptune is the eighth, and furthest, planet from the sun.…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

Strategic Plan for Stryker

Words: 1143
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Stryker Organizational Strategic Plan Stryker is a world leader in medical technology and works to make healthcare much better. Stryker offers innovative medical devices and technologies reported to include "reconstructive,…

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5 Pages


Conflict Between Human and Non-Human

Words: 1792
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

"The monkey's larynx, while quite distinct from that of the human being, is not as much so as that of parrots, which clearly can speak. As to their…

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6 Pages


Astrophysical Object Pluto's Demotion From

Words: 2104
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

"Once every 248 Earth years, Pluto swings inside the orbit of Neptune. It stays there for twenty years. During those twenty years, Pluto is closer to the Sun…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Death and Mortality Through the

Words: 1199
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

He also feels that in his work, he is reminded of his own mortality, and fleeting time here on Earth. He strives to accomplish much with the talent…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Thematic Comparison

Words: 2071
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Thematic Comparison: Divine Intervention in Homer & Virgil Both works decently portray the horrors of warfare, and (albeit it in a reverent fashion) place the blame for this horror soundly…

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4 Pages


discovery of planet pluto

Words: 1321
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Pluto nicknamed as “puzzling planet” or “runaway planet” was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh, a young US astronomer at the Arizona Lowell Observatory in 1930[footnoteRef:1]. Pluto is the largest known…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Surviving 2012 and Planet X

Words: 1770
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

g. volcanoes, etc.), but not on schedule; 3) Just because something is plausible does not make it true. The events on popular television series like Star Trek or Star…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Pluto Why Is Pluto No

Words: 1636
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

That question doesn't affect the classification of planets in our Solar System, but will be relevant to some others" ("Pluto no longer a Planet," orld Science Homepage, 2006). Even…

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3 Pages


Ancient Greece and Aeneid

Words: 1001
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Gods in the Aeneid? Viewed from Virgil's Aeneid perspective, gods are central to human existence and fate. They determine the fate of all mortals; Aeneid is included in the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Planetary Comparison the Earth and

Words: 1104
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The inner core, meanwhile, has greater density, at 13, and temperature, at 6,650°C (or 12,000°F). Compared against other planets in the solar system, the Earth contains just the appropriate…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

Drama - World

Military -- Naval Support at

Words: 3000
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

[footnoteRef:32] This lack of forces for other Pacific struggles generally weakened the Japanese war effort, as the Japanese were forced to fight those battles with insufficient men, weapons, ammunition…

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4 Pages


Little Mckinley

Words: 1276
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Symbolism of Blood, Water and Weather Virtually all of Shakespeare's most prolific works are accompanied by symbolism. In this respect, his vaunted Macbeth is no different. This tale of betrayal,…

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