New Product Essays Examples

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New Product Plan
The PhotoDrive Pro-is a portable hard drive with a high-res screen and fold-out keyboard. It is targeted at photographers both professional and serious amateur. This market has a perpetual need for storage, and benefits from the additionally functionality offered by this drive. In particular, the ability to operate in remote, dangerous or bad weather locations without risking their laptops is a valuable feature of this product. The product will be launched by targeting serious photography buffs, both professional and amateur. These early adopters will be targeted through photography media, camera stores, Amazon and other channels. There are also plans to develop the next generation of the device in order to hold market share even when the competition enters the market, which is expected within a year.

Product/Service Description

The product that I am going to bring to market is portable hard drive with a screen and flip-out keyboard called PhotoDrive….

Product Mix & New Product

Schools/Healthcare/Government Institutions Use Product Mix:

Many of the professionally developed products are well-suited to the educational market. Again, educational institutions can find high performance coupled with cost efficiency. In addition, Dell offers special pricing for educational facilities, their faculty and staff, healthcare institutions, as well as State and Local Government agencies, and government employees.

Family Home Use Product Mix:

Lastly, the family home market is a key target market for the organization. The product mix for this market is considerably deep. From leading-edge notebooks designed specifically for the ultimate multimedia and gaming experiences, such as the XPS, to their budget-minded desktop Dimension series, to their vast offerings of televisions, cameras, camcorders, projectors, MP3 players, software, and games, Dell has something for every modern family.

Product Market Grid:


Family Homes

Educational / Healthcare/Gov't






Product Development vs. Market Development for Dell:

Currently, Dell services every market that requires computing products. They offer products for business, home, and institutions. As such,….

New product created is an addition to an existing line of products that serve a range of clients in the automobile industry. The core business of the company is the manufacture of custom made light weight automobiles guided by advances in technology. The firm has faced stiff competition from other automobile manufacturers venturing in light weight automobile industry. Operations have turned to be difficult in the recent years leading to increases in operations.
Five years back, the firm enjoyed sustainable control of light weight automobile and had specialized in the manufacture of vehicles only when demand has been placed. Given this development it is prudent that the firm considers introducing manufacture of heavy trucks in their product range. This will mean an adjustment in the market target for the firm as well as a change in the marketing strategy.

Need for the product

The market of light weight tracks has dwindled owing to….

NPD Measurement and Quality Implementation -- Of course, without proper measurement metrics, any NPD model will fail, and it is within the metrics that decisions for the next round of strategy will occur (Anderson, 557). Change is necessary within all frameworks of business. Just as demographics and psychographics evolve, so must the food industry. However, innovation for the sake of innovation is likely not the direction the industry should pursue, but rather a more studied approach and utilization of the tools of Innovation Management to drive quality and proactive implementation of new food products (Costa, 2008).

Conclusion and Future of NPD -- Historically, there has been a high rate of failure within the food industry's NPD. This might be the result of too many products bombarding the market- striving for market share, or the lack of quality and confirmable research (Stewart-Knox and Mitchell, 2003, 58). Scholarship reveals just how important marketing….

It is also important to utilize poor stitching and seams, so that the clothes fall apart quickly. Another great way to make the clothes not meet the needs of our target market is to make sure that they shrink in the wash, and that the colors bleed.
In addition, the clothes should be in a very limited selection in terms of design. Our customers want choice so we should make sure not to give them that. Ideally, the clothes will be priced at a very high price point. Pregnant women need to adjust their clothes as they get larger, so the customer should have to replace their clothing every month at high cost.

The objective of reverse brainstorming is to determine the characteristics of the product that the consumer specifically will not want. This helps to avoid pitfalls that can occur in the design and development process. By defining what the….

New Products
The two-dimensional matrix concept is common in business strategy. There are a number of matrices that can be used to help understand a business or the opportunities that exist. A product positioning matrix can help to determine where the best opportunities lie (SmartDraw, 2008). For example, the bubble gum product idea would show that the product itself is not differentiated, but the collector containers would help to differentiate the product. The holders themselves, however, do not add value. The axes of any two-dimensional matrix are flexible -- they can be whatever dimensions management wants to study. If cost is on the matrix, then the cost of obtaining the rights to the album covers is an important consideration.

Cooper (2001) proposes a matrix featuring "products" and "markets" to help identify good product ideas that might fit specific markets. For example, the bubble gum market has certain demographic characteristics. The better the….

New product development (NPD) is a process that designates the complete process of bringing a new product or service to market. There are two individual parts involved in the NPD process. One part of NPD involves the idea generation, product design, and engineering. The other aspect of NPD involves market research and marketing analysis. The way in which these two parts come together varies by industry or with individual strategic plans. However, organizations almost always view new product development as the first stage in creating and developing new products while also considering product life cycle management which can subsequently be used to maintain or grow their market share.
In this era of globalization and international outsourcing, organizations are increasingly focusing on redesigning the product development process to adapt to changing capacities. New business strategies, organizational structures, business processes and technology are being implemented by many companies to continually improve their product….

And from a services perspective, the ability to gain access to the Internet from anywhere at anytime without excessive service charges is also a highly differentiated aspect of the proposed product. These three aspects of product, process and service combine to deliver a device that replace multiple substitute products. Another characteristic of highly elastic products is that they have an abundance of substitutes (Klemperer, 141). By combining essential elements from a product, process and service standpoint, both the actual and perceived value of the proposed build-to-order tablet PC increases as well, further sloping the demand curve and making it more elastic.

As the proposed build-to-order tablet PC will combine these factors of product, process and service differentiation in a high-end electronics device not easily imitated for years, the proposed product will quickly be considered a luxury item. Over the first few years of the product family's life, there will be….

New Product Development
"I work a financial services firm. We products development time, a lot incremental variety. You, bundle credit card access a savings account, bundle savings account a money market account, add IA investment option, things sort.

"I work for a financial services firm. We do new products development all the time, and a lot of it is of the incremental variety. You know, bundle credit card access to a savings account, bundle the savings account to a money market account, and add an IA investment option, things of that sort. Explain how the new products process is relevant in my industry, and to my company. Seems like it's more tailored to physical goods. Isn't it a little misleading?"

Selling a service and selling a product is virtually identical, in terms of the steps of the product development process. Of course, the framing of the marketing campaign for an IA vs. A….

New Product Development
A successful idea generation process is part of searching for an idea that is superior and which has not been discovered. There are various methods that can be used in generating an idea for the new product such as Delphi and focus groups, brain storming. Ideas for the new product can be got from research using various aspects such as SWOT analysis, the trends of market and consumers, the competitors of the product, trade shows and so on. The basic approach is to ensure that full creativity is harnessed when developing the new idea. Open innovation will also be used in idea development where research will be conducted on the product. This research should be conducted in a speedy so that costs can be cut and at the same time generate new ideas that are innovative. Input can be got from internal sources like strategic planning and external….

Branding a New Product

Define Brand Positioning and RepositioningBrand positioning is not an absolute quality only inherent to a product, but rather reflects that all brands are measured in consumer estimation relative to their intrinsic attributes, performance, quality, durability, style, and ability for customization, according to Chapter 9 of the textbook. For example, McDonalds may not make the best food in the world, quality-wise, but because of the convenience, the stylization of the fast-food experience (which is aimed at children) and the uniqueness of its taste, it has a strong following, especially for families on the go that want to please their childrens tastes. It is synonymous with fast food, even more so than its competitors Burger King and Wendys. However, after many years of being able to capitalize upon the value it offered to consumers, as well as its childlike appeal, McDonalds became increasingly criticized for contributing to the child and adolescent obesity….

The lack of cultural sensitivity and focus led to EuroDisney only attaining 5% of their anticipated volume on opening day. If all of these problems with the marketing of the concept to the government, selection of leaders, definition of concessions and rides weren't enough, the pricing was outside the range of what many French families could afford. In the first years of its existence, Disney partnered with high-end rail service Eurostar to get families from England, which had a strong conversion rate with the British Pound, to visit. This further angered the French, and also made Disney appear elitist, which is a big problem in France, which prizes its egalitarianism. It has since cost Disney well over $1B to manage their way out of this problem (Curwen, 1995).
Microsoft Windows Vista

Introduced in January, 2007, Windows Vista is easily the worst operating system produced in the last ten years. It is….

Product Invention
New products and services are being developed almost continually based on technological changes, consumer choice and demand, and available materials and other new inventions. For instance, computer technology and miniaturization might make it possible for a product to have additional innovation enough to constitute a new niche or an extension. According to most research, however, it is more important to spend time and money selling inventions as opposed to protecting the rights. Patent Pending, for instance, is usually less than a few hundred dollars and provides some level of protection while the item is coming to market (Tozzi, 2007).

In the product management side, there are numerous types of innovation that occur when it comes to managing new or ancillary products. The two most popular types, however, are incremental and radical innovation. In essence, incremental innovation tends to exploit, improve, or otherwise change some existing technology. This innovation improves by….

' The consumer is willing to pay more to communicate this image, and thus the high pricing of new goods or 'skimming' is a reasonable strategy for the company.
Low pricing of new products is best to use when trying to lure consumers to adopt a particular 'habit.' Gym memberships with introductory rate offers for new food products are often priced low to encourage consumers to give them a try and to make working out or a latte part of the consumer's everyday habits. However, clothing is not a 'habit' -- once it is purchased, it is purchased, and repeat purchases are less of a fashion company's bread and butter (no pun intended) than for service-based enterprises like food companies.

Fashion companies like the Gap know that they can secure the attention of some young consumers willing to pay more for new items, while other consumers will go to the sales racks….

New Product: Debut to Target Market Developing and refining a new product is an exciting time, particularly one that fulfills a clear and present need of consumers all over the world. Introducing a new product to the world is even more exciting, especially if that product has done well with test markets. Introducing a new product to existing and new markets requires strategy and motivation in order to get the product into the hands of the people who are going to use it, love it and tell their friends. The key to doing this successfully is to truly understand your product and to promote it to the target markets using proven strategies for both sales and marketing.
Product Description
This product was born out of the fact that the world of business, sports and entertainment has evolved at a rapid pace and continues to each day, and for the average professional, it can….

Firms meet the challenge of technological change by redesigning their innovation ecosystems in several key ways. This approach involves a strategic overhaul of their internal and external operations, relationships, and culture to foster innovation and adaptability. Here's how they do it:

Embracing Open Innovation: Moving away from solely in-house R&D, firms are increasingly embracing open innovation. This involves collaborating with external entities like startups, academic institutions, and other companies to source new ideas, technologies, and methodologies. This collaboration can take various forms, including joint ventures, partnerships, and innovation hubs.

Investing in Digital Transformation: Firms are investing heavily in digital technologies such as....

Original Thesis Statement:

Benefits of Technology in All Fields

Revised Thesis Statement:

Technology's Ubiquitous Impact: Transforming Industries and Empowering Human Endeavors

Technology's pervasive influence has revolutionized all fields, offering unparalleled benefits that enhance our lives, drive innovation, and improve societal well-being. Its transformative effects are evident in every aspect of modern society, from healthcare to education, business to entertainment, and beyond.

Empowerment through Automation and Efficiency:

Technology has automated countless tasks, freeing up human time and resources for more complex and meaningful endeavors. From automated manufacturing and data processing to virtual assistants and self-driving cars, technology has significantly reduced the burden of manual labor and increased....

## Captivating Essay Topics on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has emerged as a pivotal concept in contemporary business practices, shaping the relationship between organizations and their stakeholders. The following essay topics explore diverse aspects of CSR, inviting students to critically examine its implications, challenges, and opportunities:

### 1. CSR as a Strategic Competitive Advantage

How can companies leverage CSR as a competitive differentiator in the marketplace?
Analyze the financial benefits and reputational enhancements associated with strong CSR performance.
Discuss the role of CSR in attracting and retaining top talent and building customer loyalty.

### 2. The Ethics of CSR:....

Impact of Diverse Perspectives on the American Tapestry

The Crucible of Diversity: How American Society Was Forged by Clashing Ideals

The Kaleidoscope of Perspectives: How Diversity Reshaped the American Social Landscape

Convergence and Conflict: The Transformative Power of Disparate Views

The Evolution of Tolerance: How Diversity Fostered Understanding and Respect

Diversity as a Catalyst for Innovation and Progress

The Changing Face of America: How Diverse Perspectives Redefined National Identity

The Crucible of Democracy: How Diverse Voices Strengthened American Institutions

Embracing the Mosaic: The Impact of Cultural Differences on American Society

From Division to Unity: How a Multitude of Perspectives Bridged Divides


The United States has long been a nation of....

10 Pages

Education - Computers

New Product Plan the Photodrive Pro-Is a

Words: 3041
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

New Product Plan The PhotoDrive Pro-is a portable hard drive with a high-res screen and fold-out keyboard. It is targeted at photographers both professional and serious amateur. This market has…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Product Mix & New Product

Words: 890
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Schools/Healthcare/Government Institutions Use Product Mix: Many of the professionally developed products are well-suited to the educational market. Again, educational institutions can find high performance coupled with cost efficiency. In addition,…

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2 Pages
Creative Writing


New Product Created Is an Addition to

Words: 503
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

New product created is an addition to an existing line of products that serve a range of clients in the automobile industry. The core business of the company is…

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2 Pages
Literature Review

Business - Advertising

New Product Management Overview- American

Words: 796
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Literature Review

NPD Measurement and Quality Implementation -- Of course, without proper measurement metrics, any NPD model will fail, and it is within the metrics that decisions for the next round…

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5 Pages

Business - Miscellaneous

New Product the Clothing Industry

Words: 1426
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

It is also important to utilize poor stitching and seams, so that the clothes fall apart quickly. Another great way to make the clothes not meet the needs…

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2 Pages


New Products the Two-Dimensional Matrix Concept Is

Words: 706
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

New Products The two-dimensional matrix concept is common in business strategy. There are a number of matrices that can be used to help understand a business or the opportunities that…

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2 Pages


New Product Development NPD Is a Process

Words: 565
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

New product development (NPD) is a process that designates the complete process of bringing a new product or service to market. There are two individual parts involved in the…

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2 Pages


New Product Elasticity of Demand

Words: 603
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

And from a services perspective, the ability to gain access to the Internet from anywhere at anytime without excessive service charges is also a highly differentiated aspect of…

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2 Pages


New Product Development I Work a Financial

Words: 716
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

New Product Development "I work a financial services firm. We products development time, a lot incremental variety. You, bundle credit card access a savings account, bundle savings account a money…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

New Product Development a Successful Idea Generation

Words: 670
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

New Product Development A successful idea generation process is part of searching for an idea that is superior and which has not been discovered. There are various methods that can…

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1 Pages
Research Paper


Branding a New Product

Words: 372
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Define Brand Positioning and RepositioningBrand positioning is not an absolute quality only inherent to a product, but rather reflects that all brands are measured in consumer estimation relative to…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

New Product Failures Analysis of

Words: 791
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The lack of cultural sensitivity and focus led to EuroDisney only attaining 5% of their anticipated volume on opening day. If all of these problems with the marketing…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Product Invention New Products and Services Are

Words: 713
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Product Invention New products and services are being developed almost continually based on technological changes, consumer choice and demand, and available materials and other new inventions. For instance, computer technology…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

New-Product Pricing Penetration Pricing and

Words: 659
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

' The consumer is willing to pay more to communicate this image, and thus the high pricing of new goods or 'skimming' is a reasonable strategy for the company. Low…

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3 Pages


New Product Sales and Marketing Strategy

Words: 996
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

New Product: Debut to Target Market Developing and refining a new product is an exciting time, particularly one that fulfills a clear and present need of consumers all over the…

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