Nuclear Proliferation Essays (Examples)

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Iranian Nuclear Proliferation
Pages: 4 Words: 1115

Iran's nuclear program began during the era of the Shah, and blossomed into a plan that included the building of 20 nuclear reactors. During the Iran-Iraq conflict, two of these unfinished reactors were bombed in ushehr, while through the 1979 revolution, the Iranian nuclear program has gone through stops and starts, its current guidelines seem to include the building of 15 power reactors and 2 research facilities. Since 1992, Iran has compiled with IAEA and allowed routine inspections of its facilities and progress.
According to an IAEA report, "the Director General was informed by Iran of its uranium enrichment programme, which was described as including two new facilities located at Natanz, namely a pilot fuel enrichment plant (PFEP) nearing completion of construction, and a large commercial-scale fuel enrichment plant (FEP) also under construction" (June, 2003). This was the first time the Director had seen these plants. It has been argued recently,…...



Implementation of the NPT safeguards agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency, June 2003.

Online version, 

Walt, S. An unnecessary war.(U.S.-Iraq conflict).

Nuclear Crisis in Iran at
Pages: 1 Words: 368

This does not build trust" (Dupre, 2007).
Tehran's main revenue still comes from oil, and a realist would suggest hitting Iran where it could 'hurt' it, economically. This would mean threatening to isolate Iran from the international community by seeking other sources of oil on the part of the United States, unless Iran abides by the non-proliferation treaty, and that the U.S. should pressure Iran's major oil 'clients' to find other sources, with incentive packages offered to those states, such as India. Ultimately, "Iranian authorities know that there is no other alternative than Iran's integration in the international society and becoming a key constructive player in the region," and that it cannot become a rogue state like North Korea because it is dependant upon the commerce of oil with other nations (Dupre, 2007). Other nations that might be damaged by its nuclear capacity with economic and political leverage must capitalize…...


Works Cited

Dupre, Bruno. "Iran Nuclear Crisis: The Right Approach." Carnegie Endowment for Peace. Feb 2007. [11 Feb 2007] 

Idealism." IR Theory. [11 Feb 2007]

Nuclear WMD a Real Threat
Pages: 3 Words: 967

It has been viewed to manipulate the treaty for its gains in terms of securing security. After the treaty was signed, the international community's interest to agree to rules that had been accepted created a source of safety. The current world has termed the treaty as a regime.
In the U.S. context, their aim is to provide security for their citizens because of the nuclear weapons threat. The treaty has been signed by more than 180 states worldwide. In order to ensure that there is safety while nations continue with their nuclear program, a separate organization was created to oversee the process of monitoring such activities: the International Energy Atomic Agency (IAEA). U.S. As the hegemonic state has the power to protect other nations from harm: other nations view this as a mutual benefit. While the U.S. gain more power plus safety from states that are within the NPT treaty,…...



Forsberg, R. (2005). Nonproliferation Primer: Preventing the Spread of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Weapons. Michigan: MIT Press

Gallacher, J, Blacker, C. & Bellany, I. (2005). The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. New York:


Kessler, J. (2005). Verifying Nonproliferation Treaties: Obligation, Process, and Sovereignty.

Npt -Non-Proliferation Treaty Ever Since the First
Pages: 6 Words: 1855

NPT -Non-Proliferation Treaty
Ever since the First World War, various countries in the western world had started researching in military weapons and artillery in order to strengthen their country's security. Newer and more advanced weapons continued to be inducted in the armed forces of developed and industrialized nations in the world particularly Soviet Union, United States of America, United Kingdom, Japan and Germany. While all these countries had started their researches for development of nuclear weapons as early as 1930s, the United States of America officially emerged as the first country to have nuclear weapons developed.

While development of nuclear weapons was initially considered as an individual nation's effort to strengthen its country's security and sovereignty, it was in August 1945 when the idea of nuclear proliferation and nuclear warfare alarmed the international community. This was when the United States of America bombed to cities in Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, using nuclear…...



Alley, R. 2000, 'Reinvigorating Nuclear Disarmament', New Zealand International Review, vol. 25, no.5, pp.11.

The Disarmament Debate: The Fate of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 2005, Harvard International Review, vol.27, no. 2, pp. 72+.

Litman, L. 2003, 'Cleaning House: Dirty Bombs and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty', Harvard International Review, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 32+.

Lund, M. 2009, 'The Eighty Percent and Twenty Percent Solutions to Nuclear Proliferation', Brigham Young University Law Review, vol. 2009, no. 3, pp. 741+.

Case Against Nuclear Energy
Pages: 8 Words: 2543

Downside of Nuclear Energy:
Energy production has been a major issue that has attracted huge concerns in the recent past because of the negative environmental impacts associated with generating energy through burning of fossil fuels. A growing interest in nuclear power has significantly increases during this period as it is considered as a real solution to energy security and means of dealing with climate change. Actually, there have been concerns on whether nuclear power is the solution or answer to a warming planet or it is dangerous and expensive to meet the future energy needs of the modern society. hile some people have argued in support of the use of nuclear energy as a solution to these problems, others have opposed such attempts. These varying opinions have been based on arguments and counter-arguments that demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy.

Increased Attention on Nuclear Power:

As previously mentioned, nuclear power…...


Works Cited:

Adamson, Greg. We All Live on Three Mile Island: The Case against Nuclear Power. Sydney: Pathfinder, 1981. Print.

"The Case against Nuclear Power and the Case for Real Solutions to Energy Security and Climate Change." Greenpeace International. GREENPEACE. Web. 31 May 2014. .

Totty, Michael. "The Case For and Against Nuclear Power." The Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones & Company, 30 June 2008. Web. 31 May 2014. .

Williams, Chris. "The Case against Nuclear Power." ISR - International Socialist Review. The Center for Economic Research and Social Change. Web. 31 May 2014. .

U S Nuclear Policy Non-Proliferation vs
Pages: 10 Words: 3464

S. had provided the technology needed to promote the development of nuclear weapons. However, the U.S. argued that it had provided civilian instead of military technology, therefore had not violated the treaty.
The Politics of Proliferation

The politics of non-proliferation are complex. In the case of the U.S., the agreement and terms must satisfy every party involved. On one hand, the U.S. is under an obligation built on trust, that it will reduce the number of nuclear weapons in its arsenal. However, it must still maintain an arsenal that is capable of acting as a deterrent against first attach by non-treaty countries with nuclear weapons. These two goals compete with one another. The U.S. is not the only nuclear weapon owner with this conflict. Every member of the non-proliferation treaty faces this same dilemma.

Nuclear arms negotiations have taken place amidst an atmosphere of deception and mistrust. Full disclosure is often entangled with…...



Curtis, L. 2007. "U.S. Policy and Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons: Containing Threats and Encouraging Regional Security." The Heritage Foundation. July 6, 2007.   (Accessed August 21, 2008) 

Kerr, P. 2004. "Libya Vows to Dismantle WMD Program. Arms Control Today." January/February 2004.   (Accessed August 21, 2008) 

Lavie, M. "Israel Stands by Vague Nuclear Policy." December 7, 2006. Washington Post.

Levy, D. 2007. "U.S. nuclear policy goes from MAD to NUTS, Panofsky says." Stanford Report. April 18, 2007.   (Accessed August 21, 2008) 

U S Selling of Nuclear Materials and Technology
Pages: 4 Words: 1181

Selling Nuclear Technology
The sale of United States nuclear technology to other countries has gained more criticism, especially in light of the September 11 attacks and the current war against Iraq. Despite these security concerns, however, many corporations still advocate efforts to repeal federal laws regarding the sale of such technology to countries such as China. This paper examines the pros and cons of both positions, paying particular attention to the history and ramifications of continued sale of nuclear technology.

The United States should continue selling nuclear technology

Common perception holds that foreign countries like China, Pakistan and Algeria are the main supporters of the sale United States nuclear technology. However, many American companies such as estinghouse, Bechtel and General Electric support the move to allow the export of American nuclear technology and parts to countries such as China.

For these companies, the reasons are economic. Domestic demand for nuclear technology has decreased drastically…...


Works Cited

Hedges, Stephen J. "China's surprising nuclear helpers." U.S. News and World Report. September 29, 1997. Proquest database.

Lee, Rensselaer. Smuggling Armageddon. New York: St. Martin's Griffin Press, 2000.

Muradian, Vago. "U.S. Gov't Eyes Resuming Weapons Sales To Pakistan, Indonesia." Defense Daily International 21 September 2001. 7 December 2001 .

Nunn, Sam. "U.S. investments in a peaceful Russia." Issues in Science and Technology. Summer 1995. 11(4): 27-31. Proquest database.

Nuclear Ores and Its Life Cycle
Pages: 10 Words: 3810

Nuclear Fuel Cycle is a set of different processes that utilize nuclear materials and then returns them to their initial state, in a cyclical manner. It begins with the mining of naturally occurring nuclear materials from the environment, and ends with safe and proper disposal of nuclear waste products back to the environment. Production of energy from Uranium requires several unique processes. One of the terms used in this production of nuclear energy is front end, referring to the entire set of processes involved in making nuclear energy from the uranium ore in the nuclear fuel cycle. The processes involved are: [1] mining, [2] crushing, [3] processing, [4] enrichment, and [5] the fabrication of fuel. After being used to produce energy, the nuclear material is now known as spent fuel. The spent fuel has to be converted in a reprocessing or storage facility if the company wants to recycle…...



Carlsen, B.W., Phathanapirom, U., Schneider, E., Collins, J.S., Eggert, R.G., Jordan, B., ... & Yacout, L. (2013). Environmental Impacts, Health and Safety Impacts, and Financial Costs of the Front End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (No. INL/EXT-14-32302). Idaho National Laboratory (INL).

CAS. College of Agricultural Sciences. (2009). Manufacturing Fuel Pellets from Biomass. Retrieved from:

ELAW. Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide. (2015). Overview of Mining and its Impacts. Retrieved from: 

IAEA (2006). International Atomic Energy Agency. Storage and Disposal of Spent Fuel and High Level Radioactive Waste. Retrieved from:

Weapons Proliferation
Pages: 3 Words: 940

Weapons Proliferation, simply defined, is the rapid increase or spread of weapons in the context of global security. If we are to measure the weapons capabilities of the world, the United States retains the lion's share: in 2002 the Economist estimated that American military spending would exceed 379 billion in 2003 (Economist, 6/18/2002.) For comparison's sake, Russia, the world's second largest nuclear power, had a total GDP of merely 346.6 billion in 2002 (Economist, 7/22/2003.) However, the "balance of terror" that underscored the cold war era was in many ways much safer than the current situation. Whereas 'weapons proliferation' once referred to the number of weapons in existence, it has taken on a new meaning; it now is usually meant to reflect the number of political entities capable of using weapons of mass destruction. The number of such countries has increased beyond UN Security Council permanent members to include India,…...


Be Afraid. Economist, September 4th, 2003

Lord Hutton's Eyebrows. Economist, September 4th, 2003

Brecher, Gary. Bezerkers with Red Stars: North Korean Scenarios. The Exile, June 2, 2003.

Control of Proliferation of Weapons
Pages: 6 Words: 1819

If there are people, of whatever nationality, who will be found guilty of creating and scattering MD, will be subjected to penalties and/or punishment which will be imposed by the overall leader o the UN itself. More so, countries which will be proven allowing the research and development and eventual use of MD should also be asked to answer from the call of the UN.
The entire populace can also share their efforts to controlling the use of any form of MD, thereby preventing any possibility of massive deaths or environment destruction. People must voice out their concern. The people should be activist enough in letting their leaders know how they want the use of MD to be abolished. The media can play a detrimental role in airing and showing how the people, across all nations, are against any form of MD. Newspapers, magazines, TV programs, radio stations, are good…...


Works Cited

Collins, Robin, 2005. A step in the right direction: the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction. Ploughshares Monitor

Everett, R 2004. Introduction to Weapons of Mass Destruction - Radiological, Chemical and Biological. Langford Chichester: John Wiley & Sons

Kalyadin, Alexander 2003. A strategy for active Non-Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Publication: Military Thought

Against Nuclear Power When Considering the Ever-Changing
Pages: 4 Words: 1271

Against Nuclear Power
When considering the ever-changing and highly competitive global landscape of international relations and business today, all nations and their respective economies must be able to effectively globalize their energy operations in order to reach a greater potential resource base and sustain fiscal durability in the long-term. In accomplishing the aforementioned tasks, many nations have placed environmental considerations at the bottom of the ladder of priority. However, with countless new environmental initiatives cropping up each day, it behooves any and all government and big business personnel to gain a greater respect for the fragile environment in which we live. Terms like "emissions," "energy consumption," "fossil fuel depletion" and "carbon footprint" are increasingly becoming a part of the average global citizen's vocabulary. The future of all nations lies in the hands of those who seriously embrace the importance of such rhetoric. Accordingly, several energy-producing options have been considered and implemented…...



Bodansky, D. (2004). Nuclear Energy: Principles, Practices, and Prospects (2nd Edition ed.). New York, NY: Springer-Verlag LLC.

Hatch, M., Ron, E., Bouville, A., Zablotska, L., & Howe, G. (2005). The Chernobyl Disaster: Cancer following the Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Epidemiol Review, 27 (1), 56-66.

Jo, D.-J., & Gartzke, E. (2007). Determinants of Nuclear Weapons Proliferation. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 51 (1), 167-194.

Ryan, V. (2009). Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Power. Retrieved June 27, 2011, from

Iran and Their Nuclear Development
Pages: 6 Words: 1953

One nuclear expert notes, "For countries that think the United States constitutes a threat, how should they react? In effect, there is no way to deter the United States other than by having nuclear weapons. No country can do that conventionally. The United States can overwhelm other countries conventionally."
Clearly, the United States has nuclear capabilities, but they have only used them once, in a time of war. Today, the message is clear. Those countries that have nuclear capabilities do not use them, for they know if they do, they will suffer the same nuclear consequences. Thus, the world stays "safe" because no one is ready to make the first move. Some say Iran is simply attempting to defend itself, while others are not so sure.

In conclusion, the Iranian nuclear development program is becoming increasingly difficult to manage by regulatory organizations, and it seems Iran will do what it wants,…...



Editors. Q&a: Iran and the Nuclear Issue. BBC News. 3 Dec. 2007. Newspaper online. Available at   Accessed 15 Dec. 2007. .Internet.

Sadjadpour, Karim. "The Nuclear Players." Journal of International Affairs 60, no. 2 (2007): 125+.

Sagan, Scott, Kenneth Waltz, and Richard K. Betts. "A Nuclear Iran: Promoting Stability or Courting Disaster?" Journal of International Affairs 60, no. 2 (2007): 135+.

Schake, Kori. "Dealing with a Nuclear Iran." Policy Review, no. 142 (2007): 3+.

North Korea Nuclear Related Case Study
Pages: 4 Words: 1247

NUCLEA-ELATED CASE STUDY 5Nuclear-elated Case Study: North KoreaBackgroundKoreas nuclear development and the subsequent nuclear weapons possession could be traced back to the mid-50s (Pardo, 2019). A few years later, as Pardo (2019) further indicates, at the 4th Congress of the Workers\\\' Party of Korea held in September 1961, Kim Il Sung urged the government to pursue research and development for the peaceful use of nuclear power (187). The utilization of nuclear power for peaceful purposes was restated and pursued, i.e. via the establishment of the Atomic Energy esearch Institute, and nuclear research and development efforts scaled up over the next two decades. It was not until the mid-90s that the development of nuclear weapons became fully embraced as a defense approach under the guidance of Kim Jong-II (Pardo, 2019). This, as the author further points out, was followed by enhanced nuclear weapon development efforts with the establishment of the…...


ReferencesCongressional Research Service – CRS (2023). North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons and Missile Programs.   K. & Lee, J. (2021). North Korea and the Geopolitics of Development. Cambridge University Press. Herskovitz, J. (2022). These Are the Nuclear Weapons North Korea Has as Fears Mount of Atomic Test. The Washington Post. Haller, N. & Pry, P. (2021). The Math Is Bad for MAD. Real Clear Defense., T. (2022). What is mutual assured destruction? Live Science. Pardo, R.P. (2019). North Korea - US Relations: Kim Jong Il to Kim Jong Un. Routledge. Gray,

The Case Against Nuclear Energy
Pages: 7 Words: 2175

Nuclear Energy
The modern world has been characterized with several environmental issues in the recent past including natural resource depletion, climate change, pollution, and overpopulation. However, climate change has attracted significant attention because of increased environmental impact of industrialization and globalization. Climate change is largely attributable to the current energy sources, which continue to affect the environment. As a result, the search for a suitable energy source with little to no environmental effect has become a major issue for policymakers, governments, and environmentalists. Despite conventional views that nuclear power is unsuitable, recent studies and statistics have considered it a clean energy source. This has contributed to arguments and counter-arguments on whether nuclear energy is clean and safe for the environment. Despite having little to no emission of dangerous gases, nuclear energy is unsustainable when considered from an economic and social perspective.

The Case for Nuclear Energy

In the past few years, nuclear…...



Cavanagh, R. & Cochran, T. (2013, November 6). Nuclear Energy Film Overstates Positives, Underplays Negatives. CNN. Retrieved February 9, 2016, from 

Kemfert et al. (2015, November). European Climate Targets Achievable Without Nuclear Power. DIW Economic Bulletin, 5(47), 619-625.

Koffler, D. (2008, July 8). The Case for Nuclear Power. The Guardian. Retrieved February 9, 2016, from 

Totty, M. (2008, June 30). The Case For and Against Nuclear Power. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved February 9, 2016, from

Halting the Revival of Nuclear
Pages: 3 Words: 913

In addition, problems would also exist outside of the nuclear power plant itself, with the suppliers of the nuclear material also being a possible target of attacks or a source of materials for weapons. This shows that what Ansolabehere suggests as one problem is really a whole range of problems.
Another important point to note is that the possibility of nuclear power plants becoming a source of nuclear weapons and becoming terrorist targets is only a possibility. In contrast, storage of nuclear waste and the safety of nuclear power plants is a current problem that already exists for the power plants in operation. Grossman (p. 206) notes that current nuclear power plants were not designed for more than 40 years of use and are considered hazardous. Grossman (p. 207) also notes that the government is currently planning to store nuclear waste in the Yucca Mountains, an area that is near…...


Works Cited

Ansolabehere, S. "The Future of Nuclear Power." In Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Environmental Issues. Ed. Thomas A Easton. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005, p. 192-204.

Grossman, K. "The Push to Revive Nuclear Power." In Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Environmental Issues. Ed. Thomas A Easton. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005, p. 205-209.

Seeking guidance on formulating a strong nuclear weapons thesis statement. Share your expertise!?
Words: 290

The possession and proliferation of nuclear weapons pose a significant threat to global security, and immediate steps must be taken to halt their development and disarm existing arsenals in order to preserve peace and prevent catastrophic consequences. One approach to formulating a strong thesis statement on nuclear weapons could be to focus on the impact of nuclear weapons on international relations and the balance of power. For example, you could explore how the possession of nuclear weapons by certain countries influences their interactions with other states and shapes the dynamics of conflict and cooperation on the global stage. By emphasizing the....

How do geo political conflicts impact global stability and security?
Words: 608

Impact of Geopolitical Conflicts on Global Stability and Security

Geopolitical conflicts, fueled by territorial disputes, resource scarcity, and ideological differences, pose significant threats to global stability and security. These conflicts can escalate into armed conflicts, disrupt international relations, and destabilize entire regions.

1. Armed Conflicts and Human Suffering:

Geopolitical conflicts often lead to armed conflicts, resulting in widespread human suffering. Civilian casualties, displacement, and destruction of infrastructure and resources leave a lasting impact on affected populations. Wars and conflicts also exacerbate humanitarian crises, hindering access to basic necessities like food, water, and healthcare.

2. Regional Instability and Destabilization:

Geopolitical conflicts destabilize entire regions and can....

What impact did the fall of the Berlin Wall have on global politics and diplomacy?
Words: 564

Impact of the Berlin Wall's Fall on Global Politics and Diplomacy

The collapse of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, marked a pivotal moment in global history, profoundly reshaping international relations and diplomatic landscapes. The symbolic and practical implications of this event had far-reaching consequences that continue to resonate today.

1. End of the Cold War:

The Berlin Wall had been a physical and ideological barrier dividing East and West Berlin since 1961, epitomizing the Cold War divide between the Soviet Union and its allies and the Western powers. Its fall symbolized the waning of Soviet influence and the end of the....

If you were president, how would you shape the future of our nation?
Words: 591

As the United States faces an uncertain future, the nation yearns for a leader who can shape its destiny with vision and determination. If bestowed with the honor of the presidency, I would wholeheartedly embrace the mantle of leadership and strive to craft a path toward a brighter tomorrow. In this essay, I will delineate my comprehensive plan to address the challenges facing our nation and outline the transformative initiatives I would implement to secure a prosperous and equitable future for all Americans.

The economic landscape of the United States is in dire need of revitalization. To stimulate growth and create....

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