O Pioneers Essays (Examples)

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O Pioneers and the Natural

" Too, if language affects place, and place affects language, the one cannot escape Cather's great admiration for the complexities of nature. The future, Cather's Alexandra knows, is with the land, with seeing the complex interaction (what we would call biodiversity) ever working, and what pastoral mysteries might mean to humans if they could synchronize with the rhythms of nature (Garrard, 2004, 54).
She had never known before how much the country meant to her, the chirping of the insects down in the long grass had been like the sweetest music. She had felt as if her heart were in hiding down there, somewhere, with the quall and the plover and all the little wild things that crooned or buzzed in the sun. Under the long shaggy ridges, she felt the future stirring (O Pioneers, 71).


Cather, W. (n.d.). O Pioneers!. Project Gutenberg. Cited in:


Fromm, H. (n.d.). "Ecocriticism's Big Bang." Logos. Cited….

Willa Cather: O Pioneers!
Willa Cather's O Pioneers! was her second published novel, although she, herself, preferred to consider it her first. She believed it was the first work in which she truly had found her own voice. The novel concerns homesteaders in Nebraska in the late 1800's and early 1900's. The protagonist is a woman, Swedish by birth, who has brought her land up to rich production and brought prosperity to her whole family. For the time the novel was written this was somewhat out of the ordinary but was beautifully done.

In order to begin with an unbiased view of the work, I read the book before reading any commentary on either it or its author. I was impressed by the way Cather set the mood in her story. eginning with a Great Plains winter scene to backdrop what was happening in the orgson family was perfect. The cold, the….

O'Brien Interview
Miriam O'Brien began her teaching career in 1959. After several years hiatus in the mid-1960s, during which time she gave birth to two children, Mrs. O'Brien returned to the classroom in 1967. She remained there until her retirement in 2002. In a 2011 interview, Mrs. O'Brien spoke about her teaching career and about women's roles in County Wexford, Ireland, during her life and working years. One can reflect on the struggles for equality that American women faced and the changes that were effected thanks to the women's movement of the 1960s and 1970s. In Ireland, women faced even greater roadblocks in a traditional, patriarchal society. Mrs. O'Brien spoke of the inequity of men's and women's roles in the teacher profession. It is a fascinating look at practices that many people find shocking at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

Mrs. O'Brien first discussed the competitive nature of gaining a place….

O rother, Where Art Thou?
Homer in Hollywood: The Coen rothers' O rother, Where Art Thou?

Could a Hollywood filmmaker adapt Homer's Odyssey for the screen in the same way that James Joyce did for the Modernist novel? The idea of a high-art film adaptation of the Odyssey is actually at the center of the plot of Jean-Luc Godard's 1963 film Contempt, and the Alberto Moravia novel on which Godard's film is based. In Contempt, Prokosch, a rich American dilettante film producer played by Jack Palance, hires Fritz Lang to film a version of Homer's Odyssey, then hires a screenwriter to write it and promptly ruins his marriage to rigitte ardot. Fritz Lang gamely plays himself -- joining the ranks of fellow "arty" German-born directors who had earlier deigned to act before the camera (like Erich von Stroheim in Wilder's Sunset oulevard, playing a former director not unlike himself, or even Otto….

Ryanair Case Analysis
Vella, O'Leary, and Kelly (PPS Publications, 2008)

Ryanair certainly has had an interesting history and represents an extraordinarily successful company. The company has pioneered the low cost leader strategy and crafted a niche for themselves in the European market in record time. Furthermore the company developed this niche to become the industry leader. Despite the company's success however, the industry is evolving and new challenges are constantly emerging. It is recommended that Ryanair maintain its position as well as possible during the economic downturn while simultaneously looking to increase its market share and expand through acquisition. In the long-term it is recommended that the company focus on improving their customer service levels as well as their employee relations position.

Company Overview

Ryanair was founded in 1985 by the Ryan family with a relatively low operating budget and just 25 employees. The company has grown from its humble roots consisting of a….

Female Artists: Neysa McMein and Rose O'Neill
Neysa McMein: Neysa McMein was an influential American artist in the early 1900's who painted various pop-culture images, including magazine covers, brand identities, and commercial designs. Her style is marked by her creative ability to invent appealing and compelling characters, many of which depict complex and powerful beautiful women who rarely make direct eye-contact. She created the cover designs for popular magazines that sold millions of copies throughout the 19-teens, '20's, and '30's. She designed propaganda poster images for World War I, as well as advertisements such as Palmolive soap, Lucky Strike cigarettes, and Coke. Most of McMein's illustrations were done using oil paint, with brilliant colors or soft pastels.

Many of her portraits and images featured seductively aloof, gorgeous female characters. The women were generally dressed in elaborate, sophisticated attire that complemented a matching background. One of McMein's most influential creations was her….

Cather a Quote From a

This reveals the more liberated ideals of the west and of the pioneer culture. First, Alexandra envisions herself "being lifted and carried lightly by some one very strong. He was with her a long while this time, and carried her very far, and in his arms she felt free from pain." The masculine figure takes the place of the gossamer female angel. She is about to be subsumed by the ethereal lover. "hen he laid her down on her bed again, she opened her eyes, and, for the first time in her life, she saw him, saw him clearly, though the room was dark, and his face was covered." Here, gender roles are again reversed as they are in the previous passage when the man is the angel. The man is now being veiled, his "face was covered." Veil is usually used to conceal the woman's but not the….

This meant that men held positions of power and authority in all the public spheres including economics/business, politics/the law, and the bearing of arms. Men also possessed social status that women did not have, enabling the perpetuation of a patriarchal society.
y applying Freudian psychoanalysis and feminist theory, I will analyze the personality of the independent, strong, risk taker, and smart Alexandra ergson in Willa Cather's O Pioneer! As Smith points out in Freud's Philosophy of the Unconscious, the psychoanalytic model lends insight into the underlying psychic forces promoting personal and collective change. With regards to a singular female like Alexandra ergson, psychoanalysis takes into account the protagonist's family background, tracing her ego development across the course of her lifetime starting with childhood. The significance of my research is that it studies the possibility of female's success in life under certain circumstances and refutes the outmoded opinion that suggests the….

Cather's snapshot of life in the west, and in Nebraska, was colored by her prejudices and experiences as someone who understood the experiences of white women.
Most of the issues that arise in Alexandra's life were universal human experiences such as loss and death. The romance between her brother and a married woman show that both men and women suffer from restricted gender roles and norms. There were ways that marriage was inadequate and inappropriate for the needs of men and women, and so, gender was not the only factor restricting people's lives in the west. The lawlessness that reigned in the west was both beneficial and detrimental to people's lives, as it allowed them to be free of intrusions on their lives by foreign officials and eliminated bureaucracy. At the same time, it meant people could take the law into their own lands, and not see justice.

There were many….

Health care, and that too, a quality health care is one of the most basic needs of any human being. In current times, where the fast paced lives are getting faster each day, work stresses are increasing, streets are being storm with junk foods and fast foods, and pollution and congestion is increasing, human lives are getting more and more prone to physical and mental diseases. As a result, the importance of health care systems and health care facilities increases. While, surgeons and doctors are generally seen as the captain of the ship as far as health sector is concerned, very important personnel of the health sector are the nurses. Once quite ignored, the importance of the nursing profession was highlighted by Florence Nightingale, one of the nursing pioneers. Florence Nightingale broke the conventional perceptions associated with the profession of nursing and took it to a new level, explored various….

Captain Smith by Pocahontas
Antonio Capellano's sculpture The Preservation of Captain Smith by Pocahontas (1825) is still in the Capitol Rotunda along with other works of the same period such as illiam Penn's Treaty with the Indians and The Landing of the Pilgrims, although they no longer resonate with audiences in the same way as they did in the 19th Century. In the 20th and 21st Centuries, more sophisticated and educated viewers at least would realize that these are all the product of an era of estern expansion and a highly romanticized view of history that is heavily tinged with racism and white nationalism. hen these sculptures were first commissioned by the U.S. government, the early republic was engaged in westward expansion that would result in the destruction, displacement or removal of most Native Americans, a process that most white Americans of the era regarded as necessary and beneficial. All of….

3). Also a shelter was established called the "Newsboys' Lodging House" -- a place where homeless and "vagrant" young boys could have room and board and an education. Brace and colleagues tried to find jobs and homes for children, but O'Connor writes on page 3 that Brace and his fellow advocates "…soon became overwhelmed by the numbers needing placement.
One strategy that Brace set up was to allow citizens who would like to "adopt" children in order to get them out of the city and into the country environment. In fact, according to O'Connor, over a 75-year period 105,000 homeless children were taken on "Orphan Trains" to homes in the rural areas of the country.

The values, beliefs, and methods by Brace are linked to social practices today because it is the moral duty of social workers to prevent abuse to children. City streets are not homes to thousands of children….

The shock of the current spate of recalls derives from the fact that Toyota's management team was once widely considered the pioneering force behind TQM: "The Japanese combined their greater cost-effectiveness with a sustained drive for the largest possible market penetration, founded on high levels of investment, innovation, and downright ingenuity. The conventional Western approach to long-term strategic planning, with its three to five-year cycles, mostly failed to match this Eastern thrust" (Heller 2005). Toyota was famous for its Kaizen philosophy of eliminating waste and tolerating no defects, an ideal accomplished by continually auditing its products and processes.
Although it is not clear what caused Toyota's problems, some analysts have attributed the company's faltering to its passion for waste elimination. This resulted in Toyota's product line encompassing relatively few designs, and a focus on building relationships with relatively few suppliers to keep inventories low. Although interchangeability and intercompatibility of components….

Non-Profit and for-Profit Ethical and Liability Issues
This paper examines the ethical and liability issues that non-profit corporations and for-profit businesses face, and compares them.

Non-Profit Corporations and For-Profit Business: Comparison of the Ethical and Liability Issues that are Faced by Both There have been a lot of scandals lately regarding large for-profit businesses. These scandals stem from both ethical and legal issues. Many of these scandals have resulted in lawsuits and even criminal proceedings against those who have been involved with them. The true extent of corporate liability is just beginning to be seen in our society. We are watching the large corporations of this country ever more closely now, in order to make sure that they are acting in an ethical manner. The corporations, for their part, are being extra careful in their actions and words, fully aware of the liability that they are under should anything they say….

Agnes Meyer Driscoll

Like Yardley, Agnes Meyer Driscoll was born in 1889, and her most significant contribution was also made during World War I. Driscoll worked as a cryptanalyst for the Navy, and as such broke many Japanese naval coding systems. In addition, Driscoll developed many of the early machine systems. Apart from being significantly intelligent for any person of her time and age, Driscoll was also unusual in terms of her gender. Her interests led her to technical and scientific studies during her college career, which was not typical for women of the time (NA). When she enlisted in the United tates Navy during 1918, Driscoll was assigned to the Code and ignal section of Communications, where she remained as a leader in her field until 1949.

As mentioned above, Driscoll's work also involved remerging technology in terms of machine development. These were aimed not only at creating ciphers, but also….

5 Pages


O Pioneers and the Natural

Words: 1738
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

" Too, if language affects place, and place affects language, the one cannot escape Cather's great admiration for the complexities of nature. The future, Cather's Alexandra knows, is with…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Willa Cather O Pioneers Willa Cather's O

Words: 2919
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Willa Cather: O Pioneers! Willa Cather's O Pioneers! was her second published novel, although she, herself, preferred to consider it her first. She believed it was the first work in…

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3 Pages

Sports - Women

O'Brien Interview Miriam O'Brien Began Her Teaching

Words: 1061
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

O'Brien Interview Miriam O'Brien began her teaching career in 1959. After several years hiatus in the mid-1960s, during which time she gave birth to two children, Mrs. O'Brien returned to…

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30 Pages


Comparative Study Between Homer's Odyssey and the Coen Brothers O Brother Where Art Thou

Words: 11490
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Thesis

O rother, Where Art Thou? Homer in Hollywood: The Coen rothers' O rother, Where Art Thou? Could a Hollywood filmmaker adapt Homer's Odyssey for the screen in the same way that…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Ryanair Case Analysis Vella O'Leary and Kelly

Words: 1226
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Ryanair Case Analysis Vella, O'Leary, and Kelly (PPS Publications, 2008) Ryanair certainly has had an interesting history and represents an extraordinarily successful company. The company has pioneered the low cost leader…

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2 Pages

Art  (general)

Female Artists Neysa Mcmein and Rose O'Neill

Words: 570
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Female Artists: Neysa McMein and Rose O'Neill Neysa McMein: Neysa McMein was an influential American artist in the early 1900's who painted various pop-culture images, including magazine covers, brand…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Cather a Quote From a

Words: 2302
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This reveals the more liberated ideals of the west and of the pioneer culture. First, Alexandra envisions herself "being lifted and carried lightly by some one very strong.…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Woman Who Has the Qualities

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This meant that men held positions of power and authority in all the public spheres including economics/business, politics/the law, and the bearing of arms. Men also possessed social…

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2 Pages

Sports - Women

West Women During the Time

Words: 644
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Cather's snapshot of life in the west, and in Nebraska, was colored by her prejudices and experiences as someone who understood the experiences of white women. Most of the…

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7 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Health Care and That Too a Quality

Words: 1923
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Health care, and that too, a quality health care is one of the most basic needs of any human being. In current times, where the fast paced lives are…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Preservation of Captain Smith by Pocahontas 1825

Words: 1495
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Captain Smith by Pocahontas Antonio Capellano's sculpture The Preservation of Captain Smith by Pocahontas (1825) is still in the Capitol Rotunda along with other works of the same period such…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Charles Loring Brace Identification of

Words: 776
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

3). Also a shelter was established called the "Newsboys' Lodging House" -- a place where homeless and "vagrant" young boys could have room and board and an education.…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Total Quality Management The Pareto

Words: 735
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The shock of the current spate of recalls derives from the fact that Toyota's management team was once widely considered the pioneering force behind TQM: "The Japanese combined…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Hba and the Building Trade the Liabilities of a Professional Association

Words: 2949
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Non-Profit and for-Profit Ethical and Liability Issues This paper examines the ethical and liability issues that non-profit corporations and for-profit businesses face, and compares them. Non-Profit Corporations and For-Profit Business:…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Renowned Cryptographers and Cryptanalysts Cryptography

Words: 1187
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Agnes Meyer Driscoll Like Yardley, Agnes Meyer Driscoll was born in 1889, and her most significant contribution was also made during World War I. Driscoll worked as a cryptanalyst for…

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