Online Education Essays (Examples)

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Already, the instantaneous availability of thousands of references within a few mouse clicks has dramatically increased the problem of academic plagiarism on high school and college campuses. Off-site students, especially those whose course require no real-time audio/visual participation, have no worries about an instructor suspecting that plagiarized work is different in quality or style from the student's in-person class contribution. The combination of online resources and the anonymity and remoteness element of online education probably increases academic dishonesty substantially.

On the other hand, remote online learning in certain courses of study and at high levels of study, and for certain types of students (such as post-graduate students, or those with particularly strong academic achievements and aptitude) undoubtedly adds valuable flexibility to educational opportunities. They may also be well designed for use in connection with any course of academic (or vocational) study that is capable of objective (on-site) testing to verify that….

Online Education Outline
Online and traditional education may share numerous academic techniques, but online education better assists students by proposing format according to their skills, interests and requirements.

Online and traditional education can offer student-centered, teacher-facilitated learning opportunities.

Students can work independently or in groups on projects and assignments.

The teacher provides guidance and answers questions.

Online and traditional education offer many of the same degree options.

Students can choose a program that best fit their needs, taking into consideration geography, schedule, costs, and personal learning style.

The online option is an alternative for students who cannot pursue a degree in the traditional way because of work and/or family conflicts, or because a particular course of study is not located within reasonable proximity.

The stigma of an online degree is disappearing as more of the traditional colleges and universities add online learning as an option.

B. Assignments and projects can be the same whether the class is taught online….

Online Education -- Research Method Response
Initial Research Methodology

I relied exclusively on online sources to conduct the research for this project. he first source that I consulted was the database archived on the website maintained by the former print magazine, U.S. News & World Report that ceased its hardcopy print publication last year. I selected that as the starting point for my research because I was aware of the long-term annual series of "Best Colleges in the U.S." And "Best Graduate Schools in the U.S." published by the magazine. It occurred to me that, in the Internet age and with the continually-increasing popularity of online education programs, the magazine would probably have also evaluated the various online options to a traditional "brick-and-mortar" institution of higher learning.

Because the U.S. News & World Report article (Clark, 2009) mentioned the importance of technological systems to the quality and capabilities of online educational programs, I….

Teachers often make this task easier by using group work or asking students to discuss ideas in partners. Some who believe that online education is not as beneficial as land-based education often suggest that this type of discourse is unavailable in virtual classrooms. This, however, is not the case. Virtual classrooms often have discussion boards on which students can post questions and topics and respond to other students. Just like they do in land-based classrooms, teachers in virtual classrooms often give a question or a prompt, students answer, and then students are required to respond to their peers' responses. Some even argue that this processes, which is often held in discussion boards that work like message boards, is better than the discussions held in land-based schools. These people say that online education gives the students a degree of anonymity, allowing them to express what they really think or feel.….

Online Education

Students should consider online education, because there are many advantages to it. Littlefield (2014) notes several key advantages to online education, including flexibility, good networking opportunities, open scheduling, pacing, savings, teaching and testing options, and effectiveness. Several of these are advantages even though they are normally considered positive traits of a traditional school structure. This paper will investigate these claims to provide the reader with a compelling argument that online education is beneficial for many students and a powerful force in the education system.
First, a little bit of history. Online education developed with the emergence of the Internet, since that streamlined the ability of people to learn no matter where they were. Before the Internet, distance education was much more limited, for example, in remote locations, for prisoners and in other situations where physical attendance at an educational institution was difficult. As technology has improved, so too has the capability….

Online Education
Find three articles (in newspapers, journals, or online) that discuss the value, soundness, or impact of online education.

Over the last several years, online education is becoming increasingly popular. This is because there a number of benefits touted as a way to help address critical issues inside the education system. However, there are also many challenges that are having an impact upon these solutions. To fully understand what is happening, there will be an examination of three different sources. Together, these elements will highlight underlying strengths and weaknesses associated with online education.

In the first article, Overly (2010) is talking about the benefits and drawbacks that online education can provide. For many students these advantages include: more one on one attention, there are greater amounts of flexibility and they can receive a better quality education. This is important because these attributes are helping to create changes in the kinds of….

As Auburn University notes, online classes are especially appealing to adult learners, because of their flexibility and accessibility. They note, "No more giving up a career; no more driving hours each week to the nearest campus. All you need is contemporary communications equipment and the motivation to succeed in your courses" (Auburn University, 2002). Students who need to take occasional classes for certification or license renewal also have much more accessibility to relevant classes. If they are parents, this allows them the flexibility to work, attend school, and still take care of their family responsibilities. Another writer notes, "This means that parents can attend to their children, then sit down to class; working students can attend classes no matter what their work schedule might be, folks that travel for business or pleasure can attend class from anywhere in the world that has internet access" (Coleman, 2005). As noted, online….

Online Learning
Since the advent of the Internet, online learning has increased exponentially. Online learning is utilized by K-12 schools, by public universities and colleges, and there has been an explosion in for-profit online schools as well. Twenty years ago, the industry did not really exist -- distance education was usually some form of correspondence course . In 2014, Forbes estimated the industry to be worth around $107 billion in the United States alone, to say nothing of the rest of the world (McCue, 2014). This makes sense, because all the world's information is basically at our fingertips every time we go online -- structuring that information in a manner that is meaningful is fairly easy to adapt to the online environment.

The industry has come under some criticism, in particular for its model with respect to student loans and the high default rate thereof (Taibbi, 2013). Yet, such business practices….

Online Education Has on Students
The potential of an entirely virtual or online educational platform has many advantages over traditional in-class teaching, as the former can be aligned more accurately to students' needs. The effects of online education on students continue to show potential in math and science disciplines that require continual reinforcement of complex concepts through practice and problem solving (Calafiore, Damianov, 2011). Using online applications and platforms, complex concepts can be simplified and broken down for ease of learning. The intent of this analysis is to evaluate the effect that online education has on students.

Analysis Of The Effects That Online Education Has On Students

The most significant effect that online education has on students ins the ability to tailor complex concepts into relatively simpler frameworks for ease of analysis, reputation and learning by students. The cause-and-effect of using these frameworks and repetitive approaches to simplifying complex learning has shown….

The time honored debate about distance education versus conventional education has taken on new dimensions at SUNY Empire State College. There are students who feel strongly about each of these options. However, when attempting to compare which one is superior, there was a fair amount of insight recently uncovered by Reid Richards, a second-year science major partaking in the distance learning campus environment. Richards’s experience makes for a fascinating case study because he actually started off his freshman year taking classes in the physical campus environment. However, he decided to take the remainder of his classes online due to a number of key facets of what he underwent, as well as findings that online education is superior to conventional education (Means ix).
The sophomore revealed that he prefers the overall level of sophistication to taking online courses versus those in conventional classroom settings. As a young father who is also working part….

Even the traditional public school classroom now must compete with online public school classrooms that deliver their material to the student via the Internet.
The psychological and social aspects of online communication have been the study of many peer-reviewed articles over the past 15 years. The Internet is expected to have a greater social impact than television because if effects more areas of a person's life. The Internet affects their personal, family, school and work life (Surveying the Digital Future, 1999). It is not just for entertainment value. Some claim that the Internet has changed social relations (Civin, 2000), but others disagree and feel that the impact has not been as great as others claim (Katz and Aspden, 1997). There are many conflicting studies on the social and psychological effects of the Internet. The difficulty is in determining which ones are the most credible.

It was thought that the Internet would….

Why to Adopt Pedagogy Based on Digital Online Interactions with Students Introduction
With the arrival of the digital age has come a shift in the way information is pursued, transacted, shared, discussed, obtained, and processed. Students who have grown up in the digital age are digital natives and are more comfortable using digital technology than being without it. For design educators who are used to the studio-based pedagogy that has been in use for a century, shifting to embrace a digital-based pedagogy can seem like a transition that is too great of a leap for them to welcome. After all, the pedagogy of the studio-based design education has its own special uniqueness that cannot be replicated in a digitalized format. However, what design educators need to realize is that it is not about replication but rather it is about improving the pedagogy by way of innovation. The pedagogy of the past had….

Online Studio Education The rise of Web 2.0 Technologies paves the way to a collaborative and interactive learning environment making the exchange of content and collaboration over the web (Loannao, 2018). The internet, since then, started becoming the reservoir of knowledge, giving free access to information and educational resources (Loannao, 2018). Because of these developments, online courses and online education began and were incorporated in different educational fields as the means of expanding knowledge and enhancing the learning procedure (Loannao, 2018). Studio-based learning is the practical education where the learning is done through doing, relying on the jury system for evaluating and assessing the student’s projects (Siddiqi, 2002). The entire course is designed in the traditional pedagogy.
Online Studio Education is more than just a different teacher and student interaction format as it involves consistency within the educational resources as all the students receive the consistent course material and access to the….

Question 1 Based on the case study, select one country in the Arab world and critically analyze the market demographics, then select a lucrative market segment and for that segment argue a case for a product offering based on the internet usage that delivers some value to the customer.
In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), the population is 28,160,273 people with immigrants making up over 30% of the population (Index Mundi, 2017). Many expatriates from other countries come to work in the KSA, in fields like health care and IT, but the KSA is currently promoting a Saudization initiative which is designed to get more native Saudis educated, trained and into the workforce (Al-Dosary, 2005). 19% of consumers are aged 15-24 (nearly equally divided between males and females) and 46% are between the ages of 25-54. The median age is 27 and 83% of the population is urbanized.
The prime segment to….

The Benefits of Online Education Introduction
To a degree, all educational institutions have migrated some of their services online, taking advantage of new media and new technologies to improve service delivery, cut costs, and enhance the learning environment. From eBooks to cloud-based collaborative work projects, the online environment adds depth to the classroom and expands opportunities for students from different backgrounds including those with special needs. It is therefore no surprise that enrollment in online education programs has been steadily climbing, with the greatest growth in the private non-profit school sector (Allen & Seaman, 2016). Online learning might never fully supplant traditional in person classroom learning, but it can help educators and students reach their mutual goals. Educational institutions should in fact work harder to improve their online education offerings, to promote social justice goals in education, enhance student engagement, and expand opportunities for a broader client base.
Enhancing Student Engagement
Online learning has….

In our opinion, at this time the most pressing challenge faced by school leaders is safely continuing with student education while also managing the risk of disease posed to people by the current COVID-19 pandemic.  Many school districts immediately scrambled to get technology into place to support distance-learning, but quickly found that while the technology is important for delivery of classroom materials, the technology is only a tool in the hands of educators.  Educators need to be able to teach using the technology, and, if they are unable to do so, they put their students at a disadvantage.

Moving forward,....

There are many different topics to select when writing about online education.  You can approach the essay from the point-of-view of an educator or of a student, and you can also look at it by grade level for K-12 students, for classes for undergraduate and graduate students. You can focus on the challenges that people face as remote learners or the benefits of remote learning.  Many people who are looking at online education today also look at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on remote learning/ online education and how different school districts and educational institutions have....

1. Should social media platforms be held responsible for monitoring and removing hate speech?
2. Is the death penalty an effective deterrent for violent crime?
3. Should college athletes be paid for their performance?
4. Are stricter gun control laws necessary to reduce gun violence?
5. Should the government provide free healthcare for all citizens?
6. Is climate change a result of human activity?
7. Should the minimum wage be increased to a livable wage?
8. Is affirmative action still necessary in today's society?
9. Should standardized testing be the primary measure of student achievement?
10. Is privacy in the digital age a fundamental human right?
11. Should the use....

Original Thesis Statement:

Benefits of Technology in All Fields

Revised Thesis Statement:

Technology's Ubiquitous Impact: Transforming Industries and Empowering Human Endeavors

Technology's pervasive influence has revolutionized all fields, offering unparalleled benefits that enhance our lives, drive innovation, and improve societal well-being. Its transformative effects are evident in every aspect of modern society, from healthcare to education, business to entertainment, and beyond.

Empowerment through Automation and Efficiency:

Technology has automated countless tasks, freeing up human time and resources for more complex and meaningful endeavors. From automated manufacturing and data processing to virtual assistants and self-driving cars, technology has significantly reduced the burden of manual labor and increased....

2 Pages


Online Education Instead of On-Site

Words: 572
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Already, the instantaneous availability of thousands of references within a few mouse clicks has dramatically increased the problem of academic plagiarism on high school and college campuses. Off-site students,…

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2 Pages


Online Education Outline Online and Traditional Education

Words: 477
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Online Education Outline Online and traditional education may share numerous academic techniques, but online education better assists students by proposing format according to their skills, interests and requirements. Online and traditional…

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2 Pages


Online Education -- Research Method Response Initial

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Online Education -- Research Method Response Initial Research Methodology I relied exclusively on online sources to conduct the research for this project. he first source that I consulted was the database…

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4 Pages


Online Education vs Land-Based Education

Words: 1190
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Teachers often make this task easier by using group work or asking students to discuss ideas in partners. Some who believe that online education is not as beneficial…

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3 Pages


Online Education

Words: 992
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Students should consider online education, because there are many advantages to it. Littlefield (2014) notes several key advantages to online education, including flexibility, good networking opportunities, open scheduling, pacing,…

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2 Pages


Online Education Find Three Articles in Newspapers

Words: 809
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Online Education Find three articles (in newspapers, journals, or online) that discuss the value, soundness, or impact of online education. Over the last several years, online education is becoming increasingly…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Online Education Many Benefits of

Words: 2696
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As Auburn University notes, online classes are especially appealing to adult learners, because of their flexibility and accessibility. They note, "No more giving up a career; no more…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Online Education Pros and Cons

Words: 1097
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Online Learning Since the advent of the Internet, online learning has increased exponentially. Online learning is utilized by K-12 schools, by public universities and colleges, and there has been…

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2 Pages


Effects That Online Education Has on Students

Words: 577
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Online Education Has on Students The potential of an entirely virtual or online educational platform has many advantages over traditional in-class teaching, as the former can be aligned more…

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1 Pages

Education - Classroom Mgmt.

Distance Education Versus Online Education

Words: 342
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

The time honored debate about distance education versus conventional education has taken on new dimensions at SUNY Empire State College. There are students who feel strongly about each of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Internet and Online Education Moon

Words: 980
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Even the traditional public school classroom now must compete with online public school classrooms that deliver their material to the student via the Internet. The psychological and social aspects…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Swapping the Studio Based Pedagogy for Online Learning

Words: 1926
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Why to Adopt Pedagogy Based on Digital Online Interactions with Students Introduction With the arrival of the digital age has come a shift in the way information is pursued, transacted, shared,…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Information Technology

Web 2 0 and Online Studio Education

Words: 1931
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Online Studio Education The rise of Web 2.0 Technologies paves the way to a collaborative and interactive learning environment making the exchange of content and collaboration over the web (Loannao,…

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7 Pages
Case Study


How the Internet Can be Used in KSA

Words: 2267
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Case Study

Question 1 Based on the case study, select one country in the Arab world and critically analyze the market demographics, then select a lucrative market segment and for that segment…

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2 Pages


Online Education Argumentative

Words: 718
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The Benefits of Online Education Introduction To a degree, all educational institutions have migrated some of their services online, taking advantage of new media and new technologies to improve service delivery,…

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