Pastoral Care Essays (Examples)

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Pastoral Care and Counseling an
Pages: 8 Words: 2802

He has a name; he is the Capitalism of private property and the Capitalism of the state" (Sigmund 85). The social, economic, and political undertones of Liberation Theology are not hard to see. While representing themselves as activists, their goal places primacy on the economic rather than the spiritual.
Nonetheless, Liberation Theologians have established "ecclesial base communities," which have been growing since the 1970s: "These are 'small, grassroots, lay groups of the poor or the ordinary people, meeting to pray, conduct Bible studies, and wrestle concretely with social and political obligations in their settings'"(hodes). Gustavo Gutierrez's theology is, essentially, a reaction against capitalistic relationships, in which supply and demand govern interactions:

Gutierrez and other liberation theologians say the church's mission is no longer one of a 'quantitative' notion of saving numbers of souls. ather, the church's mission 'is at all times to protest against injustice, to challenge what is inhuman, to…...


Reference List

Iverson, Christine. "Worship in the Midst of Disaster." Caring Connections: Journal

for Practitioners and Teachers of Pastoral Care and Counseling, vol. 3, no. 1, 2006, p. 12-14.

Just, Arthur. "Liturgy and Ritual." Caring Connections: Journal for Practitioners and Teachers of Pastoral Care and Counseling, vol. 3, no. 1, 2006, p. 5-8.

Lane, Tim; Powlison, David. "CCEF History, Theological Foundations and Counseling

Pastoral Care Emergencies in the
Pages: 4 Words: 1901

Certainly, the best counseling is proactive and for one to really keep up with a situation is to stay ahead and to be able to anticipate how events will develop as the pastor gains more experience. As the book title implies however, even the best training can not always prepare the pastor for every possible emergency situation. For instance, terrorism and disaster types of situations have evolved since the book came out in the year 2000.
The question of when and how to refer a patient is discussed in the final chapter. This issue in and of itself requires a great deal of sensitivity, The key for the pastoral counselor here is to take into and respect the client's feelings and to be helping and not patronizing (ibid, 175).

The above deficiency of the book is something that could not be helped. The book was written before 9-11, so it does…...


Works Cited

Switzer, David K. Pastoral Care Emergencies. Kitchener, ON: Augsburg Fortress

Publishers, 2000. Print.

Pastoral Care and Counseling by
Pages: 4 Words: 1311

The author makes it quite clear what he thinks the church should accomplish in the lives of its members and in the community. He writes, "Churches should be supportive, extended family for everyone who wishes this, including those who live alone and those who are married or live in other committed relationships" (Clinebell 277). It is refreshing that he includes everyone, regardless of their marital arrangements, which shows he is an open, honest individual that does not judge others. I believe this is another key element to being a good spiritual counselor, and that attitude would well serve my (and anyone's) congregation. It is not the role of a pastor to judge his members, but to give them guidance and help them grow as people and grow spiritually. Later, he gives specifics on how to counsel alternative lifestyle couples, noting that they have many of the problems and concerns as…...



Clinebell, Dr. Howard. Basic Types of Pastoral Care & Counseling. Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press, 1984.

Pastoral Care Spiritual Guidance
Pages: 1 Words: 312

Spiritual GuidanceSpiritual guidance is joint among people, and it is practiced uniquely. It helps people understand life better and understand how to deal with their situation. Spiritual guidance plays different roles. The first is to introduce what spiritual direction should be taken for those unfamiliar with the ministry. The other purpose is to provide a background of the practice of spiritual direction developed (Bidwell, 2004). Defining the spiritual approach is crucial since it guides people on how they should deal with the issues. Spiritual guidance is part of pastoral care. When people are spiritually guided, they can be empathetic and compassionate towards those who approach them in need.In addition, spiritual guidance helps the counselors to be a step ahead and develop the ministry's sacramental aspects. They form excellent relationships with the people seeking their help, and they also use a Godly model to help those in need (Bidwell, 2004). Spiritual…...



Bidwell, D. (2004). Short-Term Spiritual Guidance. Fortress Press.

Spiritual and Pastoral Care
Pages: 1 Words: 340

Pastoral and Spiritual CarePastoral and spiritual care is vital in pastoral care. It uses a narrative approach to finding the practices and meanings formed within the crucible of joy, suffering, and stress. Relational trust is considered vital for pastoral and spiritual care. It mainly involves opening a space to co-create meanings making spiritual and emotional sense within the narrative context of the communal and personal life. The pastoral caregivers are oriented to the narrative, and they follow the meanings emerging as the story unfolds. The reflection used in this care is inductive and collaborative. The people are part of the recovery process (Doehring, 2015). The narrative approach is mainly about assessment. The theological meanings emerging from the conversations in the biblical theologies and spiritual care involve seeking boundaries in both the known and unknown. People's struggles are the center of care seekers since the suffering calls to question the sacred…...



Doehring, C. (2015). The Practice of Pastoral Care: A Postmodern Approach (Revised and Expanded Edition). Westminster John Knox Press.

How Prayer and Pastoral Care Help in Medicine
Pages: 3 Words: 1028

Discussion: Medicine1Prayer, prescriptions, and pastoral care can all be useful tools in providing quality care. However, as Safer (2019) points out, overprescribing is a problem in health care. The pharmaceutical industry benefits from increased prescriptions, but there is little indication that long-term prescriptions of certain drugs have any increased benefit for patients (Safer, 2019). On the other hand, there are many benefits to prayer and pastoral care in medicine: as alternative treatments that are part of holistic medicine, prayer and pastoral care can be used to good effect on the mind and the body (Green, 2018). Oral Roberts University of Medicine, for example, believes in a philosophy of prayer and medicine (Crouch, Jr., 2019). Pastoral care recognizes that patients have spiritual needs just as much as they have physical needs. Prayer and pastoral care, therefore, should be part of any quality care approach, but especially holistic approaches in medicine.Prescriptions become…...



Crouch Jr, J. R. (2019). Healing through Prayer and Medicine: How Oral Roberts’

Healing Vision Was—and Continues to Be—Fulfilled. Spiritus: ORU Journal of Theology, 4(2), 4.

Green, C. A. (2018). Complimentary care: when our patients request to pray. Journal of

Addressing Racial Injustices in Pastoral Work
Pages: 1 Words: 289

Week VIIIDealing with racial injustices is not always easy given that to some extent, it could involve changing laws and cultural patterns. For this reason, pastoral caregivers must be provided with skills and knowledge in anti-discriminative pastoral care so as to effectively execute their roles and also deal with disparities associated with racism. On this front, various insights could come in handy. For instance, anti-racist pastoral care can involve practices that include love for one-self and for one another. This is more so the case given that while love empowers racial justice, hatred decays the same. For this reason, pastoral care should include teachings that include partnerships and long term relationships with others so as to ensure that racial justice prevails. For instance, pastoral caregivers can be sensitized on the importance of extending love to all regardless of superficial differences. The mere presence of pastoral caregivers who, for instance, are…...

Pastoral Care and Theological Themes
Pages: 1 Words: 361

Theological Themes Theological themes 2Theological ThemesPastoral care is based on several practices. They include being empathetic, listening, and responding. Most people seek pastoral care when faced with complex situations such as coping, trauma, grief, and loss. Active listening is vital, and it includes skills of boundary-setting and self-awareness. Doehring (2015) provides practical and theoretical models for assessment and how leaders should be empathetic. Spiritual care is a liberating spiritual integration, which aligns the values, beliefs, and practices in ways that liberate people, their families, and societies. Spiritual leaders should be empathetic to the people going through challenging situations, and they should listen to the people and respond to them. Spiritual leaders give hope to the people when they seek their help (Doehring, 2015). The main concepts include using practical and valuable tools and concepts using distinctive humanity, wisdom, and voice. The pastoral counselors from every helping profession must use the…...


ReferenceDoehring, C. (2015). The Practice of Pastoral Care: A Postmodern Approach (Revised and Expanded Edition). Westminster John Knox Press.

Community Pastoral Care Approaches
Pages: 1 Words: 267

WEEK IXWeek IXPastoral care tends to be different in different cultural settings or communities. Different cultures have unique and diverse perspectives about life. Thus, pastoral care includes a multicultural approach when engaging or counselling the said communities. This ensures that undertakings on this front respect unique aspects of all people as well as their culture. Therefore, it is important to note that pastoral care in one community could differ from that undertaken in another community. For instance, in pastoral care with African-American women, womanist strategies and perspectives could be more effective. Most African-American women are discriminated against on the basis of their religion and spirituality. For this reason, pastoral care with the said community would ideally incorporate certain aspects on religion and spirituality. This could come in handy in efforts to ensure that the psychological wellness of African-American women is secured.With regard to pastoral care in Latino community, marginality approach…...

Pastoral Work and Oppression
Pages: 1 Words: 270

WEEK 10Week 10Pastoral care incorporates care for all people involved in any form of oppression. Sensitive pastoral caregiving could come in handy in efforts to contain violence and thereafter promote peace. It would be prudent to note that contained violence shields and obscures oppression. Pastoral caregivers should intervene in diverse formats to aid and equip persons who are at risk of being discriminated against. Lamentation in pastoral care is used to express pain or any form of oppression, whereby lament is practiced as a way of confronting a specific form of injustice. Through laments, pastoral caregivers cry out to God to provide justice to the oppressed. Further, on this front, the oppressed are equipped to move on following traumatic experiences.People with disabilities are at increased risk of injustices in form of social oppression. To rein in the said form of oppression, pastoral care could rope in teachings on ableism which…...

Pastoral Theology Two of the
Pages: 2 Words: 541

Paul, believed that all things material were acceptable as long as they were given proper thanks for. This really puts the idea of dualism in the marriage status and of the superiority of any of the two approaches on a very clear perspective: marriage, including for the clergy, has been regarded as something sacred in the Scriptures and, as a consequence, there is nothing more superior about leading a monastic life, just a matter of spiritual option.
Chapter 6 goes back to a concept that has been previously mentioned in chapter 1, the principle of economia. The principle of economia, as shown, referred to the capacity of the prelate to change or bypass existing religious regulation. In the paragraphs I am referring to, Joseph Allen discusses how this can be applied to the marriage of the clergy, in several distinct situations, such as marriage after consecration or marriage of a…...


While the Gnostics believed that the dualism of the world was very clearly defined and that all things material (including, thus, marriage) were evil, relevant figures of the Church, such as St. Paul, believed that all things material were acceptable as long as they were given proper thanks for. This really puts the idea of dualism in the marriage status and of the superiority of any of the two approaches on a very clear perspective: marriage, including for the clergy, has been regarded as something sacred in the Scriptures and, as a consequence, there is nothing more superior about leading a monastic life, just a matter of spiritual option.

Chapter 6 goes back to a concept that has been previously mentioned in chapter 1, the principle of economia. The principle of economia, as shown, referred to the capacity of the prelate to change or bypass existing religious regulation. In the paragraphs I am referring to, Joseph Allen discusses how this can be applied to the marriage of the clergy, in several distinct situations, such as marriage after consecration or marriage of a widowed priest. The paragraphs again emphasize the usefulness of the concept of economia as a way of adapting regulation to human context.

The appendix discusses again, as an essay, the idea of whether Church should change its ways or not. A very important aspect is mentioned in one of the paragraphs here: the Church should take all measures necessary to ensure its own good. This means that it should not take into considerations things that were good for it 2000 years ago (namely, ancient rules and regulations), but elements that are good for it in the present time, in the current human context.

Pastoral Counseling Guidance for Those Who Wish
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Pastoral Counseling
Guidance for Those Who Wish to Guide

For individuals who wish to use online educational pastoral opportunities to gain skills and expertise so that they can go on to serve the counseling needs of undergraduate students face a number of challenges. This does not mean that this is not a valid and appropriate method of learning, merely that those engaged in any form of distance learning that leads to accreditation within the field of counseling must be attentive to a number of specific challenges. This paper examines some of those challenges.

One of the key challenges faced by this type of student is to learn to differentiate pastoral counseling and psychological counseling within a Christian context from mainstream psychotherapy. This is a complex series of negotiations for anyone to make, and it is especially challenging to accomplish in the relative isolation of online learning. Online learning is an excellent medium for…...



AAPC Code of Ethics. (2011). Retrieved from .

Paul, P. (May 2005). "With God as My Shrink." Psychology Today. .

Wicks, R. (1985). Clinical Handbook of Pastoral Counseling. New York: Paulist Press.

Congregational Care through the eyes of the Bible
Pages: 13 Words: 3780

Congregational CareIntroductionThe biblical idea of the shepherd is integrally related to congregational care in the Christian tradition: The Lord is my shepherd, states the psalmist (Psalm 23:1); I am the good shepherd, Jesus teaches his disciples (John 10:11). Christian leaders assumed the position and identity of shepherds in the early church, tending to the member of their congregations like a shepherd does for his sheep. Similarly, the phrase care clarifies the central idea of congregational ministry: attentive concern for others. Affection, solicitude, companionship, and protection are all aspects of caring for someone. Congregational care still connotes these early concerns in todays society, albeit in different forms. To put it simply, Congregational care is a religious concern for another. It is one of the most prominent works on religious leadership from an institutional standpoint (McClure, 2012). As a result of its importance in religious leadership, this paper discusses the need for…...


BibliographyA??lkaya-?ahin, Z. (2018). Bridging pastoral psychology and positive psychology. Ilahiyat Studies: A Journal on Islamic and Religious Studies, 183-210.Allchin, T. (2021). 5 Benefits of Training Your Leaders in Care and Counselling. Biblical Counselling Center. Retrieved from   P. (1982). What is pastoral. Critical Inquiry, 8(3),437 – 460American Association of Christian Counselors, (2022). Home. Retrieved from Aryeh, D. N. A. (2019). “Pastoral Training and Ministry: A Continuous Pastoral Formation.” In D. A. Leeming (ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion. Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany.Brunsdon, A. R. (2014). A three musketeering approach to pastoral care: Reflections on collaboration between pastoral care, narrative therapy, and positive psychology. Verbum et Ecclesia, 35(1), 1-9.Chaney, C., Shirisia, L., & Skogrand, L. (2016). “Whatever God Has Yoked Together, Let No Man Put Apart:” The Effect of Religion on Black Marriages. Western Journal of Black Studies, 40(1).Crabb, L. (1978). Effective biblical counseling: A model for helping caring Christians become capable counselors. Zondervan.Draper, T. (1990). Meeting of seminary rectors. The Furrow, 41(7/8), 448 – 452Duffy, E. (1992). I will give you Shepherds: The formation of priests. The Furrow, 597-606.Hiltner, S. (1950a). Mr. Hiltner Accepts. Congregational Psychology 1(4): 5-8.Hiltner, S. (1950b). The Meaning of Congregational Psychology. Congregational Psychology 1(4): 7-8.Johnson, J. N. (2019). Equipping Lay Leaders with Biblical Counseling Skills at Redeemer Church. (Doctorate Thesis; Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary).Mayhue, M. L. (1995). “Discovering pastoral ministry.” In J. MacArthur Jr., M. L. Mayhue, & R. L. Thomas(Eds.), Rediscovering pastoral ministry: Shaping con-temporary ministry with biblical mandates (p. 3 – 18). London: Word Publishing Inc.McClure, B. (2012). “Chapter 25: Congregational care.” In B. J. Miller-McLemore, (Ed.). The Wiley-Blackwell companion to practical theology, John Wiley & Sons. 269-278.Plunkett, D. P. (2014). The Black church, values, and secular counseling: Implications for counselor education and practice. Counseling and Values, 59(2), 208-221.Robertson, D. L., & Avent, J. R. (2016). African American Counselors?in?Training, the black church, and lesbian?, gay?, and Bisexual?Affirmative counseling: Considerations for counselor education programs. Counseling and Values, 61(2), 223-238.Seligman, M. E. (2002). Authentic happiness: Using the new positive psychology to realize your potential for lasting fulfillment. Simon and Schuster.Stollberg, D. (1978). Wahrnehmen und Annehmen: Seelsorge in Theorie und Praxis. Gütersloh: Mohn.Thornton, S.G. (2002). Broken yet Beloved: A Congregational Theology of the Cross. St. Louis: Chalice Press.White, E. G. (1995). Pastoral ministry. Ministerial Association General Conference of Seventh-Day-Adventists. Silver Spring: General Conference Ministerial Association.Wimberly, E. P. (1979). Pastoral care in the black church. Abingdon. Alpers,

West African Churches in the US Congregational Care
Pages: 14 Words: 4100

Congregational Care in West African Churches in the U.S.IntroductionCongregational Care can be referred to Church\\\'s initiatives in addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the sick, older adults, the physically challenged, and people experiencing stress or loss in their lives, among other challenges (Young et al. 2003). They may include activities like visiting communion, hospital calls, funeral ministry, and prayer ministry, to mention a few. At the same time, most African American churches believe in psychological healing problems that mainly occur during liturgical rituals (Obazee, 2018). A process where the church members identify psychological challenges that are replaced by positive feelings.As a result, in several cases, the African American clergy have to undertake pastoral counseling to help people with psychological challenges that may require counseling (Wango, 2010). As a church leader, the clergies should care for the Church as Jesus did. This is supported by John 21:17, where Jesus…...


ReferencesBidwell, D. R. (2004). Short term spiritual guidance. Fortress Press.Brock, R. N. (2020). Moral conscience, moral injury, and rituals for recovery. In Moral Injury and Beyond (pp. 37-52). Routledge.Kujawa-Holbrook, S. A., & Montagno, K. B. (2009). Injustice and the care of souls: Taking oppression seriously in pastoral care (pp. 13-27). Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press.Lebacqz, K., & Driskill, J. (2010). Ethics and spiritual care: A guide for pastors and spiritual directors. Abingdon Press.Obazee, A. (2018). Congregational Health Promotion by African American Female Pastors in the Christian Faith.Wango, G. M. (2010). Pastoral Counselling and Care: The Role of the Clergy in Helping Services. Limuru: St. Paul’s University.Young, J. L., Griffith, E. E., & Williams, D. R. (2003). The integral role of pastoral counseling by African-American clergy in community mental health. Psychiatric Services, 54(5), 688-692.

Spiritual Care
Pages: 2 Words: 695

Nursing and Spirituality
How did the transport nurse manage the patient's physical needs?

When the patient was moved to a stretcher he was placed on a travel ventilator and the transport and bedside nurse had to suction his secretions. But he did not appear to tolerate the other ventilator well so the transport nurse instead used the manual resuscitation bag for transport. Since the manual ventilation continued to go well it was used in place of the travel ventilator for the duration of the transport.

How did the transport nurse manage the spiritual needs?

The patient was placed close to his wife's casket so that he could easily see her. The nurse allowed the family time and space for themselves but stepped forward to offer guidance when needed, such as the offering of a prayer. Later a life review was begun that gave the entire family an opportunity to begin the grieving process. The…...

Need help with my assignment, which is to write a reaction paper on the following movies: Never Hear and A Twist of Faith addressing pastoral care and counseling implications and appropriate intervention?
Words: 409

We are starting with the assumption that the two movies in your assignment are A Twist of Faith and Never Heard.  We cannot locate a movie called Never Hear, but Never Heard is a popular movie for pastoral or theological classes because it explores the role that faith plays in redemption set against the backdrop of some pretty significant criminal activity.  We are proceeding as if that is the movie being discussed.

Both of the movies focus on crimes, specifically on the crime of murder.  In one movie, the main character is accused of murder, though he claims....

How can pastoral counseling incorporate faith and spirituality to provide guidance and support to individuals facing challenges?
Words: 480

Pastoral counseling can incorporate faith and spirituality to provide guidance and support to individuals facing challenges by integrating religious beliefs, practices, and values into the therapeutic process. Here are some ways in which this can be achieved:

1. Incorporating prayer and meditation: Pastoral counselors can encourage clients to engage in prayer and meditation as a way to connect with their spiritual beliefs and find comfort and guidance.

2. Using scripture and religious teachings: Pastoral counselors can draw on scripture and religious teachings to provide guidance, comfort, and wisdom to clients facing challenges. They can help clients apply these teachings to their own....

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