Performance Essays (Examples)

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Performance Management
The benefits of performance appraisals for both employers and employees

Performance management has become endemic to virtually all large organizations world-wide. "An estimated 80-90 per cent of organisations in the U.S.A. And UK use appraisals, and there has been an increase from 69 per cent to 87 per cent of organisations between 1998 and 2004 using formal performance management systems" (Prowse & Prowse 2009). The benefits for performance appraisal are fairly obvious for organizations: they enable managers to give feedback to employees so employees can align their behaviors better with desired organizational objectives. They also provide a 'paper trail' in case an employee is upset about his or her treatment regarding wages and benefits. However, performance appraisals can also be beneficial from the employee's point-of-view. They can help the employee identify and remedy both positive and negative behaviors and enable him or her to enhance aspects of his or her….

The most critical aspect of these systems is the ability to create a highly collaborative, communicative, trusting environment for workers (Bert, 2009). It is not the software that matters the most; it is the ability of a leader to bring lasting change into an organization and lead it to a transformational state over the long-term (Krishnan, 2004). That is the role of an excellent leader implementing these social network tools and propagating them throughout the company.
The statement that social network style tools may prove to be more effective in bringing out the performance of a boss is also predicated on how well they are aligned to the specific needs of the company, and more specifically, the employees. The focus needs to be on using these tools to increase the transparency and information velocity throughout a business if it is to be effective over the long-term. No amount of orders….

Performance Analysis and Intervention at ork
An entire field of study has grown up around the issue of job performance. It is called various names, workplace engineering, quality control, human performance technology, performance technology, and performance engineering, among others. Obviously, performance only becomes an issue when there is a gap between the desired objective and the current output. There are numerous models used to analyze job performance and productive intervention methodology. One thing they all have in common is that all attempts to correct insufficient job performance must start with a complete analysis of the current job performance compared to the desired job performance. Further, in order to formulate en effective correction technique, one must thoroughly understand the problem. Only by completing a thorough analysis can one implement an effective fix.

The means of analysis vary widely. There is a multitude of literature regarding performance analysis. The first step in identifying performance….

Performance eview
I totally agree with the statement that managers who have regular conversions with their employees will definitely know where their employees stand hence performance evaluation maybe unnecessary. Through such regular conversions, their subordinates would appreciate their essential functions in that particular organization. They will list their major responsibilities beginning with the most important one going down to the least important. Through the conversation the manager will gauge whether an employee understands the job duties and responsibilities; whether they posses sufficient skills and knowledge required to perform given responsibilities effectively; whether they understand and promote that particular organization's mission and values; and whether they are making some deliberate effort to stay abreast with new developments. With regard to organizational skills, the interaction between an organization's management and their employees will make the management be in a position to gauge the employees' ability to prioritize workload and manage information flow. The….

shares (which can only be purchased by foreign investors in foreign currencies (Cao 2000). In addition, Chinese law classifies shares by reference to the status of the shareholders: state shares, legal person shares, and individual shares. State shares are purchased with state assets by governmental departments and usually constitute fifty percent or more of all issued shares, which means that the state is a majority shareholder in most instances. Legal person shares are owned by entities such as companies and institutions -- usually other state enterprises (Cao 2000).
By contrast, individual shares are held by employees or individual investors from the general public. Only individual shares of listed companies can be traded on the stock exchanges. State shares and legal person shares, on the other hand, are nontransferable, thus ensuring that the state and its agencies retain their respective dominance. For example, in 1996, when the Shanghai-listed Beijing Light Bus….

March 2008).
In the presentational approach information is not intended to play a role in the decision making and does not do so (OECD. March 2008). The performance-informed approach utilizes information however, the information does not determine the amount of resources allocated and does not have a predefined weight in the decisions (OECD. March 2008). Lastly, direct performance involves allocating resources based on results achieved (OECD. March 2008). Clearly the direct performance approach provides the greatest utility for determining future funding levels yet, according to the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO), performance budgeting is used to identify potential impacts of a proposed policy change, make policy decisions that reduce cost while maintaining effectiveness, and make changes to improve program effectiveness. However, when determining funding levels and defining desired levels of service relative to funding, legislators currently rely on workload and output measures. (OECD. March 2008)

A fundamental attribute of performance….

Performance Improvement Analysis
Coaching is a skill, which people who manage or teach others realize the best and possible potential. There is a growing need for people to better their skills. This need is subject to grow in the future business world. Coaching can be defined as a tool, which managers can use in various different situations such as delegating, planning, and problem solving. Coaching provides the manager with a different perspective of persons. This is a more optimistic way than people are accustomed to doing. Not all managers can be great coaches from the start of their career. Just like any other new skill, it will take time and practice before it flows in a natural manner. Coaching appears to be simple for a few managers while for some it is not. However, the manager finds his own strategy to succeed as a coach to his followers with due practice.….

Although this is time-consuming and costly, it generally has high employee involvement and creditability, the strongest impact on behavior and performance and a positive influence on communication and goal sharing. Yet others believe that technology can be used as a tool to eliminate biases (Dutton, 2001). Software-based performance appraisals focus on results and actions rather than personality traits. Thus, they can provide more objective facts that can be used to create plans for individual development and for achieving the organization's major goals.
A worker's morale is determined by his relative pay status. A contract that rewards only individual performance can thereby adversely affect their productivity. On the other hand, competition for relative pay status tends to boost the productivity of highly skilled workers in the firm. The net effect on productivity depends on the composition of the firm's workforce. If the workforce is sufficiently heterogeneous then the inclusion of a….

In addition, the system-based reasons of functioning are the duties of management to rectify. No quantity of concern or talent in workmanship can conquer fundamental errors in the system. TQM proponents have been swift to censure performance assessment methods which are based on the supposition that the individual employee is chiefly in control of his or her own performance level. (Designing Performance Management Systems for Total Quality Implementation)
Hence Deming would assert that a mean performance level merely reveals a system's complete ability. Differences on that performance level within plus or minus three standard variations are system-based and haphazard in nature. It follows that a second primary theme of total quality to attain a stable process is that first recognizing and removing the special reasons of variation can only enhance a process. Then centering the concentration on the general, system-based factors that affect performance can enhance the whole system. One….

H professionals are increasingly been invited to attend strategic planning, recognizing the depth of knowledge which we have. At the time while this role is being played, an impact on the outcome on business is being made. Outcomes from the study by Paul . Bernthal, and ichard S. Wellins reveal that hard and oft outcomes are considerably higher when H strategy is remarkably higher when H is strategic, proactive, has a technological bent and is influential. During the recent years, researches connecting human capital to the bottom-line have become very normal. It is the employees who run the corporation and it would be sheer foolishness to think that investments in people do not generate a return. The ploy is to ensure that whatever procedures are employed to leverage employee talent is executed efficiently and to understand the genuine advantage of strong human capital. (H on the Edge- Future Trends….

(Jabal Omar Development Corporation 2010)

Since 2008, the real estate market in Kuwait has been continually declining. The reason why is because the economy was largely depending upon oil revenues. However, in 2010 the sector began witnessing an increase in prices. This is because of the Kuwaiti government was aggressively promoting the tourism industry. As developers are expecting a strong increase in foreign direct investment, due to the governments push to expand the sector. As a result, holiday and residential areas in Kuwait are continuing to boom. (Finkelstein)

In the housing industry, there are large numbers of shortages that are affecting prices. What has been happening is the residential sector has been facing restrictions over the last several years, surrounding building permits. As the government was slow to endorse them, which created a rush on new areas that were approved for development. At the same time, the government has placed various….

A survey will be developed as a part of implementation of the BSC system in this hospital to track customer satisfaction with the services that they receive here.
A positive image of the organization translates into repeat business and a more positive reputation in the neighborhood, Patient satisfaction translates into increased future revenues. It also has some positive impact on risk assessment as well. The more satisfied the customer is, the less likely they will file an adverse lawsuit against the hospital. Patient satisfaction has a direct impact on the profitability of the organization. The number of complains that the facility receives can also be an important measure of the overall customer satisfaction. However, this number alone may not tell the entire story. A customer survey is the best method for addressing overall satisfaction with the facility.

Patient involvement was another important indicator of BSC technologies. Patient involvement means providing numerous….

By the nature of their work, they have access to a lot of valuable information that can be used to provide measures in performance assessment systems. Additionally, management accountants are already oriented towards many actions that focus on improving efficient, productivity and profitability. Management accountants therefore have the expertise needed to understand what measures are best aligned with the company's objectives. If they are involved in the development of assessment systems, the systems will be stronger.
For the most part, the measures in performance assessment systems are reliable and accurate. The emphasis that these systems has on quantitative analysis means that most measure are not subject to much subjectivity. The systems are, however, only as good as the quality of the measurement processes. If there are faults in the measurement process then there will also be faults in the data, and ultimately in the interpretation of that data. It is….

Performance Gap Policing
A performance gap exists when the police department's performance does not meet organizational expectations or citizens expectations. Management is a critical success factor for managing a performance gap when it exists. Many police administrators are contemplating community policing projects due to performance gaps. In order to solve the problem of a performance gap, police agencies must look internally and externally for solutions. They must develop an action plan that includes organizational goals and community goals in order to narrow the gap and foster a collaborative and successful work environment.

Many view community policing as an answer, as a means of "developing communication with the public and interest groups" and encouraging active participation from community members and police agents to further the best interests of the community as a whole (Fielding, 1995). Community policing strategies are being widely adopted in many police agencies as a means of improving the relationship….

Together these metrics will help the firm understand where the project stands and how has it really impacted the performance of both the firm as a whole and the employees as part of its system. The firm is a major manufacturer of cosmetic products. It can measure its brand equity by comparing it with other brands in the same category. Higher sales on their own are important but when compared to rival's growth, they make more sense and can be explained more easily to senior management.
The impact of this performance improvement project

The impact can be assessed from the benefits that would accrue to the firm. Greater impact will be felt in employee efficiency and productivity. More coordinated research will bring about better results in all areas including marketing and sales.

Strategies and approaches could be used to "sell" the project to Management

The management may not understand the whole metrics thing.….

Exploring the relationship between performance management plans and terminating employees.  How can performance management help employers demonstrate that a termination was not wrongful?  How can performance management help wrongfully terminated employees demonstrate that their employment was wrongful?

The importance of goal setting in performance management How can a manager and an employee work together to set attainable and quantifiable goals for the employee between review periods?  Emphasize how attainable goals are important, because setting goals that an employee cannot realistically achieve can demotivate otherwise high-performing employees. 

Measuring employee performance under employee management plans?  How can human resource professionals help managers develop quantifiable....

Here are some suggested titles for an essay on stress.

  1. The Impact of Stress on Performance
  2. Anxiety and Ailments: The Long-Term Impact of Unresolved Stress
  3. Stress Fractures: How Anxiety Breaks Relationships
  4. The Physical Manifestations of Stress
  5. Stress and Performance: The Good and the Bad
  6. Stress and Success: Why We All Need to Adjust Expectations in a Pandemic
  7. Generational Stress: What Is It and How Does It Impact People?
  8. Exercise, Eating Right, and Getting Enough Sleep: Can Healthy Habits Really Help You Manage Stress?
  9. When Does Stress Become Too Stressful? 
  10. The Side Effects of Stress: Can It Make Your Mind Play Tricks on You?  

One of the struggles facing anyone in a management situation is figuring out how to keep the workforce motivated.  In fact, working on developing management techniques requires concentrating on how to motivate people, whether it is directly focused on techniques that can increase motivation or simply focused on changing worker’s perceptions of leadership, which can either be motivating or demotivating, depending on the perception.  There are various different theories of motivation that are often used to describe what motivates workers, how to increase motivation, and how to avoid things that decrease employee motivation. 

Your analysis needs....

5 Pages


Performance Management the Benefits of Performance Appraisals

Words: 1556
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Performance Management The benefits of performance appraisals for both employers and employees Performance management has become endemic to virtually all large organizations world-wide. "An estimated 80-90 per cent of organisations in…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Performance Reviews on Facebook Agree

Words: 1431
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The most critical aspect of these systems is the ability to create a highly collaborative, communicative, trusting environment for workers (Bert, 2009). It is not the software that…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Performance Analysis and Intervention at Work

Words: 2338
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Performance Analysis and Intervention at ork An entire field of study has grown up around the issue of job performance. It is called various names, workplace engineering, quality control, human…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Performance Review I Totally Agree With the

Words: 1226
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Performance eview I totally agree with the statement that managers who have regular conversions with their employees will definitely know where their employees stand hence performance evaluation maybe unnecessary. Through…

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13 Pages
Research Proposal


Performance of Chinese Listed Companies

Words: 3661
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

shares (which can only be purchased by foreign investors in foreign currencies (Cao 2000). In addition, Chinese law classifies shares by reference to the status of the shareholders:…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Performance Budgeting in the Aftermath

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

March 2008). In the presentational approach information is not intended to play a role in the decision making and does not do so (OECD. March 2008). The performance-informed approach…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

Performance Improvement Analysis Coaching Is a Skill

Words: 1423
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Performance Improvement Analysis Coaching is a skill, which people who manage or teach others realize the best and possible potential. There is a growing need for people to better their…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Performance Management Performance Appraisal Is

Words: 1396
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Although this is time-consuming and costly, it generally has high employee involvement and creditability, the strongest impact on behavior and performance and a positive influence on communication and…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Performance Management Total Quality Management

Words: 2990
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition, the system-based reasons of functioning are the duties of management to rectify. No quantity of concern or talent in workmanship can conquer fundamental errors in the…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Performance Measurement it Has Been

Words: 2302
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

H professionals are increasingly been invited to attend strategic planning, recognizing the depth of knowledge which we have. At the time while this role is being played, an…

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30 Pages
Data Analysis Chapter

Urban Studies

Performance of the Middle East

Words: 8783
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Data Analysis Chapter

(Jabal Omar Development Corporation 2010) Kuwait Since 2008, the real estate market in Kuwait has been continually declining. The reason why is because the economy was largely depending upon oil…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Performance Measurement Performance Analysis System

Words: 3010
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A survey will be developed as a part of implementation of the BSC system in this hospital to track customer satisfaction with the services that they receive here. A…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Performance Assessment Systems Are Critical

Words: 594
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

By the nature of their work, they have access to a lot of valuable information that can be used to provide measures in performance assessment systems. Additionally, management…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Performance Gap as it Relates to Community Policing

Words: 595
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Performance Gap Policing A performance gap exists when the police department's performance does not meet organizational expectations or citizens expectations. Management is a critical success factor for managing a performance…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Performance Improvement Project Area to

Words: 1747
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Together these metrics will help the firm understand where the project stands and how has it really impacted the performance of both the firm as a whole and…

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