Personal Identity Essays (Examples)

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Personal Identity and Cultural Identity
Pages: 8 Words: 2977

All of the researchers must be given equal weight relation to the importance of their work. The following sampling of research represents some of the key authors and works in the area of location and personal identity.
Toft (2003) examined the connection between personal identity, culture, and geography. She concluded that culture and ethnicity are governed by geography and that these issues are the root of conflict. When one group feels that that their section of geography is being threatened, they will resort to violence to protect it. This research leads us to at study by Kim. Kim (2009) examined the issue of identity and geography in relation to power structures. She used a literature review as her key research tool. The focus of her research was to examine the affects of splitting an area on the identity of its people. Her example focused on the Korean peninsula. Her work…...



Bhugra, D. (2004). Migration, distress, and cultural identity. British Medical Bulletin. Vol. 69

(1) 129-141.

Bhugra, D. And Becker, M. (2005). Migration, cultural bereavement and cultural identity. World Psychiatry. Vol. 4 (1) 18-24.

Dowling, R. (2009). Geographies of identity: Landscapes of class. Progressive Human

Personal Identity
Pages: 10 Words: 3027

Mind-Based Identity:
A Problem Impossible to Ignore

One of the most basic questions of human existence is essentially "What am I?" Although humans have known in varying degrees throughout recorded history that they are biological beings, there has always been the question of internal identity. What is it that separates me from my brother? Am I different? Do I exist in any way apart from my body? If so, do I only exist temporarily as a kind of "projection" of my physical brain and its live activity, or am I something more than the sum of electrical and cellular functions? Although there are many theories concerning this topic, they all, somehow surprisingly, have one component in common, and that is faith.

To be sure, the concept and question of "life after death" does much to frame the "identity" question. That is, when one considers the nature of the self, at the most basic…...

Religion's Role in Personal Identity Formation
Pages: 4 Words: 1372

Personal identity is defined as individual characteristics or traits that contribute to who you are. In some cases, identity is described as the unique attributes or characteristics that belong to any given individual or shared by members of a certain social group or category. This implies that personal identity is also a label that can be effectively regarded as relational and contextual. An individual's identity is made of various aspects that are commonly known as identity markers i.e. race, religion, values, and beliefs. Moreover, personal identity includes other elements like a person interests, personal choices, hobbies, and experiences. The existence of various aspects of personal identity is attributed to the fact that the formation of identity takes place through identification with others.
My Personal Identity

I have chose religion as one of my identity markers since it is very important to me. I chose this identity because I am a Muslim that…...



"Many Factors Affect Identity." (n.d.). The A-Blast: The Online Edition of Annandale High

School's Newspaper. Retrieved September 30, 2014, from 

Peek, L. (2001, October 1). Becoming Muslim: The Development of a Religious Identity.

Sociology of Religion, 66(1), 215-242.

Memory Theory of Personal Identity
Pages: 4 Words: 1292

Split-brain Cases as treated by Bundle Theorists

Bundle Theory, as seen above, holds that the unit of consciousness can be explained not as a single individual person but rather as a series of states and events within the mental world of each person. Every aspect of personhood is thus integrated, and cannot be separated from each other. Personality theories are particularly interesting when applied to cases such as split-brain patients.

In split-brain patients, there is no dominant hemisphere, with only the sub-dominant halves remaining. In these cases, there is no connection between the two halves of the brain, each perceiving the world according to its own field of perception. Bundle theorists then argue for the integration of the variety of experiences in a unified person, although these experiences are diverse.

The theory can then be likened to a person having several diverse experiences at the same time, which is the case for most…...

Crossings A Movement Categories Personal Identity
Pages: 4 Words: 1436

crossings ( a movement categories) personal identity poems. words, border crossing affect person persons poem crosses? *examining language poems *Discuss specific words phrases convey speakers point view / subject ( crossing) Chitra Banierjee Divakaruni "Indian Movie, New Jersey" Pat Moira "Legal Alien" Janice Mirikitni "Recipe."
Globalization has made it possible for individuals from diverse backgrounds to interact with each-other without experiencing significant problems, as border gradually come to represent less of a barrier. Even with this, people still feel the effects of living in a multicultural environment as they struggle to define their personal identities while focusing on their cultural background. Chitra Banierjee Divakaruni's "Indian Movie, New Jersey," Pat Mora's "Legal Alien," and Janice Mirikitani's "Recipe" are all poems dedicated at providing society with a better understanding concerning the sentiments people experience consequent to leaving their homes and trying to integrate in a foreign environment.

Divakaruni's poem provides an intriguing view…...

Statement of Personal Identity
Pages: 8 Words: 2529

Biological Anthropology: Statement of Personal Identity
One trajectory of my research is how violence manifests in extreme circumstances and how that violence wages physical and mental anguish on both the perpetrators and the victims. For instance, violence commonly breaks out in refugee camps and much of that violence is gender-based. Examining the phenomenon of gender-based violence against women, which most often manifests through the form of rape, helps to better shed light on the factors which cause it and what that says about our humanity and the human condition. "In far too many places in the world, rape has become normalized, almost an expectation for women. Some believe that the normalization of rape is a crime against humanity and our common humanness (Amnesty International 2010). The Zenica Centre for the egistration of War and Genocide Crime in Bosnia-Herzegovina documented more than forty-thousand cases of war-related rape…. These shocking and horrifying statistics…...



AmnestyInternational. (2010, March 8). Rape victims worldwide denied justice and dignity. Retrieved from 

Bolles, Y., & Yelvington, K. (2010). Introduction: Dignity and Economic Survival. Caribbean Studies, 7-14.

Carter, K. (2010). Should International Relations Consider Rape a Weapon of War? Politics & Gender, 343-371.

DeGruy, J. (2005). Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome. Portland: DeGruy Publications.

Soul Theory of Personal Identity
Pages: 2 Words: 790

Soul Theory of Personal Identity
I've always ascribed to the soul theory of personal identity. This theory essentially stipulates that as we move through time we do so consistently as long as we continue to have the same soul. In structure this theory, some might argue, is comparable to the body theory. The underlying principles are the same. The soul theory states that as one has the same soul, one is essentially the same person. Some argue that this is the comparable to the self as psychic continuity and the memory theory. The memory theory argues that we continue on through time as we have memories of our past lives, some of which can overlap. Essentially, one can argue that as the human soul, which does not change, travels through time, and the self has all of these different lives and experiences, the soul does remember the lessons learned life after…...


References (2013). The Self as Substance. Retrieved from:

Social Work Personal Identity Being
Pages: 5 Words: 1308

No one is listening to her words, or observing her actions as a call for help. Instead, the first response is to isolate her from the one thing that could help her achieve stability; her child.

Responding to Amelia with empathy and understanding was my goal for the interview, and I felt as if I did a fairly decent job of it. 'Amelia' agreed in that she felt as if I was truly listening to her feelings, rather than just going through the motions. Employing eye contact, smiles at the appropriate time, sympathetic responses and gestures of empathy all helped elicit additional information throughout the interview with Amelia.

Section 1- 4

Question 1

The six main areas of social work take into consideration 1). The methods of guiding practices, 2) provides a measure of accountability, 3) describes a way to standardize practice across the different agencies throughout Australia, 4) provides a basis for quality…...

Personal Identity and Career
Pages: 2 Words: 511

Peer Reviewer's Name And Email:
"As a peer reviewer, your job is not to provide answers. You raise questions; the writer makes the choices. You act as a mirror, showing the writer how the draft looks to you and pointing our areas which need attention." -- Sharon Williams

Don't overwhelm the writer with too much commentary. Stick to the major issues. You need not respond to all of the questions/suggestions in this form. Comment on all five areas, but within this framework choose the questions that are most appropriate for the specific paper.

Read the draft, record your first impressions, and respond to the five areas listed below.


Clarity, importance

This essay makes the case that Martha Graham is one of the leading female artists of the 20th century. It gives evidence of her life and career and shows how she became a celebrated artist. It pays attention to detail and is still a work…...

Identity Dialogue Cinemacrates Bob Why
Pages: 5 Words: 1444

I think I could definitely say that if one's personality were completely changed, then one would cease to function as the same identity and would instead be someone new, even in the same body. And -- to head you off before you ask -- yes, I believe the reverse is also true: the same personality (that is, the same mind) transferred over to a new body would retain the same identity that had previously occupied the original body.
BOB: Now you've complicated things -- is identity of the personality or the mind? Or is the mind the seat of the personality, and also identity? In our first supposition of one who suffers a trauma and undergoes a personality change, suppose also that the memory is unaffected. Would identity have changed here, even though the two personalities share a consistent history?

CIN: Yes, I think that would be a fair assessment --…...

Identity Is a Means of Classifying an
Pages: 6 Words: 1770

identity is a means of classifying an individual when it comes to private matter and the government. How a government identifies someone or an institution, is through the use of an identity card. An identity card has a serial number and a picture that helps law enforcement, government agencies and other organizations identity an individual for potential jobs, loans, and even for medical care. However there are some issues with identity cards. For instance, are can people who have access to this information treat individuals unfairly, will there be higher instances of identity theft? Can "Big Brother" use this as a means of spying on civilians? It's important to look at this issue from various angles.
The UK has, for a number of years, set in motion creation of a system to update their identity card regulations and procedures. "A law was passed which established the intention to create a…...



Andreouli, E. And Howarth, C. (2012). National Identity, Citizenship and Immigration: Putting Identity in Context. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 43(3), pp.361-382.

Beynon-Davies, P. (2011). The UK national identity card. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 1(1), pp.12-21.

Identity Stories Interrelate Along Talking Structure Book
Pages: 4 Words: 1052

identity, stories interrelate. Along talking structure book (. book consists family, friends strangers Yo allowing voice defend )..

Julia Alvarez's novel "Yo" puts across a series of points-of-view regarding the protagonist in the book -- Yolanda Garcia -- told from the perspective of people who have interacted with her and who consider that she had an effect on them. Apparently as a result to issue a response to the fact that Yolanda had just written a book relating to them, the narrators express their own opinion concerning the girl. The speakers are relatives and acquaintances of Yolanda and appear interested in expressing an exclusive insight into the girl's character and indirectly tell more about themselves by doing this.

"Yo" practically takes away Yolanda's ability to speak for herself and leaves her at the mercy of the narrators. A series of individuals want to take advantage of the opportunity to express themselves…...

Identity Culture
Pages: 4 Words: 1209

cultures and identities in today's world. The author explores the different dimensions that influence individuals and identities and how it impacts the way society operates in the world. There were five sources used to complete this paper.
As the world continues to evolve, societal changes are taking place. Globalization contributes to the melting pot called earth and as societal barriers come down, people have a chance to learn about other cultures throughout the globe. Wars, religions, education aspirations and other elements of daily life are impacted by one's identity. Whether one wants to be a scientist, housewife, rabbi or actor their personal identity has an impact on that desire being developed. Another important factor in how identity develops is the culture in which one is raised. Cultural differences play a strong part in the development of identity. They are similar yet different as their individual elements overlap and separate to…...



The reasons behind Iraq's rebellion; The Iraqis felt liberated, not defeated, and there is a powerful Muslim reluctance to be ruled by non-Muslims

Jewish Advocate, The; April 22, 2004; Pipes, Daniel

The Middle East: some new realities and old problems.

International Social Science Review; June 22, 2003; Bargeron, Carol L.

Personal and the Literary in American Literature
Pages: 5 Words: 1917

Blurring the Gap Between Fiction and eal Life
This is a paper that outlines how modern literature integrates personal experiences of the writers into works of fiction. It has 5 sources.

It is quite interesting to note the means by which eminent writers attract attention to their ideas and literary content. On closer examination, we may come to the conclusion that the means by which public attention may be grabbed has followed a definite pattern through the years. While writers like Shakespeare and his contemporaries used fiction to project their literary geniuses, modern day writers strive to catch the attention of the masses by presenting their own personal conflicts and tragedies to the public. The modern writer has lessened the gap between a literary piece of work and real life. However, literature in the classical period is known for its often unnatural and over-dramatized perspectives on life. Today, the stories present…...



Wright, Richard A., Black Boy, Perennial, September 1, 1998

Williams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie, New Directions Publishing; June 1999

Ward, Jerry, M. "Richard Wright-Black Boy," retrieved at   On April 2, 2004 .

King Thomas, L. Irony and distance in the Glass Menagerie in Tennessee Williams. Ed. Harold Bloom, New York: Chelsea house, 1987, 85-94

Personal Awareness and Diversity
Pages: 3 Words: 967

Diversity Awareness
We all have biases and stereotypes, and becoming aware of them is a crucial step towards minimizing or eliminating those barriers to understanding. I was raised to believe that we were a tolerant family, but in retrospect I can see that my parents had inherited biases and beliefs about other ethnic groups. They in turn passed on those biases and beliefs to me, albeit in an unconscious way. In addition to parental influences, social and peer pressures also led me to internalize stereotypes and beliefs about various ethnic groups. Biases and stereotypes about gender have also influenced my ways of thinking about social norms. Honest self-inquiry related to diversity issues will help me navigate through an incredibly heterogeneous world.

I am an African-American woman, athletic in build but soft at heart. When I was twelve I realized that I was different from my friends. While all my girlfriends were eager…...

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Identity?
Words: 197

1. The influence of society on individual identity
2. Personal identity and how it shapes our relationships with others
3. The role of race and ethnicity in shaping one's identity
4. Gender identity and its impact on societal expectations
5. The intersectionality of identities and how they interact with one another
6. Identity formation in adolescence and its long-term effects
7. The impact of social media on self-image and identity
8. Identity crisis and the struggle to find oneself
9. Cultural identity and the preservation of heritage
10. Identity politics and its influence on modern society.
11. The role of family in shaping individual identity
12. The influence of language and....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Identity?
Words: 403

Identity: Exploring the Multifaceted Construct of Self

The Evolution of Identity in a Digital Age

The influence of social media on self-perception and identity formation
The challenges and opportunities of online self-expression
The blurring of boundaries between the digital and physical self

The Impact of Culture on Identity

The role of cultural norms and values in shaping individual identity
The influence of ethnicity, race, and gender on self-development
Identity negotiation in multicultural societies

The Intersection of Identity and Privilege

The concept of interlocking identities and their impact on one's experiences
The interplay of power, inequality, and marginalized identities
The challenges and responsibilities associated....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to gender roles?
Words: 498

Essay Topics Related to Gender Roles

1. The Social Construction of Gender Roles

Discuss how gender roles are shaped by societal norms, expectations, and institutions.
Explore the ways in which culture, socialization, and media influence the construction of gender identities.
Analyze the impact of social change on the evolution of gender roles.

2. Gender Inequality in the Workplace

Examine the extent of gender wage gaps, occupational segregation, and glass ceilings in various industries.
Discuss the systemic barriers and biases that limit women's advancement in the workplace.
Analyze the role of legislation, affirmative action policies, and workplace culture in promoting gender equality.

3. Gender....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Immigration?
Words: 445

1. The Economic Impact of Immigration

How does immigration affect economic growth and productivity?
What are the costs and benefits of immigration for host countries?
How do immigrants contribute to the labor force and innovation?

2. The Social and Cultural Impact of Immigration

How does immigration affect social cohesion and cultural diversity?
What are the experiences of immigrants integrating into new societies?
How do host communities respond to the presence of immigrants?

3. The Political and Legal Implications of Immigration

What are the ethical and legal responsibilities of governments towards immigrants?
How does immigration policy shape national identity and citizenship?
What are....

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