Pornography Essays (Examples)

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Pornography the Internet
Pages: 7 Words: 2472

Pornography/The Internet
Today, technological and Internet advances have brought about some severe consequences, including the rise and exponential growth of online pornography sites. One effect of this has been a high level of exposure and even addiction to such sites. Consequences have included depression, loss of work, social withdrawal, and the like. Since it is unlikely that Internet pornography will disappear, individuals and groups need to focus on mitigating addiction, unwanted exposure, and negative consequences. esearchers should focus their efforts on investigating the nature of Internet pornography and its varied consequences for individuals. Only by understanding the negative consequences associated with Internet pornography can we fight these and ensure our growth and survival as a healthy society.


In today's world of technology and advancement, it is a sad fact of human nature that we do not derive only benefits and productive work from the wonderful progress we have made in terms of…...



Bostwick, M. And Bucci, J.A. (2008, Feb). Internet Sex Addiction Treated With Naltrexone. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 83(2). Retrieved from: 

Braun-Courville, D.K. And Rojas, M. (2009, Aug). Exposure to sexually explict Web sites and adolescent sexual attitudes and behaviors. Journal of Adolescent Health 45(2). Retrieved from: 

Crosby, J.M. And Twohig, M.P. (2010). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Treatment for Problematic Internet Pornography Viewing. Behavior Therapy. Retrieved from: 

Mowlabocus, S. (2010). Porn 2.0? Technology, Social Practice, and the New Online Porn Industry. Making Sense of Online Pornography edited by Feona Attwood. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Pornography Remains One of the Most Contentious
Pages: 3 Words: 997

Pornography remains one of the most contentious issues related to the freedom of expression. The definition of pornography and the parameters of the First Amendment must be taken into consideration when determining what, if any, types of pornography are protected as a First Amendment right. The First Amendment does have its legal limits, in theory and in legal precedent. As Lowey points out, the Supreme Court has consistently ruled that the First Amendment right to free speech can be delimited in cases of obscenity. Placing too many legal restrictions on the freedom of speech guaranteed by the United States Constitution is dangerous, though. It is critical to have a liberal interpretation of the First Amendment, protecting the right to produce, disseminate, and consume material that some might find offensive so long as no entity is harmed in the process.
One of the primary reasons to protect the right to freedom of…...


Works Cited

"Exploring Constitutional Conflicts: Regulation of Obscenity." Retrieved online: 

Gilkerson, Luke. "Is Porn Protected by the First Amendment?" Breaking Free. Retrieved online: 

Hudson, David L. "Pornography and Obscenity." First Amendment Center. Retrieved online: 

Loewy, Arnold H. "Obscenity, Pornography, and the First Amendment Theory, 2 Wm. & Mary Bill of Rts. J. 471 (1993), Retrieved online:

Pornography and Extramarital Affairs Simply
Pages: 5 Words: 1731

National Public
Radio. Retrieved on March 8, 2013 from

lessing, M. (2013). The theory of extramarital affairs. eHow: Demand Media, Inc.

Retrieved on March 9, 2013 from

Eberstadt, M. andLayden., M.A. (2010). The social costs of pornography. The Witherspoon Institute: Princeton New Jersey. Retrieved on March 7, 2013 from

Fifes, S.T. And Weeks, G.R. (2007). Infidelity/extramarital sex. University of Nevada,

Las Vegas. Retrieved on March 8, 2013 from

Fong, T.W. (2006). Understanding and managing compulsive behaviors. Vol. 3 # 11

Psychiatry: PubMed. Retrieved on March 7, 2013 from

Leckie, . (2003). The simple case of adultery. Vol 40 # 4, James Joyce Quarterly:

Mahajan, P.T., et al. (2013). Indian religious concepts oin sexuality and marriage.

Vol 55 # 6 Indian Psychiatric Society: Indian Retrieved on March 8,

2013 from;year=2013,volume=55

Matz, W. (2009). The porn trap. Therapy Today: ritish Association for Counseling

and Psychotherapy. Retrieved on March 8, 2013 from

Wardlow, H. (2007). Men's extramarital sexuality in…...



Anonymous (2010). National Review: getting serious on pornography. National Public

Radio. Retrieved on March 8, 2013 from 

Blessing, M. (2013). The theory of extramarital affairs. eHow: Demand Media, Inc.

Retrieved on March 9, 2013 from

Pornography and Children
Pages: 8 Words: 2759

Pornography & Children
There is considerable research evidence that pornography, especially child pornography, results in adversely affecting the psychological development of children, with far reaching consequences in terms of their ability to function well as adults. Since children are the future of any society, it is critical that adequate measures be taken to ensure the healthy and well-rounded development of children in order that they grow up to be productive, humane citizens. One such measure is to ensure that children grow up free of the harmful effects of exposure to pornography.

Although there is no consensus on either the definition of pornography or its harmful effects, there is a wide body of research that establishes a clear link between pornography and both sexually and socially deviant behavior.

The effects of repeated exposure to pornography on adults have been shown to be addictive, often leading to sexual illnesses, and thereby endangering the adult ability…...


Works Cited

Cline, Dr. V.B. "Pornography's Effects on Adults and Children." Morality in Media, Inc. Web site. Accessed June 14, 2004: 

Hughes, D.R. "How Pornography Harms Children." Accessed June 14, 2004: 

Maney, A. & Wells, S. "Professional Responsibilities in Protecting Children: A Public Health Approach to Child Sexual Abuse." Praeger, 1998.

MegaEpix. "Possible Harmful Effects of Pornography in Society." Accessed June

Pornography Internet the Proliferation of
Pages: 11 Words: 3317

This is what creates confusion in the minds of young and vulnerable people." (p. 1)
Concerning this vulnerability, our research suggests that upon entering an adolescent age, individuals who are not yet emotionally or intellectually prepared for the responsibilities of sexual engagement are yet beginning to experience emotions hinting at this impulse. Schwartz warns that encounters with explicit and potentially deviant materials such as those which may incorporate violence, exploitation, pedophilia or even simply a predilection apart from the individuals such as homosexuality, group sex or fetishism, will impede with the child's process of learning sexual boundaries.

This is underscored in the article by Flood (2010), which reports on the general range of effects that have been associated with exposure to pornography at a young age. Flood reports that "especially among boys and young men who are frequent consumers of pornography, including of more violent materials, consumption intensifies attitudes supportive of…...


Works Cited:

Dunn, J.; Myers, J.A. & Love, D. (2006). Sexual Development. Provider-Parent

Partnerships. Online at

Eskridge Jr., W.N. & Hunter, N.D. (2001). Eskridge and Hunter's Sexuality, Gender

and the Law, Abridged. West Publishing Company.

Pornography it Is Often Said That Pornography
Pages: 3 Words: 987

It is often said that pornography is in the eye of the beholder. Material that was considered pornographic a few decades years ago are considered acceptable today. These changes illustrate the shifting notions of what material constitutes pornography or obscenity.

This paper argues that while anti-pornography activists have valid concerns regarding pornography's exploitative nature, to censor pornography would be an assault on free speech and the freedom of expression. Therefore, any attempt to curtail pornography would be unconstitutional.

Currently, material that is considered "obscene" and pornographic is illegal both on the federal level and in over 40 states in the United States. Though it is difficult to create an all-inclusive definition, the United States Supreme Court has drafted three general criteria to determine whether a work or material could be considered pornographic. First, the work must meet the "average person" test. This states that an average person, applying the prevailing community standards,…...


Works Cited

Douglas, Jeffrey J. "Government Should Not Censor Pornography." Free Speech. Scott Barbour, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2000. Reproduced in Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale Group. 2004. 

Itzin, Catherine. "The Government Should Legislate Against Pornography." Civil Liberties. Tamara L. Roleff, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 1999. Reproduced in Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale Group. 2004.

Pornography A Growing Problem Behind
Pages: 4 Words: 1557

Sociologist Darryl Hall (2009) notes that the symbolic interactionism view of sexual deviance (which can relate to the issue of porn and sexual deviance) is as follows: "Symbolic interactionists suggest that the need of men to validate their sexual prowess or reaffirm their masculinity is an important factor in their seeking out pornography or prostitues" (p. 2). Such a notion can explain the rising level of sexually deviant crime in society, and can in turn associate this with the viewing of pornography as a man's need for sexual validation and masculinity.


As seen, the rise of pornography to a near norm in society has heightened the search to link the viewing of this material to sexual deviant behavior in society. Although a direct link is not conclusive, it is clear that the research in terms of this question is growing to slowly but surely support some link between the two.


Addison, T.,…...



Addison, T., Koss, M., and Malamuth, N. (2000). Pornography and sexual aggression: are there reliable effects and can we understand them? Annual Review of Sex Research. 11, 26-91.

Blumer, H (1969). Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method. Berkeley: University

of California Press.

Garry, A. (1978). Pornography and respect for women. Social Theory and Practice. 231-

Pornography There Are a Number
Pages: 5 Words: 2152

Some sociologists and feminist scholars see pornography as an industry that objectifies women -- the large majority of heterosexual porn focuses on the needs of the man, and women are really little more than sexual objects. The industry itself is set up someone like prostitution, according to this view. People are paid to have sex on camera for the viewing pleasures of others. Indeed, pornography sets up an unrealistic expectation of humans -- the actors all tend to be of a certain type, any imperfections airbrushed out, very little talking, and people who are desirous of sexual activity 100% of the time (Paul, 2005).
Healthcare professionals must understand, as well, that there is a huge continuum of sexual desire, fantasy and behavior within the human species. There is a difference between the use of pornography and sexual addiction; and using pornography to replace intimate relationships. From the perspective of a…...



What is Erotic and What is Pornographic? (March 29, 2004). H2g2. Retrieved from: 

Bridges, a., et al. (2003). Romantic partner's use of pornography: Its significance for women. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. 29 (1): 1-14.

Campbell, M. (2012). Perspectives on Pornography and Erotica: Nudes, Prudes and Attitudes. Concordia University Spectrum Research Repository. Unpublished Master's Thesis retrieved from: 

Diamond, M., (1999). The Effects of Pornography: An International Perspective. University of Hawaii Pacific Center for Sex and Society. Retrieved from:   / PCSS/biblio/articles/1961to1999/1999-effects-of-pornography.html 

Pornography Has a Cultural Effect
Pages: 7 Words: 2401

Is pornography a result of a general degrading of our culture, or is our culture degrading because of many factors, including increased violence and the prevalence of more violent forms of media, including pornography? As the use of the Internet has grown and developed, more studies have been conducted to try to answer those nagging questions.
Several studies have looked at the "third-person effect" of Internet pornography. Basically, the third-person effect is one where most people tend to believe that a certain media or other trigger affects others in society more than it affects themselves. esearchers Lo and Wei continue, "Similar research conducted in Taiwan shows that respondents perceived pornography to have greater negative influence on others than on themselves" (Lo and Wei), and this seems to hold true around the globe. For example, researchers Azy Barak and William a. Fisher report, "individuals who approach Internet sexuality with strong arousal…...



Fisher, William a., and Azy Barak. "Internet Pornography: A Social Psychological Perspective on Internet Sexuality." The Journal of Sex Research 38.4 (2001): 312+.

Flood, Dr. Michael. "Between Critique and Censorship: Developing an Ethical Pornography." Australian Government. Sept. 2003. 11 July 2005.

Lo, Ven-Hwei, and Ran Wei. "Third-Person Effect, Gender and Pornography on the Internet." Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 46.1 (2002): 13+.

Palczewski, Catherine Helen. "Contesting Pornography: Terministic Catharsis and Definitional Argument." Argumentation and Advocacy 38.1 (2001): 1+.

How Pornography Has Changed Because of the Internet
Pages: 8 Words: 2677

Pornography, Women, And the Digital Revolution
Digital technologies have gone through a revolutionary period of development over the past twenty or so years. Some say that the digital revolution is helping to facilitate participatory democracy; some say it will "sweep aside the gatekeepers, allowing free expression and broad access to information"; but on the other hand this revolution has the potential to corrupt innocent children by exposing them to "video game violence, pornography and cybersex" (Jenkins). Which outcome is more likely and where do women fit into this digital picture when it comes to online users' interest in and access to provocative (often naked or near-naked) images of their bodies? More to the point: a) How has technology changed the way society thinks about pornography; b) how does pornography impact the sexual identity of women; and c) why do some women consume pornography and swear by it? This paper delves into…...



Attwood, Feona, and Smith, Clarissa. 2010. 'Extreme Concern: Regulating 'Dangerous Pictures' in the United Kingdom.' Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 37, 171-188.

Attwood, Feona. 2005. 'What do people do with porn? Qualitative research into the consumption, use, and experience of pornography and other sexually explicit media.' Sexuality & Culture, Vol. 9, 65-86.

Corley, Deborah M., and Hook, Joshua N. 2012. 'Women, Female Sex and Love Addicts, and Use of the Internet.' Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, Vol. 19, 53-76.

Hays, Tom. 2014. 'Dozens charged in child porn case in NYC area." Associated Press. Retrieved May 21, 2014, from .

Cultural Performances in Weddings and Pornography
Pages: 2 Words: 652

Pornography and eddings
According to Elizabeth Bell, pornography and weddings are performances that demonstrate the light and the dark sides of human sexuality, which, as mirror doubles, are "complementary and necessary to each other for the construction of sex as always already in need of control (190). Marriage does this because it is the sole performance that legitimizes sexual activity in our culture, therefore representing the light side of human sexuality. In contrast, pornography does this by exposing darker elements of sexuality; those very things that are discouraged sexual practices by society at large.

Bell believes that these performances demonstrate the status quo in society, and she defends that belief by explaining the differences in pornography across culture. However, her cross-cultural analysis is incomplete; she does not enter into the differences in wedding ceremonies across culture. Although the trappings, such as the color of the dress and traditional wedding decorations differ, marriage…...


Works Cited

Bell, Elizabeth. "Weddings and Pornography: The Cultural Performance of Sex." Text and Performance Quarterly 19 (1999): 173-195.

"Linda Lovelace." Wikipedia. 2005. Wiki Media. 28 Apr. 2005


Women and Online Pornography
Pages: 2 Words: 580

ornography, Women, And the Digital Revolution
Important questions to address with reference to the revolutionary period of development that digital technologies have gone through include: is this revolution helping to facilitate participatory democracy; does it have a corrupting influence on children by exposing them to the violence that video games promote; and does it open the doors too widely to free pornography and cybersex that tempt adults wishing for some ethically questionable excitement? Are these outcomes likely to be realized and where do women fit into this digital picture when it comes to online users' interest in and access to provocative (often naked or near-naked) images of their bodies? Meanwhile, more to the point of this paper, how has technology changed the way society thinks about pornography? How does pornography impact the sexual identity of women? And, why do some women consume pornography and swear by it? This paper delves into…...


Pornography and Gender

It should be noted, first of all, that, contrary to existing beliefs, online pornography and erotica is not viewed exclusively by males. In fact one in three visitors to adult websites (where pornography is free and available) are women, and 70% of those women report that they keep their online sexual activities "a secret" (Corley, et al., 2012, p. 56). Of those women who visit pornographic sites, 17% say they are "…struggling with pornography addiction" -- and 13% say they even access pornography while at work (Corley, p. 57). As to males, the great majority of men use pornography for sensual stimulation, according to Corley, who asserts that the "number one reason" men visit provocative sites "…is to aid in arousal for masturbation" (p. 57). On the other hand, women "…more commonly utilize chat rooms with sexual or erotic narratives for fantasy and to seek out a partner" (Corley, p. 57).

Gender is indeed a strong factor in online pornographic visits, as Corley explains that males visit pornographic sites at a younger age than women do. And males are more apt to report being aroused by sexually explicit materials online while for women, they report that the "primary reason they use sexual media" is to aid in "lovemaking with their partners or in response to requests by their partner (Corley, p. 58). In addition, women find pornographic online materials "acceptable or positive" when and if it is associated with "a shared sexual activity," but males report they receive "more sexual enjoyment" when they are using pornographic images alone (masturbation), Corley continues on page 58. It is also

Sensitive Topic of Pornography In
Pages: 8 Words: 2205

As such, they struck down the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996, enacted by Congress. They felt the law was too broad and could be misapplied to material such as movies that deal with teen sexuality yet use adult actors to portray the children (Mintz, 2005).
In the end, the punishment for using or creating pornography differs greatly by genre and by geographic area. Even in a specific area, the laws are constantly changing to meet the changing morals, or lack thereof, of society. Punishment for illegal use or creation of pornography can range anywhere from a fine to imprisonment in jail.

4. Why is pornography considered criminal or deviant?

Why pornography is considered criminal or deviant is a simple and a complex question. First, why pornography is considered criminal is quite simple. Pornography, at least in America, has close ties with organized crime (Anderson, 2002). Even if the product itself isn't…...



Anderson, K. (14 Jul 2002). The pornography plague. Retrieved March 18, 2005, at .

Donnerstein, E. (1980). Pornography and Violence Against Women. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 347. Retrieved March 19, 2005, from Academic Search Premier database.

Hughes, D.R. (2 Dec 1995). Fighting the 'most deviant and vile form of pornography'. Salon. Retrieved March 19, 2005, at .

Mintz, H. (16 Apr 2002). High court strikes down law banning child porn on Internet. San Jose Mercury News. Retrieved March 19, 2005, from ProQuest database.

Criminalization of Pornography Americans Were Alternatively Shocked
Pages: 6 Words: 1896

Criminalization of Pornography
Americans were alternatively shocked, alarmed and delighted when Marilyn Monroe appeared on the cover of the first Playboy magazine in 1953. Since that time, the debate over pornography has become increasingly heated, due in large part to critics who argue that the medium debases women and teaches young people the wrong lessons about human sexuality. To gain some fresh insights about these issues, this paper provides a review of the relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature to determine whether pornography should be criminalized in the same fashion and for the same reasons that hate speech is criminalized. A summary of the research and important findings concerning these issues are provided in the conclusion.

eview and Discussion

The issue of pornography has long been the source of controversy for many Western societies, particularly with respect to its implications for gender roles and sexuality (Lofgren-Martenson & Mansson, 2010). For instance, according to…...



Black's law dictionary. (1990). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.

Coker, C.T. (2011, January). Hope-fulfilling or effectively chilling? Reconciling the Hate

Crimes Prevention Act with the First Amendment. Vanderbilt Law Review, 64(1), 271-

Griffith, J.D. & Adams, L.T. (2012, June). Pornography actors: A qualitative analysis of motivations and dislikes. North American Journal of Psychology, 14(2), 245-250.

Detrimental Effects of Pornography on Society Pornography
Pages: 4 Words: 1111

Detrimental Effects of Pornography on Society
Pornography is defined as written, graphic, or other forms of communication intended to excite lascivious feelings. However, this definition is very subjective as a person must decide what is considered pornographic to themselves. The issue of the benefits and disadvantages of pornography is hotly debated. Advocates of the pornography industry claim that pornography is educational and may enhance one's sexual relations. However, this argument is severely flawed for a multitude of reasons. This report will discuss why pornography is detrimental to individuals at an emotional and physical level as well as to our society as a whole.

Viewing pornography can become strongly addicting because it provides a very powerful sexual desire that is typically followed by sexual release, most often through masturbation. The use of pornography by its very nature isolates individuals, which makes them more intent on satisfying selfish needs. Often, viewers tend to act…...


Works Cited

Beauregard, E., P. Lussier, and J. Proulx. "An Exploration of Developmental Factors Related to Deviant Sexual Preferences among Adult Rapists." Sex Abuse 16.2 (2004): 151-61.

Bergner, R.M. "Sexual Compulsion as Attempted Recovery from Degradation: Theory and Therapy." J. Sex Marital Ther 28.5 (2002): 373-87.

Brooks, G.R. The Centerfold Syndrome. Indianapolis, IN: Jossey-Bass, 1995.

Finn, J. "A Survey of Online Harassment at a University Campus." J. Interpers Violence 19.4 (2004): 468-83.

Can you help me find a title and outline for an essay on pornography?
Words: 478

Pornography is a controversial topic.  Discussions of pornography incorporate issues of free speech, morality, women’s rights, sexual violence, domestic violence, and misogyny.  Many people believe that images of pornography are harmful and degrading, even if the pornography is not violent. However, the issues are not as clear-cut as they seem at first glance. Many people believe that pornography has some positive benefits that go beyond any thrills it offers. 

Here are some essay titles and topics to explore: 

  1. Does Porn Cause Rape? 
  2. Pornography and Erectile Dysfunction
  3. Socially Active Smut 
  4. Erotica and Pornography: Same Thing, Different Name, or Two Different....

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on sexula violence?
Words: 527

Title: The Perpetuation of Sexual Violence: Interrogating Cultural, Social, and Individual Factors


Sexual violence, a pervasive and insidious issue, continues to plague societies globally. Its complexity demands a multifaceted approach, encompassing cultural, social, and individual factors. This essay delves into these intricate dynamics to unravel the roots and perpetuations of sexual violence, ultimately advocating for comprehensive prevention and intervention strategies.

Cultural Factors:

Cultural norms and beliefs play a significant role in shaping attitudes and behaviors towards sexual violence. Societies that condone gender inequality, hypermasculinity, and victim-blaming create an environment where sexual violence is tolerated and even encouraged. The objectification and commodification of women....

I\'m searching for essay topics on causes and effects of media addiction essay. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 675

1. The Alluring Siren: The Causes and Consequences of Media Addiction in Modern Society

Thesis: In contemporary society, where digital technologies permeate every aspect of life, media addiction has emerged as a significant societal issue, with far-reaching effects on individuals and communities alike. This essay will investigate the intricate web of causes and consequences associated with this increasingly prevalent addiction.


Technological Advancements: The proliferation of smartphones, social media platforms, and streaming services has made media content readily accessible and highly engaging.
Psychological Vulnerabilities: Individuals with low self-esteem, anxiety, or depression may turn to excessive media consumption as a coping mechanism.

Is censorship a necessary evil or an infringement on freedom of speech?
Words: 572

Censorship: A Contested Terrain

Censorship, the suppression or control of ideas and information, has been a contentious issue throughout history. While some argue that it is a necessary evil to protect society from harmful or offensive content, others view it as an infringement on the fundamental right of freedom of speech.

Arguments for Censorship

Proponents of censorship often cite the need to prevent the spread of harmful or dangerous information. Child pornography, hate speech, and terrorist propaganda are commonly cited as examples of content that should be censored to protect vulnerable individuals or society as a whole. They argue that such content can....

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