Prison Gangs Essays (Examples)

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White Prison Gangs
Criminal behavior surrounds us each and every day of our lives. There are those who are affected directly and those who are affected indirectly in the society. This means that it should be the business of each person to try and control or to the best stop crime in the society. Therefore, there is an immediate need to understand the source of the criminal behavior in order to be able to control it. However this is not a guarantee of eliminating crime and the attribution of crime and criminal behaviors have been made to various issues including skin color and even the governance system.

It is worth noting that the problem of gang in general have some common causative factors as well as propagating factors. The Economist (2003) indicates that there is a major tie between drugs and the existence of gangs across the U.S.A. And Jamaica as well….

They have joint canteen accounts;

They have outside support from other gang members;

They have unique identification signs;

They work to build or shape younger members;

They work in seclusion, protecting the gang from outside penetration;

They have no problem severely disciplining or killing those who collaborate with staff or other authorities;

They try to communicate with staff as much as possible through a spokesperson, maintain self-discipline and use, when possible, threats or assault to intimidate staff;

They discipline those who deviate from gang orders or dogma;

They use brutality as part of their normal way of "doing business (Hill, 2004)."


Prison gangs are a problem across the nation. Inmates enter prisons already gang members and affiliate with their organization for protection. Those who enter prison and are not gang members, quickly become one for protection. Gangs within prisons are heavily monitored and watched but problems continue to occur. Fights, rivalries and illegal activities are all problems that prison….

"Amongst the gangs were the Black Disciples, Spanish Cobras, Imperial Gangsters, Simon City oyals, Latin Eagles, Satan Disciples, and the Latin Disciples" (Folks Nation, n.d.). The term Folks was thought to be chosen as a name because of the word being an acronym. It stands for Follow the Orders and Laws the King Sets. The King at this time was Larry Hoover. He was the one who had the idea to unite and control all of the gangs in Chicago. Nations in the Folks alliance demonstrate their affiliation by identifying everything to the right side. They wear hats with the brim broke to the right, they keep their right pants leg rolled up, they have bandanas that hang out of their right pockets and they wear earrings in their right ear (Folks Nation, n.d.).
It was during the 19th century that the Ku Klux Klan began their work of violence….

The Changing Social Structure of Prisons Introduction
In one sense, prison is a microcosm of the society outside its walls: an extremely concentrated reflection of the social forces at work in the civilization that has erected it. In another sense, prison is its own world—a unique environment in which social structure is determined by the interplay of forces that outside prison would never find themselves confined together in such close quarters. Their confinement, however, in prison creates the context for a new social structure to emerge—one which today is predominantly organized by gangs. This formation is evidence of the changing social structure of prisons. In 1940, Clemmer described the prison community of the average American penitentiary in these words: “The prisoner’s world is an atomized world. Its people are atoms acting in confusion. It is dominated and it submits. Its own community is without a well-established social structure. Recognized values produce a….

prison gang is a select group of inmates with an organized chain of command and an established code of conduct. They operate in secrecy with a view to controlling their prison environment through intimidation and violence meted on non-members. Some of the oldest prison gangs in the U.S. were formed as early as 1950s. Some notable example is Gypsy Jokers that operated in Washington State prisons (Fleisher & Decker, 2001). Violence in correctional facilities in the United States is something that has been with us for quite a while. Prisoners and prison officers have both fallen victims to this violence.
Think of the San Antonio, Texas incident where 281 prisoners were stabbed and 13 slain (The Ledger, 1984). There was divided opinion on what motivated such heinous acts with some prison officials opining that prison gangs who were divided along racial lines were responsible. Some attacks were thought to be….

However, some gang members specialize in multiple criminal activities such as street robbery, human trafficking and drug trafficking.
Street Gangs

Street gangs are the major concern to parents, school administrators and the communities because they recruit students and the youths across the United States to enhance the growth of gang memberships. Street gangs are the most prevalent type of gangs in the United States because they influence a strong control in the large geographical regions. Typically, street gangs are characterized with criminal activities, which include brutality and drug trafficking. Presence of street gangs is broadened with their special relations with DTO (Drug Trafficking Organization) in Mexico, Canada, Columbia and other Central American countries. Type of street gangs includes regional-level street gangs specially known for their drug dealing. Functional regional-level street gangs include Latin Disciples, Florencia, Fresno Bulldogs, Tango Blast and United Blood Nation. Local street gangs also known as neighborhood-based gangs….

Gangs Issue

The Issue of Gangs

History of Gangs in the United States of America

Northeast egion (specifically New York City

Midwest egion (specifically Chicago)

West egion (specifically Los Angeles)

South egion First period

Current Status of Gangs in the United States of America

Types of Gangs in the United States of America

Factors Triggering Indulgence in Gangs

Impacts of Gang Activities on United States of America

ecommendations for Community esponse

This paper will analyze the nature of gang membership within the United States of America by delving into the historical trends and current status of gang membership in the nation. Moreover, the paper will also discuss the factors that trigger the formation of gangs in the state. In addition, it will also put light on the types of gangs that exist in the U.S.A., and the impacts that these entities have on the nation. Furthermore, it will also propose recommendations for community response regarding this issue.

The Issues of Gangs

1. Introduction

The United….

Gang Life in Prison When

When Santano looks back on his old life in prison he comments that Fulsom was the "big time." He had more power there. Before the gang, if someone wanted something from him, "They just took it" because he was weak, but being in the gang stopped that because he became strong. He looks back on prison life with a certain sense of nostalgia and tells his girlfriend, "I loved it in there."
The gang allows him to be competent under horrible circumstances. He has been deprived of all the ordinary, normal experiences we take for granted, such as dancing, learning to drive a car, going to the beach, standing in the moonlight with a girl, and making love. All he has ever known is violence and the need to keep others afraid of him in order to protect himself. He's more or less ruined for life on the outside by….

Prison Punishment
Should Prison be Punitive or Rehabilitation in Nature?

A question that has existed since the beginnings of the modern prison system has been that of whether prison should be an unbearable punishment for an action committed, or rehabilitation for the accused to rid them of a particular behavior. In ancient times, a violent crime was usually responded with a violent verdict, resulting in torture and pain, and the concept of 'an eye for an eye' that led human law for thousands of years. Recently, however, civilization has rejected the outward torture of prisoners, and has tried to implement a system based on fairness, both during the trial and during the punishment. hile prisoners may not feel like their jail time is fair, modern civilization has elected judges to make these decisions for society. There is still the question, however, of what in today's world is the goal of prison, to….


Since gang-related crimes fall within the jurisdiction of state, this research will give an insight on the need to find solutions that increasingly include all levels of government. Congress needs to pass legislation that will change immigration enforcement laws and make more aliens deportable. In addition, the federal government should take a more active participation in helping local and state jurisdictions develop anti-gang responses. The local, state and federal governments must take a stand, and combine forces to combat the immigration problem that continue to plague this country into the next generation.

Importance of the Study

The die has been cast, there is no turning the clock back now and the Mara Salvatrucha and 18th Street Gang have established themselves in the United States and far beyond. The origins of the current situation with MS-13 and the 18th Street Gang date back to the late 1980s and early 1990s when the Salvadoran….

Prison Crowding

prison overcrowding and its effect on the criminal justice system. Prison overcrowding has skyrocketed in the United States in the last three decades, leading to a multitude of problems in the criminal justice system. Overcrowding costs taxpayers money, it leads to dysfunction within the penal population, and it creates dangers for prison staff. It is a result of many items in society and the criminal justice system, and it must change if America's prisons are to remain effective and viable.
Many people may not be aware just how much the prison population has grown in the last thirty years. One researcher notes, "From 300,000 prisoners in 1977, the prison population has risen steadily to over 1.5 million as of June 30, 2005, a 400% increase" (Pfaff, 2008). The two largest states housing prisoners, California and Texas, have seen stupendous growth in their prison populations, but not in their funding. Another….

Prison Culture

Corcoran State Prison: Prison Culture and Effect on Inmates
The prisons in the U.S. have a long history of offering correction services and rehabilitation for the people convicted of various crimes within the society. There have been increased incarceration of inmates over the last few decades with prisons getting more populated than before hence the introduction of the privately run correction facilities to help handle the large number of people within the prison walls at any given time. However, the inclusion of the private prisons have not helped matters much neither have they improved the rehabilitation process or the living standards of the inmates in comparison to the state owned correction facilities. There have continued to thrive the prison cultures and in effect influenced the way the prisoners relate to each other and even relate to the correctional officers. This prison culture will be the focus of this paper and the….

George Knox, director of the National Gang Crime esearch Center, teaches law enforcement officers how to search WebPages to pick up on gang member's lingo, territories, and rivalries. He also asserts it is crucial for officers to learn how to "read between the lines" when searching gang members' WebPages. Time on the Web, similar to time on the streets, gives gang investigators the ability to read the hieroglyphics of wall graffiti, and understand Web clues. In addition, "gang identifiers, such as tattoos, graffiti tags, colors and clothing often are embedded in each site" (Gutierrez, 2006, ¶ 27). According to Gutierrez, by studying gang blogs for several hours, one can pick up on subtle word choices, which the gang members consider to be almost holy words. Knox contends that some gangs use the Internet to recruit new members.

Other Efforts to Deal with Gangs

Suppression techniques may be one of the best ways….

20, California Street Terrorism Enforcement and Prevention Act, STEP Act California 186.20 (," as well as any community that has a disproportionate juvenile arrest rate, or a high percentage of gang related criminal activity or a high number of gang affiliated acts of violence.
The Act hopes to reduce crimes of violence committed by gang members by alerting local law enforcement to their identity thereby reducing their feelings of anonymity in committing those crimes.

The Act also supports funding for the purpose of education and offering counseling and other services to current and past gang members in the hopes they will decide to leave the gang and become a productive member of society.


The gang problem is a serious one in which the dynamics create a cycle of feeling alone, finding a "family" in the gang membership, committing acts of violence for the gang and becoming incarcerated. The legislative action that is aimed….

Gangs in South Florida

Hybrid Gangs in South Florida
On Public Policy towards Volatile Movements

South Florida has an increasing prevalence of criminal gangs in their communities and it is posing a growing threat to their security and safety. It is clear that in that region criminal hybrid gangs are spreading violence and fear in their neighborhoods making places like their parks unusable, and even bringing corrupt behavior passages to work and school, stopping legitimate businesses consisting of tourism, and bringing down property values. Right now, there are more hybrid gangs in Florida than ever before, with approximately 400 in South Florida alone, as stated by the latest state study. Hybrid gangs are not a new threat, nevertheless the most recent state study displays the problem is getting worse especially in South Florida. In 1991, there were 160 gangs in the south Florida region, but by 2007 the number jumped to beyond 1,500 with more than….

6 Pages

Criminal Justice

White Prison Gangs Criminal Behavior Surrounds Us

Words: 2172
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

White Prison Gangs Criminal behavior surrounds us each and every day of our lives. There are those who are affected directly and those who are affected indirectly in the society.…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Management of Prison Gangs Prison

Words: 1753
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

; They have joint canteen accounts; They have outside support from other gang members; They have unique identification signs; They work to build or shape younger members; They work in seclusion, protecting the gang…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Corrections Gangs Prison Gangs Are Groups

Words: 2382
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

"Amongst the gangs were the Black Disciples, Spanish Cobras, Imperial Gangsters, Simon City oyals, Latin Eagles, Satan Disciples, and the Latin Disciples" (Folks Nation, n.d.). The term Folks…

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5 Pages

Law - Corrections

How Gangs Provide Structure in Prison

Words: 1626
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The Changing Social Structure of Prisons Introduction In one sense, prison is a microcosm of the society outside its walls: an extremely concentrated reflection of the social forces at work in…

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5 Pages

Criminal Justice

Prison Gang Is a Select Group of

Words: 1468
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

prison gang is a select group of inmates with an organized chain of command and an established code of conduct. They operate in secrecy with a view to…

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15 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Gang Growth and Membership Characteritics

Words: 4946
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, some gang members specialize in multiple criminal activities such as street robbery, human trafficking and drug trafficking. Street Gangs Street gangs are the major concern to parents, school administrators…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

American History

Gangs Issue

Words: 3354
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Gangs The Issue of Gangs History of Gangs in the United States of America Northeast egion (specifically New York City Midwest egion (specifically Chicago) West egion (specifically Los Angeles) South egion First period Current Status…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Gang Life in Prison When

Words: 754
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

When Santano looks back on his old life in prison he comments that Fulsom was the "big time." He had more power there. Before the gang, if someone…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Prison Punishment Should Prison Be Punitive or

Words: 2477
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Prison Punishment Should Prison be Punitive or Rehabilitation in Nature? A question that has existed since the beginnings of the modern prison system has been that of whether prison should be…

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40 Pages

Criminal Justice

Predominantly Latino Gangs Mara Salvatrucha

Words: 17380
Length: 40 Pages
Type: Thesis

Government Since gang-related crimes fall within the jurisdiction of state, this research will give an insight on the need to find solutions that increasingly include all levels of government. Congress…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Prison Crowding

Words: 1287
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

prison overcrowding and its effect on the criminal justice system. Prison overcrowding has skyrocketed in the United States in the last three decades, leading to a multitude of…

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6 Pages

Criminal Justice

Prison Culture

Words: 1950
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Corcoran State Prison: Prison Culture and Effect on Inmates The prisons in the U.S. have a long history of offering correction services and rehabilitation for the people convicted of various…

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16 Pages

Criminal Justice

Gang Prevention Program Gangs Contain

Words: 5590
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Thesis

George Knox, director of the National Gang Crime esearch Center, teaches law enforcement officers how to search WebPages to pick up on gang member's lingo, territories, and rivalries. He…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Gang Enhancement Legislation The Writer

Words: 1679
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

20, California Street Terrorism Enforcement and Prevention Act, STEP Act California 186.20 (," as well as any community that has a disproportionate juvenile arrest rate, or a high percentage…

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14 Pages
Capstone Project

Criminal Justice

Gangs in South Florida

Words: 4060
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Hybrid Gangs in South Florida On Public Policy towards Volatile Movements South Florida has an increasing prevalence of criminal gangs in their communities and it is posing a growing threat to…

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