Private Sector Essays (Examples)

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Public and Private Sector Unions?
More than 200 members of the U.S. House of epresentatives and U.S. Senate have in recent times supported the Employee Free Choice Act to permit workers the freedom of choice to develop unions. The consequences of the support surrounding the legislation and the larger concentration on the economy and workforce-related issues have made the right of workers and unions the topic of many discussions across the country. (What America is saying...About Labor Unions?) There has been an expansion of public sector unionized employment that seems to show the way to a larger government and assist in higher taxes. In 1932, the movement to systematize the public employees was started and it acquired strength along the way with the election of liberal government administrations at all grades of government. (The Unreasonable power of public employee unions)

In 1958, a significant administrative action happened when obert Wagner, Mayor….

Fixed assets are assets and property that cannot be easily converted into cash. The public sector deals with those that mainly involve expense, whilst the private sector deals with tangible property such as machinery, factory buildings, and large computer systems.
3. The public sector account analysis reports public accounts (i.e. those applicable to the nation and its people as a whole), whilst the private sector, obviously reports accounts that are congruent, relevant, and applicable just to its own peculiar concerns.

4. The public sector account deals with fixed assets not depreciation, whilst the private sector account deals with fixed assets and depreciation included. In other words, the private sector -- working on matters of gaining profit -- also takes into account the gradual and possible permanent decrease of value in the stock. The public sector, on the other hand, does not concern itself with this matter.

In short, the exercise of accountability….

First Flanagan offers four hypotheses: one, changes in the structure of the American economy "favor nonunion over union employment"; two, union organization is less intense than it was; three, workers' interest in general has tapered off with reference to unions; and four, management vigorously opposes unions in many instances (Flanagan, 2005, p. 33). Adding to that list, Flanagan asserts that many companies have adopted "human resource management policies" that are similar to what unions have demanded in the past and this results in "diminished demand for unionization" (Flanagan, 34). In other words, if a company is keeping its workers happy and satisfied with progressive policies and sharing the profits, the need for a union in a progressive company is greatly reduced.
Meanwhile, what if a fellow employee asks another employee to sign an "authorization card"? The steps that unions take include the following: a) after a small group discusses the….

Those rating the interviews were black and white individuals and findings state that: "the black raters rated the black candidates higher than the white and vice versa." (Ibid) Conclusions state that this demonstrated the potential of "institutionalized racism" in interviewing. DeGroot and Motowidlo (1999) state findings that "the unconscious influence what would, objectively be evident as irrelevant factors was found in a "positive relationship between a number of aspects of interviewee's voice quality, such as pitch and rate of speech" in the ratings of the interviewers. (Edenborough, 2004; paraphrased) Edenborough relates chain-interviewing in which the second interviewer will explore a fact that the first interviewer missed. "Conventional unstructured interviewing with a career history focus is widely practice, despite general recognition of its limitations." Edenborough (2004) the objectivist-psychometric view of interviewing places emphasis on the gathering of evidence in a systematic fashion. While the subjectivist-social perception in interviewing places emphasis….

Purchasing, Procurement and Supply Chain Management. Explain if these processes are the same or different in the civilian and the government sector?
In the capitalist system, the profit motive is when an individual or organization is providing specific products and services to meet the demands of customers. During these situations, they will decide where there are unaddressed needs and focusing on meeting them. They are receiving the added profits they realize from these actions (Bell 2014). To achieve these larger objectives they will allocate resources and personnel where they can be the most efficient. This is when they will utilize purchasing, procurement and supply chain management to give them a strategic advantage. They are different between the civilian and governmental sectors, as one is a for profit entity and the other is designed to meet the needs of the public. This means that there is less of an emphasis on….

organization is derived from the preparedness cycle developed by the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and utilized by the Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and other disaster response / emergency preparedness organizations. A primary advantage of using this proven model is that it provides a consistently implemented and commonly understood approach to disaster preparedness. The preparedness cycle is a continuously renewing series of integrated components that enable the a state of preparedness to be achieved and maintained, and includes the following: Planning, organizing, training, equipping, exercising, evaluating, and taking corrective action ("Preparedness," 2014). The components of the NIMS preparedness cycle are shown below.
Figure 1. NIMS Preparedness Cycle

Organizational preparedness requires the coordinated effort of both internal and external individuals, and the engagement of agencies and resources external to the focus organization. These external resources are dedicated to incident response and emergency management, an….

2010, October 12 Governmental and Private Sector Accounting in the Healthcare Field
Governmental and Private Sector Accounting in the Healthcare Field: educing Costs to Make Healthcare More Affordable

Healthcare costs have risen astronomically over the past two decades and this has resulted in the role of accounting in the health care industry undergoing change. It is reported that the "escalation in medical costs has been the number one issue in health care for almost three decades. The Government and third party players have attempted to reduce the cost of health care by either paying a fixed fee for a procedure or a pre-approved annual budget based on a defined patient mix and census projection." (Seetharaman, aj, and Saravanan, 2010, p. 1) According to the American Medical Association, "inefficiencies in health care delivery add cost and detract value from the health care system." (nd, p. 1) Noted as factors that contribute to inefficient….

Practicum Synthesis
Describe how health care is organized and financed, including the implications of business principles, such as patient and systems cost factor while examining the roles and responsibilities of regulatory agencies and their effect on patient care, workplace safety, and the scope of practice.

egardless of the country or situation, healthcare is generally some sort of blend of public and private sourcing and personnel. Depending on who is asking or answering the question, one or both can be seen as a pariah and one or both can be seen as saint. Publicly funded healthcare is financed by taxpayer dollars in large part (if not entirely) and thus is subject to oversight and regulation on a level that is much higher than in the private sector. Even so, government agencies and groups are often seen as being inept and lumbering and funding cuts and mismanagement are often seen as issues to be….

Private Sector and Public

Labor elations and Collective Bargaining
What is European Union's Social Charter

The Social Charter of Europe is a treaty by the European Council which guarantees fundamental economic and social freedoms. It is an equivalent of the European Human ights Convention, which deals with political and civil freedoms. It guards a wide range of day-to-day freedoms of human beings that have to do with education, housing, social welfare and protection, employment and health. The Charter is particularly focused on protecting minority people like children, the disabled, the aged as well as migrants. The Charter emphasizes on the granting of the freedoms stated above, free from discrimination. The Charter is the only Pan-European legal instrument that has the power to give such complete and extensive social rights protection. It is also used as reference in the laws of the EU. In fact, the Fundamental ights Charter of the EU came up with many social….

Private Public School Similarities and Differences
isk and Benefits in Public and Private Schools

Special Need Students

Teachers Credentials in Private and Public Schools

This research paper focuses on the similarities and differences of private and public school education. It deciphers several truths and realities associated with these two systems. isks and benefits along with teacher's credentials in private and public schools are discussed in detail. Another factor brought to light is the positive role played by ample resources in the betterment of private sector and the loss it has incurred to public sector education system.

Parents always face this query whether they should choose a private school or public schools. They want best for their children and it is a normal perception that private schools are way better than public schools in terms of quality and academic excellence. Although problems exist in both the sectors but due to ample resources in private system of….

Private Finance
The private financing initiatives

When the Private Finance Initiative was launched in 1992, it was seen as a mechanism to achieve extra public-sector investment by bringing in private finance for capital projects as well as a means to improve the public procurement process that was routinely criticized for poor project management and construction cost overruns. PFIs cut across a range of public services, including hospitals, prisons, public transport, roads, and schools. Each PFI depended on the public-sector purchaser to specify the outputs or outcomes it hoped to achieve, and put private-sector capital at risk for the delivery of those outputs or outcomes. By relaxing the emphasis on input specification, PFIs sought to mobilize innovation and optimize whole-life costs and quality to meet the public requirements. The financing mechanism served to reinforce the long-term nature of the relationship by linking payments to the achievement of outputs over the life of the….

Private Security Trends and Movements Private security plays such a significant role in the efforts of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that the DHS published in 2010 a Private Sector Resources Catalog that “centralizes access to all DHS resources targeted for the private sector including small and large businesses, academia, trade associations, and other non-governmental organizations” (DHS, 2018). One example of a private security firm within the catalog is TRIPwire Community Gateway (TWCG)—“a web portal designed specifically for the nation’s CIKR owners, operators, and private security personnel.” The TWCG serves as a portal for private security groups to give analysis of threats, reports, and planning phases, helping private sector players working with the DHS the opportunity to plan for and detect potential terror threats.
The trends in collaborating the efforts and partnerships of private security with the DHS are growing, too. As the U.S. Department of Justice (2005) has noted, engaging….

These devices can help to ensure customer violence is limited. Additionally, by investing in interpersonal training and dispute resolution courses for employees, companies can help to control coworker violence. Furthermore, the use of EAP (Employee Assistance Programs) for frustrated workers can help to provide some outlet for frustrations, further eliminating the possible problems (Hagan, 2004). Through polite, direct, proper communication, most acts of interpersonal workplace violence can be avoided.

ASIS. (2001). Certification. ASIS International. etrieved September 26, 2007 from ASIS International. Website:

Chapter 498 Oregon Laws. (2001). [Online] etrieved July 10, 2007 from the Oregon State Legislature database. Website:

Cole, D. (2002, September) Trading liberty for security after September 11. FPIF Policy eport. etrieved 8 July, 2007 at

Collins, P.A., icks, T.A., Van Meter, C.W. (2000). Chapter 8: Crime and the threat environment. Principles of security and crime prevention, 4th ed. Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Publishing.

Friedman. D.D. (1984). Efficient institutions for….

private military companies Iraq illustrate a trend warfare? -No, Historical reasons great empires employed a large number mercenaries.-What reasons, -Type firms, divided types- type spear
Private military companies

Today's society is more challenging and dynamic than it has ever been. And this trend is manifested within the military sector as well. Here, the employees in the division have to be better motivated in order to risk their lives and this motivation has to be complex, and include both financial and non-financial incentives. While the major non-financial incentive would be the sense of fighting to protect one's country, the financial incentive has to be substantial and significantly larger than that of any other category of employees.

The modern day army then integrates technologic developments to improve the nature and outcome of its operations. It as such strives to answer the more and more complex demands of the contemporaneous society and, in doing so,….

Private Security
The various factors that influence both the definition and the perception of private security are typically environmental but can be internal and external to the issue of security itself. In most developed nations, the state provides security forces that are paid for by tax payers (local, municipal, state and federal police, and military forces); however, private security forces, typically operated by ex-military officers who bring their training and experience into the private sector to fill gaps in the market where demand cannot be satisfied by state security apparatuses alone, do exist and do operate both in developed and developing nations. Private security contractors like Academi, GRS, and Aegis look like military forces and often work with military forces when political factors require governments to apply to them for assistance (as has been the case with the U.S. government in the Middle East (Elsea) as well as with Middle Eastern….

Thesis Statement: The effective management of human waste is crucial for safeguarding public health, preserving the environment, and promoting sustainable development.


In the tapestry of human existence, managing human waste is an intricate thread that intertwines with public health, environmental well-being, and sustainable development. Inefficient or inadequate waste management practices pose significant risks to human health, contaminate water bodies, pollute the air, and contribute to climate change. Recognizing the urgency of addressing this issue, this thesis delves into the complexities of managing human waste, exploring strategies and solutions to mitigate its adverse effects.

Body Paragraph 1: Public Health Implications

The improper handling of....

I. Introduction
A. Definition of STEM Strand
B. Importance of STEM education
II. Components of STEM Strand
A. Science
1. Subjects covered
2. Skills developed
B. Technology
1. Subjects covered
2. Skills developed
C. Engineering
1. Subjects covered
2. Skills developed
D. Mathematics
1. Subjects covered
2. Skills developed
III. Benefits of STEM Strand
A. Career opportunities
1. In-demand fields
2. High-paying jobs
B. Problem-solving skills
1. Critical thinking
2. Innovation
C. Global competitiveness
1. Rising importance of STEM skills
2. Advancements in technology
IV. Challenges of STEM Strand
A. Gender gap in STEM fields
1. Lack of female representation
2. Efforts to....

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of the role of a physical therapist
B. Importance of physical therapy in healthcare
II. Education and Training
A. Requirements for becoming a physical therapist (i.e. Bachelor's degree, Doctor of Physical Therapy program)
B. Licensing and certification process
III. Job Duties
A. Assessment and evaluation of patients' physical conditions
B. Development of individualized treatment plans
C. Implementation of therapeutic exercises and techniques
IV. Specializations
A. Orthopedic physical therapy
B. Pediatric physical therapy
C. Neurological physical therapy
V. Work Settings
A. Hospitals
B. Rehabilitation centers
C. Private practices
VI. Salary and Job Outlook
A. Average salary for physical therapists
B. Projected job....

Topic 1: The Role of Western Aid in African Healthcare

Proponents: Argue that Western aid is essential for improving healthcare outcomes in Africa, providing funding, resources, and expertise.
Opponents: Contend that Western aid can be harmful, creating dependency, undermining local health systems, and promoting unsustainable practices.

Topic 2: Universal Health Coverage vs. Targeted Interventions

Proponents: Advocate for universal health coverage, arguing that it ensures equitable access to healthcare for all and reduces financial burdens.
Opponents: Suggest that targeted interventions, such as specific disease control programs, are more cost-effective and efficient in resource-constrained settings.

Topic 3: The Private Sector's Role in African Healthcare


4 Pages
Term Paper


What Are Some of the Differences Between Public and Private Sector Unions

Words: 1799
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Public and Private Sector Unions? More than 200 members of the U.S. House of epresentatives and U.S. Senate have in recent times supported the Employee Free Choice Act to…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Government and Private Sector Accounting

Words: 616
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Fixed assets are assets and property that cannot be easily converted into cash. The public sector deals with those that mainly involve expense, whilst the private sector deals…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Membership in Private Sector Unions

Words: 713
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

First Flanagan offers four hypotheses: one, changes in the structure of the American economy "favor nonunion over union employment"; two, union organization is less intense than it was;…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Interviewing in the Private Sector

Words: 3968
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Those rating the interviews were black and white individuals and findings state that: "the black raters rated the black candidates higher than the white and vice versa." (Ibid)…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - College

The Logistical Models for the Public and Private Sectors

Words: 3232
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Purchasing, Procurement and Supply Chain Management. Explain if these processes are the same or different in the civilian and the government sector? In the capitalist system, the profit motive…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Preparedness Planning for Private Sector Business

Words: 2444
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

organization is derived from the preparedness cycle developed by the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and utilized by the Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) of the U.S. Department…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Governmental and Private Sector Accounting in the Healthcare Field

Words: 951
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

2010, October 12 Governmental and Private Sector Accounting in the Healthcare Field Governmental and Private Sector Accounting in the Healthcare Field: educing Costs to Make Healthcare More Affordable Healthcare costs have…

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2 Pages


Private Sector and Healthcare

Words: 715
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Practicum Synthesis Describe how health care is organized and financed, including the implications of business principles, such as patient and systems cost factor while examining the roles and responsibilities of…

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2 Pages

Labor and Union Studies

Private Sector and Public

Words: 736
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Labor elations and Collective Bargaining What is European Union's Social Charter The Social Charter of Europe is a treaty by the European Council which guarantees fundamental economic and social freedoms. It…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Private Public School Similarities and Differences Risk

Words: 1630
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Private Public School Similarities and Differences isk and Benefits in Public and Private Schools Special Need Students Teachers Credentials in Private and Public Schools This research paper focuses on the similarities and differences…

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8 Pages


Private Finance the Private Financing Initiatives When

Words: 2393
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Private Finance The private financing initiatives When the Private Finance Initiative was launched in 1992, it was seen as a mechanism to achieve extra public-sector investment by bringing in private finance…

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2 Pages


Private Security and Homeland Security

Words: 595
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Private Security Trends and Movements Private security plays such a significant role in the efforts of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that the DHS published in 2010 a Private…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Private Security in Project One

Words: 1714
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

These devices can help to ensure customer violence is limited. Additionally, by investing in interpersonal training and dispute resolution courses for employees, companies can help to control coworker…

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11 Pages


Private Military Companies Iraq Illustrate a Trend

Words: 3262
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

private military companies Iraq illustrate a trend warfare? -No, Historical reasons great empires employed a large number mercenaries.-What reasons, -Type firms, divided types- type spear Private military companies Today's society…

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2 Pages


Private Security vs National Security

Words: 597
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Private Security The various factors that influence both the definition and the perception of private security are typically environmental but can be internal and external to the issue of security…

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