Private Security Essays (Examples)

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Private Security vs Law Enforcement
Pages: 3 Words: 791

In the scenario of a college football game, the private security officers will provide several services to the college which is the premises to which they are assigned. The primary role of the private security officers is to detect, deter, observe and report any incidences at the stadium. First, they will be in charge of checking the bags belonging to all persons willing to enter the football field to make sure there are no weapons carried into the field or other items that are prohibited. Secondly, the security officers will need to coordinate and monitor the events and communications taking place in the stadium to ensure that key operations are running smoothly such as access to control posts, access to medical support staff and other services such as amenities provided to the crowd Ortmeier, 2009()
The private security officers will also be in charge of providing the crowd and other…...



Dempsey, J.S. (2010). Introduction to Private Security. Florence, KY: Cengage Learning.

Hess, K.M., & Orthmann, C.H. (2007). Introduction to Private Security. Florence, KY: Cengage Learning.

Ortmeier, P.J. (2009). Introduction to Security: Operations and Management (Third ed.). New York, NY: Prentice Hall.

Private Security Historically the Security
Pages: 3 Words: 1438

The Task Force eport suggested that both of these crime deterring institution work together rather than against one another (Craighead, 2003).
The primary difference between public and private security are the roles of the policing personnel. For public security the purpose is to protect the public, be it property, people, or crimes against property or people. Private security personnel's role is slightly different in that they protect the organization or property rights where assigned. These are primarily privately owned by the property or individual and may differ from public policy and procedure (Craighead, 2003).

Factors affecting the Growth of Private Security

The factors and level of training for security personnel has evolved significantly from those basically walking the perimeter and reporting disturbances. Today private property requires protection in many industries such as banking, medical, chemical, technological, manufacturing, even retailers and small businesses need security protection. The required security today includes to operating…...



Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (2012). A brief history. Retrieved March 25, 2012 from 

Craighead, G. (2003). High rise security and fire life safety. Rothstein Assoc.

Cunningham, W.C, Strauchs, J.J, Van Meter, C.W. (1990). Private security trends: hallcrest reports. . 106. Ibid., p. 2. 107

, P., J. (2009). Introduction to security. Pearson Education. 3rd Edition.

Private Security After 911 the
Pages: 7 Words: 1921

Even perimeter security is in question.
The GAO surmised that perimeter security at airports may be insufficient to provide effective security. The TSA has begun efforts to evaluate the effectiveness of security related technologies. These include items such as biometric identification systems, but the TSA still has failed to develop a plan that will guide airports when technology enhancements are developed. The TSA has pursued the procurement of checkpoint technologies in order to address critical existing vulnerabilities, yet the GAO noted that these technologies are not being deployed on a wide-scale basis (Berrick 2008). Challenges such as these must be addressed if the hybrid federal-private transportation security program is going to truly be effective in keeping America secure.


When the clear morning of September 11th, 2001 was shattered with the first plane strike into the World Trade Center, transportation in the United States would never be the same. The government responded…...



Berrick, C. (15 Apr 2008). Efforts to strengthen aviation and surface transportation security continue to progress, but more work remains: GAO-08-651T. GAO Reports. Retrieved May 6, 2009, from MasterFILE Premier database.

GAP: TSA's study of private-sector airport screening flawed. (25 Feb 2009). Airport Security Report, 15(30). Retrieved May 6, 2009, from International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center database.

Our history. (No date). Retrieved May 6, 2009, from

Program overview. (No date). Retrieved May 6, 2009, from

Private Security Public or Private
Pages: 9 Words: 3259

One big cause for the demand on modern hyper security is that a lot of cool stuffs are becoming easily available. Developments in computers have made programming robots easy for non-experts. Security systems can be toggled to holiday mode with a touch of a button to mechanically show the previous two weeks' lighting and curtain movements, showing the existence of owners. Paul ose, director of U.K. based security firm Icon Connect says that these are extremely complicated behind the scenes, but on the surface it's easy to use. When compared to the earlier days, the security products can be relied. Private homeowners prefer to depend more on devices they can control themselves and depend less on the state to protect them, in an age of terrorism. (Home, Secure Home)
The most deluxe new apartments are now being built with top-of-the-range ultra-modern security systems as a main selling point. At the…...



Benson, Bruce. L. The Benefits of Privatized Crime Control. August 20, 1999.

Retrieved at   on 20 July 2005 

Flynn, Emily. Home, Secure Home. Retrieved at   Accessed on 20 July 2005 .

Private Security Vs Public policing which will it be? Retrieved at Accessed on 20 July 2005

Private Military Contractors Private Security
Pages: 14 Words: 4504

During times where they are not needed, this would be a waste of resources. Instead, a PMC is there when the military needs it, and when the mission is over, the military no longer has to spend resources to maintain their personnel.
Another benefit, although this is also the source of many ethical challenges as will be discussed later, is a PMC's ability to operate more freely than a state's military. As an example, there are strict rules that the American military must operate within, while trying to achieve a mission's objectives. These rules stem from both national and international sources. The ever-present media, as well as governing body watchdogs, mean that even one toe over the line is quickly fodder for an international scandal that can endanger the entire mission. This oftentimes restricts the military's ability to operate at maximum efficacy. However, by using a PMC, their personnel can…...



Avant, D. (Jul/Aug 2004). Mercenaries. Foreign Policy. pp. 20-28.

Clark, A. (Spring 2009). Reclaiming the moral high ground. Public Contract Law Journal, 38(3). pp. 709-739.

Faite, A. (2004). Involvement of private contractors in armed conflict. Defence Studies, 4(2). pp. 166-183.

Fitzsimmons, S. (Aug/Sept 2006). A private solution to a humanitarian problem. Vanguard. pp. 18-20.

Security Louisiana Private Security Requirements
Pages: 3 Words: 925

And the applicant must successfully pass a pre-employment drug screen (Collins, icks and Van Meter, 2000).
All private security officers must meet the applicable statutory requirements and any criteria that have been established by the employer. In looking at the requirements that have been set forth by the state of Louisiana, the following minimum requirements must be met in order for a person to become a private security officer:

1. The applicant must be 18 years of age.

2. They must be a citizen of the United States or a resident alien holding a proper documentation to work in the United States.

3. They can not have been convicted in any jurisdiction of any felony or of crime involving moral turpitude.

4. They can not have been declared by any court of competent jurisdiction to be incompetent by reason of mental defect or disease which has not been restored.

5. They can not be a…...



Collins, Pamela a., Ricks, Truett a. And Van Meter, Clifford W. (2000) Principles of Security

and Crime Prevention (4th Edition) (ISBN 0-87084-305-2).

License Information. (2005). Retrieved May 12, 2009, from LSBPIE Web site:

Private Security Project One Was
Pages: 5 Words: 1295

How could such concerns be addressed? Any concerns that do arise should be addressed in a manner according to council. With the proper authorities delegating the new policies, addressing concerns, whether they be from lower personnel or upper management, they will have the opportunity to unveil the oppositions that may hinder the operation of new policies.

How would transferring certain functions affect service delivery and public opinion? Transferring certain functions, such as surveillance will help to drop costs associated with every aspect it pertains to. The types of difficulties that may arise are minimal, and if anything, they would not decline the productivity of delivery nor decline the public opinion in their regard.

What would be the ideal public/private law enforcement model? The ideal differentiating model between private and public law enforcement would depict the makeup of federal and state regarded requirements. Adhering to a code of conduct that is universal is…...



Department of Licensing. 2005. 

Airsafe. 2007.


Zielinski, Mike. 2007. Covert Action Quarterly. Armed and Dangerous; Private Police on the March.

Private Security Functions as it
Pages: 5 Words: 1424

GIS and mapping software, once available only to agencies possessing mainframe computers, can now be easily loaded on the laptops carried in patrol vehicles and therefore can be used by even small and budget-constrained police departments. The innovations demanded by community and problem-oriented policing require that departments incorporate a geographic, spatial, or local focus, and emphasize the importance of integrating crime-mapping techniques into departmental management, analysis, and enforcement practices." (2006) What is needed, according to the work of Kehoe is 'standardization' insofar as the technology used in law enforcement and private security so as to enable more integration and coordination between the two entities. The tools which Kehoe includes in the foregoing list are not an exhaustive list whatsoever.
The work of Ashley Paul Moore entitled: "First Responder Accreditation: The Pros and the Cons" states that there has been a debate among members of Congress as to whether there is…...



Kehoe, Jay (2006) GIS Solutions for Medium and Small Law-Enforcement Agencies - T.I.P.S. Total Integrated Preparedness Solutions 23 February 2005. online available at 

Moore, Ashley Paul (2006) First Responder Accreditation: The Pros and the Cons - GIS Solutions for Medium and Small Law-Enforcement Agencies - T.I.P.S. Total Integrated Preparedness Solutions 23 February 2005. online available at

Security Private Security vs Law Enforcement Matrix
Pages: 2 Words: 637

Private Security vs. Law Enforcement: Matrix Summary

"Private security and public law enforcement share many of the same goals: preventing crime and disorder, identifying criminals, and ensuring the security of people and property," ("Private Security and Public Law Enforcement," n.d.). There are many more private security officers than public police officers, making tandem projects and collaboration essential ("Private Security and Public Law Enforcement," n.d.). There may be some overlap between public law enforcement and private security, but generally the latter can be more highly specialized and are therefore useful in situations such as campus security.

Large privately owned facilities like the campus stadium require a dedicated staff of personnel, rather than a sporadic or incident response team. Therefore, security at the stadium during games can be best provided by the private sector. The public law enforcement agencies in the community can and should be alerted as to when games are being attended…...



Adam, W. (n.d.). Private security vs. public police. eHow. Retrieved online:

Gunter, W., Kidwell, J. (2004). Law enforcement and private security liaison: partnerships for cooperation. International Foundation for Protection Officers. Retrieved online: 

"Private Security and Public Law Enforcement," (n.d.). COPS. Retrieved online:

Private Security
Pages: 3 Words: 947

Private security industry [...] impact of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the private security field. Clearly, the private security industry, and all security, was impacted by the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York, Washington D.C. And Pennsylvania. Airport and border securities were tightened, and many Americans turned to private security firms to ensure their own personal safety. Millions of businesses also turned to private security to shore up their business defenses. Studies indicate that some forms of private security services are booming, but overall, the security industry has actually declined between 1999 and 2004.
The nation's private security industry has certainly changed since the September 11 terrorist attacks, but how much it has changed really depends on specific areas of security. One industry researcher notes, "In 2003, there were approximately one million security guards (including airport screeners) employed in the United States -- compared to 650,000 U.S.…...



Corkery, Jennifer. "Public Safety Goes Private: Demand for Private Security Professionals .Skyrockets." 17 Feb. 2002. 17 Dec. 2004.


Parfomak, Paul W. "Guarding America: Security Guards and U.S. Critical Infrastructure Protection." Federation of American Scientists. 12 Nov. 2004. 17 Dec. 2004.

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Private Security and Patriot Act
Pages: 7 Words: 2849

Sikhs are also mistakenly included since police are unable to detect the difference. (District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia Advisory Committees to the U.S. Commission on Civil ights, 2003) a lot of people are being arrested on very technical immigration infringements of visa, and immigration judges will never let go an individual till the FBI articulates a curiosity in that particular person. For instance, on one occasion a student who missed to put his signature on an I-20 immigration form was held and had been imprisoned for six weeks. In its declaration to the Immigration Court deliberating to retain the youth in jail, the FBI stated that it had been unable to exclude the odds that he is in some manner or the other associated with or has knowledge regarding the terrorist assaults. Totally no positive accusation of any kind was available that might associate this student in any…...



Cole, David. (2002, Sept) "Trading Liberty for Security after September 11" FPIF Policy

Report. Retrieved 8 July, 2007 at 

Dinh, Viet. D. (2004, May 1) "USA Patriot Act" German Law Journal, vol. 5, no. 5, pp: 8-10.

District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia Advisory Committees to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. (2003, Jun). "Civil Rights Concerns in the Metropolitan Washington, D.C., Area in the Aftermath of the September 11, 2001, Tragedies" Retrieved 8 July, 2007 at

Private Security and Law
Pages: 2 Words: 722

Private Security and the Law Private security operatives are held liable for their actions based on existing federal and state laws. Potential liability for these operatives occur when attempting to stop or arrest criminals or when carrying out their daily operations. The most common potential liability issues for private security operatives are assault and battery. In addition, private security operatives can be found guilty under vicarious liability for the torts of another and for a violation of 42 U.S.C. 1983 (Reid, 2017). An example of a recent court case involving private security operatives accused or found liable for a 42 U.S.C. 1983 violation and under vicarious liability for the torts of another is State v. Santiago (2009).
In this case, the defendant Luis Santiago was involved in a verbal altercation at the Coronado Mall on July 20, 2005 in Albuquerque. Following the altercation, Santiago was stopped by security guards as he attempted…...

Private Security and Legal Challenges
Pages: 4 Words: 1292

Introduction This paper seeks to explicate on the legitimacy of private security in regard to conducting administrative searchers based on the Chenkin v. Bellevue case. In the Chenkin v. Bellevue case, the court sought to challenge the legitimacy of searchers carried out by private security in a company to recover property or reduce asset theft. In the case, Bellevue Hospital provides a clear policy which guides the hospital in its reduction of theft of assets (Chenkin v. Bellevue Hosp. Ctr.). The hospital policy outlines that every package, large parcel or bag that is carried by any corporate employee must be searched randomly before the employee leaves the facility. However, Chenkin, a chemist at the hospital had denied the guards from searching his luggage two times. Consequently, the chemist’ wages were withheld for a week as a way of the hospital taking disciplinary action against him. Therefore, in the case, Chenkin argues…...



Chenkin v. Bellevue Hosp. Ctr. (1979). CHENKIN v. BELLEVUE HOSP. CTR., N. Y. C., ETC. Retrieved from

Hans, G. S. (2018). Curing Administrative Search Decay. BUJ Sci. & Tech. L., 24, 1.

Mansfield, S. (2015). Constitutional Law-Administrative Searches-Closing the Door on Frank v. Maryland. DePaul Law Review, 17(1), 207.,%20N.%20Y.%20C.,%20ETC.#

Private Security and the Law
Pages: 10 Words: 2858

Private Security and the Law: International Use of Private Security in Support of U.S. Interests Abroad Introduction
To support U.S. interests abroad more and more resources have been diverted to private security as American military have been scaled back in places like Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. But is the international use of private security in support of U.S. interests abroad justifiable or lawful? Certainly it is both—but then why the controversy among certain groups? The controversy among some constitutionalists and conservative circles is that private security defense contractors take the place of the military and thus put distance between the American public and the continuation of wars abroad, which the public is under the mistaken belief have ended. As Jennifer Elsea notes, “the use of private security contractors (PSCs) to protect personnel and property in Iraq and Afghanistan has been a subject of debate in the press, in Congress, and in the…...


Works Cited

Elsea, Jennifer. “Private Security Contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan: Legal Issues.” Congressional Research Service, 2010.

Franke, Volker, and Marc Von Boemcken. \\\\"Guns for hire: Motivations and attitudes of private security contractors.\\\\" Armed Forces & Society 37.4 (2011): 725-742.

Glanz, James and Andrew Lehren. “Use of Contractors Added to War’s Chaos in Iraq.” New York Times, 2010.

Higate, Paul. \\\\"‘Cowboys and professionals’: The politics of identity work in the private and military security company.\\\\" Millennium 40.2 (2012): 321-341.

Leander, Anna. \\\\"The paradoxical impunity of private military companies: Authority and the limits to legal accountability.\\\\" Security dialogue 41.5 (2010): 467-490.

Leander, Anna, and Rens Van Munster. \\\\"Private security contractors in the debate about Darfur: Reflecting and reinforcing neo-liberal governmentality.\\\\" International relations21.2 (2007): 201-216.

Priddy, Alice, and Stuart Casey-Maslen. \\\\"Counter-Piracy Operations by Private Maritime Security Contractors: Key Legal Issues and Challenges.\\\\" Journal of International Criminal Justice 10.4 (2012): 839-856.

Thurnher, Jeffrey S. \\\\"Drowning in Blackwater: how weak accountability over private security contractors significantly undermines counterinsurgency efforts.\\\\" Army Law. (2008): 64.

Ethics of Private Security Officers
Pages: 3 Words: 949

Private Security Officers Ethical Responsibilities
Private Security Officers

The objective of this study is to examine the importance of ethics in security. Towards this end this work will examine the regulations and laws in this area of inquiry as well as reporting on case law in this area of the law.

Rules and Regulations

The 'Rules and Regulations -- Relating to the Licensing and Regulation of the Private Security Guard usiness Pursuant to the Private Security Guards Act of 1987 sets out the regulations for the operation of a Private Security business and the licensing requirements. It is related in the regulations published by the State of California in regards to the duties of a private security officer that any individual registered in that capacity must turn into their director a written report of any incident in which they are involved that results in a firearm being discharged within seven days following the incident.…...



Barranca, SM (nd) Unbecoming Conduct: Legal and Ethical Issues of Private Contractors in Military Situations. Retrieved from: 

Button, M. (2013) Security Officers and Policing: Powers, Culture and Control in the Governance of Private Space. Ashgate Publishing. Retrieved from: 

Nemeth, C. (nd) Private Security and the Law. ScienceDirect. Retrieved from: 

Search and Seizure (nd) WISSPD. Retrieved from:

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on global south in international security p. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 572

Lesser-Known but Intriguing Essay Topics on the Global South in International Security

1. Security Implications of Climate Change in the Global South: Assessing Vulnerability and Resilience

Climate change disproportionately affects developing countries in the Global South, exacerbating security threats such as resource scarcity, forced displacement, and social unrest. This topic explores the complex interplay between environmental degradation, human security, and international cooperation.

2. The Rise of Cybercrime and Cyberattacks in the Global South: Challenges and Responses

With growing internet connectivity, the Global South is facing an increasing threat from cybercrime and cyberattacks. This topic examines the unique challenges these countries face in cybersecurity, including....

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