Professional Experience Essays (Examples)

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It demonstrates that all conflict is not bad, and that some conflict in fact can serve as an impetus for the improvement of professional goals and personal skills. It is always a risk to admit failure in any situation, and yet the importance of admitting and learning from failure is frequently essential in the process of self-development. Through this rather frustrating experience in which I learned that I needed greater skills and education in order to continue to improve my professionalism and job attainment I have also generated a rather fundamental understanding of the importance of listening to my inner voice. My inner voice told me that I should not take the job and that I would not fit in, but having ignored this inner voice, I also learned a great deal about myself, my historical education and skills and most importantly that if you at first ignore your….

In addition, I have developed a comprehensive understanding of hypertext transfer protocol language and programming tools and have used this knowledge to good advantage in developing effective and easy-to-read and understand Web sites for my various employers. hese experiences have served to fuel my interest in how to use this evolving medium more effectively for cross-cultural communication applications in the future. As a concomitant to this growing interest, I have found there is a growing need for balancing the commercial opportunities involved in mass communications through global outlets with the ethical considerations that such a medium entails. In many ways, the rules are still being written and precedent is being established; clearly, this is an exciting time to be a part of mass communications, and this is what makes the career path so attractive to me.
On a final and personal note, the skills, expertise and communications techniques learned in….

Educator Coach Resume
6335 La Mirada Way -- Long Beach, CA 92042


Professional, experiences, articulate and student-focused professional with proven expertise in motivating you to achieve appropriate goals. Prioritizing strategies for wining school athletic programs without losing sight of team-building, social, and sportsmanship training. Holds students, parents, staff in high-esteem while ensuring that students of all levels are accountable for their performance and attitude, on and off the field. Interacts with colleagues and administrators with a high degree of professionalism and personal integrity. Background includes pedagogical leadership and business. Extremely dedicated to student and staff development. Proficient with athletic scheduling software. Adept at training programs for all levels.



2002 -- Present

Athletic Director, Boys Football and Basketball Coach

Reorganized football and basketball programs and exceeded California Athletic Association Standards

Created new policies and procedures, complete rewrite of Athletic Handbook

Took football team to….

The work of Fink, Krugman, Casey and Goode (2008) entitled: "The Graduate Nurse Experience: Qualitative Residency Program Outcomes" reports a study which evaluated responses to the Casey-Fink Graduate Nurse Experience Survey which was administered to graduate nursing students at the University HelathSystem Consortium/American Association of Colleges of Nursing and states findings that graduate nurses "...experience role conflict and stress as they begin practice in work environments of high complexity, nurse shortages, and expectations to become competent rapidly." (Fink, Krugman, Casey, and Goode, 2008) the work of Spencer (2008) entitled: "Increasing RN-NS Enrollments: Facilitating Articulation through Curriculum Reform' states that increasing enrollments in nursing programs is one method to deal with the shortage of nurses. However, the majority of these new graduates will be educated at the associate degree in nursing level. The need to increase the number of nurses educated at the baccalaureate level is significant. Research has shown….

Another 1997 study suggested that the increasing intensity of work and the regular exposure to potentially violent patients is another significant stressor that accounts for job burnout among CMHNs.
A much earlier study from 1987 was also cited by the authors because it specifically identified two factors as unique sources of stress for psychiatric nurses: patient contact and administrative and organizational factors. In that regard, the authors reported the collective findings of a series of studies from 1985 to 1996 that further detailed the roles of exposure to violent and disruptive patients, staff shortages, and conflicts with fellow staff members and patients' families as significant sources of vocational stress related to job burnout in the mental health nursing field. wo separate studies in that series from 1989 and 1995 both determined that scarce resources (including staff shortages) greatly exacerbated the negative effects of all of those stressors.


he article concluded that….

Some of these causes include shift work/long work hours, sleepiness, social/familial disruptions, vulnerable groups, long-term effects, and injuries. This is an indication that various institutions should focus on the evaluation of the causes of risks faced by nurses at the workplace in order to adopt and integrate quality interventions towards enhancing the safety of the nurses (Alison Trinkoff et al., 2008). One of the effective and influential approaches towards promotion of safety of the nurses is transformation of the working schedule to offer sufficient opportunity for the practitioners to recapture their energies following stressful interaction with the patients.
This is through minimization of the working hours as well as integration of favourable shifts to operate in the favour of the nurses as they seek to enhance their safety. It will also improve concentration levels of the nurses at the workplace thus quality relationship between the patients and nurses in addition….

Professional Counseling
The relevance of counseling as a helping profession cannot be overstated. This is more so the case taking into consideration the role counseling plays towards the facilitation of the development of not only an individual but also a family or even a group.

Counseling as a Distinct Profession: The History and Philosophy of the Profession

Marini and Stebnicki (2008) point out that although counseling as a term made its first appearance (in print) sometimes in the year 1931, the practice of the same had started earlier on. It is important to note that although the roots of counseling as a helping relationship can be traced to the early omanian and Greek times, the actual development of the counseling profession as we know it today largely started taking place in the late 1800s. In the words of Marini and Stebnicki (2008), "the origins of the counseling profession in the United States have….

Professional Progress
My professional progress:

I am the Manager, etail Management, Wal-Mart, San Francisco. I joined this branch when it was newly launched in San Francisco about two years back. I have served the Wal-Mart group in several cities of USA. With little over two decades of retail management experience, in my core roles as Manager, etail, I have also been associated with traditional marketing roles like public relations, advertising. I was entrusted to run several loyalty programmes for customers from the detail customer database that we have in our Computer Systems and prepared a 'etail eporting oadmap' which helps in evaluating customer data to have importance across the enterprise. From my experience, I have found that customer metrics are crucial measures which are just as important as metrics that measure product, performance of vendor, or channel. (obinson, 2006)

Customer selling information contained in the data warehouse is capable to take an augmented….

Via stipulated agreement, a licensee who faces disciplinary action has the right to negotiate a settlement. uch a settlement is also subject to the Board vote, and may be approved or denied as a result. When disagreeing with the outcome of the disciplinary hearing, the licensee may also appeal to have the Board's decision overthrown. However, if the accused believes that the charges are valid, he or she may also voluntarily surrender the nursing license, and will no longer be allowed to practice in the state of California.

In cases where it is believed that an accused and convicted nurse will be able to rehabilitate, such an individual is entered into the Board's Diversion Program. This program is mainly focused upon nurses that are subject to problems such as chemical dependency and/or mental illness. These are seen as conditions that can be either remedied or managed in such a way to….

Nurse Skeptical's etort

Nurse Skeptical's response to the above interpretation of the scenario is likely to be quite defensive, and a defense of her actions and decisions would not be entirely without grounds. If there was indeed a psychological problem that Mrs. testy was experiencing, it would render her incapable of autonomy at least in the very limited regard of her requests for pain medication. The very essence of a psychologically-induced feeling of pain is that the patient cannot differentiate between a psychological and a physiological symptom, and thus cannot accurately report the pain to their medical professional. Furtehrmore, should the placebo that Nurse Skeptical plans on administering prove equally successful in "treating" the "pain," her actions would seem entirely justified.

This defense overlooks several key factors necessary to the proper provision of medical care, however. First and foremost, there is at least some possibility that the pain Mrs. Testy is experiencing….

According to Carr, "It is good for the development of young people to undergo some dress discipline, and only right for teachers to set pupils an appropriate example in this respect" (emphasis added) (p. 218).
There are some common sense rules that can be followed by middle school teachers in determining what will be perceived as "professional attire" by others, especially their students. For example, in his essay, "Transition to Teaching: Putting Your Best Foot Forward," Senne (2004) recommends conservative attire and jewelry for both male and female middle school teachers. According to this author, "Female teachers should choose to wear a conservative dress (appropriate length), blouse and skirt, or blouse and dress slacks. Male teachers may opt for a dress shirt, dress slacks, tie, and suit coat. Shoes should be consistent with selected attire" (p. 46). While these are the typical choices for professional attire, they certainly do not….

Principals are instrumental in sparking professional dialogue amongst teachers and encouraging critical self-reflection within the minds of individual teachers. All of these elements of reflection and reflexiveness are essential during staff meetings, for a true Professional Learning Community to function as it should.
A good principal is willing to provide an honest evaluation as to how the school is progressing in its mission and not allow the school's reputation to rest upon its past laurels. A principal functions as the strategic planner who determines the long-term goals of the school, and the short-term goals or benchmarks the school must reach to achieve those goals. By setting goals and helping generate a collective sense of mission for all persons at the school, principals create the necessary atmosphere at the school for more effective practices.

Principals also play an important role in facilitating professional development, as the ideal of teachers continuing to learn….

Professional Organization
Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) provides its members with knowledge, education, and resources that enable them reach their true potential. This association is for IT business professionals. AITP endeavors to equip its members with technology and leadership education. It also undertakes to equip its members with research and information on current technological issues in the realms of business (AITP, 2012). The association creates a forum for networking and collaboration. Some of the networking events that the association organizes are conferences.

To be a member of AITP one must have at one time been employed in the management of information resources portfolios. These individuals can be managers, staff, sales, and even service providers. This category of individual falls under professional members. Students with relevant training background can also be members of AITP. AITP also draws its membership from commercial enterprises, government, and educational organizations that rely on information technology in….

Professional Accomplishments
He was a college dropout that slept on his friend's dorm room floor, returning coke bottles for five cents a bottle and walking seven miles across town every Sunday night to get a meal at a Hindu temple. As one of the pioneers of Apple Computers, a multi-billion dollar corporation, Steve Jobs has used his drive, ambition and passion to fuel his professional accomplishments.

When I first started at Wells Fargo as a teller, I made about the same as a high school babysitter. Undeterred, I put my best foot forward, cultivating customer relation skills and basic accounting principles to move forward- like Steve Jobs, I aspired to be something more. Over my 16 months at Well Fargo, my aspirations bore fruit in the form of four promotions, when making twelve dollars was no longer the standard and a base salary took its place. Simultaneously, I earned my securities licensing.….

Professional Knowledge and Abilities
The American Psychological Association (APA) is a pivotal organization within the discipline of psychology. The influence of the APA on questions of standards and professionalism is unquestioned. A demonstration of this influence is the use of the APA standard for presenting papers and research work. Thus, the APA is the guardian for quality and integrity in the psychological landscape in America and much of the world.

The APA has very specific organizational purposes and attempts to stay within the parameters of its organizational purposes. The main purpose of the APA is the advance of "psychology as a science, a profession and as a means of promoting health, education, and human welfare" (American Psychological Association, 2011). This purpose is achieved through the publication of journals, the establishing of best practices, the improvement of research approaches in psychology, and the real life application of research findings. The improvement of qualifications….

1. The Paradox of Servant Leadership: Balancing Power and Humility

Servant leadership emphasizes the importance of selfless service and putting others first. However, it also acknowledges the inherent power dynamics within organizations. Discuss how servant leaders navigate this paradox, balancing their authority with a genuine commitment to empowering and serving their followers.

2. Servant Leadership in a Digital Age: Embracing Technology for Inclusivity

Technology has transformed modern workplaces. Explore the unique challenges and opportunities that servant leaders face in leveraging technology to foster inclusivity, empower remote teams, and promote transparency and collaboration.

3. The Neuroscience of Servant Leadership: The Impact on Employee Well-Being

Recent research....

2 Pages
Term Paper


Difficult Professional Experiences of My

Words: 634
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It demonstrates that all conflict is not bad, and that some conflict in fact can serve as an impetus for the improvement of professional goals and personal skills.…

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2 Pages
Application Essay


Education and Professional Experience to

Words: 546
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Application Essay

In addition, I have developed a comprehensive understanding of hypertext transfer protocol language and programming tools and have used this knowledge to good advantage in developing effective and…

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2 Pages


Professional Business Resume

Words: 482
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Resume

Educator Coach Resume 6335 La Mirada Way -- Long Beach, CA 92042 ATHLETIC DIRECTOR -- COACH -- ADMINISTRATOR -- TEACHER Professional, experiences, articulate and student-focused professional with proven expertise in motivating you…

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4 Pages

Health - Nursing

Professional Nursing Education Program the

Words: 1099
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

The work of Fink, Krugman, Casey and Goode (2008) entitled: "The Graduate Nurse Experience: Qualitative Residency Program Outcomes" reports a study which evaluated responses to the Casey-Fink Graduate…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Professional Burnout in General Professional

Words: 550
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Another 1997 study suggested that the increasing intensity of work and the regular exposure to potentially violent patients is another significant stressor that accounts for job burnout among…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Professional Portfolio Cultural and Personal

Words: 1220
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Some of these causes include shift work/long work hours, sleepiness, social/familial disruptions, vulnerable groups, long-term effects, and injuries. This is an indication that various institutions should focus on…

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4 Pages


Professional Counseling the Relevance of Counseling as

Words: 1876
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Professional Counseling The relevance of counseling as a helping profession cannot be overstated. This is more so the case taking into consideration the role counseling plays towards the facilitation of…

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4 Pages


Professional Progress My Professional Progress I Am

Words: 1181
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Resume

Professional Progress My professional progress: I am the Manager, etail Management, Wal-Mart, San Francisco. I joined this branch when it was newly launched in San Francisco about two years back. I…

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6 Pages

Health - Nursing

Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability

Words: 1944
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

Via stipulated agreement, a licensee who faces disciplinary action has the right to negotiate a settlement. uch a settlement is also subject to the Board vote, and may be…

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5 Pages

Health - Nursing

Professional Client Development and Analysis

Words: 1319
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Nurse Skeptical's etort Nurse Skeptical's response to the above interpretation of the scenario is likely to be quite defensive, and a defense of her actions and decisions would not be…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Professional Dress of Teachers Affecting

Words: 2198
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

According to Carr, "It is good for the development of young people to undergo some dress discipline, and only right for teachers to set pupils an appropriate example…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Professional Learning Communities at Work

Words: 694
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Principals are instrumental in sparking professional dialogue amongst teachers and encouraging critical self-reflection within the minds of individual teachers. All of these elements of reflection and reflexiveness are…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Professional Organization Association of Information Technology Professionals

Words: 621
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Professional Organization Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) provides its members with knowledge, education, and resources that enable them reach their true potential. This association is for IT business professionals.…

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2 Pages
Admission Essay


Professional Accomplishments He Was a College Dropout

Words: 574
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

Professional Accomplishments He was a college dropout that slept on his friend's dorm room floor, returning coke bottles for five cents a bottle and walking seven miles across town every…

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2 Pages


Professional Knowledge and Abilities the American Psychological

Words: 628
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Professional Knowledge and Abilities The American Psychological Association (APA) is a pivotal organization within the discipline of psychology. The influence of the APA on questions of standards and professionalism is…

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