Promotion Essays (Examples)

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Clinique can basically be described as a leading manufacturer of a wide range of cosmetics and skincare products. Over time, the company has carried out extensive marketing campaigns which in most cases target specific market segments. In this text, I discuss an advert of one of Clinique's products going by the same name. The product in this case is designed to renew the skin bringing about a brighter and more vibrant skin.

Clinique: Skin enewer

It can be noted that when it comes to the communication of its benefits, Clinique has done a great job. On the advert, we have two bold writings inscribed alongside the product label clearly communicating the benefits users of the product are to derive from the utilization of the same. These writings include the bolder "total turnaround" followed by the equally visible "visible skin renewer." By reading these two writings, any prospective buyer of the product immediately….

Customers get only the information which is suited to them, without any doubling from other HP product teams. (Consistent, elevant Customer Communications from Various Product Teams. Clients: Case Studies)
After employing one-to-one marketing, HP saw instant surge in revenue, and superb cost savings. In case of house lists, HP achieved annual sales in excess of $300 million as also approximately $3.6 million yearly in total marketing cost savings. An experiment comparing direct mail to the online Incoming letter displayed that email costs just $7 per lead, while direct mail costs $163. Besides, approximately, $4.2 million every year in support cost is avoided. Through making customers to direct their enquiries to HP through email instead of telephones, HP spent just 3 to 8 cents per enquiry instead of $15 for a telephone call. (Consistent, elevant Customer Communications from Various Product Teams. Clients: Case Studies) virtual video face was produced by the….

Fast food markets cater to those who live fast-paced, busy lives, and many people make quick decisions to eat fast food when they're on the road. Commercials using the college-aged Jared should appear in a limited capacity on television, but in a greater capacity on the radio. The spokesperson should use the commercial in order to compare Subway's prices with those of other fast food restaurants while distancing the sandwich shop's products from the products offered at other fast food establishments. A slogan might sound something like this: "Subway. Because the dollar menu doesn't have to be so greasy." Using the college-aged Jared to publicize these prices over the radio will convince many to make a fast-paced decision to choose Subway over comparatively priced fast food restaurants.
Those who choose to eat with their friends or in social situations

Subway's current sales promotion advertising a foot-long sandwich for only five dollars….

Promotions strategies.
There are two types of promotion strategies:

Above the line promotion where TV, radio, newspapers, internet, and billboards are used amongst other stratagems)

Below the line promotion intended to be subtle so that consumer is unaware of advertising purpose (e.g. testimonials, sponsorship, product placement, direct mail, trade shows, and public relations).

The five elements that would be involved in promoting / selling the following two components are: personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and publicity.

The promotional objectives for both are also similar in that their overall strategy is to: present information to consumers; increase demand for the product; and differentiate the product.


A combination of above the line and below the line promotion will be used with emphasis on below the line. I will use Internet advertisement, special events, endorsements, and newspapers. I will also give incentives like discounts ("two for the price of one"), a contest, a quiz show, and/or….

Sales promotions can result in immediate sales benefits and also "help keep sales consistent throughout the year," (Chapter 6, p. 4). Although sales promotions are short-term and can potentially hurt the brand image, they are often indispensible tools for some companies and some brands. There are basically two categories of promotions: promotions for consumers and promotions for the trade industry (retailers or wholesalers). Consumer promotions account for as much as 75% of all marketing expenditures for some companies (Chapter 6, p. 8). Seven primary types of consumer promotions include coupons, sampling, cash refunds or rebates, sweepstakes, loyalty programs, premiums, and free trials.

Coupons are one of the most common types of consumer promotions used. Coupons may offer a percentage off a purchase, or a finite dollar amount. Although coupon use has declined, they remain important. Food coupons are one of the most important types of coupons used in the consumer sector.….

There are a few key points of differentiation that make the bracelet program unique. It is the first program that allows live tracking. Existing programs can do little more than identify a child once they have been found. The current systems in place for finding lost or kidnapped children still rely on eyewitnesses for success. The bracelets work even in the absence of such eyewitnesses. Another area where the bracelet program is differentiated is in the response time. In all missing persons cases, the speed at which an investigation is launched is critical to a successful outcome. According to many law enforcement sources, the first 48 hours after a person is noticed to be missing are the most important. The bracelets allow a child to be tracked and found well within the 48-hour period. This ability to deliver accurate, timely results is what differentiates the bracelet program apart from existing….

Promotion and Pricing
Starbucks, the company, is both a product and a service. It is a product in the sense that Starbucks as a company trade purveys coffee and sold coffee beverages. However, because these coffee, tea, and other kinds of drinkable and comestible products are sold not simply over the Internet, but at retail outlets all over the nation, the company essentially provides a service as well to consumers, a service of making beverages and giving consumers a place to 'hang out' in and call their own, where, if not everyone knows their name, at least the consumer knows what he or she can expect when ordering the favorite Frappucino of the month.

Starbucks is also interesting as a company from a marketing and promotional standpoint because it is a profitable company with an ostentatiously environmentalist, even 'crunchy' or hippie-oriented image that traces back to its early Seattle roots and its….

Nursing Health Promotion: Case Study Monica
Monica is a 17-year-old African-American female with dangerous lifestyle choices. There are several major health concerns with the patient, including the fact that she has turned to prostitution and has a family history of Type II Diabetes and coronary artery disease. As such, Monica needs obvious interventions to help prevent any serious conditions in her health from getting out of control. Thus, the interventions can be broken up based on her individual characteristics, such as age, gender, family history, and lifestyle choices. The following analysis is a break down of what interventions would ultimately prove most successful.

Monica is at a very tumultuous age. At 17 years old, she is in the middle of her teenage years, which is ultimately a stage of great crisis as the adolescent tries to break through into young adulthood. Thus, there is a higher risk for suicide and depression, as….

Program to Promote Positive Health Behaviors
The screening practice for disease has been identified as an effective tool to save lives, reduce suffering and reduce health care costs. While a periodic screening for cervical and breast cancer has been identified as an effective tool in reducing a level of burden of disease in women, however, many screening practices fall short of a recommended practice thereby leaving patients to face unnecessary risks. Barriers to cancer screening exist at different levels at physician, patients and practice systems. The EWM (Every Woman Matter) is a state-organized program and federally-funded program to eliminate barriers to prevent cervical and breast cancer screening. The program focuses on raising public awareness on the risks associated to breast cancer and make the screening more accessible to all low-income women. The goal of the program is also to allow eligible women to receive a Papanicolaou smear test, mammography, and….

Missed Promotion

Promotion Exercise
My role in the exercise was as the employee. My goal for this meeting was to find out why I did not get the job. I was hurt to be passed over for this promotion, and so I was curious about why that happened. Part of my curiosity is benign, in that I simply want to know how I can improve for next time, but part of it is that I want to get assurance that the process was fair and that the better candidate got the job.

I was able to find out a few things, but the answers were not as compelling as I might have thought them to be. There were other strong candidates, and it was a tough choice, and a few other arguments were made, but ultimately these arguments were short on specifics, to my disappointment.

I agree that this meeting was satisfactory. I was provided….

Assimilation of Marketing

Introduction Schewe & Haim (1998) provide an overview of the field of marketing, tracing its roots and development until the end of the 20th century. This era set much of the foundation for how marketing works today, although the modern marketing organization leverages modern technology in ways that were unavailable to practitioners in the 20th century. Schewe and Haim make the case that marketing is a critical element of business success, but that marketing as a function need not be expressly the work of a marketing department. The argue instead that the core essence of marketing lies not just with attracting new customers, but also with ensuring the satisfaction of existing ones.
The inherent logic of this argument is fairly straightforward – marketing is about revenue generation. There are two components to revenue – new business and repeat business. To take a holistic view of marketing is to recognize this reality, and….

Health Promotion Program for Alzheimer's Patients
The objective of this study is to construct a health promotion program for Alzheimer's Patients. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is "a form of dementia that interferes with a person's intellectual and social functioning." (NCPAD, 2012) One of the primary concerns for the individual with Alzheimer's is weight loss "due to eating problems such as poor-fitting dentures, problems in swallowing, and loss of appetite. Weight loss or loss of appetite may be caused by noise, odor, and/or conversation distractions while eating." (NCPAD, 2012) Caregivers are faced with many challenges in providing care for the Alzheimer's Patient. Findings in this study state that the primary components required for the health promotion program for the individual with Alzheimer's disease are those of: (1) nutrition; (2) physical activity; (3) mental activity; and (4) social activity and participation.

Health Promotion Program for Alzheimer's Patients


The objective of this study is to construct a….

Health Promotion Pamphlet
• Layout appeal • Content quality • eading level • Clarity • Examples health promotion pamphlet • Usefulness • Cultural sensitivity competence • Helpful hints tips -care management • Appropriate literacy level target audience Include publication information pamphlet

The importance of fruits and vegetables:

A current health promotion pamphlet's appropriateness for the general public

Obesity is on the rise in America. Given this concern, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has produced a pamphlet on the need to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into meals. The title of the pamphlet reads: "How to use fruits and vegetables to manage your weight," so it is explicitly promoted as weight maintenance publication. The cover is orange and features photographs of a cauliflower, cherries, a banana, an orange pepper, and peas, presumably chosen because of their attractive colors, the balance they signify in the eater's diet, and also their relative popularity as foods.


Experience with the two aspects that are being studied, school retention and social promotion, are important for this study. Therefore these strategies will help to recognize the extent to which their experience provides insights to the responses they provide Hodges, Kuper, & eeves, 2008()
These two methods are also in depth analytic processes and will help the researcher to detect the main themes in the responses and how they are influenced by their experience with the aspects being studied. Though both methods greatly rely on the speech of the respondents as the major source of data, there are reasons why the two methods are chosen. These are that they involve critical thinking since the researcher is required to understand how experience comes into play in the responses. Therefore it helps to make the resulting analysis to be as thorough as possible.

Validity and reliability of data collection and analysis

Since the study….

Starbucks continues to use the music-to-emotion connection in the television spots to underscore their core messaging and differentiation.
Internet - Starbuck's Internet strategy stresses their environmentally friendly corporate policies, humanitarian efforts, and accentuates its health coverage for part-time employees. In short, the Internet strategy primarily focuses on showing global corporate responsibility, which is a critical messaging platform as the company moves into new Pacific im nations including Australia, Japan, and Korea. The global reach of the company is also exemplified in the use of maps to show where the various coffees are grown and sourced from.

Starbucks also supports their two core messages of delivering "reward" drinks on the one hand (Frappacinos) and getting a caffeine boost for a job (Double Shot) through the heavy use of graphics and downloadable computer art. For the summer promotion of "reward" drinks there is also the attempt to link music with the positioning of….

First, we want to reassure you that being confused about nursing worldviews puts you in some good company.  Many nurse practitioners find that the approach that place worldviews at the beginning of nursing inquiry may actually be hampering the development of nursing scholarship and keeping the profession from evolving as quickly and as efficiently as it should.  In addition, the material can become very confusing because different authors use the words paradigm and worldview interchangeably, though they distinguish them from metaparadigms. 

Broadly stated, an individual’s worldview consists of the beliefs and assumptions that the person uses to interpret....

In your instructions, you want to know how to write a health promotion, including retrieving information, disseminating that information, and obstacles in the community. This type of project is often called a patient education or education assignment.  First, you want to start with finding reputable information about diabetes. There are a number of reputable health websites you can visit to get information about diabetes, but the easiest resource to access may be the American Diabetes Association.  It has comprehensive information about the disease as well as educational resources, lifestyle tips, and medical information.


Title: The Impact of Global Wars on Societies: Causes, Consequences, and Lessons

Global wars have shaped world history, leaving indelible imprints on societies and cultures. This essay explores the causes, consequences, and lessons derived from the major global wars in history. By examining significant conflicts such as World War I, World War II, and the Cold War, we gain an understanding of the profound socio-political changes and humanitarian crises resulting from these wars. Utilizing a range of authoritative resources, this essay aims to present a comprehensive examination of global wars and their legacy.

I. Causes of Global Wars
A. Imperialism and Expansionism

Creating a business plan for a podcast is a great step towards structuring and professionalizing your project. Here's a guide to help you draft an effective business plan:

1. Executive Summary

  • Podcast Name: Choose a catchy and relevant name.
  • Mission Statement: What is the core purpose of your podcast?
  • Goals: Short-term and long-term goals for your podcast.

2. Description of the Podcast

  • Concept: Describe the theme, format, and style of your podcast.
  • Target Audience: Define who your listeners are.
  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP): What makes your podcast stand out?

3. Market Analysis

  • Industry Overview: Trends in the podcast industry.
  • Target Market:....

2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Promotion Clinique Can Basically Be Described as

Words: 663
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Promotion Clinique can basically be described as a leading manufacturer of a wide range of cosmetics and skincare products. Over time, the company has carried out extensive marketing campaigns which…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Promotion and Price Analysis Hewlett-Packard

Words: 1122
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Customers get only the information which is suited to them, without any doubling from other HP product teams. (Consistent, elevant Customer Communications from Various Product Teams. Clients: Case…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

Promotion and Publicity Sales Promotion

Words: 2430
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Fast food markets cater to those who live fast-paced, busy lives, and many people make quick decisions to eat fast food when they're on the road. Commercials using…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Promotions Strategies There Are Two Types of

Words: 678
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Promotions strategies. There are two types of promotion strategies: Above the line promotion where TV, radio, newspapers, internet, and billboards are used amongst other stratagems) Below the line promotion intended to be…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Promotions Sales Promotions Can Result in Immediate

Words: 638
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Promotions Sales promotions can result in immediate sales benefits and also "help keep sales consistent throughout the year," (Chapter 6, p. 4). Although sales promotions are short-term and can potentially…

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13 Pages
Research Proposal

Criminal Justice

Promotion Plan Situation Analysis Promotional

Words: 4006
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

There are a few key points of differentiation that make the bracelet program unique. It is the first program that allows live tracking. Existing programs can do little more…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Promotion and Prize Analysis

Words: 1538
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Promotion and Pricing Starbucks, the company, is both a product and a service. It is a product in the sense that Starbucks as a company trade purveys coffee and sold…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Promotion Case Study Monica

Words: 1383
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Nursing Health Promotion: Case Study Monica Monica is a 17-year-old African-American female with dangerous lifestyle choices. There are several major health concerns with the patient, including the fact that she…

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4 Pages

Greek Studies

Promotion of Positive Health Behaviors

Words: 1325
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Program to Promote Positive Health Behaviors The screening practice for disease has been identified as an effective tool to save lives, reduce suffering and reduce health care costs. While…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Missed Promotion

Words: 632
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Promotion Exercise My role in the exercise was as the employee. My goal for this meeting was to find out why I did not get the job. I was hurt…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Assimilation of Marketing

Words: 3381
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Introduction Schewe & Haim (1998) provide an overview of the field of marketing, tracing its roots and development until the end of the 20th century. This era set much of…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Constructing a Health Promotion Program for Alzheimer's

Words: 1456
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Health Promotion Program for Alzheimer's Patients The objective of this study is to construct a health promotion program for Alzheimer's Patients. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is "a form of dementia that…

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3 Pages

Education - Reading

Health Promotion Pamphlet & 8226 Layout Appeal & 8226

Words: 1134
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Promotion Pamphlet • Layout appeal • Content quality • eading level • Clarity • Examples health promotion pamphlet • Usefulness • Cultural sensitivity competence • Helpful hints tips…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


School Retention vs Social Promotion

Words: 917
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Experience with the two aspects that are being studied, school retention and social promotion, are important for this study. Therefore these strategies will help to recognize the extent…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Business Marketing Promotion and Price

Words: 1198
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Starbucks continues to use the music-to-emotion connection in the television spots to underscore their core messaging and differentiation. Internet - Starbuck's Internet strategy stresses their environmentally friendly corporate policies,…

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