Promotional Essays (Examples)

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Promotional Practice eport
Objectives of the campaign

Promotional tools

Media used in the campaign

Promotional Campaign

Communication is as the passage of messages from the source, who is the sender, to the target who is the receiver. The sender encodes the information into symbols which are understandable by the receiver thus enabling decoding of the original message and giving of feedback. These symbols are to convey thoughts, and the required meaning between the sender and recipient and they include pictures, words and music. In marketing communication theory, the rationale behind marketing communication is the use of different modes to communicate. Each mode used has significance in capturing the recipient's attention. Note that, each recipient has a distinct mode through which to get information about a certain product. Therefore, the sender sends the same message via various routes with the explanation that, through these dissimilar paths, the meaning of the message is to be implicit (….

Promotional Mix
The Marketing Mix: Promotion

Select TWO products from the list of product categories below and using the teaching materials and any additional research explain what you think would be an appropriate promotions strategy for both them. In doing so compare and contrast the two promotions strategies explaining why you think they would be similar or different.

Select TWO products from the following product categories:



Illustrate your answer by referring to specific brands within each of the two product categories you have chosen.

In defining promotional strategies for airline flights and breakfast cereal, the many differences in the broader marketing, selling and service aspects of these two products need to be taken into account. In addition, the way customers purchase airline flights are markedly different than how they purchase breakfast cereal. For any promotional strategy to be effective they must take into account differences in hwo customers choose to learn and purchase….

Promotional Strategy

Promotional Strategy
Memo regarding a New 'La Fresh' marketing and promotional strategy

Re: La Fresh needs some fresh ideas

As you know (though it is always worth repeating) Wright Brand Foods, Inc., is the largest supplier of bacon and ham to the American Southwest. Wright Brand Foods is thus a dominating force in the famous Tyson Food Empire. Yet it is currently at a crossroads, regarding its 'La Fresh' marketing Strategy. Currently, the La Fresh brand is not performing as well as competitor products in the health and freshness food industry. The essential problem is that the brand's product proposition and unique selling proposition is no longer so unique in today's market. Many companies make claims as to the freshness and health of their product and the health benefits that consumers can incur from using these products. Moreover, La Fresh does not specifically stress any additional organic or health benefits its products possess….

To clarify the issues and assuage fears. To develop harmonious ties with community residents and business owners, who are taking the time to participate in the media event.
2. To convince 500 community members and 75% of all members of the Bilby Business Association to attend the 1PM meeting at Anzac Memorial Park on Sunday June 27th.

3. To convince key members of the local and provincial media to attend the event and cover the hospital issue in a positive light.

4. To convince local business owners to help promote the media event by strategically-placed flyers and word-of-mouth promotion.

5. To convince residents and business owners to show support by attending the event or donating to the cause.

6. To convince residents and business owners that the new hospital will become a part of Bilby's history, keeping the community viable and prepared for growth.

Media Release

Bilby Welcomes New Healthcare Facility with Special Event Featuring Footballer….

Push strategies often complement pull strategies, and activities for both work hand-in-hand to ensure that musicians are promoted intensively, both in the local and international music markets.
2. The above-mentioned promo strategies used by different Australian singers / bands in the international market are characterized by either standard / uniform or differentiated approaches. Popular Australian musicians who have successfully penetrated the international market have adopted both standardized and differentiated promo strategies to retain their fan base locally, and increase their appeal to the music market internationally.

Upon further analysis, it appears that all promotional strategies adapted by Australian musicians are differentiated across local and international markets. The differentiated or customized approach prevails because it gives musicians flexibility in promoting their music and image depending on the music market or target consumers / fan base. It allows them to retain their local following while casting a wider net to capture a bigger….

Promotional and Advertising Strategies: Toyota and Ford
Toyota and Ford companies are the two leading automobile companies in their industry. Toyota, the Japanese-based automobile company, is currently the top most company in the world. Although the U.S.-based Ford Company is not second, it is also fairly positioned in the ranks of the most performing car assembling companies. Ford Company has of late joined the ranks of the few companies to release hybrid vehicles. In the hybrid race, Toyota leads the pack while Ford closely trails it. Ford Company is currently rebranding with the aim of reaping maximally from the market, which Toyota currently controls. The promotional activities of these two companies on the selling the hybrid products entail intensive advertisements as well as supportive Public elations gimmicks meant to make the companies' products sell. The nature of the trade that the two companies engage in is one where information means a….

Prior to printing, the pamphlets will go to city managers, school boards, libraries, public information officers. Pamphlets will be available to all public inquiries and a PDF will be posted on the campaign web pages. Initial minimum 2003 print run of 50,000 per season. If municipalities require more, they will be available at cost in quantities of 1,000. Campaign 12-page booklet will be available at gardening stores, nurseries, public works departments, and other participating organizations. A very smart finding of this campaign's creators is to insert brief, two-page versions of the pamphlet designed with more visual appeal to the water utility bills which will show the direct connection between the problem and its' salvation that the company is providing.
As the importance of Internet access to any information grows, the need to make the campaign materials available online increases. Thus, an extensive campaign site with many downloadable materials will be….

Promotional Writing
Resume Statement

My objective is to secure an entry-level position in a business organization that will provide the opportunity to analyze information and participate in communications initiatives designed to promote the interests of clients of the organization. The position should emphasize organizational skills, information analysis, and communications across a variety of different media. Ideally, I would hope to have the opportunity to practice and perfect general business skills in the area of business administration and communications. Ultimately, I would hope to earn the opportunity to advance from the entry-level position into a management-training program and, eventually, to progress to higher levels within the organization.

Paragraph Two: Website Summary

Today, effective financial management is more important than ever. Regardless of your income level, your decisions today can determine your financial success in the future. Certain kinds of decisions can guarantee financial security for you and for your family. Meanwhile, other kinds of….

Dells website has the full array of their products detailed. Desktops, notebooks, printers, hand helds, MP3 players, televisions, and projectors can all be found online. Their virtual catalog is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. and, many of their products are fully customizable, right online. They also highlight special offers, such as free shipping on Dimension desktops or a free printer with purchase. Just as in their direct mail catalog, Dell is trying to appeal to a wide target audience, including everyone from an individual to a global organization.
Dell Products, Life Cycle Position and Pricing Strategies:

There are four primary phases in the product life cycle that a product progress through, in sequence: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. In the introduction phase, product branding is established, while pricing may be low build market share, or it may be high to recover development costs. Promotion is geared towards….

Customer Loyalty Program 2 (Guideline and Interview)
Interview Guide for Grocery Store Owners

Promotional Activities, Customer Loyalty, POP, and Customer Retention Philosophies

Relevance: In the contemporary world of marketing, there are numerous techniques that are used to promote new products and services, to entice customers, and to attain a high level of customer retention. Sales promotion techniques are a powerful way of getting the marketing message across to all marketing channels, and are becoming increasingly sophisticated in order to be "seen and heard" in such a crowded market. Many companies use price as an incentive to bring in clients -- however, this is dangerous in the new global marketplace because it sets up a "price war," that is continual and really never viable. Instead, we need to look at other techniques for inspiring Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty. This Interview Guide will help us understand how Grocery Store owners are thinking about customers, and….

optimal blend of promotion options can provide minor league sport teams with an enormous return on their investment (Cabula & Coombs, 2013). These efforts are especially needed today in an increasingly competitive sporting marketplace where minor league teams have a wide array of marketing platforms available. In order to identify an optimal blend of promotion options, a qualitative evaluation of ten promotion options that have recently been used or are currently being used by minor league sport teams in the United States is provided in Table 1 below, followed by a review of the literature concerning the justification for the weighted scores that were assigned to each promotion option. A recommendation concerning the best seven of these ten promotion options concludes each presentation.

Highly ineffective



Highly effective


Summary of evaluation of ten promotion events used by minor-league sport teams in the United States


Promotion Option



The Tulsa Drillers (www/

Adopt a mascot:

Highly effective

Tulsa oughnecks Football….

Bestseller Bargains

Former bestsellers, now in paperback, discounts on hardcover.

For those who prefer having hardcover books.

Allows price of Hardback to be within range of trade or PB.

More for gifts of collectibles.

Friday Sale

Deep discounts at Amazon's outlet

All product categories

Deals dependent on close out, etc.

Designed to drive traffic to site on low e-commerce day.

Gift Cards

Gift cards sent or emailed to anyone, anywhere

Keeping fiscal shopping with Amazon even if one cannot decide on a particular gift.

Gift cards are extremely popular in the contemporary gift giving market.

Also can be used as part of a wedding or baby registry.

Gold Box

Timed deals in all merchandise, changes every 4 hours.

Up to 70% discounts on many items.

People who like to shop; ex. HSN and ShopNBC types.

Sometimes great bargains, but one must check regularly to find them.

Music Deals/


Offers newest releases, updates customer preferences

MP3 downloads available, albums, etc. competing with I-Tunes

Ease of shopping and collecting. Hourly updates on bestsellers.

Often less expensive….

Music Videos Promotional Devices or Products in Themselves
Music Videos: Promotional Device or Separate Product?

Music videos are constructed in many different ways, but many of them involve the artist and others singing and dancing to specific songs. Some also tell stories or provide other background dealings that make the music video much like a television program. An example of this would be Michael Jackson's 'Thriller,' which was a very long video that involved much storytelling and other information as opposed to just the song. Some of these story type videos are still done today but this seems to be more popular in country music that it does in rock-and-roll.

No matter what genre is dealt with, however, the debate as to whether music videos are promotional devices or a separate product in and of themselves has been continuing for many years. In 1981 music television first began broadcasting music videos 24….

Optimizing Promotional Spending -- Reliance Baking Soda
Evaluation and Budget Recommendations for 2008 Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan Problem Statement.

There is a need to optimize the promotional spending on brand advertising, product distribution, consumer promotion initiatives, and trade promotion programs. Faced with a 10% contribution to the Division's P&L, the Household Division of Steward Corporation will evaluate the current marketing plan and make recommendations for a 2008 marketing budget for the Division. Several problems will be addressed through changes in the marketing plan, which are designed to optimize promotional spending and provide a 10% contribution to the Division's profit. A constellation of problems -- which are highly interactive -- will be considered here. The trade promotion program and the consumer promotion campaigns are not operating in concert, nor are they achieving their stated goals. The trade promotion program has been co-opted by the merchandisers, such that, discounts are used to build supply in….

Elg & Robinson
This promotional material contains photos and other visuals of the Elg & Robinson storefront without the company sign at the entry of the Coles Supermarket, the storefront with the company sign, some prepared meat products, population forecasts in Hobsons ay City, promotional photograph for the company, and a photography for the company Customer Loyalty Program.

The first photo shows the side of the storefront at the entry of the Coles Supermarket but which does not show the identifying company sign. The second photo shows the front part of the store at the Supermarket and the company name, elegantly lighted and posted on top of the store. The third photo shows a portion of the counter with prepared meat products. The fourth photo consists of population statistics of Hobson ay City. The fifth photo shows office supplies with Elg & Robinson's logo. And the sixth photo shows items associated with….

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a captivating statement about the transformative power of e-commerce.
B. Thesis statement: State the main argument that online shopping and traditional shopping offer distinct advantages and disadvantages, warranting a comparative analysis.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Advantages of Online Shopping
A. Convenience and Time Efficiency: Elaborate on the ease of shopping anytime, anywhere, without the need for physical travel or queues.
B. Wider Selection and Comparative Options: Discuss the vast array of products available online, allowing consumers to compare prices and features effortlessly.
C. Frequent Deals and Discounts: Highlight the frequent promotions, coupons, and loyalty programs....

I. Introduction
A. Introduce the importance of utilizing promotional materials and tools to effectively reach the target audience
B. Present the key promotional materials and tools that will be used to promote the product
II. Social Media Platforms
A. Description of how popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn will be leveraged
B. Explanation of how engaging posts, targeted ads, and audience interaction will help increase brand awareness and drive traffic to the product
III. Email Marketing
A. Implementation of an email marketing strategy to send newsletters, product updates, and promotional offers
B. Discussion on how personalized and segmented emails can help nurture leads....

Promotional Materials and Tools for Targeting Outline Category Audience
To effectively target an outline category audience, consider utilizing the following promotional materials and tools:
1. Content Marketing:
Blog Posts: Publish high-quality content that addresses specific pain points and provides valuable insights to the target audience.
White Papers: Offer in-depth reports on industry trends, research findings, or solutions that align with the audience's challenges.
Infographics: Create visually appealing graphics that summarize key data points or concepts to engage the audience quickly.
2. Social Media Marketing:
Facebook and LinkedIn Groups: Join industry-specific groups and participate in discussions to connect with the target audience.
Social Media....

Identifying the Product Life Cycle Stage: A Comprehensive Framework

Understanding the product life cycle (PLC) is crucial for businesses to make informed decisions regarding product development, pricing, marketing, and resource allocation. Each stage of the PLC presents unique opportunities and challenges, and companies must adeptly determine their product's position within this cycle to effectively manage its trajectory.

Key Indicators for Determining the PLC Stage

1. Sales Growth:

Introduction: Slow initial sales due to low market awareness.
Growth: Rapid sales growth as product gains traction and expands market share.
Maturity: Sales plateau as the market reaches saturation.
Decline: Sales decline as the product loses....

7 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Promotional Practice Report Objectives of the Campaign

Words: 2244
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Promotional Practice eport Objectives of the campaign Promotional tools Media used in the campaign Promotional Campaign Communication is as the passage of messages from the source, who is the sender, to the target who…

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4 Pages


Promotional Mix the Marketing Mix Promotion Select

Words: 1567
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Promotional Mix The Marketing Mix: Promotion Select TWO products from the list of product categories below and using the teaching materials and any additional research explain what you think would be…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Promotional Strategy

Words: 676
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Promotional Strategy Memo regarding a New 'La Fresh' marketing and promotional strategy Re: La Fresh needs some fresh ideas As you know (though it is always worth repeating) Wright Brand Foods, Inc.,…

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2 Pages


Promotional Plan the Town of

Words: 606
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

To clarify the issues and assuage fears. To develop harmonious ties with community residents and business owners, who are taking the time to participate in the media event. 2.…

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2 Pages


Promotional Strategies -- Australian Music

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Push strategies often complement pull strategies, and activities for both work hand-in-hand to ensure that musicians are promoted intensively, both in the local and international music markets. 2. The…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Advertising

Promotional and Advertising Strategies Toyota and Ford

Words: 2643
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Promotional and Advertising Strategies: Toyota and Ford Toyota and Ford companies are the two leading automobile companies in their industry. Toyota, the Japanese-based automobile company, is currently the top most…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Promotional Campaign Is the Combination

Words: 1335
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Prior to printing, the pamphlets will go to city managers, school boards, libraries, public information officers. Pamphlets will be available to all public inquiries and a PDF will…

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2 Pages


Promotional Writing Resume Statement My Objective Is

Words: 477
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Resume

Promotional Writing Resume Statement My objective is to secure an entry-level position in a business organization that will provide the opportunity to analyze information and participate in communications initiatives designed…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Promotional Messages Used by Dell

Words: 1231
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Dells website has the full array of their products detailed. Desktops, notebooks, printers, hand helds, MP3 players, televisions, and projectors can all be found online. Their virtual catalog…

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4 Pages
Methodology Chapter


Promotional Activities for Enhancing Customer Loyalty for Grocery and Superstores

Words: 1097
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Methodology Chapter

Customer Loyalty Program 2 (Guideline and Interview) Interview Guide for Grocery Store Owners Promotional Activities, Customer Loyalty, POP, and Customer Retention Philosophies Relevance: In the contemporary world of marketing, there are numerous…

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7 Pages


Promotional Events in Minor League Sports

Words: 1797
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

optimal blend of promotion options can provide minor league sport teams with an enormous return on their investment (Cabula & Coombs, 2013). These efforts are especially needed today…

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5 Pages
Literature Review

Business - Advertising

Promotional Campaigns Predictions From the

Words: 2345
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Bestseller Bargains Former bestsellers, now in paperback, discounts on hardcover. For those who prefer having hardcover books. Allows price of Hardback to be within range of trade or PB. More for gifts of…

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14 Pages
Term Paper


Are Music Videos Promotional Devices or Products in Themselves

Words: 3887
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Music Videos Promotional Devices or Products in Themselves Music Videos: Promotional Device or Separate Product? Music videos are constructed in many different ways, but many of them involve the artist…

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8 Pages
Case Study

Business - Advertising

Optimizing Promotional Spending -- Reliance Baking Soda

Words: 2255
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Case Study

Optimizing Promotional Spending -- Reliance Baking Soda Evaluation and Budget Recommendations for 2008 Marketing Plan Marketing Plan Problem Statement. There is a need to optimize the promotional spending on brand advertising, product…

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8 Pages


Elg & Robinson This Promotional Material Contains

Words: 2413
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Elg & Robinson This promotional material contains photos and other visuals of the Elg & Robinson storefront without the company sign at the entry of the Coles Supermarket, the storefront…

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