Pros And Cons Essays (Examples)

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Pros and Cons of Financial Grants to
Pages: 2 Words: 668

Pros and Cons of Financial Grants to a Non-Profit Organization Non-profit organizations operate for many varying reasons. These not-for-profit groups must seek funds from numerous sources, including government grants, foundation grants, and private donations. Though each may help the non-profit organization meet its financial goals, each have their own benefits and drawbacks to the organization.
When a non-profit group is searching for a grant, one source it may turn to is the local, state, or federal governments. When the government gives money to non-profit organizations in the form of grants it does not request that the money be repaid. One drawback to receiving or attempting to receive money from the government is that it has very strict policies on how the money is able to be used. The government often requires a non-profit organization to have one of three types of benefits in order to consider giving money to the organization. First,…...



Lazarevski, K., Irvine, H., Dolnicar, S. (2008, September). The effect of funding changes on

public sector nonprofit organizations: the case of bushcare nsw. Retrieved December 8, 2010 from   s

Saunders, M. (2010). Government grants for non profits - a practical example of federal funding.

Retrieved December 9, 2010 from - Non-Profits---A-Practical-Example-of-Federal-Funding&id=4480204 (2010). Private and foundation grants. Retrieved December 9, 2010


Pros and Cons Abortion
Pages: 4 Words: 1260

Abortion remains a political issue, in spite of the fact the Supreme Court decision in 1973 that ensured the rights of women to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. oe v. Wade reflects core Constitutional principles, ranging from the right to privacy invoked by the Supreme Court justices in the decision, to the tradition of separating matters of Church and State in American politics.
When it comes to abortion, there are essentially no real pros and cons; the debate mainly centers on whether or not abortion should be legal or not. Abortion is not something that women look forward to, but it is a procedure that ensures that unwanted children are not brought into the world unnecessarily. Abortion rights are essentially the rights of an individual to not carry an unwanted child to term. No one is "pro" abortion, but someone may be "pro" choice.

An abortion is a procedure to terminate an unwanted…...



Ahman, E. & Shah, I. (2007). Unsafe abortion. WHO Document number 323036. Retrieved: 

Balkin, J.M. (2007). Abortion and original meaning. Constitutional Commentary 24(291).

Cockrill, K. & Weitz, T.A. (2010). Abortion patients' perceptions of abortion regulation. Women's Health Issues 20(1): 12-19.

Donohue, J. & Levitt, S.D. (2001). The impact of legal abortion on crime. Quarterly Journal of Economics CVXI (2).

Pros and Cons of Death Penalty
Pages: 3 Words: 1028

Death Penalty
An issue as divisive as the death penalty has many arguments in its favor and many against it. Sorting through these different arguments to find a reasonable conclusion to either support the death penalty or not can be challenging. In terms of favoring the death penalty, there are two main themes, the deterrence theme and the retribution theme (Gill, 2013).

Some pros are:

Death penalties act as a deterrent for some

Death penalties act to punish those who commit heinous acts

The death penalty is more cost-effective than keeping someone in prison for life

Violation of the social contract to behave with civility towards one another rules out one's right to civil treatment from society

Prevents future crimes

Some cons of the death penalty are:

The right to life is sacred and no one should take it, governments included

Moral hazard in choosing who lives and dies

The death penalty does not act as a deterrent

The death penalty in…...



Bright, S. (1992). In defense of life: Enforcing the Bill of Rights on behalf of the poor, minority and disadvantaged persons facing the death penalty. Yale Law School. Retrieved November 4, 2013 from (2013). Death Penalty Information Center. DPIC. Retrieved November 4, 2013 from 

Gill, K. (2013). Pros and cons of the death penalty. Retrieved November 4, 2013 from 

Manski, C. & Pepper, J. (2011). Deterrence and the death penalty: partial identification analysis using repeated cross sections. Institute for Policy Research Northwestern University Working Paper Series. Retrieved November 4, 2013 from

Pros and Cons of Vmware
Pages: 22 Words: 6852

Pros and Cons of VM Ware

Over the last several years, the marketplace for servers and virtual machines has become an avenue many technology firms are focusing on. This is because these large devices are used to store tremendous amounts of data for cloud computing. One of the biggest companies is VMware. Founded in 1988, they have transformed how various products and services are delivered to cliental utilizing their computers, platforms and applications. (Standard and Poor's, 2013) (Kerravala, 2013)

However, other organizations are entering the sector in order to become dominate and take market share away from VMware. The most notable is Microsoft. They see the tremendous amounts of opportunity and the ability to become a major player by offering alternative choices. This is from VM being unable to offer solutions which can be horizontally integrated with other platforms. The result is that earnings have become very volatile and executives are…...



Advantages of Using VMware. (2014). VMware. Retrieved from: 

The Benefits of VMware. (2013). University of Illinois. Retrieved from:

CIO Survey Reveals Weaknesses. (2013). Retrieved from: 

VMware. (2014). Yahoo Finance. Retrieved from:

Pros and Cons of Private vs Public Defense
Pages: 3 Words: 1220

private vs. public defense
Anyone who has been charged in the court of law automatically needs to some form of legal representation. Criminal defense lawyers therefore represent those people who have been charged with crime. However there is a difference in the criminal defense lawyers there are those ones that work on their own as private defense lawyers and others are public defense team. In some constitutions it is stated that everyone is permitted to be represented by an attorney be it a public defender or a private attorney. Any lawyer can represent a person in court but public defense lawyers specifically offer to their clients experience and knowledge that is only available through their daily practice in the criminal defense law. Public defenders are lawyers who have been appointed to represent people who are not in a financial position to hire an attorney to represent them. Public defense agencies…...



My DUIattorney, (2013). DUI Cases: Pubic Defenders vs. Private Attorneys. Retrieved February 9, 2013 from 

Mia, D. (2010).Who is Better: Public Defenders or Private criminal defense Attorneys? Retrieved February 9, 2013 from 

Bonadio, M. (2012.). Definition of a Criminal Defense Lawyer. Retrieved February 9, 2013 from

Pros and Cons of the Destruction of the American Folk Art Museum
Pages: 5 Words: 1678

Diller Scofidio + Renfro: MoMA expansion:
The pros and cons of the destruction of the American Folk Art Museum

"Great art museums not only contain exemplary works of art, they are also places where -- in a single visit -- surprise, learning, and reflection come together in a liberating set of experiences" ("Building for the future," MoMA).The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) has encompassed within its walls some of the most cutting-edge works of art ever created, spanning many decades and many art movements. Its own design has striven to be equally revolutionary in terms of its conceptualization. However, like many museums, it has found itself accused of elitism quite frequently because of the costs of admission. Still, according to its website: "the Museum of Modern Art is committed to being the most welcoming museum in New York, and to bringing art and people together more effectively than ever before. A major…...


Works Cited

"Building for the future: A work in progress." MoMA. 7 Apr 2014. 

Davidson, J. "MoMA reveals its expansion plans." Culture Vulture. 14 Jan 2014.

7 Apr 2014.

Pros and Cons of Per Diem Nurses From a Nurse Manager or Cno Standpoint
Pages: 8 Words: 2041

Health Care
The overall health care industry has undergone fundamental change over the last decade. Most of the changes have occurred within the underlying business operation of the healthcare industry. These changes will ultimately effect nursing administration as it continues to evolve and innovate. Legislation in particular has had a profound impact on the health care industry. First, due to the Affordable Care Act of 2010, the nursing profession is undergoing a fundamental shift in regards to the patient experience. The U.S. health care system is now shifting the focus from acute and specialty care to that of primary care which requires a shift in business operations. Also, due primarily to that aging of the baby boomer generation, the need for primary car overall is shifting and will be needed heavily in the future. The last 10 years in particular has seen an increasing influx of retiring baby boomers that subsequently…...



1) Draper, Elaine, Joseph LaDou, and Dan J. Tennenhouse. 2011. "Occupational Health Nursing and the Quest for Professional Authority," New Solutions 21, 47 -- 81

2) Fang, D., Wilsey-Wisniewski, S.J., & Bednash, G.D. (2006). 2005-2006 enrollment and graduations in baccalaureate and graduate programs in nursing. Washington, DC: American Association of Colleges of Nursing

3) Levsey, K.R., Campbell, D., & Green, A. (2007). Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow; Challenges in Securing Federal Support for Graduate Nurses. Journal of Nursing Education, 46(4), 176-183

4) Lucia, Patricia R.; Otto, Tammy E.; Palmier, Patrick A. (2009). "Chapter 1

Pros and Cons of Legalizing Soft Drugs
Pages: 2 Words: 629

Legalizing "Soft Drugs": Marijuana's Effect on Cognitive Functioning
A continuing argument about the legalization of soft drugs such as marijuana, also known as cannabis is still much under debate. This work in writing intends to examine both the pros and cons to this issue, as the issues relate to the textbook content. Specifically examined will be the effect of marijuana on cognitive functioning.

The work of Hart, et al. (2001) examined the effects of smoked marijuana on complex cognitive performance and report a study in which they used a "within-participant double-blind design" for evaluating acute marijuana smoking effects on complex cognitive performance among those who were experienced in smoking marijuana. The study involved eighteen research volunteers who were healthy individuals and who smoked on the average of 24 marijuana cigarettes each week. Marijuana was reported to significantly increase the number of premature responses and the time participants needed to complete several…...



Hart, CL, et al. (2001) Effects of Acute Smoked Marijuana on Complex Cognitive Performance. Nueropsychopharmacology. 25, 757-765. Retrieved from: 

Smoking Marijuana Impairs Cognitive Function in MS Patients, Study Shows (2008) Science Daily. 14 Feb 2008. Retrieved from: 

Solowij, N. (2002) Cognitive Functioning of Long-Term Heavy Cannabis Users Seeking Treatment. JAMA. Vol. 287. No. 9. 6 Mar. 2002. Retrieved from:

Pros and Cons of Mandatory Continuing Nursing Education
Pages: 10 Words: 3117

Mandatory Continuing Nursing Education
There is a rapid expansion of techniques and knowledge in the field of health. esearchers James Morrison, James Kelly and Carl Lindsay have approximated that the half-life of knowledge gotten in school of medicine is about 5 years. Thus, in just 5 years 50% of what a physician learns in a medical school will be irrelevant. With such a huge increase in knowledge base, it is important that clinical professionals, such as nurses, dentists and physicians constantly update or enhance their skills. For nursing practitioners, constantly improving education is important for proper and effective nursing care. The quantity of knowledge / information required to care for patients who are critically ill can't be simply gained through experience in the ward or at the patient's bedside. The current stress on competency in healthcare means that experience alone is no longer enough. The current environment requires a constant emphasis…...



ANA. (2000). Continuing Competence: Nursing's Agenda for the 21st Century. Washington, D.C: American Nurses Association.

ANA. (2011). Provision 5 -- Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive Statements. Retrieved from American Nurses Association: 

Balas, E., & Boren, S. (2000). Managing Clinical Knowledge for Healthcare Improvements. Stuttgart, Germany: Schattauer Publishing.

Bellack, P., & O'Neill, E. (2000). Recreating nursing practice for a new century: recommendations and implications of the Pew Health Professions Commission's final report. Nurse Health Care Perspect, 21, 14-21.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing it Services
Pages: 4 Words: 1436

Outsourcing IT Services
Some History

The information technology outsourcing industry was established in 1962 by H. oss Perot, who left IBM to launch Electronic Data Systems (EDS) in Dallas, Texas. EDS gets proper respect for developing most of the practices that are essential to the performance of the industry today: the management and integration of complex systems, client/server transaction processing, and private networks transmitting data, video and voice in digital format. The company's first long-term commercial facilities management contract was signed with Frito-Lay in 1963. But, it was President Lyndon Johnson's (a fellow Texan) Social Security Act of 1965, creating Medicare and Medicaid, which really put EDS in business. EDS was the first to develop a complete insurance claims processing system for Texas's Medicare/Medicaid program. Next on the horizon, in 1969, was California Blue Cross which was horribly backlogged in its Medicare data processing system. EDS' proprietary claims processing programs were widely…...



Frank, Ryan (August 2009), Suite 101, "Pros and Cons of Outsourcing IT Services," retrieved April 25, 2011 from

HP (September 2009), Enterprise Services, "Decades of Innovation," retrieved April 25, 2011 from

IBM (July 2010), Offshore Outsourcing, "A Cost Effective Business Solution," retrieved April 25, 2011 from

McKinsey (August 2003), McKinsey Global Institute, "Labor Markets and Offshoring," retrieved April 25, 2011 from / win_win_game

Pros & Cons of Inclusive
Pages: 8 Words: 2294

Furthermore, he argues that trying to force all students into the inclusion mold is just as
coercive and discriminatory as trying to force all students into the mold
of a special education class or residential institution. Others argue
against the constant interruptions to the classroom by assistants of
disabled children, who must be there to assist the child in using the
bathroom, and other basic functions. These opponents argue research
studies regarding methods of instruction of the disabled student in the
classroom to support their side. For example, research by Sindelar et
al. (1990), indicates that extended seatwork activities do not work in
comparison to allowing time to socially interact with other students.
Many disabled students are not able to perform seatwork activities for an
extended period of time. This research supports theories that encourage
higher levels of student participation as well as bringing lessons to a
close by providing assignments for further practice are consistent with
teacher-directed learning. In other words, disabled children…...



Affleck, Madge, Adams, and Lowenbraun. (1988). Integrated Classroom versus


Model: Academic Viability and Effectiveness. Exceptional Children: 339-


Bandura, A. (1986). The explanatory and predictive scope of self-efficacy


Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 4, 359-373.

Carlberg, C., and Kavale, K. (1980). The Efficacy of Special Versus Regular

Pros and Cons of Abortion
Pages: 5 Words: 1489

Cons of Abortion
After three decades of legalized abortion in the United States, it is still a controversial topic (Earll, 2003). Many abortion supporters do not understand why the nation is still divided on the topic after all this time. According to Sammon (2002): "Abortion is one of those issues that will be argued forever with never an answer agreed upon by competing factions. It's a debate that manages to combine medicine, technology, morals, politics and religion all in one bitter brew." This paper aims to determine what drives this ongoing opposition to abortion.

Abortion Issues

A 2002 Gallup poll found that a majority of Americans consider abortion to be morally wrong (Earll, 2003). According to a Los Angeles Times survey, fifty-seven percent of Americans "consider abortion to be murder." Many Americans who are opposed to abortion base their view on a moral code derived from Judeo-Christian teachings, particularly the Ten Commandments statement,…...



Earll, Carrie. (September 9, 2003). What's Wrong with Abortion? Focus on Social Issues. and

Foster, J. (1985). Personhood And the Ethics of Abortion. Abortion And the Sanctity of Human Life. Ed. J.H. Channer. Cape Town: Oxford University Press. 31-53.

Shettles, Landrum, and David Rorvik. (1986). Human Life Begins At Conception. Abortion- Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. Bonnie Szumski. St. Paul: Greenhaven Press. 16-22.

Garlikov, Richard. (2002). The Abortion Debate. Retrieved from the Internet at: .

Pro-Or Con There Is a
Pages: 5 Words: 2479

Nurses perform their job in almost all portions of the country, irrespective of the locality of cities, small towns or remote rural districts. Nurses are also required in many of the foreign countries for assisting the rehabilitation programs.
My Position take the Pro-position of nursing. The proposals of nursing deserve deep observation. Nursing is considered to be a varied and flexible area of study. Traditionally the age old image of nursing has been infused into our minds for a very long period of time but actually such ideology is rapidly seen vanishing over a period of time. The goal of the nurses is not confined only to assist the doctors in their practice. Contrary to this the nurses are not at all dependent on doctors and nursing is taken to be an isolated and all-inclusive field of activity in itself. Nursing is considered to be an essential portion of health…...



Davis, B; Thorburn, B. Quality of Nurses Work Life: Strategies for Enhancement. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership Vol.12; No.4. Nov/Dec 1999. Retrieved at Accessed on 18 March, 2005

Davis, Danny K. The Nursing Crisis. July 5, 2001. Retrieved at Accessed on 18 March, 2005

How to Get a Great Nursing Scholarship. Retrieved at Accessed on 18 March, 2005

Kerfoot, Karlene. M. Role Redesign: What Has it Accomplished? Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. December 22, 1997. Retrieved at   Accessed on 18 March, 2005 .

Pros and Cons for Bush's Reelection for President
Pages: 4 Words: 1072

Reelecting President George W. ush
George W. ush became president under some of the most unusual circumstances in U.S. history, with the legitimacy of his claim to victory a matter of heated public debate (Mansfield, 2003). Despite the highly contested election that brought him to power, ush came into office motivated and ready to act, surprising many of his critics with a successful early push for tax reduction and other domestic initiatives. However, the shattering events of September 11, 2001 forced the ush administration to change the focus of its agenda. Since that day, the power of the presidency -- as well as its limitations -- have been criticized and praised by the public and the media.

George W. ush is the 43rd President of the United States (Mansfield, 2003). He was elected in 2001 after a campaign in which he outlined sweeping proposals to reform America's public schools, transform our…...



Bothwell, T. (February 22, 2004). Why George W. Bush will win in 2004. Town Hall Magazine.

Mansfield, S. (2003). The Faith of George W. Bush. Tarcher.

Powell, B. (April 22, 2003). Assessing George W. Bush: From a "caretaker president" to a "revolutionary" of "missionary zeal." Public Affairs.

Pros and Cons of Euthanasia
Pages: 3 Words: 918

Euthanasia, Should Terminally Ill Patients Be Allowed to End Their Lives Via Assisted Suicide

Euthanasia, notably called assisted killing or mercy killing, is perhaps one of the medical prescriptions that have always raised varied and multifaceted arguments, most of which have never reached any solid conclusion. Clinicians are prone to take every necessary step necessary to keep the health of a patient at stable conditions. Nonetheless, there come a time when the patient knows, together with the clinician, that there is a lesser chance of survival. In such situations, health professionals are stuck between assisting the patient to die, notably by using an external means, or letting him or her to fight for life until death, something that might be painful, both to the clinicians, the patients, and even the loved ones. Assisting a patient to die, with or without…...



Weber, W. (2000). Dutch Proposal for Children's Right To Euthanasia Withdrawn. Lancet, 356(9226), 322.

Can you help me with an essay outline and essay titles for a paper on distance learning?
Words: 344

Distance learning is a great topic for a research paper.  Many schools have been moving towards a distance-learning model or at least incorporating distance-learning in their teaching programs.  Of course, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting need for many in-person schools to quickly transition to an online model, distance learning has become even more important.

Distance Learning Essay Outline:

  1. Introduction
    1. Advantages of distance learning
    2. Disadvantages of distance learning
    3. Considerations for educators and students
    4. Thesis Statement
  2. Advantages of distance learning
    1. Accessible to students who cannot be present in brick and mortar school
    2. Can by asynchronous
    3. Flexible for students with special needs
    4. Allows....

I need some Research topics related to greenhouse plant materials?
Words: 377

Building a greenhouse is a great way to ensure you have a steady supply of fresh vegetables, fresh flowers, or just beautiful houseplants.  Greenhouses can be built in a variety of different locations from the backyard to space stations.  Determining how to construct your greenhouse depends on what you are growing, wear you are located, and your access to materials.

Here is a list of potential research topics for greenhouse plant materials:

  1. Are metal frames superior to other frames for greenhouse construction, and does the answer to this question depend on the environment outside the greenhouse, the....

I am stuck on my argumentative essay about designer babies?
Words: 366

Anytime that you are writing an argumentative essay, the first thing that you want to do is basic research about the topic.  This will help you decide which position you want to take.  You may automatically assume that you should argue the position that you genuinely feel.  However, it can be more effective to choose a position that you do not actually hold.  Keep that in mind while doing your research about designer babies. While the term designer baby gives a high-end label to the process, and it is possible for people....

Can you help me write my argumentative essay about sex education?
Words: 440

The key to writing a good argumentative essay is thoroughly understanding the pros and cons of the topic you are considering.  That is because you are asked to take a position in an argumentative essay and support that position, while also being ready to meet challenges that would come from people taking a different position.  Sex education is a surprisingly divisive topic given the evidence that supports sex education as being a positive for students.  Much of this division is based in religious and moral objections to sex education, and, while it....

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