Public Health Essays (Examples)

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Public Health Betrayals
A fascinating reality of public health is that when it is working, nothing is happening. People are healthy, they participate in their community's welfare, and they themselves are likely to want to be more engaged in the culture's economic and pleasurable activities. But the problem with a negative reality like this suggests Laurie Garrett in Betrayal of Trust, is that there is a tendency for governments of all types -- democratic or authoritarian, and one might guess, even those in the news today that are in the midst of disarray -- to cut back on whatever services they have. With the end result being that people don't get to live or die right (2000:7).

Garrett shows why the underlying issue of organizing a community for health is not just a matter of medical, cultural or technological advancement. She goes through a variety of stories of how different countries have….

Public Health Practice

Health Care
There are many things that have led to the renaissance of public health in the past 20 years. However, the most important ones include eradication of infectious diseases through vaccination, increased awareness, better hygiene control, better primary care facilities and more stress on epidemiology.

It has been stated that humans have a right to public health (Principles of the Ethical Practice of Public Health, 2002) Keeping this in mind, public health authorities have been quite vigilant in reducing the burden of disease. Infectious disease were the major cause of morbidity and mortality. Due to the presence of vaccines and antibiotics, these diseases have been controlled to a very decent extent. Vaccination programs that go on to protect the person against diseases like TB, Diphtheria, Pertusis, Mumps, Measles and ubella have been successful in countries all over the world. Furthermore, antibiotics have been made available to cure infectious diseases like diarrhea….

Public health emergency preparedness and response.
Public health: Emergency preparedness and responses

While all areas of the nation should periodically engage in risk assessment, not all locations are equally vulnerable to different types of attacks. Public health emergencies can originate in natural causes, such as hurricanes or pandemics. Emergencies also include disasters caused by human error and emergencies due to conscious, malicious intent, such as terrorism. New York City is vulnerable to such emergencies because of its high population density as well as its political, economic, and symbolic significance.

In general, two departments coordinate emergency responses. The New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene deals with health-related issues such as the H1N1 pandemic; the Office of Emergency Management deals with catastrophic disasters such as terrorist attacks and tornadoes. The NYC Medical eserve Corps, a trained group of health professionals schooled in emergency responses in a wide variety of disciplines can also respond….

One of the most fascinating problems associated with the information age, is not the lack of information but the overabundance of information one can find on any given topic. The internet drives this phenomena of abundance and can offer the individual to many choices and conflicting opinions. There is really no issue, besides health that more effectively resembles the above statement. Many people then seek information from recognized public sources. Of the nine websites listed in the assignment brief, the three that stand out, for various reasons are: American ublic Health Association -,National Association of County and City Health Officials / & U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Each of these websites has a user friendly format with easy links to information that a health consumer might be looking for, but these three offer significant benefits. The first website contains the most effective answer tot the question….

Public Health esources
1• Information about country, state, and national public health resources

Public health is the bigger science of protecting and improving the health of communities by providing services based on education, healthy lifestyles, and other forms of medical and paramedical services. Public health professionals tend to analyze the health issues of individuals, family and community. However public health also involves the control of epidemics, causalities and calamity reactions. Thus public health professionals try to prevent problems from happening or re-occurring. The basis of the delivery of public health services is on the "Public Health Laboratory Practice, Public Health Policy and Practice." ("What is Public health," 2011) These practices are however very costly and is not adapted by private agencies. ("What is Public health," 2011)

However the evolution of public health concept was made from very early times but the U.S.A. is a capitalist country with private participation in almost all fields….

This is particularly so for traditionally disadvantaged communities. The involvement of academic institutions would mean a larger among of revenue in order to provide these communities with the best in health care. This will reduce not only the rate of illness, but also of death in these communities, as better equipment is available and students are better prepared for their workforce duties. Preparation alone is however not enough, and the health worker should ensure that he or she regularly engage in learning opportunities in order to remain the best in their field.
There are many agencies throughout the United States that focus not only on workforce preparation, but also on continued learning. One of these is the American Public Health Association (APHA, 2008). This institution serves its associates by providing regular training opportunities via meetings and training sessions. These serve the core activity of the Association by focusing on continuing….

Public Health
How is public health financed in you state, povince, o county? How does the cuent budget cisis impact Public Health and Community sevices in you aea?

The issue of public health and its subsequent impact on society as a whole is becoming a vey contentious issues fo govenment. In the midst of an election yea, public health issues such as Medicae, social secuity, and disease pevention ae all becoming moe pevalent. In the state of New Jesey, public health is no diffeent in this egad. Accoding to U.S. Public Health Sevice, ove the last centuy, the aveage life span of an Ameica gew by 30 yeas. 25 of those yeas ae attibuted to an incease in public health sevices. As such, decisions make by govenments on the fedeal, state, and local level will have a pofound impact on the community. One conundum facing the state of New Jesey in paticula….

Therefore environmental studies are of great importance to public health .the air we breathe, water that we drink, and the interaction which is complex between humans and the surrounding. Environmental studies help us understand how the build as well as the natural environment can influence the health of people in a community. It also helps us understand how the risk factors that cause certain diseases can be reduced. The environmental; risk factors can lead to development of diseases such as cancer, asthma and food poisoning. Due to incorporation of chemistry, engineering and toxicology in environmental studies there can be combined expertise that will help in answering public health related questions. Environmental health which is a discipline of both public health and environmental studies can be divided into various aspects like water quality, noise control, air quality, food protection, management of solid waste and so on. All these are important….

These included natural disasters such as fires and sanitation related problems such as infant mortality rates. Over the years however, health services and technology have improved to the point where many health problems may be anticipated. This is the result of experiential learning over the years from the 19th to the 20th centuries. Accordingly, the functions of health services have gradually changed their focus from response to prevention and preparedness through education. These functions manifest themselves in the strategies currently utilized by the public health care service. Rather than therefore responding to epidemics, citizens are educated to prevent illnesses by for example practicing adequate sanitation habits. In terms of disaster, technology can help citizens to be prepared for disasters, or to respond more adequately in a case where health services are disabled or difficult to access. The newly established functions of the health care system therefore directly influences its….

The two most important functions include the community Helpline and a five-year strategic plan for children and families.
These functions culminate in assurance paradigms for the community, including five major councils and multiple committees. These support planning processes with regard to community health and the assessment and fulfillment of the citizens' needs. This provides the community members with the assurance that their best interest and health are at the core of the Coalition's functions.


The Gwinnett Coalition for Health and Human ervices. (2005).

The Gwinnett Coalition for Health and Human ervices (2005b).

The Gwinnett Coalition for Health and Human ervices (2004). Mission and Vision.

Gwinnett County Health Department. (2005). Centers for Disease Control. GA Dept. Of Human Resources.

Gwinnett County Health Department (2005b). Gwinneth County Health tatus Report. GA Dept. Of Human Resources.

Gwinnett County Public chools (2005). Health Issues.

" (Federal egister, 2010)
Incentive Payments

Section 401(c) of the HITECH Act is reported to add an incentive for payments to specific Medicare Advantage (MA) organizations for their affiliated EPs who meaningfully use certified HE technology and meet other certain requirements." (Federal egister, 2010) for MA organizations in which services provided by affiliated EPs who are not meaningful users of certified EH, technology a downward adjustments of payments is stated beginning in 2015. Also required by the Act is a process to be established that ensures that no duplicate payments are made to MA organizations. In addition, hospitals that do not meaningfully use a certified EH technology will receive a reduction in their annual payment for inpatient hospital services. Critical access hospitals who meaningfully use certified EH technology will receive reasonable costs for the purchase of a certified EH technology beginning in fiscal year 2011. It is reported that meaningful use will….

As the president works to pass what is most assuredly his most important legislative package to date, he is struggling against a great wall of opposition which appears to be driven by a philosophical aversion to public funding of a deeply privatized industry. The result is a tremendous amount of pressure on the president and a reigning fear in the public that he will be forced to capitulate. There are indications from the Obama Administration that the crucial nature of this issue has produced a distinct urgency in terms of passing some system overhaul. Indeed, this discussion generally supports this idea that there is an imperative to act in intervention of a wildly undesirable healthcare scenario. Thus, the nature of this legislation remains uncertain, and those who have desired the establishment of a public option and its promotion of social welfare goals may yet be bitterly disappointed. (MSNBC News Service,….

Public Health There Are a

e can train our people, communicate with them, and ensure that they are performing correctly. There has to be an understanding that there are severe consequences for failing to ensure proper sterilization. This issue is one where I would want to guarantee 100% elimination of the problem at my facility.
HIV and teenage pregnancy are relatively straightforward issues. e need to make sure our young people are equipped with knowledge and have access to contraceptives (Kirby, Laris & Rolleri, 2007). There is no point in putting them at risk to satisfy some busybody's need to tell others how to live. e need to combine our efforts with a massive education program, because these are lessons that young people need to know -- you cannot just turn back from either of these things. They are life-changing, and young people need to be aware of this.

Lastly, automobiles are a real challenge. People….

Public Health and Safety
Effectiveness of Emergency Management and the eadiness of Trauma Centers

Since massive terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and the anthrax scares in Washington, D.C. shortly thereafter, the effectiveness of emergency management responders and the readiness of emergency trauma centers have become national security issues. Unfortunately, the system is overburdened and may not be up to the challenge, possibly compromising the original mission for emergency rooms to provide adequate trauma care to local communities.

The nation's emergency room system is inadequate to deal with a WMD or other massive attack in terms of both funding and equipment.

In this research proposal, we will examine the need for examining why this is and what the federal government can do to remedy the need. Additionally, we need to find out to what extent federal efforts are succeeding and how and/or deficits with the federal efforts.

Analysis/Literature eview-Crisis for Emergency Management in the Emergency….

Fact Sheet. Number of Deaths for Leading Cause of Death. December 31, 2009). For Tennessee the data indicate heart disease 14,636, cancer 13, 161, and stroke 3,450 (CDC. Tennessee Fact Sheet. November 9, 2010), yet it is heart disease which strikes the Tennessee population most egregiously. Coronary heart disease is caused by "the narrowing of the coronary arteries due to fatty build- ups of plaque" (American Heart Association. January 17, 2011) invariably leading to chest pain or heart attack (American Heart Association. January 17, 2011). Aside from the harsh statistical realities of deaths and disabilities caused by heart disease mentioned previously; the financial cost of coronary heart disease in "prevention and treatment is higher than for cancer or any other diagnostic group, an estimated $286 billion in 2007, according to the annual update from the American Heart Association" (ArticlesBase. December 24, 2010). Tennessee had "total charges associated with diseases….

Physical activity plays such an important role in public health. It is especially important when a society has become sedentary, which applies to many of the industrialized societies around the globe.  It is not surprise, then, that public health efforts often focus on increasing daily movement as a way to help improve community health.

Possible research topics include:

  1. The relationship between green spaces like parks and walking trails with community levels of physical activity.
  2. The relationship between afterschool sports programs and physical activity for youth, and whether that relationship remains as people transition from youth into adulthood.
  3. Do physical....

A Health Care Informatics Risk Assessment is one of the tools used in healthcare management.  They examine workflow issues that have the ability of positively or negatively impacting several important factors, such as the quality of care, overhead costs, and overall efficiency.  One of the areas of health care that can benefit from a Health Care Informatics Risk Assessment program is telemedicine.   Another area of health care that could benefit from a Health Care Informatics Risk Assessment program is vaccine administration in large groups.

If the COVID-19 pandemic has any lasting impact on the provision of....

Teen suicide is a one of the biggest health threats to teens.  This may be due to many factors, such as the fact that teenage brains are not fully developed, hormone changes from puberty, teen vulnerability to child abuse or dating violence, or the fact that many mental illnesses begin to emerge in the teenage or young adult years.  Reducing the suicide rate among teens is a consistent public health goal, though there is no guaranteed intervention that will always lead to success.  With social media usage among teens changing the way that teens socialize, there is little....

Bloom’s taxonomy is a way of using three hierarchical models to classify learning objectives.  Bloom’s taxonomy breaks learning down into three broad models based on learning styles: cognitive, affective, and sensory.  It then further divides each of these three larger categories into smaller areas. The cognitive domain is divided into knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.  The affective domain is divided into receiving, responding, valuing, organizing, and characterizing.  The sensory domain is divided into perception, set, guided response, mechanism, complex overt response, adaptation, and origination. It can be helpful to keep these various....

5 Pages


Public Health Betrayals a Fascinating Reality of

Words: 1688
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Public Health Betrayals A fascinating reality of public health is that when it is working, nothing is happening. People are healthy, they participate in their community's welfare, and they themselves…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Public Health Practice

Words: 1932
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Health Care There are many things that have led to the renaissance of public health in the past 20 years. However, the most important ones include eradication of infectious diseases…

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2 Pages


Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response

Words: 765
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Public health emergency preparedness and response. Public health: Emergency preparedness and responses While all areas of the nation should periodically engage in risk assessment, not all locations are equally vulnerable to…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Public Health Systems the Value

Words: 1347
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One of the most fascinating problems associated with the information age, is not the lack of information but the overabundance of information one can find on any given topic.…

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4 Pages


Public Health Resources 1& 8226 Information About Country

Words: 1516
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Public Health esources 1• Information about country, state, and national public health resources Public health is the bigger science of protecting and improving the health of communities by providing services based…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Public Health Systems Public Health

Words: 651
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This is particularly so for traditionally disadvantaged communities. The involvement of academic institutions would mean a larger among of revenue in order to provide these communities with the…

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2 Pages


Public Health How Is Public Health Financed

Words: 842
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Public Health How is public health financed in you state, povince, o county? How does the cuent budget cisis impact Public Health and Community sevices in you aea? The issue of…

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2 Pages


Public Health Is a Science

Words: 710
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Therefore environmental studies are of great importance to public health .the air we breathe, water that we drink, and the interaction which is complex between humans and the…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Public Health Strategies and Interventions

Words: 304
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

These included natural disasters such as fires and sanitation related problems such as infant mortality rates. Over the years however, health services and technology have improved to the…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Public Health Gwinnett County in

Words: 409
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The two most important functions include the community Helpline and a five-year strategic plan for children and families. These functions culminate in assurance paradigms for the community, including five…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Public Health Reform The Affordable

Words: 592
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" (Federal egister, 2010) Incentive Payments Section 401(c) of the HITECH Act is reported to add an incentive for payments to specific Medicare Advantage (MA) organizations for their affiliated EPs who…

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11 Pages


Public Healthcare Legislation the Public

Words: 3721
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Thesis

As the president works to pass what is most assuredly his most important legislative package to date, he is struggling against a great wall of opposition which appears to…

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2 Pages


Public Health There Are a

Words: 710
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

e can train our people, communicate with them, and ensure that they are performing correctly. There has to be an understanding that there are severe consequences for failing…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Public Health and Safety Effectiveness of Emergency

Words: 1073
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Public Health and Safety Effectiveness of Emergency Management and the eadiness of Trauma Centers Since massive terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and the anthrax scares in Washington, D.C. shortly thereafter,…

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2 Pages


Public Health in Tennessee in

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Fact Sheet. Number of Deaths for Leading Cause of Death. December 31, 2009). For Tennessee the data indicate heart disease 14,636, cancer 13, 161, and stroke 3,450 (CDC.…

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