Public Opinion Essays (Examples)

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Like Bowman, Silver quotes poll results to indicate the public opinion. What is particularly interesting here is that he has quoted the fourth credible poll in eight months to indicate the same majority result, specifically with 51% in favor of and 47% against the prospect of legally recognized marriage for same sex partners. What is interesting about this is that the statistics remain somewhat divisive, with a more or less equal proportion of public opinion for and against the prospect of legalizing gay marriage.
Grossman (2003) also offers an interesting assessment in her year of writing, where 50% of the polled public has indicated that legalizing gay marriage would have a "positive or no" effect on society. There is therefore little change between this assessment and the one offered by polls quoted in Silver's (2009) and Bowman's (2011) results. What is particularly interesting about 2012, however, is that, for the….

Understanding the essential importance of rights, the republican decision would not want to deprive either group of their naturally endowed rights, and would, therefore, consider the opinion of both when making the decision. In this scenario, the president must look at the results of both polls and the circumstances that would make them unreliable, considering all of these things carefully before making a decision. urther, as a trustee, the president would understand that the future of social security is immensely important for those who are under the age of 65, as when they reach the age of retirement, there will be little left to help them with their cost of living expenses. urther, having access to greater research than the public, the president understands the true problems in the system and the expenses that would be too great for the individual to pay if social security were to fail.….

Public Opinion and Media

Media: Public Attitudes and Belief
The media impacts and shapes public opinion by highlighting preferred views and explanations to influence public understanding of an issue or event. The media accomplishes this through its content, which is mostly determined by powerful groups in the society (Happer & Philo, 2013, p.327). In most cases, powerful groups in the society influence ideologies, which in turn affect and shape public attitudes and beliefs. As a result, the media is involved in an ongoing process of shaping the news based on the usual competing needs and interests of leaders and the people (Baum & Potter, 2008, p.40). Leaders, especially political elites, usually determine news media content, which plays a major role in shaping public opinion.

The media impacts and shapes public opinion through setting the agenda of the country or focusing people's attention to certain public issues. In this case, the media acts as a platform….

Ukraines Invasion Ukraines InvasionSome believe that Putins decision to invade Ukraine is a tremendous diplomatic strategy and will likely increase his global influence. Others are skeptical, as it appears that he has no good way out of this situation, and as a result, this situation scares them.Research Background.Public Opinion and JournalismThe media has been buzzing with the love that Putins actions are garnering from the Russian people. They see it; he is doing everything to make Russia great again. There is a clear message to those who dispute that: you have the right to your opinion, but Russia does not have to listen to you. Putin knows that his mission was to bring stability and prosperity back to Russia, and since he took office, one of his successes has been keeping food prices low and unemployment near zero. His approval ratings are astronomically high at the moment. So much so,….

swayed by polls or public opinion, the special interest group lobbyist is more able to remain focused on a specific cause than a politician and I would therefore prefer to work for a special interest group. Even the most ethical and noble of politicians must take into account the will of the people if he or she is to effectively and successfully serve. Unlike a good politician, a lobbyist need not listen intently to public opinion but only to the voice of personal conscience. Like politicians, lobbyists must be stellar communicators and willing compromisers. But whereas a politician may deal with a variety of pertinent issues that range from health care to education, the lobbyist can remain locked into a specific cause.
To devote a lifetime to a political or social cause and witness the subsequent progress made in public policy must be every bit as rewarding as a post….

The CorporationThe Corporation is a documentary that critically explores the role of corporations in society and the global economy. It uses the premise that if corporations were legally persons, their behaviors would be seen as psychopathic, because they put profits before all elsebefore people, before societys needs, before the environment: profits are all that matter to the corporation. Yet governments are virtually controlled by them through special interest groups and lobbying firms that represent the interests of these same corporations. They get legislation passed that benefits them through regulatory capture. They muscle out smaller competition and keep the market all for themselves so that they can increase the profits. They benefit from and exploit total war. They are not held responsible (unless slaps on the wrist equate to accountability) when their actions harm the public. Overall, the documentary shows that the corporation is a legal way for people (investors, mainly)….

ethinking epresentation
People often mislabel the United States as a democracy. When it comes to the true sense of what that word means, that is really not true. Indeed, the United States primarily functions as a representative republic in that people are elected via a democratic process but the people that are elected can technically vote and act as they wish after being put into office. Other than being jettisoned via the next election, there is really very little recourse beyond that. As such, voters are extending their faith towards a person that may or may not represent what the candidate stated they would do and/or what the voters expect them to do. While the representative republic model has served the United States mostly well over the years, there are valid questions as to whether this model and framework should persist or if it should be altered in favor of something….

This is a contractual obligation, as money has been received for a certain service.
This is closely related to the third obligation in the model, which is "duty to the organization." The press has an obligation to provide the public with a wide variety of viewpoints in order to ensure public debate and accurate information. If a certain piece of information is withheld from the public as a result of its controversial content, this constitutes unfair censorship. The general principle of the press is to promote knowledge rather than censorship. Hence, information that could cause disagreement should not be withheld on those grounds alone.

On the other hand, the press in general also has a duty to society in terms of providing accurate information. The advertisement is in direct opposition to generally accepted facts regarding slavery. Hence publishing it on the strength merely of publishing whatever opinion is paid for could….

Addressing this issue is a matter of policy, and difficult to address at the management level. However, extensive recruiting procedures in diverse communities may help to combat the continued disparity of advantages for many minorities. In addition, social representation can be achieved by promoting educational and employment opportunities in a variety of socio-economic settings. The use of internships can also create exposure both of public agencies and of the diverse emerging workforce.
5) There are many different variables that contribute to achieving productivity in the workplace. Research shows that employee satisfaction with their work is a major factor in determining employee productivity. Satisfaction can be improved with increased benefits, including increased wages and salaries, but another very important factor in job satisfaction is the employee's interest in their work and the belief that they are necessary. Promoting a workplace that shows how much it values its employees is essential to….

In surveying the player's responses to Vick's situation, the journalists were bringing about public reaction to be evaluated to determine what direction to take their stories in. It demonstrated that,.".. survey respondents who experience difficulty answering questions respond differently to related subsequent questions than do those who do not experience such difficulty (JA, Effects of urvey)."
The story of animal abuse in dog fighting was one that caused polls to be taken to measure public opinion. That public opinion was in strong support of the animals that Vick had abused and used in an abusive manner. The journalistic tactic was one wherein the journalists used the opportunity for the public to speak out, to be heard, to participate in the outcome of Vick's legal proceedings as an incentive to be surveyed publicly. "In an effort to counter mounting problems of non-cooperation, survey organizations are increasingly offering incentives to respondents, sometimes….

This study underscores the presumption that where public health information campaigns are concerned, information is often accessed but forgotten or ignored. By connecting this information to certain compensatory incentives, those who make up a likely donor population may be more likely to retain and return to the information provided. Though controversial, this does present a realistic view on the motives that might incline one toward an act with significant personal and health-related implications.
It is important for public health facilities to consider the courtship of donations in this way, primarily because a failure to do so is increasingly stimulating an extra-curricular market for the sale of kidneys. In other words, by neglecting to consider the option of connecting kidney donation courtship to such compensatory incentives, the medical community is not protecting against the ethical concerns correlated thereto. They are simply forcing would-be recipients to look outside of the field for….

Digital Disease Detection, commonly referred to as digital epidemiology provided strategies and methods for allowing digital-technology users to monitor infectious disease and conduct surveillance. These strategies help in the understanding of concerns and attitudes regarding infectious diseases. The process begins with the basics, such as the availability of internet access, online sharing platforms and other digital devices. These sources offer huge amounts of data. It is important to note that while these sources collect data, they do not, do so, with public health objectives in focus (Denecke, 2017).

The past few decades have seen tremendous changes in the world. There have been many and varied threats; from bioterrorism, influenza pandemics and the emergence of infectious diseases. There is also the issue of unforeseen population mobility which is among the reasons that triggered the development of public health surveillance systems. Such systems are invaluable tools in the detection and response to infectious….

Public Admin Case Study

PA Problem
The science of public administration is not a direct or concrete examination. ather, the human tendencies of emotion and subtle manipulation are also included in this discipline. The purpose of this essay is to explore the ideas and major theories of the science of public administration. This essay will examine 5 patriarchal figures to highlight the evolution and transformation of the use of public power for administration purposes.

Woodrow Wilson

The presidency of Woodrow Wilson is mostly known in the annals of history as being a disastrous president who legislated away many of the powers and freedoms that were earned by Americans after th 19th century. Wilson's lust for war and violence misled America into World War I and summarily weakened the nation in every way possible. Wilson also failed his people by relinquishing the people's power to print their own money to the Federal eserve in 1914.

Wilson was steeped in….

..[that is]...the natural reed of all peaceable folks" (66). Furthermore, Bohman states that Kant includes peace in this list of goals (179). Integrating these ideas and expounding on them, one can determine that the goal of the global public sphere is, indeed, what is best for society -- freedom from harm, fear, and discrimination. Thus, the goals of the public sphere can be summed up in the words "peace" and "social justice." In order to achieve these goals, however, a secondary, and perhaps one should say causal, goal of the public sphere is to express their opinions for societal betterment in a way that cannot be denied by the more powerful individuals.
Having set these goals, it is important to distinguish what this type of social public sphere will look like in order to determine its structure. Although one large, national state may be an intriguing idea, Kant is more correct….

public schooling harming our society?
The survey in this research effort will be intended to a randomly selected group of Americans outside the education system. This data will be collected to learn the attitudes and opinion of the public at large in relation to the public education system. The intent is to take a fresh and new look at the overall practicality, effectiveness and economics of the system and to learn what people are thinking about their personal experiences with their schooling.

Focus Group

The focus group source of data will help examine the research question by gathering data about how leaders in education are self-assessing their own performance. In this group, the goal is to attain honest and frank responses to important challenges that the public school system is providing. This group should include administrators, teachers, teachers aides, coaches and any other professional working directly in the public school system. The….

It is difficult to answer any question that asks about how the founders felt about anything.  While there were many more people involved in the American Revolution, resulting in some disagreement about who was a founder, there is a list of 10 people that consistently get mentioned as founders or founding fathers.  However, these 10 people were not ideologically identical.  In fact, there was a substantial amount of disagreement among them about a number of topics, including the rule of the average person in democracy.  To get a better feel for their competing ideas, you can reference....

Policy implementation is the process of bringing a policy to life with the goal of achieving the desired outcomes.  In most cases, enacting a policy is not enough to bring about the desired changes.  That is because enacting a policy is only the first step to carrying out the policy changes; policy implementation is how the policy is actually brought to life.  The four main factors impacting policy implementation are public opinion, economic conditions, interest groups (stakeholders), and technological change.

Public opinion not only impacts whether a policy is implemented, but also how it is implemented. ....

Certainly! Here are some essay topics on Donald Trump:

1. Analyzing Donald Trump's presidency: Successes, failures, and controversies.
2. The impact of Donald Trump's immigration policies on the United States.
3. Donald Trump's approach to foreign relations: An examination of his diplomacy strategies.
4. The role of social media in Donald Trump's political communication.
5. Investigating the economic policies and their effects during Trump's presidency.
6. Donald Trump's impact on the Republican Party: Transformation or deviation?
7. The rise of populism and its connection to Donald Trump's presidential campaign.
8. Analyzing the media's portrayal of Donald Trump's administration: Bias and influence.
9. A comparative study: Donald Trump and previous....

Topic 1: The Geopolitics of Resistance: Understanding the Regional and Global Implications of Ukraine's Defiance


The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has reverberated across the globe, highlighting the complex interplay between geopolitics, nationalism, and international relations. Ukraine's unwavering resistance against Russian aggression has tested the limits of power and diplomacy, with profound consequences for the region and the world. This essay will delve into the geopolitical implications of Ukraine's defiance, examining its impact on regional alliances, global security dynamics, and the future of the post-Cold War order.


1. Reshaping Regional Alliances:

Ukraine's resistance has strengthened ties between Western nations, solidifying NATO as a united front....

2 Pages
Research Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Public Opinion Since Its Declaration

Words: 758
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Like Bowman, Silver quotes poll results to indicate the public opinion. What is particularly interesting here is that he has quoted the fourth credible poll in eight months…

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6 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Public Opinion Polling and Social

Words: 2064
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Understanding the essential importance of rights, the republican decision would not want to deprive either group of their naturally endowed rights, and would, therefore, consider the opinion of…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Public Opinion and Media

Words: 1111
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Media: Public Attitudes and Belief The media impacts and shapes public opinion by highlighting preferred views and explanations to influence public understanding of an issue or event. The media…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal


Ukraines Invasion Public Opinion

Words: 1615
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Ukraines Invasion Ukraines InvasionSome believe that Putins decision to invade Ukraine is a tremendous diplomatic strategy and will likely increase his global influence. Others are skeptical, as it appears…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Swayed by Polls or Public Opinion the

Words: 624
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

swayed by polls or public opinion, the special interest group lobbyist is more able to remain focused on a specific cause than a politician and I would therefore…

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5 Pages


The Media and the Corporate Manipulation of Public Opinion

Words: 1523
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Corporate

The CorporationThe Corporation is a documentary that critically explores the role of corporations in society and the global economy. It uses the premise that if corporations were legally persons,…

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2 Pages

Political Science

Public Opinion and Politician

Words: 668
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

ethinking epresentation People often mislabel the United States as a democracy. When it comes to the true sense of what that word means, that is really not true. Indeed, the…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Public Communication Ethics Response A

Words: 2137
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This is a contractual obligation, as money has been received for a certain service. This is closely related to the third obligation in the model, which is "duty to…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Public Personnel the Merit System

Words: 897
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Addressing this issue is a matter of policy, and difficult to address at the management level. However, extensive recruiting procedures in diverse communities may help to combat the…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Public Attention Drawn to Cruelty

Words: 2074
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In surveying the player's responses to Vick's situation, the journalists were bringing about public reaction to be evaluated to determine what direction to take their stories in. It…

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4 Pages


Public Information on Kidney Donation

Words: 1145
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

This study underscores the presumption that where public health information campaigns are concerned, information is often accessed but forgotten or ignored. By connecting this information to certain compensatory…

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6 Pages


Public health officials using computers to manage outbreaks

Words: 2252
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Introduction Digital Disease Detection, commonly referred to as digital epidemiology provided strategies and methods for allowing digital-technology users to monitor infectious disease and conduct surveillance. These strategies help in the…

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7 Pages
Case Study


Public Admin Case Study

Words: 2017
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Case Study

PA Problem The science of public administration is not a direct or concrete examination. ather, the human tendencies of emotion and subtle manipulation are also included in this discipline. The…

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2 Pages


Public Sphere the Case for

Words: 683
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

..[that is]...the natural reed of all peaceable folks" (66). Furthermore, Bohman states that Kant includes peace in this list of goals (179). Integrating these ideas and expounding on them,…

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2 Pages


Public Schooling Harming Our Society The Survey

Words: 414
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

public schooling harming our society? The survey in this research effort will be intended to a randomly selected group of Americans outside the education system. This data will be…

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