Public elations
So what is a business? A business is an organization that operates to generate profits, usually for its owners. Those owners may be a private individual or individuals, a group of individuals who form a partnership, or a wider group of people with a financial interest in the business and its profits because they are shareholders or members. The things a business does to generate those profits are varied. It may manufacture goods for sale or trade, import or sell goods and products, or provide services to people or other businesses (Davidson, 2011). Public relations have several important roles in a business. It can make people aware of what the business is able to provide (goods and services), help the business communicate with the people who have an interest in it (owners, customers, employees and the community), and help the business develop an image and reputation within its environment.…...
Adams, B. (2012). E Pluribus Barnum: The great showman and the making of U.S. popular culture. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Brown, R.E. (2009). The propagation of awe: Public relations, art and belief in reformation Europe. Public Relations Review, 30, 381-89.
Basu, K. & Palazzo, G. (2008). Corporate social responsibility: A process model of sensemaking. Academy of Management Review, 33(1), 122-136.
Cameron, G.T., Wilcox, D.L., Reber, B.H., & Shin, J.H. (2008). Public relations today: Managing competition and conflict. Boston: Pearson.
Public elations Policies of a Private Company in Kuwait
Public elations Policies
Mais Alghanim estaurant Kuwait
Mais Alghanim estaurant is a Kuwait-based private business corporation owned and controlled by Barakat family. The company offers all kinds of food, restaurant, and catering services to every kind of customers. Mais Alghanim estaurant is recognized for its highest quality of food and excellence in customer services. Emile Barakat (Abu Edmond) carried forward the vision of his Late father Edmond Barakat (Abu Emile) and took the business to the heights of success and prosperity within the Kuwait region in a very short span of time. Mais Alghanim estaurant, through its high quality food and excellent customer services, not only wants to make financial growth, but also wants to establish a strong brand image in the eyes of its customers (Mais Alghanim estaurant, 2011).
In order to make itself a competitive organization and make brand loyal customers, Mais Alghanim…...
Jethwaney, J.N. & Sarkar, N.N., (2009). Public Relations Management. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private Ltd.
Lordan, E.J. (2003). Essentials of Public Relations Management. Chicago: Burnham Publishers
Mais Alghanim Restaurant, (2011). Our Story. Retrieved on January 11th, 2012 from
Mais Alghanim Restaurant, (2011). Press Releases. Retrieved on January 11th, 2012 from
Public relations is an integral part of today's business world, being one of the catch-phrases associated with professional success. Having good "PR" is essential to the growth of a company, and a good PR representative is worth his or her weight in gold. Yet most professionals of many trades whose job stability is largely dependent on the public relations aspects of the company honestly have no idea what a public relations representative actually does, or what public relations actually means. The average consumer or member of the public is even more clueless as to what PR actually is. To quote one public relations representative from a large California firm, "I have been at the Bureau for nearly 18 months and my friends and family still aren't sure exactly what I do." (Sandoval 2001) Viewed by some to be a useful tool for businesses large and small to reach their dreams…...
mlaWorks Cited
Maurreen et al. (2004) Public relations. Wikipedia. Retrieved on September 29, 2004 from .
PRSA. (2004) The public relations profession: about public relations. Public Relations Society of America. Retrieved on September 29, 2004 from
Sandoval, J. (2001). My friends and family still aren't sure exactly what I do. Public relations tactics. Public Relations Society of America. Retrieved on September 29, 2004 from
Public elation
The concept of 'public relations' with which we are familiar in the modern world is less than hundred years old. Even though it has a considerably short period of history, the concept has been defined in several varying ways. (About Public elations) Public elations are a means of communication which is basically focused toward achieving public understanding and acceptance. Public relations usually focus on issues in contrast to goods or services, and are used to promote better relations with the public or with the employees. Examples of public relations are providing training to employees, providing help in charitable matters, or a news release about certain community involvement which is positive in nature. (Free Definitions: Define Public elations. What is Public elations?) Public relations enable our society which is complex and pluralistic to arrive at informed decisions and perform in an efficient manner by contributing towards mutual co-operation among groups…...
"About Public Relations" Retrieved from Accessed on 18 December, 2004
'Free Definitions: Define Public Relations. What is Public Relations?" Retrieved from Accessed on 18 December, 2004
'Public Relations Firms in Japan: towards the Globalised World" Retrieved from Accessed on 18 December, 2004
From this point-of-view the P campaign's objectives in this case are:
Increasing the company's market share up to 6%
Increasing the company sales up to11%
Identifying the target customer segments
Identifying different categories of public relies on identifying values, behaviors, ideals, expectations, involvement degree or possibilities of acceptance of the ideas promoted by the campaign. Basically, for the new line of products for summer use, L'Oreal is targeting the same customer segments that the company has always addressed. There are two main target customer segments for L'Oreal's products:
The first targeted segment of customers is consisted of women between 25 and 35 years of age, with high education, with medium to high incomes, and with a high social situation
The second targeted customer segment is consisted of women between 35 and 45 years of age, educated, with medium to high incomes, and a high social situation
In both cases, the company is dealing with sophisticated women,…...
mlaReference List
L'Oreal (2007). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved June 5, 2007 at 'or%C3%A9al.
Company Overview (2007). The L'Oreal Group. Retrieved June 6, 2007 at .
They did this by stressing the engineering expertise that the company is well-known for, coupling it with their well-respected Toyota Production System (TPS) which unifies suppliers to their internal supplier quality management standards. It is common knowledge that the TPS is a complex set of processes for coordinating with suppliers, and often requires up to a year of coordination between Toyota and a given supplier before a single product is shipped. The rigorous nature of supplier qualification and the very visible processes in the Japanese auto industry trade media and press presented many potential challenges to the public relations strategies surrounding the launch of hybrid autos globally. To have taken a more controlled approach to public relations on the development of their hybrid assemblies and components supply chain would have been a major strategic error. Instead, Toyota concentrated on being open on all information not confidential and critical to…...
Josh Bernoff, Charlene Li. (2008). Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 36-42. Retrieved August 5, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1458948591).
Shannon a. Bowen (2006). Autonomy in communication:Inclusion in strategic management and ethical decision-making, a comparative case analysis. Journal of Communication Management, 10(4), 330-352. Retrieved August 21, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1201986181).
Files, James a. (1982, July). RACE: A Public Relations Process Model for Orderly Planning and Efficient Implementation. The Public Relations Journal, 38(7), 22. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1282283).
Mohannad Khanfar (2007). Visionary Approaches to Management of Corporate Communication Strategy and Its Implications. The Business Review, Cambridge, 8(2), 198-207. Retrieved September 4, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1416810601).
" (Kent & Taylor, 2002) Dialogue cannot be considered a guarantee of public relations outcomes that are ethical but does provide an orientation that is likely to increase a better understanding and "...grounded rules for communication." (Kent and Taylor, 2002)
The work of Chong (nd) states that the importance of crisis communication has emerged and specifically as related to public relations. Chong states that the study reported was conducted in order to disseminate the assigned importance and prevalence of crisis communication and was through the method of a review of literature relating to 'crisis communication'. In a study conducted by Chong, findings state that in a usiness Source Premiere database with more than 1000 scholarly publications with 'crisis communication' used as the search phrase and data collected in five periods during the time between February and March 2006 that the following number of articles were located for each of the five…...
Chong, M. (nd) Crisis communication through the years: A preliminary analysis of articles in the Business Source Premier database (1981-2005)
Coombs, T.W. (2004) Impact of Past Crises on Current Crisis Communication: Insights from Situational Crisis Communication Theory. Journal of Business Communication 2004, July.
Health, R.L. (2002) Handbook of Public Relations.
Hillsdale, NJ, 1989b, pp. 111-131.
(Straubhaar, 2009, pg. 121)
Critique the relationship between public communication and organizational truth.
Organizational truth is when the activities, communication and culture within the organization will determine what people believe to be the reality. Public relations plays, an important role in the organizational truth, as the strategies and ideas that they are implementing will have a dramatic impact upon organization itself. This is because the various strategies and tools that they use are designed to change the perception of the organization. In order for this to take place; the organizational truth will evolve with the PR strategies, to reflect the reality of what is occurring. In the case of KUSD, the PR department would play a major role in changing the organizational truth of the school district (Ihlen, 2009, pg. 349)
Analyze the most effective ways to use public speeches, journalism, press releases, presentations, and electronic media, including radio, television, and the…...
Ihlen, O. (2009). Commentary. Public Relations and Social Theory. (pg. 349). New York, NY: Routledge.
Mogel, L. (1998). Public Relations. Creating Your Career In Public Relations and Communications. (pg. 239). Sewicley, PA: GATF Press.
Regester, M. (2008). Issues Management Defined. Risk and Crisis Management in Public Relations. (pg. 43). Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Paige.
Sriramesh, K. (2003). The Legal System. Global Public Relations. (pg. 538). New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.
This second definition sees the purpose of PR activities as aimed at raising an organization's profile with the key people at the media (Cartledge 2003). PR professionals should keep their messages and proposals brief and succinct. The message should relate and connect to a current local economic activity to call attention. They should follow up on these proposals or news stories. It is their responsibility to acquire feedback on how the public views the organization through print and online sources. ased on the feedback, PR professionals should attune their campaign to what the public needs or wants to know and understand. They should consult the organization's management on the need to establish international contacts or arrange with a high-profile celebrity to endorse the organization's product or message to change or improve company image (Cartledge).
A third definition of publications links it with communications. Public relations lead an organization to become accepted,…...
Cartledge, E. (2003). Public Relations - Communications Outlook. 2 pages. Information Outlook: Special Libraries Association
Fey, L. (2003). Front-Page PR. 2 pages. Art Business News: Advanstar Communications, Inc.
Wylie, F.W. (1992). A Real Look in the Mirror - Evaluating the Field of Public Relations. Communications World: International Association of Business Communicators
Public Relations -- hat is it? How is the public affected? How are you affected?
ho won the last presidential debate? ait -- before you answer this question, carefully analyze your response. Is your presently stated what you truly thought, while you were watching the debate? Or has your current opinion about the candidate, about who won or lost the last debate, changed since you heard what the pundits and media spin analysts said, before, during, or immediately afterwards?
Probably your opinion has been affected by the overwhelming media coverage devoted to this event, whether you like it or not. Even if what you think has only been subtly rather than dramatically colored by what the spokespeople for the major candidates have said regarding the two men's performances, it is difficult to ignore such attention. (Stevenson & Sanger, 2004)
Thus, you have found yourself affected by the ubiquitous nature public relations -- whether…...
mlaWorks Cited
Duenwald, Mary. (October 5, 2004) "One Lesson From Vioxx: Approach New Drugs With Caution." The New York Times. Retrieved on October 7, 2004 at
McNamara, Carter. (1999) "Public Relations." Retrieved on October 7, 2004 at
Stevenson, Richard W. And David E. Sanger. (October 7, 2004) "Stump Speech Retooled, Bush Goes on Attack." The New York Times. Retrieved on October 7, 2004 at
HPR also secured placements on more than 40 local TV stations and created a video package for distribution to TV stations. To generate further interest, HPR conducted a radio media tour and distributed a pre-recorded news release to radio stations across the country.
To highlight the design features of the Scotch Contour Dispenser, HPR entered the dispenser into six prestigious design award competitions, and sent the dispenser to influencers in the design world, including museum curators, design storeowners and managers, and university professors of product design.
The Scotch Contour Dispenser, in conjunction with the 75th anniversary of Scotch transparent tape, resulted in more than 3,200 placements and 152 million impressions. Media highlights include: Better Homes & Gardens, Dwell, New York Magazine "Best Bets," Parents, ashington Post (syndicated), Redbook, orking Mother, Dallas Morning News, St. Petersburg Times, Family Life Radio, USA Radio, Metro Radio Networks and local TV placements in New York,…...
mlaWorks Cited
Ayto, John Dictionary of word Origins, Arcade Publishing, New York: 1990., "Definition of Public Relations"
Hunter Public Relations, "Case Studies
Public Relations
Why is it important to have a PR campaign? Give an example of a situation that illustrates the importance of a PR campaign and how is the effectiveness of public relations best measured? Explain your answer.
A good PR campaign is important for many reasons (Elements of a PR plan). It can increase a company's credibility because of a consumer's respect for the media. Media coverage can establish a company as a major player in an industry and because it can bolster public image it can sometimes allow a company to charge more for its products. A PR campaign can also stretch a company's marketing budget because the media does not charge for news coverage. Nothing illustrates the importance of a PR campaign more than the launch of a brand or a new product through a media outreach campaign. The media likes to write about something new because they view…...
Duncan, A. 10 differences between advertising and public relations. Your Guide to Advertising. Retrieved November 10, 2005 from Web site:
Elements of a PR plan. Retrieved November 10, 2005 from Web site: hl=enhttp://
Lubber, C.A. Assessing corporate public relations campaigns: attempting to demonstrate fiscal responsibility. Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications. Retrieved November 10, 2005 from Web site:
Public Communications and Public Relations: Why my experiences, interests, studies, and academic background translates into a perfect translation for the needs of the Westminster University program
The art and craft of translation is my passion, and how the multitudes of the languages I speak and seek to perfect can be merged into the communications field shall become the passion of my future. I have longed love the translation process involved in translating one foreign language into another. My native language is Italian, but I am also well versed in English and Spanish. My degree thesis was entitled "The Casebook of Forensic Detection," under the supervision of Professor Adriana Bisirri. It was a work of scientific translation, but I tried to make it one of literary merit as well as clinical accuracy, under the watchful eye of Professor Bisirri.
The title and subject of my thesis highlights my second passion -- the translation…...
In P, the public is the consumer of the product and the media is the one that is charged with selling it out to the public.
There are therefore tools that the P department will employ every now and again to reach the public which is the consumer. These are (Dry Pen, 2010);
Press release; is one of the most effective means of communicating to the stakeholders and is the most common mode. These documents provide a comprehensive description of upcoming events or activities in a brief and thorough manner.
Internal newsletters and publications; these are publications that come out on a regular basis like monthly or quarterly and can have significant information about the program of the organization and any other pertinent information like the dividends, profits and strategic decisions.
Email; this is another easy and fact means of communicating to the stakeholders since it can be done fast and can cover…...
Dry Pen, (2010). Public Relations Tools - PR. Retrieved January 29, 2011 from
Investopedia, (2012). Definition: Public Relations -- PR. Retrieved January 29, 2011 from
Inherent in any relationship is the opportunity for conflict to develop. Conflict most often develops when a miscommunication occurs between one party and another. Public relations can help mitigate conflict in a variety of ways. One of the most effective ways public relations managers work toward building effective relationships is via building strong communication networks. The role of a public relations team is to help foster effective, efficient and well intentioned communication between two or more parties (Bruning, 2000). A public relations representative or team may not necessarily ensure that one's communication message is accepted by all, however it is their job to ensure that a message is presented clearly and in a manner that is non-threatening to all the recipients of the intended message (Wilson, 1994).
The effects of public relations on the public are many. When public relations serves the public in an efficient and productive environment, positive relationships…...
Bruning, S.D. (2000). "Public relations as relationship management: A relational approach to the study and practice of public relations." Mawhah, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Broom G.M. (1986, August). Public relations roles and systems theory: Functional and historicist causal models. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL; in Bruning, 2000.
Wilson L.J. (1994). "The return to Gemeinschaft: A theory of public relations and corporate community relations as relationship-building." In a.F. Alkhafaji (Ed.), Business research yearbook: Global business perspectives (Vol. 1, pp. 135-141). Lanham, MD: International Academy of Business Disciplines and University Press of America, Inc.
Certainly! Here's a unique and fresh essay topic that explores the relationship between community relations and public relations:
"Exploring the Shift Towards Community-Centric Public Relations: Empowering Communities as Catalysts for Change"
This topic delves into the evolving dynamics between community relations and public relations, with a focus on the growing importance of community-centric strategies in the field. You can discuss how traditional public relations approaches often focused on maintaining positive corporate images, while community relations primarily dealt with strengthening ties at a local level. However, in recent years, there has been a significant shift towards integrating community empowerment and engagement within broader....
**Community Relations vs. Public Relations: An Exploration of the Synergies and Distinctions**
Community relations and public relations, often intertwined concepts, play crucial roles in shaping an organization's reputation and fostering its relationships with external stakeholders. However, these disciplines exhibit distinct approaches, motivations, and target audiences, warranting further exploration and comparison.
**Community Relations: Nurturing Local Connections**
Community relations focuses on building strong, mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the communities in which it operates. It emphasizes local engagement, participation, and collaboration, aiming to address community concerns, support local initiatives, and foster a sense of belonging.
* **Key Goals:** Strengthen community engagement, foster local support,....
1. The Role of Communication in Crisis Management
2. The Importance of Preparing a Crisis Management Plan
3. Case Study: Successfully Managing a Crisis in a Business or Organization
4. Crisis Management in the Digital Age: How Social Media Impacts Response
5. Ethical Considerations in Crisis Management
6. The Psychological Impact of Crisis on Individuals and Organizations
7. Lessons Learned from Failed Crisis Management Strategies
8. Crisis Management in Healthcare: Addressing Pandemics and Natural Disasters
9. Crisis Management in Government: Balancing Transparency and Security
10. Crisis Management in Public Relations: Rebuilding Trust and Reputation after a Crisis.
11. Crisis Management in the....
The rise and proliferation of Scientology in the United States has profoundly impacted the social media landscape, shaping public perception, fostering controversies, and influencing how individuals navigate online spaces.
In the digital age, social media has become a ubiquitous and influential force, connecting billions of people worldwide. Scientology, a highly controversial religious organization, has actively leveraged social media to promote its doctrines, recruit new members, and engage in public relations. This thesis explores the complex and multifaceted relationship between Scientology and social media in America, examining its consequences for public perception, societal discourse, and individual experiences.
Impact on Public Perception:
Scientology's presence on....
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