Rabies Essays (Examples)

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Rabies Infections in Humans Are Uncommon in
Pages: 4 Words: 1293

Rabies infections in humans are uncommon in the United States. Nevertheless, around the world approximately fifty thousand people die from rabies every year, mostly in emergent nations where agendas for vaccinating dogs against rabies don't exist. The good news is that troubles can be prohibited if the exposed individual gets treatment prior to symptoms of the contamination developing (About Rabies, 2011).
Rabies is an avoidable viral disease of mammals most frequently passed on by way of the bite of a rabid animal. The huge preponderance of rabies cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) every year take place in wild animals like raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes. The rabies virus contaminates the central nervous system, in the end causing sickness in the brain and death. The initial symptoms of rabies in human beings are comparable to that of a lot of other sicknesses, comprising fever, headache, and…...


Works Cited

"About Rabies." Kidshealth, 2011. Web. 25 April 2011.

"Rabies." CDC, 2011. Web. 25 April 2011.

"Rabies." WHO, 2011. Web. 25 April 2011.

"What are rabies symptoms and signs in humans?" MedicineNet, 2011. Web. 25 April 2011.

Rabies Is a Deadly Viral
Pages: 15 Words: 4179

Jennings, Schneider, Lewis and Scatterday (1960) document the high prevalence of rabies virus present among gray foxes. They further document the fact that these rabid foxes were abundantly found near densely populated human settlements and reportedly attacked humans and other valuable livestock. Florida. Jennings, Schneider, Lewis and Scatterday (1960) however claim, that it is not possible to accurately determine the accurate percentage of deaths occurring due to rabid foxes as during that time, another deadly disease among population of foxes was also reported. Therefore, it cannot be concretely proved that what percentage of them constituted the rabies infected foxes. Jennings, Schneider, Lewis and Scatterday (1960) claim that 33% of rabid animals examined by the Florida State Board of Health Laboratories between the time period of 1948 to 1958 were reported to be gray foxes.
Coming to more recent times, reports issued by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention claims…...



Bigler, W. Mclean, R. & Trevino, H. (1973). Epizootiologic aspects of raccoon rabies in Florida. American Journal of Epidimiology, 98(5), 326-335.

Jennings, W. Schneider, N. Lewis, a. And Scatterday, J. (1960). Fox rabies in Florida. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 24(2), 174-179.

Rupprecht, C. And Smith, J. (1994). Raccoon rabies: the re-emergence of an epizootic in a densely populated area. Seminars in Virology, 5(2), 155-164.

Jackson, a. (2002). Update on rabies. Current Opinion in Neurology. 15(3), 327-331.

Rabies Is the Oldest and
Pages: 4 Words: 1593

S. this has dramatically decreased incidences of the disease. Deborah Briggs, executive director for the Alliance for Rabies Control, reports that until now, no global coordinated effort has been exerted to help educate people in the world about rabies. Rabies "can be readily prevented through education, pet vaccination and increased human awareness about proper wound management and administration of rabies vaccination after an exposure has occurred" ("est Lafayette…," ¶ 7) Briggs stresses.

Lentnek, Arnold L. (reviewer), 2007, "Symptoms Rabies." American Accreditation HealthCare

Commission A.D.A.M. 1 May 2009.


Bren, Linda. "Reducing the Risk of Rabies." FDA Consumer, July-Aug. Questia. 1 May 2009. .

Marchione, Marilynn. "Rodent Virus Now Linked to Six Deaths." AP Online. 2005. HighBeam

Research. 1 May 2009. .

McMaster University. "Rabies Deaths From Dog Bites Could Be Eliminated Globally." Science

Daily, 16 March 2009. 1 May 2009. .

rabies. Merriam-ebster's Online Medical Dictionary, 2005, Merriam ebster, Inc., 1 May

2009. < http://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/rabies>.

Pointing, Patricia Harris. "Rabies:…...



Lentnek, Arnold L. (reviewer), 2007, "Symptoms Rabies." American Accreditation HealthCare

Commission A.D.A.M. 1 May 2009.


Bren, Linda. "Reducing the Risk of Rabies." FDA Consumer, July-Aug. Questia. 1 May 2009. .

Rabies Surveillance a Central Surveillance
Pages: 5 Words: 1554

The book Rabies, edited by Alan C. Jackson and William H. Wunner is critically reviewed in a peer publication. Rabies is a "comprehensive" discussion about a major global disease, focusing on the history of the disease from ancient times, diagnostic evaluation of animal and human cases, immunological responses to the virus, and public health management recommendations. The reviewer recommends the book for its multidisciplinarity.

8. Scatterday, James E.; Schneider, Nathan J.; Jennings, William L.; Lewis, Arthur L. Sporadic animal rabies in Florida. Public Health Reports 960;75(0): 945-955.

In 960, the Florida State Board of Health examined 59 rabid animals, mostly dogs, from 95-958. "With the gradual reduction of this disease in dogs and the evolution of an increasingly effective animal bite reporting procedure, the sporadic cases in wildlife have now assumed major importance in Florida." The Board searched for an "inapparent reservoir" of vectors that led to sporadic infections.

9. Tibayrenc, Michel, Ed.…...


10. World Health Organization. Rabies vaccines: WHO position paper. Weekly epidemiological record/Releve epidemiologique hebdomadaire 2010; 32: 308-320.

Written in the dual-language diplomacy of the UN, this is the World Health Organization position on vaccinating for rabies in an international context. Annually, rabies kills 20,000 people in India, and 24,000 in Africa. Forty percent of fatalities occur to children aged 4-15, with a higher proportion of females going without vaccination. Meanwhile, industrialized nations and parts of Latin America are wiping out rabies. Eleven species of virus have been discovered as of 2009. The WHO recommends the replacement of nerve-tissue vaccines as soon as possible. The inexpensive intradermal alternative should be used only when the financial or practical necessity is proven. Pre-exposure prophylaxis is recommended to high-risk people. Post-exposure prophylaxis is necessary depending on the level of indications.

11. World Health Organization. WHO Expert Consultation on Rabies 2005.

Rabies Cases Through the Past
Pages: 3 Words: 874

These charts conclusively establish that the preponderance of rabies cases occur in urban areas and that the percentage between urban and rural areas is consistent.
This graph demonstrates the occurrence of reported rabies cases for each animal type and overlays such occurrences against the location of each incident. The graph clearly establishes, again, the overwhelming involvement of raccoons in rabies cases, as in every given year of the study, the number of cases attributed to raccoons out numbers the rest of the animal types significantly.

These two charts compare the number of reported rabies cases in the states of Florida and Georgia. They demonstrate that rabies in the state of Georgia are far more prevalent than reported cases in Florida. In both states, raccoons are the primary problem and by numbers that are more serious than the remainder of the animal types combined. Interestingly, dogs, which are traditionally identified with rabies,…...

Icd-9-Cm V Codes V Codes V Codes
Pages: 2 Words: 735

Icd-9-Cm V Codes
V Codes

V codes are provided as supplemental categories under the ICD-9-CM classification system (Ingenix Staff, 2010). They are intended to be used for situations when the patient seeks care for something other than a disease or injury, repetitive care related to a chronic or resolving disease or condition, follow up care after disease or condition has been successfully treated, or for providing relevant information that may have an impact on care trajectory. The information that V codes provide are critical because they can be used to justify medical treatments or denial of care, and elaborate on a disease condition.

Sequencing V Codes

V code use is controlled by the ICD-9-CM guidelines concerning how codes should be sequenced. An underlying condition should be listed first and any manifestations, late effects, or elaborations of the underlying condition listed next (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [CMS] and National Center for Health…...



Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2011, Oct. 1). Diagnosis and procedure codes: Abbreviated and full name titles. CMS.gov. Retrieved 6 Dec. 2011 from  https://www.cms.gov/ICD9ProviderDiagnosticCodes/06_codes.asp#TopOfPage 

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and National Center for Health Statistics. (2008). ICD-9-CM official coding guidelines. AMA-Assn.org. Retrieved 6 Dec. 2011 from  http://www.ama-assn.org/resources/doc/cpt/icd9cm_coding_guidelines_08_09_full.pdf 

Ingenix Staff. (2010, Nov 9). V codes: How & when to assign them. Advanceweb.com. Retrieved 6 Dec. 2011 from  http://health-information.advanceweb.com/Web-Extras/CCS-Prep/V-Codes-How-When-to-Assign-Them.aspx 

Kushner, Robert F. And Blatner, Dawn J. (2005). Risk assessment of the overweight and obese patient. Journal of the American Diatetic Association, 105, S53-S62.

Why Are Epidemiologists Sometimes Interested in Epizootics
Pages: 2 Words: 776

Why are epidemiologists sometimes interested in epizootics?

"Epidemics in animals are called epizootics" (Epizootics, 2012, University of Liverpool). The evolution of epidemics in animal populations can mirror the spread of disease in humans, or the diseases in animals can present features of interest to epidemiologists because of their potential to pass diseases to humans through contact or consumption. Examples of diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans include foot and mouth disease, rabies, and 'mad cow' disease. For example, in foot and mouth disease, animals can spread the disease to other organisms through salvia, milk and dung manure and blood. In the case of foot and mouth, "Animals start to excrete the virus even before the symptoms appear and so may pass it on to many others before anyone realises that they are infected" (Epizootics, 2012, University of Liverpool). This can cause the disease to spread extremely rapidly. And…...



Avian Influenza A Virus Infections in Humans. (2012). CDC (Centers for Disease Control).



Epidemics. (2002). Retrieved:

Cujo King Stephen Cujo New
Pages: 2 Words: 702

Both parents must cope with the death of their child, Tad at the end of the book after Tad dies of heat exhaustion in the car where he and his mother are trapped.
Cujo operates on both the ordinary and the extraordinary, in terms of its levels of horror. On one hand, unlike most of Stephen King's novels, Cujo is not dependant upon the supernatural to inspire terror in its reader. In the real world, people are attacked and are killed by dogs. Rabies is a real illness. The horrific thing is that once Cujo was a beloved family pet, but because of the fact he has contracted rabies, it as if he has become possessed by a demon and he becomes a killer. The ordinary, beautiful setting of a quiet suburb that seems ideal to raise one's children makes the horrific contrast between Cujo's actions and the setting particularly…...

Jewish Culture of Medieval Europe
Pages: 6 Words: 1893

Their escape from persecutions was always organized, which strengthened relations of community members and later turned into a duty of mutual aid and assistance, typical for members of Jewish Diaspora today. These times of horror and deprivations molded spirit and will of Jews, influenced the growth of cooperation of different communities all over Europe and resulted in moving to Eastern Europe, where they peacefully coexisted with local population up until 17th century. Unlike other nations it was already typical in the Middle Ages for Ashkenazi Jews to receive universal education, which was not only limited to Talmud and Torah studying. Sinful activities of money loaning, which were shameful for Catholics, were mostly occupied by Jews who achieved considerable success in finances all over Europe and gave them reputation of successful financiers and bankers.
Sepharadi Jews suffered persecution after the end of econquista in Iberian Peninsula. The main goal of queen…...



Jewish Life in Medieval Europe, available at http://www.aitzhayim.org/library_files/Katz%20on%20Jewish%20Life%20in%20Medieval%20Europe.htm

Zion Zohar A Global Perspective on Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry, pp.1-20 available at  http://www.nyupress.org/webchapters/0814797059chapt1.pdf 

Bernard Lewis, The Jews of Islam Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984

Jane Gerber, The Jews of Spain: A History of the Sephardic Experience (New York: Free Press, 1992), 89.

Louis Pasteur French Scientist Louis
Pages: 3 Words: 950

Pasteur proved the opposite: that the world is populated with microorganisms and that they do not spontaneously generate. Microorganisms essentially invade larger bodies or substances and cause disease or the spoilage of food. Pasteur's work is called the "germ theory of disease" and has been the rubric of scientific understanding of disease ever since. His work with the silkworms and with the wine industry extended to his working with diseases that affected farm animals and human beings.
Pasteur's initial work with farm animals addressed the problem of anthrax. Anthrax was a disease primarily affecting France's cattle and sheep populations, crippling the agriculture industry. Pasteur found that by injecting animals with small amounts of anthrax, they could be rendered immune from the disease's deadly effects. He extended his research with anthrax into other diseases like rabies, tuberculosis, smallpox, and cholera, performing most of his experiments on farm animals. His work with…...


Works Cited

Cohn, David V. "The Life and Times of Louis Pasteur." University of Louisville School of Dentistry. 1996. Online at  http://www.louisville.edu/library/ekstrom/special/pasteur/cohn.html .

Embassy of France in Canada: Science and Technology Department. Online at  http://ambafrance-ca.org/HYPERLAB/PEOPLE/_pasteur.html .

Pasteur, Louis." The Columbia Encyclopedia. 2001.  http://www.bartleby.com/65/pa/Pasteur.html .

Pasteur, Louis." MSN Encarta. 2005. Online at http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761568595/Louis_Pasteur.html.

Sease v Taylor's Pets Inc
Pages: 3 Words: 1060

He may have been entitled to those damages if he had filed a breach of warranty claim, which permits damages for emotional stress without an underlying physical injury, but Brad did not file a breach of warranty complaint, but merely a strict liability complaint.
Decision: A live pet skunk is a product within the meaning of OS 30.900 et seq.

A person who comes into contact with a rabid skunk but does not suffer physical harm cannot recover for emotional distress in an action based solely on strict product liability under OS 30.920. Physical harm from being bitten and receiving injections provide a sufficient basis for allegations of emotional distress relating to fear of death under OS 30.920.

Use of precedent/effect on later cases: This case was one of first impression in Oregon and asked the Court to determine whether or not animals would be covered as products under OS 30.900 et…...



ORS 30.900 et seq.

Pendergrass, E. (2007). Approaching liability with animal identification. Retrieved November

18, 2011 from The National Agricultural Law Center website: http://www.nationalaglawcenter.org/assets/articles/pendergrass_liability.pdf

Sease v. Taylor's Pets Inc., 700 P2d 1054 (1985).

Response to a Rabies Outbreak in a Community
Pages: 5 Words: 1456

Skunk abies: A Public Health ConcernIntroductionA recent outbreak of rabies among skunks in the town of Barkwood Dale poses a significant public health concern. Until now, rabies had only been detected in the local bat population, but the introduction of rabid skunks increases the potential for human and pet exposure. Over 30 skunks, several feral cats, a raccoon, and a fox have tested positive for the disease. This paper will discuss the public health implications of this zoonotic disease and propose strategies for its containment and prevention.abies: A Zoonotic Disease of Public Health Concernabies is a zoonotic disease that primarily affects mammals and is caused by the rabies virus (Fisher et al., 2018). It is transmitted through the bite or saliva of an infected animal, usually affecting the central nervous system and leading to fatal encephalitis (Barecha et al., 2017). abies is a public health concern because it is nearly…...


ReferencesBarecha, C. B., Girzaw, F., Kandi, R. V., & Pal, M. (2017). Epidemiology and public health significance of rabies. Perspect Clin Res, 5(1), 55-67.CDC. (2023). Zoonotic Diseases. Retrieved from   C. R., Streicker, D. G., & Schnell, M. J. (2018). The spread and evolution of rabies virus: conquering new frontiers. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 16(4), 241-255.Mwangi, W., de Figueiredo, P., & Criscitiello, M. F. (2016). One health: addressing global challenges at the nexus of human, animal, and environmental health. PLOS pathogens, 12(9), e1005731.Wolf, M. (2015). Is there really such a thing as “one health”? Thinking about a more than human world from the perspective of cultural anthropology. Social Science & Medicine, 129, 5-11.https://www.cdc.gov/onehealth/basics/zoonotic-diseases.html Fisher,

Pasteur There Is Perhaps No
Pages: 3 Words: 1220

g., maggots in rotting matter.
Pasteur believed that germs, just as those that caused fermentation, could also be causing disease. With the support of other scientists and collaborators, he was able to isolate several disease causing bacteria, cholera (with Robert Koch) and small pox (work originally done by Edward Jenner), among several others. While working with cholera in chicken, Pasteur helped set the foundation for the idea of vaccinations; this had been proposed by others earlier. That a mild form of the virus or bacteria induces the creation of antibodies in the host. When infected by a virulent form of the virus or bacteria, the antibodies created in the system can destroy the infecting agents thereby protecting the host. Pasteur's work influenced the creation of vaccinations.

After successfully using it in the cure of cholera, small pox and several other diseases, Pasteur used this idea in identifying a cure for rabies. After…...



Cohn, David V. (1996, February 11). The Life and Times of Louis Pasteur. Retrieved. March 17, 2009 at  http://louisville.edu/library/ekstrom/special/pasteur/cohn.html 

Debre, P.; E. Forster (1998). Louis Pasteur. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Hart, Michael H. (1992). The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History. Citadel Press. pp. pp.60-61.

Morris, D.; Abel, E. (2002). Stereochemistry. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

American Pit Bull Terrier
Pages: 15 Words: 6478

American Pit Bull Terrier
What is the American Pit Bull Terrier? What are its origins and what is its history? The American Pit Bull Terrier has most often been described as the dog that is closest to the human race, in its likeness to the human race. This endearing breed of dog has the most charming and pleasing of personalities, in that it is very individualistic and independent, as well as intelligent and friendly. It has an innate strength, is extremely tenacious, and is also full of beans, and when all these traits are combined with its basically soft and charming nature, this is a breed that is very close to the human race, and it closely resembles an ordinary human being. All the character traits that have been found in the American Pit Bull Terrier not only make it an easy breed to own and train, but also make it…...



American Pit bull Terrier, Breed and Health Information. Retrieved From

  Accessed on 2 January, 2005http://www.pupcity.com/dog-breeds/american-pit-bull-terrier.asp 

American Pit Bull Terrier: Bull Dog Breeds.com. Retrieved From

  Accessed on 2 January, 2005http://www.bulldogbreeds.com/americanpitbullterrier.html 

Democracy and Public Administration
Pages: 15 Words: 5642

Democracy and Public Administration

This report is a theoretical essay on the inevitable conflicts that consistently occur between public agencies that are managed by unelected civil servants and the political environment in which these individuals and organizations operate in. Public agencies in the healthcare environment are prime examples of successful interdepartmental cooperation in most cases, but, there are also examples where they can demonstrate both internal and external in-fighting. "The health sector workforce, which usually comprises a significant element within the total public sector workforce, may be either directly employed by the public sector health system, or work in public-funded agencies or organizations (e.g., social insurance funded). In many countries healthcare will also be delivered by organizations in the private sector and by voluntary organizations." (World Bank Group) As concerns like the nation's aging population, a rapidly depleting Medicare Trust or the many potential pandemics such as SAs, Swine Flu, Aides…...



Antos, Joseph. (2008). "Medicare's Bad News: Is Anyone Listening?" American Institute for Public Policy Research. April, No. 3.

American Public Health Association (2009). Retrieved on November 2, 2009, from American Public Health Association Web Site:   aphanet. (2001). Senators' Introduce Bill to Prepare For Possibility of Biological Warfare. Retrieved on November 2, 2009, from  http://www.aphanet.org http://www.apha.org 

CDC. (2009). H1N1. Retrieved on November 3, 2009, from Center For Disease Control web site at  http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/sick.htm .

Center for Disease Control. (2009). State and Local Infrastructure. Retrieved on November 3, 2009, from Center for Disease Control Web Site:  http://www.cdc.gov/programs

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