Reflection Essays (Examples)

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Journals of Herrera and Gottleib Books
A healthy child is the joy of the family. Social and academic development of a child depend on his ability to use his eyes and ears effectively. When one of these organs is impaired, the child will face challenges to communicate or see effectively, which will affect the child's social and academic developments. When a child has developed a vision or ear impairment, early intervention is a critical approach to addressing this disability. Typically, young children with one or multiple disabilities have unique challenges and needs. Some of these children struggle to see or communicate their needs. Parents and professionals must identify the needs of each child to ensure that young children with disabilities are able to participate actively and make a meaningful progress in life. Thus, medical, and non-medical interventions are the crucial approach for young children with disabilities since they may exhibit….

theological education is, as Trokan suggests, "to promote personal wisdom," then theological reflection is an essential component of that education (144). According to Paver, there are numerous approaches to theological reflection including ministerial, spiritual, wisdom, feminist, enculturation and practical styles (36). Each of these has relevance and can be part of a holistic and comprehensive theological undertaking that has meaning, value, and practical purpose. Of these styles, the spiritual wisdom style of theological reflection is "rooted in the everyday life experiences of believing people," (Kinast 15). Likewise, Bishop King recommends the spiritual wisdom style of insight because "We do not reflect on things within some kind of void but rather we ponder over things in the light of our encounters with real-life situations," (cited in "Theological eflection" 1). For pastoral counseling to be effective, the pastor must cultivate deep self-reflection in an ongoing and systematic way, applying the tools….

In his book Reflections on the Psalms, C. S. Lewis examines the book of Psalms – one of the most popular books in the Bible. He focuses on how the book portrays the Bible, God, and faith. Lewis explores Psalms’ poetic verses and their relevance to the reader’s everyday life. The book has 12 chapters, purposely written to provide amateurs with a better understanding of the book of Psalms. Lewis’s overarching argument is that the book of Psalms was originally written as a poetic book (Lewis, Reflections on the Psalms, 2). Accordingly, the book should be read in a lyrical as opposed to a doctrinal or sermonised fashion. The Psalms should be sung as hymns to worship God. They should be read as poems so as to grasp the original message their authors’ intended to convey. For Lewis, the intention of his book is not to justify the truthfulness of….

Wiki: eflections on Contributions to the Class Wiki
eflections on Contributions to the Class Wiki: Class Wiki

Weekly eport on Progress and Contributions to the Wiki

This week, my main focus was to research on the risks and benefits associated with the adoption of social media technologies in the organizational setting. I categorized the benefits into three: benefits to employees, benefits to the customer, and benefits to other stakeholders. I identified that such technologies benefit employees through improved knowledge management, greater opportunities for collaboration, reduced internal communication costs, improved training, and opportunities to take part in the organization's staffing processes. Benefits to the customer included the development of better products and improved customer service occasioned by facilitated data mining. Finally, benefits to other stakeholders such as suppliers and shareholders include improved information-sharing and reduced costs of external communication. In terms of risk, I identified two major concerns related to social media adoption:….

Nurse Reflection
Experience Reflection Using John's Model of Reflection


The event was relatively straightforward, though ultimately still profound, with a standard healthcare office (a nurse's office, specifically) providing the setting for the interview. Girls aged about thirteen years old were the subjects of the interviews in this study; they arrived with a parent (almost exclusively the mother), and were interviewed privately so as to obtain greater levels of honesty in the responses. As the girls were being questioned regarding their eating habits at home, and thus specifically the food that they were given by their parents (again almost exclusively their mothers, as learned during the interviews), it was thought that interviews taking place n front of the mothers would yield less accurate and truthful results, and thus lead to a mis-identification of real concerns. Most of the respondents seemed slightly shy but very willing to answer the questions, and all clearly understood….

Supervisors as Facilitators of eflection:
Supervision plays an important role in supporting the professional capability and integrity of an executive coach because it helps in stirring the quality and safety of the client's coaching. For many organizations, investment in professional supervision is a reflection of a clear dedication to quality and ongoing development ("Supervision for You," n.d.). Generally, supervision contributes to better coaching since it provides benefits for executive coaches with the task of managing the effect of third parties in their coaching relationships. Some of the major benefits of supervision for the supervisee include helping practitioners to recognize their strengths and weaknesses, provides psychological creativity, insights, and research, and creates ethical awareness. The other benefit of supervision is that it enables practitioners to evaluate the impact of coaching work on their lives. Therefore, based on these benefits of supervision to practitioners, supervisors can be regarded as facilitators of reflection.

ole of….

Leadership Reflection
Final Reflections

This experience has definitely changed me for the better. All the tools provided will ultimately help me strengthen my leadership skills, both in my present position and for all future leadership roles as well. Looking back at all that I have done over the course of this experience helps me really see how far I have come.

Having the position of Senior Enlisted Advisor of an Army Unit Stationed in South Korea was definitely a benefit that gave me major experience in working with team members in order to ensure the productivity of the larger group under my command. Using my experience from the field, I was better able to adapt and understand the major elements presented throughout this training. Looking through the prior modules, I know that I did show strong leadership skills in the beginning; yet, I feel that throughout the course of this training I….

Consent for and Ethics Reflection
Consent Form

Study Title: The Next President

Prospective Research Participants: The research participants for this study should be at least 18 years of age, literate, and have voted in at least one election.

The purpose of this study is to determine which fictitious candidate people would vote for based on various media articles and video presentations about the candidates. Each candidate will view the video presentations and read the short articles and then be asked to vote for their candidate and state why they voted for that particular candidate. The study will take roughly one to two hours from start to finish.

Prior to this study, a quantitative literature review has been conducted reviewing the trends in media reporting coverage for various candidates. These trends and the media messages were then utilized to draft the fictitious candidate reports. The goal is to determine the effect of the media reports in….

Lesson Plan Amp; Reflection
I didn't know what state you are in so was unable to do state/district standards!

Lesson Plan

Age/Grade Range; Developmental Level(s): 7-8/2nd Grade; Below grade level

Anticipated Lesson Duration: 45 Minutes

Lesson Foundations

Pre-assessment (including cognitive and noncognitive measures): All students are reading below grade level (5-7 months) as measured by standardized assessments and teacher observation

Curricular Focus, Theme, or Subject Area: Reading: Fluency, word recognition, and comprehension

State/District Standards:

Learning Objectives: Students will develop word recognition and comprehension skills and fluency.

Adaptations for ELLs, Students with Special Needs, and/or Struggling Readers: Adaptation for English Learners will include modeling, partnering, pictures, and other strategies as necessary. Pair with competent reader. Modeling, pictures, more hands on learning.

Perspective(s) addressed in this lesson (Interactive, Critical, and/or Response): Interactive: Instruction focuses on monitoring student reading, while developing student skills and strategies to strengthen, accuracy, rate and prosody, word recognition and comprehension.

Texts: None

Other Materials/Technology/Equipment/Resources: Three books: A Pocket Full of Kisses,….

Indeed, this multicultural state of the nursing profession can be very profitably incorporated into one of the key tools that I would use in developing, assessing, and evaluating curricula. The concept of different learning styles has made considerable inroads in many American and other Western educational systems. This awareness helps to create systems of learning that allow as many students as possible to benefit from the same curriculum. When an instructor is capable of teaching the same concept in a number of different ways (by using different educational technologies, for example, or drawing in students to help others with the same learning styles) then all members of the class and eventually the profession will benefit.

One element of differing learning styles that is not usually considered in creating curricula that support aural vs. visual learners (for example) is the way in which basic cultural concepts affect learning style. This is not….

Individual eflection on Team Experience
Evolution of the group/team over the term

Group/team dynamics

Group structure

Intergroup/intra-group conflict

According to obert Harris, (2009) decision making is the process or the study of identifying and choosing the best alternatives and best fits the goals, values and the desired outcome. He further adds that it's a process of sufficiently reducing uncertainty and doubt about alternatives to allow a reasonable choice to be made from among them.

It is worth noting that groups, be they informal or formal groups, will always be found in each and every organization. It is one of the strongest organizations within organizations that cannot fade away since they give the people involved a sense of security, self-esteem, power, achievement, affiliation and even status to some extent. It is then incumbent upon the management to tap into the group dynamics to use it to the advantage of the organization. The top management must encourage people….

While scaffolding is not intended to be something the student can permanently rely on, it is designed to be built up, adjusted, and then finally removed over time, as the student develops what he or she needs in order to be successful without the scaffolding being in place. It is very important in the future that I focus on the proper level of scaffolding and remember that each student is different. Some will need more scaffolding than others. If I spend too much time building up scaffolding, I will lose the interest of the students who do not need it. However, not providing enough scaffolding means that a number of students can have trouble with the material because they are not properly prepared to process what they are learning on their own. The key is finding a balance that works for the majority of students in the classroom, and….

Holistic Victim Restitution Plan Reflection
Victimology is one of the disciplines that has emerged in the criminal justice field to examine situations and vulnerabilities that make it more likely for people to become victims of crime. Additionally, this discipline also focuses on examining and understanding the harm people suffer due to being victims of crime or illegal activities. One of the core components of victimology is understanding who and/or what are crime victims in light of situations that increases vulnerabilities to crime. The rise of victimology today's society is attributable to the increased vulnerabilities that certain individuals and/or groups face, which increases their likelihood of being targeted by criminals. Victim surveys have shown that some individuals and groups are at high risks of being targeted by criminals because of certain vulnerabilities. Some of these vulnerabilities that contribute to increased victimization include living in certain neighborhoods, social economic status, and ethnicity or….

Origin of Evil
The origin of evil has been a controversial issue not only in the contemporary Christian circles but also among the ancient Greek Christians. The point of contention in the discussion about the origin of evil is why a good God would have created evil. The Judeo-Christians struggled to understand how a good, powerful, and all-knowing God could allow evil to exist. The logical conclusions were that either God did not exist or God was not good[footnoteRef:1]. However, Augustine sought to clarify this erroneous notion about the existence of God. Saint Augustine believed that the discussion on the origin of evil and whether a good God has a role in its creation and existence must first begin with the understanding of evil and God. He explained that if evil was not necessarily a thing, then it may not have been created although it negates the notion that God created….

Discussion Reflection 1. I think the concepts that were most interesting to me in this class were more the high level concepts like the Five Forces. These are the sorts of tools that I think can be relevant in any industry. They force you to think not just about what the company does, but how the business works. For example, you can be good at some aspect of the business, but a tool like Five Forces will help you to consider whether what you\\'re good at is what you actually need to be good at in order to succeed. As the literature on that tool in particular notes, it helps you to formulate strategy by giving you one of the most important starting points – knowing where profit comes from in your industry (MindTools, 2018). So things like that, and SWOT, may seem really simple but if you take the time….

Choosing how to start your essay on deviance depends on the type of essay you are writing and the type of coursework you are trying to complete.  Deviance is a broad topic that is covered in many of the soft sciences, including (but not limited to) sociology, psychology, and criminology.  It is also discussed in the humanities, particularly philosophy and history.  Therefore, we would probably begin the essay with two things: a definition of deviance and an explanation of how that definition fits into the context of the essay we are writing. 

Generally, deviance is a sociological concept....

One of the reasons that Frederick Douglass was an effective anti-slavery advocate was because he was a powerful speaker and writer who mastered rhetorical tools and was able to use them to convey the realities of slavery to people who had either never experienced or had experienced slavery from the perspective of the slaveholder, rather than the perspective of the slave. 

Douglass uses simile, comparing most slaves’ knowledge of their birthdays to what a horse would know of its birthday.  Given that slaves were often compared to beasts of burden; this may not seem like a rhetorical device....

King Arthur has been a steady feature in pop culture since the original stories of him were told hundreds of years ago.  In fact, he retains a mythical status because of the quasi-historical nature of the stories told about him, leading to many people wondering if King Arthur is actually a real person.  The consensus appears to be that he was not an actual person, but that there were real people whose stories contributed to the stories of King Arthur.  It is no surprise, then, that he continues to be a compelling character in books,....

10 Pages


Reflection Journals in Education

Words: 4824
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Journals of Herrera and Gottleib Books A healthy child is the joy of the family. Social and academic development of a child depend on his ability to use his…

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2 Pages

Psychology - Christianity

Reflection on Personal Theological Issue

Words: 725
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

theological education is, as Trokan suggests, "to promote personal wisdom," then theological reflection is an essential component of that education (144). According to Paver, there are numerous approaches…

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4 Pages
Book Review


Reflections on the Psalms by C S Lewis

Words: 1230
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Book Review

In his book Reflections on the Psalms, C. S. Lewis examines the book of Psalms – one of the most popular books in the Bible. He focuses on how…

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2 Pages

Sports - College

Reflections on Contributions to the Class Wiki Class Wiki

Words: 669
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Wiki: eflections on Contributions to the Class Wiki eflections on Contributions to the Class Wiki: Class Wiki Weekly eport on Progress and Contributions to the Wiki This week, my main focus…

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4 Pages

Women's Issues - Health Issues

Nurse Reflection Experience Reflection Using John's Model

Words: 1127
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Nurse Reflection Experience Reflection Using John's Model of Reflection Description The event was relatively straightforward, though ultimately still profound, with a standard healthcare office (a nurse's office, specifically) providing the setting for…

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4 Pages


Supervisors as Facilitators of Reflection Supervision Plays

Words: 1294
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Supervisors as Facilitators of eflection: Supervision plays an important role in supporting the professional capability and integrity of an executive coach because it helps in stirring the quality and safety…

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3 Pages


Leadership Reflection Final Reflections This Experience Has

Words: 999
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Journal

Leadership Reflection Final Reflections This experience has definitely changed me for the better. All the tools provided will ultimately help me strengthen my leadership skills, both in my present position…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Sports - Women

Consent for and Ethics Reflection Consent Form

Words: 1530
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Consent for and Ethics Reflection Consent Form Study Title: The Next President Prospective Research Participants: The research participants for this study should be at least 18 years of age, literate, and have…

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3 Pages


Lesson Plan Amp Reflection I Didn't Know

Words: 857
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Lesson Plan Amp; Reflection I didn't know what state you are in so was unable to do state/district standards! Lesson Plan Age/Grade Range; Developmental Level(s): 7-8/2nd Grade; Below grade level Anticipated Lesson Duration:…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Nursing Self-Reflection Nursing Has for

Words: 865
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Indeed, this multicultural state of the nursing profession can be very profitably incorporated into one of the key tools that I would use in developing, assessing, and evaluating curricula.…

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10 Pages

Business - Management

Individual Reflection on Team Experience Evolution of

Words: 3451
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Individual eflection on Team Experience Evolution of the group/team over the term Group/team dynamics Group structure Intergroup/intra-group conflict According to obert Harris, (2009) decision making is the process or the study of identifying and…

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2 Pages


Middle School Lesson Plan Reflection

Words: 725
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

While scaffolding is not intended to be something the student can permanently rely on, it is designed to be built up, adjusted, and then finally removed over time,…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Reflection on Holistic Victim Restitution Plan

Words: 738
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Holistic Victim Restitution Plan Reflection Victimology is one of the disciplines that has emerged in the criminal justice field to examine situations and vulnerabilities that make it more likely for…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Reflection and Research Essay on Augustine Saint Augustine on Evil

Words: 3721
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Origin of Evil The origin of evil has been a controversial issue not only in the contemporary Christian circles but also among the ancient Greek Christians. The point of contention…

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2 Pages


reflection on'strategic management course

Words: 836
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Discussion Reflection 1. I think the concepts that were most interesting to me in this class were more the high level concepts like the Five Forces. These are the sorts…

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