Republican Party Essays (Examples)

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Republican Party the Political Philosophy
Pages: 2 Words: 638

Third, the Republican Party places much emphasis on individual rights as outlined in the U.S. Constitution, due to believing that American strength comes from encouraging "individual support for our laws and the court system" and that the federal government must be "ever vigilant that excessive taxation and over-regulation" does not occur. Thus, "a watchful citizenry is necessary to keep government accountable" (Grimes, "The Republican Stance," Internet). However, republicans also agree that they must be "receptive to new ideas with an outlook broad enough to accommodate thoughtful change and varying points-of-view" (Harrison, 158).

Fourth, the Republican Party and its adherents firmly believe in and wholeheartedly support a strong national defense system, i.e., a strong and vital military, which is "required to keep the nation safe from outside forces." However, republicans also support negotiation which "must always be the first line of defense," for it is "safer and more effective to bargain from…...



Grimes, Linda S. "The Republican Stance." BellaOnline. 2008. Internet. Retrieved October 28, 2008 at .

Harrison, William J. The Republican Party and Its Philosophies. Boston: G.K. Hall,

Lambert, Harold. Principles of the Democratic and Republican Parties. New York:

Random House, 2004.

Republican Ethics the Republican Party
Pages: 4 Words: 1378

org). This makes the ethical dilemma faced by the Republican Party strikingly clear: they are caught between choosing to uphold their position on equality and personal liberty -- which would require them to include the Log Cabin Republicans and other groups, such as pro-choicers -- and upholding their moral values by condemning these groups and continuing to attempt legislative restrictions on their activities. Applications of different systems of ethics makes it equally clear that there is no real answer to this quandary.
John Stuart Mill's viewpoint on the issue of homosexuality would be very difficult to determine; like the Republican Party, he was born in an era where Christian values and morals were generally accepted as universally applicable, even by atheists. Homosexuality was far more abhorrent to the public mind then than it is now, and it seems likely that Mill would not have approved of such relationships. His ethical system…...


Works Cited

Aristotle. Nicomedian Ethics. Accessed 25 February 2009. 

Flower, Frank A. History of the Republican Party. Grand Rapids: Union Book Co., 1884. Log Cabin Republicans Official Website. Accessed 25 February 2009.

John Stuart Mill. Utilitarianism. 1863. Accessed 25 February 2009.

Republican Party the Contemporary Societies
Pages: 9 Words: 2505

So far, I have tried to made a short historical review of the first years of the existence of the Republican party, identifying a few ideological main trends that defined the activity and the platform of the party. Namely, I have talked about the anti-slavery position (proved, among others, by the importance given to the Northern branches), somehow moderate in order to keep the votes of the nativist Americans, who used to sympathize with Know-Nothings factions but were rather liberal in terms of usage of slave work. The previous supporters of the Know-Nothings moved in a large amount towards the Republicans rather then to the Democrats, because the former managed to emphasize both sectionalism and nativism.

Generally, the political debate seemed to be focused rather on social problems than on major political controversies. Of course, any social issue is a bearer of potential political decision, and the threats the local population…...


Latner & Levine, 1976

Foner, 1980, pp. 127

Houston, 1983

What Isn't Said on Alaska's Republican Party Website
Pages: 2 Words: 623

Alaska State epublican Party Structure
Alaska State Party Structure

The structure of the state epublican Party of Alaska is organized according to three primary levels: A State Executive Committee, a State Central Committee (SCC), and District Committees. Two levels of conferences are organized: A State Conference and District Conferences ("Alaska epublican Party," 2013).

The Alaska epublican Party is governed by the State Central Committee (SCC) ("Alaska epublican Party," 2013). The State Central Committee membership consists of party leaders, district chairs, and members who hold the SCC bonus votes ("Alaska epublican Party," 2013). During the times when the epublican Party convention is not in session, the SCC controls party affairs and creates policy ("Alaska epublican Party," 2013). To become a member of the local party committee, an interested person needs to contact a district chairman of the State Central Committee (SCC) ("Alaska epublican Party," 2013). The epublican Party officers and delegates to the convention…...



Alaska Republican Party. Retreived

The Alaska Federation of Republican Women. Retrieved

Anonymous Democrat in Residence. Personal communication, June 28, 2014.

Theological and Sociological Leadership Personality
Pages: 3 Words: 972

Although seemingly fragmented, the Republican Party has the potential to create new pathways of leadership. The fusion of leadership theories and personality theories offer an initial framework for postulating the future of Republican Party efficacy. However, leadership and personality theories need to be combined with sociological and theological empiricism in order to provide a pragmatic and moral framework for the future. This research seeks to advance the theoretical treatment of personality as a sociological factor in leadership, specifically by focusing on the follower-leader dyad to demonstrate normative patterns of trust, support, and motivation. Additionally, this research frames political leadership in theological terms.. By presenting a dynamic analysis of leadership within the Republican Party, this research will also illustrate the sociological distinction between the secular/profane and the sacred and that that distinction means for the future of the party.
Research has shown that “personality theory is not only a legitimate, but also an…...



Ayers, M. (2006). Toward a theology of leadership. Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership 1(1): 3-27.

Berggren, J. & Rae, N.C. (2006). Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush. Presidential Studies Quarterly 36(4): 606-632.

Dunn, C.W. (1984). The theological dimensions of presidential leadership. Presidential Studies Quarterly 14(1): 61-72.

Francis, L.J. (2002). Personality theory and empirial theology. Journal of Empirical Theology 15(1): 37-53.

Gordon, P.E. (2016). Critical theory between the sacred and the profane. Constallations 23(4): 466-481.

Howell, D.N. (2003). Servants of the Servant. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock.

Humphreys, J.H. & Einstein, W.O. (2004). Leadership and temperament congruence. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies10(4): 58-79.

Lorentzen, L.J. (1980). Evangelical life style concerns expressed in political action. Sociology of Religion 41(2): 144-154.

GOP Primary Republican Primary Video Research Analysis
Pages: 2 Words: 445

GOP Primary
Republican Primary Video Research, Analysis & Critique

Covering a Period between March 6th and April 3rd, 2012

Researcher/writer will be analyzing the entire TV/video ad campaigns related to both Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum from 03/06/2012 thru 04/03/2012. In the research paper, compare and contrast the overall ad campaigns of each with regard to:

Type of ad: biographical? Issue? Attack?

Sponsor of the ad: candidate, political party, independent advocacy group (including SuperPacs). Any difference in the type of ads run by each?

What demographic group(s), if any, were the ads primarily aimed at and how effective was it at reaching each?

Press coverage of the ads -- "how extensive? helpful or harmful? iased? And if biased, in what direction?

The overall effectiveness of the ads: very? somewhat? not very? Why?

Candidate reaction to the ads -- "smart or not? Why?

NOTE: The paper should be an overview -- "a synthesis of the detailed responses reported in the accompanying…...


Bibliography and In Text Citations

Page numbers o Paragraphs -- " This means use proper paragraph form. Indent the first line of a paragraph, etc.

Times New Roman Font - 12pt

Double Space with all margins set at 1

GOP Primaries http www politicalruck us 857 mitt-romney-you-can-win http 'sparrowchat com 2012 02 oh-lord-its-hard-to-be-humble
Pages: 8 Words: 2884

Rick Santorum's official campaign put out the next ad, entitled Obama Ville. It was released on March 23, 2012. It creates the image of empty American towns in 2 years, and uses very dark imagery and almost horror-genre like angst. The images of the residents of these towns are cast in dark shadows, and with depressing old infrastructure. This advertisement is painting the picture that in the next 2 years President Obama will destroy the American way of life. The second half of the ad shows the face of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, as that country defies America and seeks Nuclear Power. The end of the advertisement has the image of "Obama Ville, coming to a town near you," in a pseudo 1950s Hitchcock style, and plugs the official website of Rick for more content on this subject (Santorum, Obama Ville, 2012). Despite airing so recently, Mitt Romney…...


Works Cited

Chen, H. (2009). AI, E-government, and Politics 2.0. Intellegent Systems, 64-86.

Crawford, K. (2009). Following you: Disciplines of listening in social media. Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 525-535.

Crowe, T. (2012, March 1). Santorum more electable than Romney? Retrieved from Catholic Vote: 

Gabriel, Trip. (2012). Wisconsin Votes in Primaries." NYTimes. Retrieved from   fiercely-fought- battle.html?_r=1&scp=8&sq=primary%20advertisements&st=cse -

GOP and DNC Websites the
Pages: 1 Words: 317

The Republican website also has a link for connecting with local GOP groups as well as links for creating a personal space on the website and calling talk radio to get the word out. Both sites encourage members to take action by calling and writing elected officials and signing relevant petitions.
Each differs greatly in how they appear. The Democratic website has a slogan contest on its home page, which seems odd, and the RNC website has rolling ads featuring Sebelius, Obama's first month, and the history of the Republican Party. The DNC website seems easier on the eyes and it would be fitting that they would post stories that praise the President. The RNC website is busier but it also offers more information about many things. They offer a toolbar and a Facebook Group for the web savvy....

Republicans Attack on National Labor Relations Board
Pages: 10 Words: 2502

GOP Aacks on NLRB
Labor Movemen & Srucure of he NLRB

In his paper I explore he sae of he curren relaionship beween he Republican Pary and he Labor movemen in he Unied Saes. In par one I briefly race he hisory of he labor movemen in he Unied Saes and he passage of he Naional Labor Relaions Ac and he emergence of he Naional Labor Relaions Board. . In he paper's second secion, I discuss he GOP's sraegy a he sae level-wih special aenion paid o Wisconsin and Ohio. In par hree, I discuss he GOP's sraegy a he naional level wih respec o heir aacks on he Naional Labor Relaions Board, focusing specifically on he House's refusal o appoin and approve anymore Board Members and heir recen passage of he Proecing Jobs from Governmen Inerference Ac. Finally, I explore boh he fuure prospecs of union busing sraegies and is implicaions…...


to the Board's duties and mission. The site houses a copy of the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 and its subsequent amendments, in addition to an explanation of the duties of the NLRB, its dispute resolution process, directions regarding how to file a complaint, and the life cycle of labor law violations.

Zieger, R.H., & Hall, G.J. (2002). American workers, american unions: The twentieth century. (pp. 13-56). Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.

Zieger and Hall catalogue the history of the American Labor Movement by beginning with a frank look at the state of unregulated industry in the first quarter of the twentieth century. They move on to catalogue the rise and fall of the American Labor Movement including the emergence of the strikes, the legal battles, the issue of race and labor, and finally the nature of labor in the United States at the beginning of the 21st Century. Zieger and Hall provide an extensive historical and legal overview of the rise of the unions.

Republicans and Federalists Differences the
Pages: 3 Words: 1004

The Hartford Convention was a gathering of Federalist Party delegates from five New England states that met in Hartford, Connecticut, between December 15, 1814, and January 5, 1815. Its members convened to discuss their long-held grievances against the policies of the successive Democratic-
Republican administrations of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

After that, the party never regained a national following. Its beliefs and actions during the War of 1812 helped seal its fate. y 1828 the Federalists became the first American political party to die out because it could not adjust to an increasingly democratic national spirit, especially in the nation's towns and cities. And among most Americans, mainly farmers suspicious of government, its policies of strong federal involvement in the economy kept it un-popular. Inconsistency in its stance toward military action (first undertaking a naval war with France, then treating for peace with that same nation, then actively opposing war…...



Alexander Hamilton's Anglo-American vision. (2008, July 26). Retrieved March 31, 2009, from American Founding: 

Corps of discovery: President Jefferson's vision. (2003, October 10). Retrieved March 31, 2009, from Center of Military History - U.S. Army:

Democratic-Republican party. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2009, from Law Library - American Law and Legal Information: 

Federalist party. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2009, from

Party Conventions Political Conventions History
Pages: 5 Words: 1572

Perhaps some of the drama that will play itself out inside of the convention hall, will be spotted by the watchful eye of the media transmitting the party's doings into American living rooms -- and raise ratings as a result.
orks Cited

Crawford, Darlisa. "Memorable Moments in Political Convention History: The Evolution of National Party Conventions." Election Focus 2004. U.S. Department of State. Jul 14, 2008. 1.14.

Cresswell, Stephen." The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party." Buttons and Ballots. Issue 26. 2001. May 12, 2008.

Johnson, Donald B. "Dixiecrats." The American Presidency. May 12, 2008.

Rowen, Beth. "History of Party Conventions." InfoPlease. May 12, 2008.

ald, Jonathan. "264 arrested in NYC bicycle protest." Aug 28, 2004. May 12, 2008.

Darlisa, Crawford, "Memorable Moments in Political Convention History: The Evolution of National Party Conventions," Election Focus 2004, U.S. Department of State, Jul 14, 2008, 1.14, p.1. >

Crawford, p.6

Beth Rowen, "History of Party…...


Works Cited

Crawford, Darlisa. "Memorable Moments in Political Convention History: The Evolution of National Party Conventions." Election Focus 2004. U.S. Department of State. Jul 14, 2008. 1.14.

Cresswell, Stephen." The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party." Buttons and Ballots. Issue 26. 2001. May 12, 2008.

Johnson, Donald B. "Dixiecrats." The American Presidency. May 12, 2008.

Rowen, Beth. "History of Party Conventions." InfoPlease. May 12, 2008.

Republican Democrat
Pages: 2 Words: 645

epublican and Democratic are the two major political parties in the United States and form a huge portion of the country's governance. epublican and Democratic parties have dominated American politics for a long period of time. Even though these political parties dominate the political landscape of the United States, they have significant differences in their ideals and philosophies. These varying ideals and philosophies are attributed to the fundamental differences between republicans and democrats. In addition to the fundamental differences, the two major political parties in the United States have relatively differing histories with regards to their formation and development.

Since their inception, epublican and Democratic parties have experienced long transition in their ideological principles that has influenced their development. The Democratic Party started as the conservative Democratic epublican Party in the 1790s whose first presidential nominee was the conservative Thomas Jefferson. The members of this party were anti-federalists who promoted and…...



Berg-Andersson, R.E. (2001, May 21). A Brief History of American "Major Parties and the "Two-Party" System in the United States. Retrieved March 23, 2015, from http://www.*****/Hx/AmericanMajorParties.html

"Differences Between Republicans and Democrats." (n.d.). Santa Clara County Republican

Party of Silicon Valley. Retrieved March 23, 2015, from 

Rubino, R. (2013, June 13). Democratic and Republican Ideologies Undergo Dramatic Role

Republican Nomination for President in
Pages: 6 Words: 1878

In terms of messages sent out to the constituents, the Republican Bachmann has been often accused of not having a clear-cut complex line of candidacy. More precisely, this aspect is in line with the issues mentioned above in terms of momentum. In this sense, the candidate that provides the most complex and reality-based platform on republican lines will most likely win the nomination. As for the candidacy of Bachmann, she received sufficient scrutiny from the community that mostly her campaign is surrounded by the ideas promoted in the Tea Party movement. More precisely, "As for criticism of Bachmann's focus on social issues, Martin said, "hen you're running for president, you're appealing to more than just tea party people. And you have to answer questions on other issues as well. So I'm not surprised when any of the candidates are talking about the other issues because those are things that come…...


Works Cited

New York Times. What Are the Chances for Republicans? 1 November 2011. 6 November 2011 .

-- . Mitt Romney -- Former Governor of Massachusetts. November 2011. 6 November 2011.

Project for Excellence in Journalism. "WINNING THE MEDIA CAMPAIGN: How the Press Reported the 2008 Presidential General Election." 6 November 2011.

The Economist. "Jon Huntsman: Picture Perfect." 26 May 2011. The Economist. 6 November 2011 .

Democratic Party Is Better Than
Pages: 5 Words: 1415

Unfortunately, the unrealism from the economic sectors was translated into such actions as well.
Two of the external affairs blunders, the War in Vietnam and the War in Iraq, were fed through individual Republican ambitions and through a near-sightedness that has no place in foreign policy. oth Nixon and George W. ush completed military actions that brought no result other than a large number of U.S. soldier casualties.

At the same time, democratic foreign policy, from the times of FDR to Clinton's presidential mandates during the 1990s, has been characterized as "a blend of liberalism and realism," similar to the one governing the internal, economic policies. Their constant interest did not exclude national security, but this needed to be adopted in the period subsequent to the Cold War, when the bipolar world was no longer a reality.

In my opinion, they have managed to defend national security through actions that did not…...



1. U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division. June 2007. On the Internet at   retrieved on August 21, 2007 

2. Mann, Catherine. Is the U.S. Current Account Deficit Sustainable? Finance & Development. March 2000, Vol. 37, Number 1

3. The Democratic Party. On the Internet at   retrieved on August 21, 2007 

4. Ikenberry, John. A Democratic Foreign Policy? America Aboard - Notes on Foreign Affairs. August 2005. On the Internet at retrieved on August 21, 2007

Democratic and Republican Parties Have Been Able
Pages: 2 Words: 603

Democratic and Republican parties have been able to maintain their strength and their membership numbers since the Civil War for both structural and ideological reasons. The ideological reasons are the most obvious to an observer and to many members of the parties; indeed it is because of the ideological positions of the two parties that people align themselves by party. The ideologies of each party are complex; a better way of describing them might be that they are intricate combinations of different ideas and ideologies. The Republican Party has consistently championed economic systems that do not favor efficient distributions of wealth and has tended toward a low degree of government intervention and regulation in economic issues and a high degree of intervention and regular in social affairs (such as abortion and civil rights). The parties endure because these ideologies (which are tied to ongoing concerns and beliefs) endure.
Single-member district…...

I\'m in need of some essay topics on donald trump. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 343

Certainly! Here are some essay topics on Donald Trump:

1. Analyzing Donald Trump's presidency: Successes, failures, and controversies.
2. The impact of Donald Trump's immigration policies on the United States.
3. Donald Trump's approach to foreign relations: An examination of his diplomacy strategies.
4. The role of social media in Donald Trump's political communication.
5. Investigating the economic policies and their effects during Trump's presidency.
6. Donald Trump's impact on the Republican Party: Transformation or deviation?
7. The rise of populism and its connection to Donald Trump's presidential campaign.
8. Analyzing the media's portrayal of Donald Trump's administration: Bias and influence.
9. A comparative study: Donald Trump and previous....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to 2020 Presidential Election?
Words: 248

1. The impact of social media on the 2020 Presidential Election
2. The role of race and identity politics in the 2020 election
3. The influence of foreign interference in the 2020 election
4. The polarization of American society during the 2020 election
5. The rise of political populism in the 2020 election
6. The role of the Electoral College in the outcome of the 2020 election
7. The role of gender in the 2020 Presidential Election
8. The impact of COVID-19 on the 2020 election
9. The importance of swing states in determining the outcome of the 2020 election
10. The impact of voter turnout and voter suppression....

I\'m searching for essay topics on donald trump. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 612

Topic 1: The Rhetorical Strategies of Donald Trump

Analyze Trump's use of language, imagery, and emotional appeals in his speeches and public statements.
Examine the effectiveness of his rhetorical devices in shaping public opinion and influencing policy.
Discuss the impact of Trump's rhetoric on American political discourse and the role it played in his electoral success.

Topic 2: The Impact of Donald Trump on American Foreign Policy

Trace the evolution of Trump's foreign policy from his isolationist campaign promises to his actions as President.
Analyze the effects of Trump's "America First" doctrine on U.S. relations with allies and adversaries.
Examine the....

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