Research Paper Essays (Examples)

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Selection of Research Paper Topic
An analysis of the link between hopefulness, quality of life (QOL) and internalized stigma among autistic kids' parents is the objective of the current research. Autism impacts the patient as well as their parents, who require wide-ranging support services. The entire family of autism patients gets distressed during its attempts at raising the patient/child, potentially leading to diverse psychological and social problems among family members. Therefore, when catering to special needs kids and developing interventions and initiatives for autism-diagnosed kids, mental healthcare providers and social workers need to consider parental mental health status. Family members who are able to enjoy appropriate levels of societal acceptance and assistance tend to adjust better to challenges encountered in the course of raising autistic kids (Papageorgiou & Kalyva, 2010).

Stigma internalization represents a process wherein patients' family members might exhibit elevated negative emotions, withdrawal from society, negative self-assessment and an attempt….

professional standpoints, and assessment of results.
Several approaches have been identified for carrying out researches

Research findings can be documented in several ways

Researching your Paper

Planning ahead:

Device a step-by-step method

Make use of a calendar or some kind of timeline

Ensure your schedule is a feasible one

Understand the assignment

Choose a topic that most interests you

Do online searches and engage in preliminary reading

Get the instructor's approval

Get your Thoughts to Focus:

Formulate the thesis statement

Pay attention to your audience

Prepare a General Outline

Outlines give you a good structure as you carry out research

The outline should cover

Major points you intend to cover

Paper format

How supporting details and main points relate

Create a Rough Draft

Sort note cards into separate piles

Compose the draft

Compose the list of outside sources (bibliography)

Carry out further research

Proofread and Edit your Paper

Correct confusions and errors

Check the Content

Run a thorough accuracy check

Check the flow in your writing

Read the paper aloud

Do a consistency check

Check the Form

Read the paper several times

Ensure all….

Lastly, the more personal issue discussed in Bilingual/Bilingue
should be evaluated, and that is the relationship between the girl's father
and a second language. This is a primary focus of the work as her father
resists the English language and he is unable to accept it within his
household. This seems to confuse the girl in the poem, yet it does not
disturb her. She understands that it is her father who fails to understand
both her love for English and undying love for her father. This is
consistent with a recent psychological study entitled, "Effects of Language
Usage on the Emotional Experience of Spanish-English and English-Spanish
Bilinguals" in which bilingualism does not appear to hinder the emotional
experience of those children who are bilingual (Guttfreund 1990).
Nevertheless, bilingualism is a personal experience and the relationships
involved with language differences vary from person to person and there is
no way to fit all experiences with Spanish and English into one category.
Thus ultimately Espaillat's….

Team Organization
Community Organizations

This research paper evaluates the services provided by community agencies and multinationals and the manner in which they discharge their duties within the community. The research will mainly dwell on the American Red Cross, a community agency based in the U.S., Coca Cola and The Salvation Army. The paper will give a short overview of the 3 organizations that will touch on Evaluation of the organizations' involvement and responsibility to the community, give summary of factors influencing the social responsibility strategies of the organization, the potential ethical or moral effects of the organizations' social initiative or potential social initiative. The paper will also establish whether the organizations have social initiatives and if they do not then social initiatives should be identified for the organizations, comparing the similarities and differences between these different organizations and their communities will also be part of the paper. Finally the paper shall highlight….

The History of Crime and Punishment in the United States 1
A good balance between primary and secondary source evidence in a research paper can be achieved when it is clear that the information utilized from secondary sources is supported by data obtained from primary sources. In other words, the best balance is that which allows both primary and secondary source evidence to be integrated into the research paper in manner that allows the writer’s perspective to be fleshed out fully but at the same time fully supported by the evidence supplied by other researchers as well as by the evidence that is obtainable through examination of primary source documents.
A research paper writer will know when the right balance has been found when it evidence used to support the writer’s points contains information from both primary and secondary sources. There is no rule that one must rely more upon one than the….

high quality academic writing is very critical for the excellence of the university education. A high quality research paper assists in effectively sharing ideas and knowledge with other people.
The basic structure of a quality academic paper includes:

Body of the research paper (that may consist of subsections)

However, the cover page should include the The introduction should consist of the problem to be discussed. The section should also discuss the response to the issue and solution the problems. The body of the paper should evaluate whether the solution to the problem is correct.

The next section discusses the body of the paper where the researcher reveals the solutions to the problems. The solutions to the problem require creating the quick outline. For example, there is a need to list the main points of the argument in this section. The points should consist of 3 to 6 points. However, there should be 2….

Causes of Juvenile Delinquency
Criminology esearch Paper

lack of social support in the home environment is the primary cause of juveniles' involvement in violent crime

Analysis on the eal Causes of Juvenile Homicide

juvenile delinquency remains a serious concern for state and federal administrators in the U.S. Despite taking a plunge from their peak level in 1994, the rates of juvenile involvement in crime are still relatively high. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, juveniles between the ages of 10 and 17 accounted for 8% of all homicides committed in the country in 2010, with an arrest rate of 225 for every 100,000 youth. These statistics have spurred researchers' interest in trying to find out exactly what causes juveniles to commit crime, particularly violent crime. Statistics from the Census Bureau indicate that most crimes perpetrated by juvenile offenders are committed between 3 p.m and 7 p.m. This can rightly be interpreted as the period….

Elderly Hispanic between the ages of 50 to 75 is only eloquent in their native language. They are referred to as Limited English proficient (LEP) patients. As a result, they are disenfranchised due to the language barrier which often necessitates for an interpreter. In urgent medical cases, ad hoc interpreters who are often family members act as interpreters between the patient and the physician. However, the NSW policy stipulates a standard procedure where professionals such as bilingual calls are invited to offer interpretive services under such circumstances.

The inherent challenge limits the LEP patient’s receipt of primary and preventative care. This challenge is prevalent in elderly Hispanic immigrants and Mexican Americans. There is 18.3 % prevalence of diabetes among the Hispanic communities for undiagnosed and diagnosed patients. They are predisposed to diabetic disorders due to cardiometabolic abnormalities. There is a relatively high margin in the prevalence of the disorder compared to….

Successful Are Clinicians in the Treatment of Comorbid Depression and Anxiety in Adult Patients, With DBT Skills Application?
Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health problems in the United States. These two conditions affect a significant percentage of the United States population, meaning that billions of dollars are spent every year to care for the conditions and related problems. Additionally, depression and anxiety are behind the significant declines in patient social functioning and well-being. The two disorders have also been found to cause great suffering and pain to both patients and their close friends and family. In spite of the fact that proven treatments exist, both conditions remain undertreated (izvi, 2011 -- ). The diagnosis and subsequent treatment of the disorders are made even more difficult by the fact that the two disorders share many signs and symptoms. For instance, data from the National Comorbidity Survey….

Successful Are Clinicians in the Treatment of Comorbid Depression and Anxiety in Adult Patients, With DBT Skills Application?
Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health problems in the United States. These two conditions affect a significant percentage of the United States population, meaning that billions of dollars are spent every year to care for the conditions and related problems. Additionally, depression and anxiety are behind the significant declines in patient social functioning and well-being. The two disorders have also been found to cause great suffering and pain to both patients and their close friends and family. In spite of the fact that proven treatments exist, both conditions remain undertreated (izvi, 2011 -- ). The diagnosis and subsequent treatment of the disorders are made even more difficult by the fact that the two disorders share many signs and symptoms. For instance, data from the National Comorbidity Survey….

Research Paper and School

persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way.
In a discussion with a colleague about the merits of a certain political leader, I repeated the colleague's concerns back to him to show that I had been listening and that I understood what his issues were. Then I used my knowledge of the subject to answer the objections and to correct some inaccuracies in what he said. I did not do so in a judgmental or affronting manner, but rather intimated that he himself could check up on what I was saying to see for himself. I encouraged him to do just that in a friendly manner, he agreed to do so, and when he returned he agreed that my perspective had been correct because it was based on actual evidence.

Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that demonstrated your coping skills.

When my friend became….

Research Paper and Website

Social Policy Websites Using the CAAP Method: Implications for Human Services Professionals
Human services professionals increasingly obtain information from the internet. Given the critical nature of the human services field, ensuring that information is correct, up-to-date, credible, and verifiable is crucial. The CAAP tool (Currency, eliability, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose) is a useful tool human services professionals may use to achieve this. In this paper, three policy-oriented websites were evaluated using the tool. The selected websites were Aclu.og, ProCon-org, and Scoring 11 points in total, was found to be the most useful website. scored slightly lower than, achieving a total score of 10 points. Though and have high scores, it would be prudent to confirm their information with other sources as they did not reach the score for an excellent source of information. scored the least, with 6 points. This means that it….

DISABILITY IGHTS MOVEMENTesource 1: Cerebral Palsy esearch PaperIn the first resource, the focus was on the definition, types, and treatment of cerebral palsy disease using home-based intervention programs. As highlighted in the document, cerebral palsy is a condition that affects muscle tone, movement and body coordination. According to Mayo Clinic (2021), these are brought about by brain damage that occurs to the developing and immature brain before birth. This happens to be the case owing to various reasons which are inclusive of, but they are not limited to; infant infections, bleeding into the brain, fetal stroke, and maternal infections. Apart from the use of home-based interventions as highlighted in the document, there are various ways through which cerebral palsy can be treated. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (2021), in the most severe cases, cerebral palsy can be treated through surgery whereby tightly contracted and….

CIMINAL JUSTICE Criminal Justice: Qualities of Effective Teams esearch PaperSeveral advantages and disadvantages go side by side with group decision-making. One of the key advantages is the individual strength of every team member who possesses a distinct set of skills that come together to make valuable decisions (Anca, 2008). Pushing one another outside their comfort zones and supporting each other to achieve the group goals is a form of self-improvement gained while working in groups (Bradley, 2016). This grouping mechanism works well for enhanced collaboration as everyone gets to give their share of participation. It works well, especially in crisis management, motivation and engagement, and the evidence response process for certain departments of the organizations. Interdepartmental teams operate for these particular aims, as redesigning the performance boost is a major proficiency element. A strong sense of team spirit is instilled by group decision-making, and every team member feels connected when….

Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-ANON esearch Paper IntroductionTreatment and support of alcoholism have multiple methods designed to assist those suffering from alcohol abuse together with their families (oom & Greenfield, 1993). As a result, multiple groups have been formed to help battle alcohol effects (Sisson & Mallams, 1981). Such groups encompass persons struggling to abstain from alcohol and groups that encompass family members to those suffering from alcohol abusefor instance, Alcoholic Anonymous, a global support group for persons with alcohol challenges (oom & Greenfield, 1993). The group is a self-supporting organization that includes non-professionals without any education or age requirement (Sisson & Mallams, 1981). Alcoholic Anonymous meetings take place in several areas locally. Within such meetings, individuals get the opportunity to share their experiences and discussions relating to alcoholism. Some meetings can, however, be designated for beginners.Another group is Al-Anon, which is mainly for the family members of those with alcohol….

Choosing a research paper topic doesn't have to be difficult. In many cases, an instructor will choose a topic for you. Some instructors allow you to choose your own topic, but request that you get approval from them before beginning your paper. If you're left completely alone to choose a topic and start writing, consider the following questions as you're thinking about topic ideas: • What is the class about? • What are some of the main points or themes addressed by the instructor? • What about the class specifically interests you? • What ideas or themes from the class naturally lend themselves to research? • Is your topic idea....

For a research paper on the significance of the pharmaceutical industry and the business aspects of that, you could consider: * Strategic management of the pharmaceutical companies. * The overall business model for pharmaceutical companies. * Problems that are facing the business aspect of the industry. * How changing laws are affecting the pharmaceutical business. There are others, of course, and you can also narrow down one of the options here to provide something more specific. Maybe pick a particular pharmaceutical company and do an analysis on how the health care law may affect it? Finding a topic that's narrow enough is key, so....

6 Pages


Research Paper Topic and Annotated Bibliography

Words: 2285
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Selection of Research Paper Topic An analysis of the link between hopefulness, quality of life (QOL) and internalized stigma among autistic kids' parents is the objective of the current research.…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Analyzing and Writing a Research Paper

Words: 2294
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

professional standpoints, and assessment of results. Several approaches have been identified for carrying out researches Research findings can be documented in several ways Researching your Paper Planning ahead: Device a step-by-step method Make use…

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6 Pages

Communication - Language

Bilingual Bilingue Research Paper Bilingual Bilingue by

Words: 2231
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Lastly, the more personal issue discussed in Bilingual/Bilingue should be evaluated, and that is the relationship between the girl's father and a second language. This is a primary focus of the…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Team Organization Community Organizations This Research Paper

Words: 1191
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Team Organization Community Organizations This research paper evaluates the services provided by community agencies and multinationals and the manner in which they discharge their duties within the community. The research will…

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2 Pages


Using an Outline to Craft a Research Paper

Words: 626
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The History of Crime and Punishment in the United States 1 A good balance between primary and secondary source evidence in a research paper can be achieved when it is clear…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Methods of Writing a Quality Research Paper

Words: 858
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

high quality academic writing is very critical for the excellence of the university education. A high quality research paper assists in effectively sharing ideas and knowledge with other…

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2 Pages


Causes of Juvenile Delinquency Criminology Research Paper

Words: 438
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Causes of Juvenile Delinquency Criminology esearch Paper lack of social support in the home environment is the primary cause of juveniles' involvement in violent crime Analysis on the eal Causes of Juvenile…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


The Impact of Using Bilingual Call Compared To Family Interpreters Research Paper

Words: 3427
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Introduction Elderly Hispanic between the ages of 50 to 75 is only eloquent in their native language. They are referred to as Limited English proficient (LEP) patients. As a result,…

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6 Pages


Analyzing Qualitative Research Paper

Words: 2100
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Successful Are Clinicians in the Treatment of Comorbid Depression and Anxiety in Adult Patients, With DBT Skills Application? Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health…

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8 Pages


Analyzing Qualitative Research Paper

Words: 4338
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Successful Are Clinicians in the Treatment of Comorbid Depression and Anxiety in Adult Patients, With DBT Skills Application? Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Research Paper and School

Words: 720
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way. In a discussion with a colleague about the merits of a certain political leader, I repeated the colleague's concerns…

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3 Pages


Research Paper and Website

Words: 1515
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Social Policy Websites Using the CAAP Method: Implications for Human Services Professionals Human services professionals increasingly obtain information from the internet. Given the critical nature of the human services…

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1 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Special Education

Cerebral Palsy Research Paper Response

Words: 383
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

DISABILITY IGHTS MOVEMENTesource 1: Cerebral Palsy esearch PaperIn the first resource, the focus was on the definition, types, and treatment of cerebral palsy disease using home-based intervention programs. As…

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1 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Qualities of Effective Teams Research Paper Criminal Justice

Words: 334
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

CIMINAL JUSTICE Criminal Justice: Qualities of Effective Teams esearch PaperSeveral advantages and disadvantages go side by side with group decision-making. One of the key advantages is the individual strength…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Drugs / Alcohol

Al ANON Research Paper Alcoholics Anonymous

Words: 2223
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-ANON esearch Paper IntroductionTreatment and support of alcoholism have multiple methods designed to assist those suffering from alcohol abuse together with their families (oom & Greenfield,…

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